Further processes after preparing the mould for creation of Man

Firstly the "Structure" of would-be-human being was created which was named: . Its Root: ب ش ر signifies in the words of Ibn Faris [died-1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الباء والشين والراء أصلٌ واحد: ظهور الشّيء مع حُسْنٍ وجمال. فالبَشَرة ظاهِرُ جِلْد الإنسان، ومنه باشَرَ الرّجُلُ المرأةَ

That it signifies the emergence, manifestation, occurrence, happening of a thing with its face beauty and proportional body structure: prettiness, handsomeness. It denotes the visible skin of the man; and from it is derived/inferred husband-wife sexual intercourse - skin to skin contact.

In common parlance, it signifies human being and is also used to express joy, happiness.

  • Know the history of point in time when the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger Lord had said for the Angels

  • "I am about to create a "skinned corporeal compact structure"

  •  It will be corporeally created with the raw material comprising of sand-mixedcrinkled clay drawn from odour-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound [15:28]

  • Know the history of point in time when your Sustainer Lord had said for the Angels

  • "I am about to create a "skinned corporeal compact structure"

  • It will be structured with extract drawn from wet clay. [38:71]

What further was told to the Angels and what direction was given to them is mentioned in identical dependent sentences of the topic sentence of these ayahs:


  • Thereby, consequent to composing-coagulating, when I would have proportioned it to have attributes of proportionality and balance with others for efficient performance of the job he is being created for

  • ایسا کر لینے کے بعد جب میں اس(مذکر)تخلیق کردہ کوسنوار کر دوسروں کے ساتھ حامل اعتدال کر چکوں  اس مقصد کی انجام دہی کے لئے جو اس کی تخلیق کا سبب ہے۔

  • And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living]

  • اور میں اس(مذکر)کے اندراپنے امرمیں سے حیات پذیر ہونے کا حکم پھونک چکوں۔

Root: ن ف خ : ر و ح


  • Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him- [Aa'dam alahissalam]" [15:29]

  • Thereby, consequent to composing-coagulating, when I would have proportioned it to have attributes of proportionality and balance with others for efficient performance of the job he is being created for

  • And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living]


  • Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him [Aa'dam alahissalam]."  [38:72]

: Prefixed conjunction particle {الفاء} shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/consequence. This clause is consequent to completion of Structure-Model-Corpse with specially derived and worked upon constituents of the Earth and Water. At this juncture, it was no more earthily material but a new and distinct corporeity, but still not Adam.

 : It is the Time Adverb of condition-ظرفية شرطية . The particle can have a conditional as well as temporal function. In that case the content of the condition refers to the future. In this case the particle is often followed by a verb in the past tense with a future meaning. Since a particle with a conditional meaning is involved the condition always will have to be completed by a result clause which is the case for all conditional particles. As for this particle is concerned it is necessary that the conditional element in the sentence refers to a known case which will happen in any case. Consequently there may be no doubt about the conditions taking place. This way is stressed the temporal character of the condition.

: Verb: Perfect; transitive; First Person; Singular; [Form-II]; Subject Pronoun, in nominative state + Suffixed Object Pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine, in accusative state referring back to the specified corporeity ;  تَسْوِيَةٌ Verbal noun.

The Root of the Verb "س و ى " signifies to fashion in a suitable manner, make adopted to exigencies or requirements; perfect a thing, to put a thing into right or good state, equation. [Lane Lexicon: He made it equal, equable, uniform, even, level, flat, plane or plain; or equal in respect of elevation or of depression; (Er-Rághib, [and straight, right, direct, or rightly directed;]

Particle and verbal sentence preceded by conditional time adverb would literally mean: Consequent to composing-coagulating and subject to I having caused it-the Masculine Structure-Robot perfectly and dynamically balanced-proportioned"  [Refer 15:29 and 38:72]

The Pronouns are definite denoting and ascribing distinct and specific individual entity. At this point in time, it is no more the earlier mentioned raw material-object but is a distinct and specific entity designated by code-name .

The word: , "He created", involve the idea of creation with measuring, and fitting into a scheme of other things. However, the Grand Qur’ān explains about the complicated matters having many interrelated parts and features, both visible and invisible realities and facts, in such manner that chances of something remaining enigmatical for the reader may eliminate. Its manifestation, in the context of "Creation":

  • Take note, each and all tangible that exists are in measure/ quantity from His Grace [Ref 13:08]


  • Be informed, Our Majesty had dropped water in one go from the Sky in a measured - fixed quantity;

  • Thereby, We had caused it settle in the Earth. [Ref 23:18]

  • Be aware, He the Exalted has created each and all matter that exists. Thereby, He the Exalted did subject each thing to a measure in a manner of relatively quantifying and equating everything proportionately. [Ref 25:02]


  • It is a fact that We have created each and all tangible that exists. We have created that in a state of determined measure/quantity/volume. [54:49]


The mode and style of creation is by a quantitative measure, and to the act:                   thereby everything created is subjected to exact measure to render and place everything in relativity--relative proportion-limit-scale. 

  • He the Exalted is the One Who created all that exists. Thereat, He the Exalted proportioned it to have attributes of proportionality and balance with others for efficient performance of the job it was created for [87:02]

Root: خ ل ق

  • Moreover, He the Exalted is the One Who destined things in measure-limit-scale-proportional relativity. Thereby, He the Exalted prescribed regulation - information code for its course of conduct, proceedings and management. [87:03]

Root: ق د ر

All physical sciences owe their existence to the creation: by a quantitative measure, and  thereby everything created is subjected to exact measure to render and place everything in relativity--relative proportion-limit-scale and thereby, He the Exalted guided-paved-directed the way for conduct-management. Measure makes everything subservient/under control and command. Like any purposeful creation by human beings, all matter is preordained-predestined to exist and operate according to determined and set equations. This we call physical-mathematical sciences. This peculiarity of creation is the fundamental source for attaining knowledge and conviction to act for those who have Will and independence of taking recourse of personal choice as against the Universe of Predestination in which they live. Predestined creation has neither Will to operate at ones choice nor is subject to accountability and recompense.

Man is also created from matter; his structural frame-robot was made with constituents of peculiar earthily surface drawn and improved artistically making them admirable. Thereby, like all other matter he was subjected to: "I made him perfectly balanced-proportioned-set dynamics". At this stage, it is still a Robot-body-structure of various elements having coordinated relativity of measure and proportion. Only functional equations are set, it is yet not operational. It was a "contingent being" in wait for another act of the Creator.

We will next study how the "contingent being" was given life which might give us a lead about origin of life and that life originates only from life.