Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
And of course Noah [alai'his'slaam] had called Us since We are undoubtedly the best of the Responders; [37:75]
[Same pronouncement in
21:76] and We rescued him and his household from great distress. [37:76]
And We made his posterity [to rule land]; they are the survivors. [37:77] And We left for him [his memories] in the later generations. [37:78]
Salutation is upon Noah [alai'his'slaam] in the Worlds. [37:79]
[Replica/Mirror 37:121,131;77:44] Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:80] It is certain that he was from Our the truly believing servants. [37:81] [Replica/Mirror 26:66]
Afterwards We drowned the other remaining ones. [37:82]
And indeed from his [Noah alai'his'slaam] party/his type of people was certainly Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam], [37:83]
[Read with
26:89] when he came to Allah with a submissive heart. [37:84]
[Same questioning in
26:70] When he [Iebra'heim علیہ السلام] said for [to] his father and his nation, "What is that which you people worship?" [37:85]
"Is it that other than Allah you people seek yourself various false iela'aha? [37:86]
Being so then what is the opinion of you people about the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds?" [37:87]
[they kept quite] Thereat/for reason he saw, glancing in the Stars, [the occasion is darkened night] [37:88]
[Read with 6:78] thereupon he said, "I am fed up" [37:89]
[Read with
21:57] Listening harsh remark resultantly they went away from him turning their backs to him. [37:90]
Thereafter he went [to execute his plan as he had hinted to them-21:57] towards [the temple of] their various iela'aha, reaching thereat he said, "Do you not eat; [37:91]
what is the matter with you that you do not speak". [37:92]
Thereat he neared upon them in the manner of pushing/striking down with the right hand [no instrument is being used, only the right hand to push them on ground and thus broke the smaller statues leaving bigger one by design-21:58]. [37:93]
[Read with
21:62] Therefore [having been asked by the clergymen to bring him-21:59-61] they turned toward him face to face, they were in haste.
He asked them [on way to their temple], "Do you people worship/exhibit allegiance to what you people sculpt? [37:95]
And/while Allah has created you people and that on which you people do creative work [sculpting]".
[after what unexpected happened to the surprise of clergymen-21:62-68] They/clergymen said, "Make for him a furnace thereafter you throw him in the blazing fire" [37:97]
[Similar pronouncement in
21:70] Thereat they intended with it a plan, whereby [by saving Iebra'heim] We made them the degraded ones. [since many people became believer] [37:98]
[Read with
43:27] And [while informing them of his departure 19:48] he said, "I am going/migrating in the cause of Allah, soon He will keep guiding me" [37:99]
[After having migrated he prayed] "O my Sustainer Lord! Grant me a son that be from amongst the righteous" [37:100]
In response We gave him good news of a softhearted enduring son. [37:101]
He got the son [Iesma'eile alai'his'slaam, in response to request/prayer] thereafter when he crossed over to the age of working-exercising effort-running with him, he said,
"O My dear son, it is a fact that I keep seeing in my sleeps that I am sacrificing you, therefore, you look into this as to what you see"
He replied, "O my father, you do the act that which you are being commanded to do
o you will find me, if Allah so wills, from amongst the coolly perseverant". [37:102]
Thereafter when they both submitted to command and he laid him down for his forehead [37:103]
and/while [he was about to cut the throat] We loudly called him that hold on O Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] [37:104]
you have since affirmed-fulfilled the Vision.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44]o [by stopping you at the nick of time] Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:105]
Indeed this was certainly the Manifest Trial [for exposure of your absolute sincerity]" [37:106]
And We ransomed him by a mammal's sacrifice. [37:107] And We left for him his memories of sacrifice [on Eid] in the later generations. [37:108]
Salutation is upon Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam]. [37:109]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44] In this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:110] It is certain that he was from Our the truly believing servants. [37:111]
And later on We congratulated him with the news of Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam] holding the status of Elevated and Chosen one from amongst the Perfectionists. [37:112]
And We showered Grace upon him and upon Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam]
o and from the progeny of both two of them are those who evidently conduct moderately, gracefully and generously and the other who is manifestly unjust evil for his own self. [37:113]