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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

O those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen! You people consciously seek to uplift and become stable personality by remaining steadfast and determined with coolly perseverance and by performing Ass-sa'laat.  It is a fact that Allah is [affording and tolerating the opponents for a grace period]  with those who are patiently consistent and determined/coolly perseverant. [2:153]

And take note that you people should not say, in respect of those people who get murdered/slain while engaged in the cause/obeying commands of Allah; "they are dead bodies". The fact of the matter is that they are not dead but are alive, while you are in a state that you people cannot pursue and perceive it/that life by senses. [2:154]

And We will certainly persist subjecting you people to a test for exposure of your potentialities-true worth through something of disturbance/feel of insecurity/fear/apprehension and economic the recession and some loss in wealth/property/worldly material and the personal lives and the crops/fruit yields. And you, the Messenger [صلى الله عليه وسلم] give glad tidings to those who are patiently enduring/consistent ones/steadfast/coolly perseverant; [2:155]

they are those who, whenever a calamity/perturbation faced/afflicted then, pronounce "Indeed we are [persistently allegiant] for Allah and indeed [for mercy/reprieve] we attend/get warned/return/are accountable towards Him". [2:156]

They are the people upon whom are the blessings of tranquility from their Sustainer Lord and Mercy. And they are truly the ones who persistently and consciously receive guidance. [2:157]

It is a fact that the As-Safa and Al-Marwata are long regarded as amongst Allah's symbolic emblems. Therefore for that consideration there is nothing wrong and cause of remorse upon someone, on annual pilgrimage to the House-Ka'aba or if he otherwise made himself visit the House [Oum'raa], that he may affectionately walk in between those two.

  And who ever listened and willingly accepted the urge for excelling in righteous/good things, [it is good for him] since it is a fact that Allah is The Recognizer-appreciatively acknowledger being eternally All Knowing. [2:158]

[Read 2:174]

It is a fact that those people, who persistently conceal-withhold from telling people that verbal-linguistic communications-passages which We have since conveyed from the self distinguishing and explanatory ones; and conceal The Guidance [of Allah, Al-Huda] after it has distinctly and vividly been made evident by Us in The Book-Grand Qur'aan [as per Our promise to the Messenger] for the convenient perception of people;

  are the people whom Allah condemns and discards and condemn/discard them all those who discard [the concealers of fact/truth, distorters/liars, deceivers, vain talkers, conjecturers]. [2:159]

Exception shall be for those who returned repenting, and they consciously and heartily corrected/mended the direction of conduct, and they distinctly explained [what they were concealing from the Book] to people; thereat for this reason in response they are the people to whom I will keep paying attention forgivingly. And be sure I am indeed repeatedly forgiving/pay attention, the Merciful. [2:160]

It is a certain fact that those who deliberately and persistently denied and they died while they were in the state of being determined/staunch rejecters/non believers, they are the people upon whom the condemnation/ contempt/discard of Allah, and that of the Angels and all men is certainly destined, collectively. [2:161]

[2:162 Replica/Mirror 3:88]

They shall live/remain in condemned and discarded state perpetually. The convicted punishment shall not be lightened in severity away from them; and nor shall they have a moment of relief/reprieve-suspension of punishment. [2:162]

2:163-176                  Index of Articles in English           Urdu Books
