Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              037

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           


























































































































And of course Noah [alai'his'slaam] had called Us since We are undoubtedly the best of the Responders; [37:75]

[Same pronouncement in 21:76]

  and We rescued him and his household from great distress. [37:76]

And We made his posterity [to rule land]; they are the survivors. [37:77]

[Replica/Mirror 37:108,129]

And We left for him [his memories] in the later generations. [37:78]

Salutation is upon Noah [alai'his'slaam] in the Worlds. [37:79]

[Replica/Mirror 37:121,131;77:44]

Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:80]

[Replica/Mirror 37:111,132]

It is certain that he was from Our the truly believing servants. [37:81]

[Replica/Mirror 26:66]

Afterwards We drowned the other remaining ones. [37:82]

And indeed from his [Noah alai'his'slaam] party/his type of people was certainly Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam], [37:83]

[Read with 26:89]

when he came to Allah with a submissive heart. [37:84]

[Same questioning in 26:70]

When he [Iebra'heim علیہ السلام] said for [to] his father and his nation, "What is that which you people worship?" [37:85]

"Is it that other than Allah you people seek yourself various false iela'aha? [37:86]

Being so then what is the opinion of you people about the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds?" [37:87]

[they kept quite] Thereat/for reason he saw, glancing in the Stars, [the occasion is darkened night] [37:88]

[Read with 6:78]

thereupon he said, "I am fed up" [37:89]

[Read with 21:57]

Listening harsh remark resultantly they went away from him turning their backs to him. [37:90]

Thereafter he went [to execute his plan as he had hinted to them-21:57] towards [the temple of] their various iela'aha, reaching thereat he said, "Do you not eat; [37:91]

what is the matter with you that you do not speak". [37:92]

Thereat he neared upon them in the manner of pushing/striking down with the right hand [no instrument is being used, only the right hand to push them on ground and thus broke the smaller statues leaving bigger one by design-21:58]. [37:93]

[Read with 21:62]

Therefore [having been asked by the clergymen to bring him-21:59-61] they turned toward him face to face, they were in haste.

He asked them [on way to their temple], "Do you people worship/exhibit allegiance to what you people sculpt? [37:95]

And/while Allah has created you people and that on which you people do creative work [sculpting]".

[after what unexpected happened to the surprise of clergymen-21:62-68] They/clergymen said, "Make for him a furnace thereafter you throw him in the blazing fire" [37:97]

[Similar pronouncement in 21:70]

Thereat they intended with it a plan, whereby [by saving Iebra'heim] We made them the degraded ones. [since many people became believer] [37:98]

[Read with 43:27]

And [while informing them of his departure 19:48] he said, "I am going/migrating in the cause of Allah, soon He will keep guiding me" [37:99]

[After having migrated he prayed] "O my Sustainer Lord! Grant me a son that be from amongst the righteous" [37:100]

In response We gave him good news of a softhearted enduring son. [37:101]

He got the son [Iesma'eile alai'his'slaam, in response to request/prayer] thereafter when he crossed over to the age of working-exercising effort-running with him, he said,

"O My dear son, it is a fact that I keep seeing in my sleeps that I am sacrificing you, therefore, you look into this as to what you see"

He replied, "O my father, you do the act that which you are being commanded to do


you will find me, if Allah so wills, from amongst the coolly perseverant". [37:102]

Thereafter when they both submitted to command and he laid him down for his forehead [37:103]

and/while [he was about to cut the throat] We loudly called him that hold on O Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] [37:104]

you have since affirmed-fulfilled the Vision.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44]o

[by stopping you at the nick of time] Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:105]

Indeed this was certainly the Manifest Trial [for exposure of your absolute sincerity]" [37:106]

And We ransomed him by a mammal's sacrifice. [37:107]

[Replica/Mirror 37:78,129]

And We left for him his memories of sacrifice [on Eid] in the later generations. [37:108]

Salutation is upon Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam]. [37:109]

 [Same pronouncement in same words in 6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44]

In this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:110]

[Replica/Mirror 37:81,132]

It is certain that he was from Our the truly believing servants. [37:111]

And later on We congratulated him with the news of Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam] holding the status of Elevated and Chosen one from amongst the Perfectionists. [37:112]

And We showered Grace upon him and upon Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam]


and from the progeny of both two of them are those who evidently conduct moderately, gracefully and generously and the other who is manifestly unjust evil for his own self. [37:113]

37:114-148              Main Page/Index
