Domestic Violence

Grand Qur’ān has prohibited domestic violence negating erroneous "belief" of beating one's wife.

The first social relation amongst human species is of "Intimate Partner", Husband and Wife.

  • O you the mankind! Listen carefully:

  • !اے لوگو!دھیان سے سنو

  • You people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from your Sustainer Lord. Your Sustainer Lord is He the Exalted Who created you people from a part of one person

  • تم لوگ تندہی سے محتاط رہتے ہوئے اپنے رب سے پناہ کے خواستگار رہو جنہوں نے تمہیں نفس واحدہ میں سے تخلیق کیا ہے۔

  • And He the Exalted created his spouse from a part of that person.

  • ۔اور انہوں ہی نے اُس ایک نفس میں سے اُس کی ہمسر(زوجہ۔بیوی،اول رشتہ)کو تخلیق کیا۔

  • And He the Exalted spread apart majority of men and women from that couple.

  • ۔ اور انہوں نے اُن دونوں میں سے مردوں کی کثیر تعداد [تمام مرد نہیں کہا گیا]کو پھیلایا اور عورتوں کو بھی دنیا میں پھیلا دیا۔

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, in Whose Name you ask-claim from one another; and be reverently mindful for relationship of the Wombs by which you implore.

  • ۔اورتم لوگ تندہی سے محتاط رہتے ہوئے اللہ تعالیٰ سے پناہ کے خواستگار رہو۔جن ایک کا واسطہ دے کر تم ایک دوسرے سے حق مانگتے ہو۔ اورارحام کے رشتہ قرابت کا احساس و احترام کرو۔

  • Take heed: Allah the Exalted is certainly ever eternally watchful over you people. [4:01]

  • ۔اِس حقیقت کو جان لو کہ اللہ تعالیٰ تم لوگوں پر ہمیشہ نگرانی فرماتے ہیں۔

Root: ر ق ب

We will not discuss the niceties of "intimate partner" that are inherent in Arabic word: since they were naively overlooked in human history. Resultantly, we have history of violence against women which is tied to the history of women being viewed as property and a gender role assigned to be subservient to men. 

Grand Qur’ān addressed the subject and condemned self made erroneous perceptions regards the role and relationships of two partners of human species. However, majority of the translators imported in Islam the concept of "beating one's wife to keep her within the bounds of duty"  by manipulatively treating and assigning meaning to one Verbal sentence: in Ayah 4:34 as signifying, "You (the husbands) beat them (aforementioned wives)".

  • And as for those wives are concerned about whom you (respective husbands) remain afraid of their discordant conduct, the following course of action is hereby prescribed:

  • Thereat, politely and lovingly advise them

  • And you husbands move them to separate bed within the bedrooms

  • And you the husbands strike: transit them (such wives) out of the bedrooms [عن المضاجع] open in house rendering the suspended matrimonial relation apparent to entire family. [Refer 4:34]

The dependent verbal sentence: was erroneously translated by the pioneer English translators in these words:

George Sale:  and chastise them;

John Rodwell: and scourge them:

Both the words "chastise" and "scourge" have the concept of physical punishment. Later translators also employed rather simple word "beat".

This verbal sentence is conjunct to previous dependent clauses and comprises of verb, subject and object. Verb is Imperative second person, masculine, plural; [و] Subject pronoun, referent to concerned husbands; and [هُنَّ] Object Pronoun: Third person; plural; feminine referent to earlier mentioned specific wives.

This Verb is made from Arabic Root: "ض ر ب".   Twenty eight words made from this Root appear in Qur’ān; twenty five Form-I verbs, and one Verbal Noun in three states. All Verbs are made from the same Verbal Noun. Their occurrences in the Qur’ān are 58 times.

The erroneous and manipulative aspect of translating one verb in the context of wives as to denote "beating" can be adjudged from the fact that at other 57 occurrences this beating signification is NOT attributed by the Original and Plagiarist translators.

The most unfortunate aspect of advocating domestic violence is that it insults the Arabic Word: Islam; a verbal noun, and as is known a verbal noun denotes action and a state. This Verbal Noun is such which deserves attain the title of "sublime interaction".  It signifies a healthy state of exactitude, validity, truth; and absolved causing wellness and tranquillity. And therein is no deviation, irregularity, oddity, and abnormality disturbing wellness and tranquillity. It portrays a state of peace, safety, tranquillity and dynamic balance wherein the man is secure from all things causing damage and disablement.    

Arabic words take birth from Roots. Each Root has a specifically defined and distinctly conspicuous perception folded in it. Words, originating from Roots on well defined patterns-moulds-structuring frames, retain the original perception infolded in its Root, dominantly and conspicuously. And additional meanings and connotation, shades and colours are added by the peculiar pattern-placing of vowels-syllabification, and addition of consonants. Moreover, relational aspect of the semantic field will also influence and add connotations to the word. Hence; the meanings, perception and connotation of an Arabic Word is the composite whole of the perception infolded in its Root, coupled with meanings associated with its pattern, and its relation to the semantic field where it is used. It signifies that the basic meanings of a Root and word do not exhaust when they are used in a different semantic field, relational area, while necessarily retaining the base meanings.

The basic perception, meanings and signification of this Root: "ض ر ب"  as stated in Classical Lexicon of Er-Rághib is: إيقاعُ شيءٍ على شيء:That it signifies causing a thing to fall, tumble upon or with it dislodge another thing. Lane Lexicon stated:  "accord. to Er-Rághib, الضَّرْبُ signifies the making a thing to fall upon another thing;" [unquote]

The conceptual meanings of the Root evidently reveal that its meanings in the real-world experience will be reflected by the collocates or other words associated with it in the context. The pattern (باب in Arabic) has both stative and dynamic verbs. For dynamic verb in the meaning of striking with force with the aim of hurting someone will need mention of instrument by which strike is made and that will be mentioned by prepositional phrase with preposition بـِ, reference 2:60; 7:160.

It reflects that its effect may necessarily not be of causing hurt. It reflects an instance; an illustration or an occurrence. The most equivalent word in English vocabulary to describe the basic perception and its various uses in different semantic fields is verb "strike".

Semantic field: Strike

Enter awareness : It denotes to fall or shine on something, to make obvious;

to make something noticed;

make something to be perceived or become audible-understandable for someone;

to make some idea enter somebody's mind or occur to somebody; to penetrate or seem to go right through something; make something by stamping;

and Dislodge: to remove something away - displace; dislocate, dislodge, deform, the target with force.

Cause harm: And it signifies to hit somebody or something with a hand, tool, weapon, or other object. Obvious intention is to hurt, damage.

Moreover, support words will be required if the intention of the speaker is to indicate the instance as involving repeated strikes to reflect what is denoted by English word "beating"; punishment in which somebody is repeatedly hit.

Semantically, it relates to activity thereby its agent is sentient. An activity has predetermined objective to achieve. It has two objects between which interrelationship is created. The result or affect of activity will depend upon the manner, angle and force applied in the strike. The objective of strike can either be:

(1) creating an affect in the object that is made to fall upon other thing;

(2) purpose of striking one thing upon another can be making something else apparent that was earlier hidden because of the location of the thing struck upon;

(3) the thing by which another is truck overwhelms; and

(4) Cause harm to the thing struck upon or to expose it.

It is thus evident that the words of this Root have multiple meanings (senses) based on the context of the usage of word in an instance. One unique features of Qur’ān is that it has built in lexicon for its important words and terms. It exposes the perception and meanings of its important words by using it in different semantic fields by relationships and contrasts whereby one can perceive all its dimensions relating to substance as well accident including metaphorical aspect.

The first and foremost objective of 'strike" is to let people Enter awareness; make something more vividly perceived. This primary sense of the Root is made evident at the very first occasion of its use in the Grand Qur’ān, occuring 31 times out of 58 occurrences.

1-Transit of idea to other's mind and perception: Used to strike example to make the thing or point prominent and detached from others making it projected, apparent, distinct and visible to public eye and perception-31 occurrences;

  • Allah the Exalted certainly considers it not a matter of shyness-reluctance-embarrassment striking example of a female mosquito, thereby highlighting that which exists besides her[Refer 2:26]

We will firstly study all the 57 occurrences, other than one in 4:34, to see that Root "ض ر ب" is as if it is synonymous with English word "strike" as defined above.

         2- Transit in land: Used with preposition for moving out of a seclusion to transit in an open place-society, which causes appearance, signifying distancing away from [] earlier location/position- 6 occurrences;

         3. Strike; making something as stamped-distinguishing feature and identity- 3 occurrences;

         4- Strike; displace things to make another thing emerge on surface- 4 occurrences;

         5. Strike may alternatively be for the purpose of distancing away, enclosing, veiling, or obscuring something which is otherwise noticeable.-3 occurrences.

         6. Strike: other occurrences where it does not denote "beating; an attack or punishment in which somebody is hit repeatedly". 5 occurrences;

         7. Strike: using an instrument-object for purposes of one time hitting -2 occurrences;

         8. Strike in the manner of repeated hitting [beating] of certain parts of the bodies of criminals on the Day of Resurrection while dragging them towards the Hell Prison.

         9. Grand Qur’ān has prohibited domestic violence negating erroneous "belief" of beating one's wife-Ayah 3:34


1. The basic perception, meanings and signification of this Root is made evident at the very first occasion of its use in the Grand Qur’ān, and later by using it in this context for 31 times out of 58 occurrences, reproduced hereunder:

The basic purpose of a book is to preserve knowledge for the posterity of humanity. Moreover, if the information-data-knowledge preserved in a book is for humanity, then it becomes all the more important that the book should be easy for comprehension since level of intellect varies. One method to make things easier for perception is to strike an example of similarity or contrast. An example {مَثَلُ} is representative by virtue of having typical features of the thing it represents. An illustration supports or provides more information on an opinion, theory, or principle. Example is one that is perceivable by senses that make the exemplified thing strikingly prominent to perceive or to occur to somebody.

The desire, purpose or objective of: is to project a thing, or idea by moving it away from all other things, and equating it with some thing similar to it, which is already quite familiar to people, whereby it will make the point elevated-shining, easy to perceive and occur to people who already have the information-knowledge about the thing quoted as example.  



And We have struck the equating and contrasting examples for you people. [Ref 14:45]

Allah the Exalted is the Omnipresent; already most prominently perceived and known. There is no need of striking examples to highlight any aspect and information regarding Him the Exalted. Moreover, striking examples is the job of one who has absolute knowledge both about the example, and that thing which is intended to be made prominently shining and perceivable.

Contrasting two things of diametrically opposite nature can also achieve the objective of making things prominently surfaced rendering it easy to perceive or occur to someone;

And Allah the Exalted strikes examples-similitude-equations-contrasts for the people. [R 24:35]

[Replica/Mirror 17:48]

And for each of them We struck examples-similitude-equations-contrasts. [R 25:39]

He the Exalted has struck for you people an example of a contrast relating to your selves. [Ref 30:28]

[Same in 39:27]

Notice that We have struck-illustrated all sorts of examples-similitude-equations-contrasts in this Grand Qur’ān for the benefit of people. [Ref 30:58]



One of the unique features of Grand Qur’ān is that it has built in Lexicon for majority of its words and terms minimizing chances for a truth seeker to be misguided or influenced by distorters and psychological manipulators. We read about the basic perception stated in Classical Lexicons about Root "ض ر ب". On that basis, we stated that the nearest word in English to transcribe its perception is "strike" which signifies to make something noticed; make something to be perceived or become audible-understandable for someone; to make some idea enter somebody's mind or occur to somebody. This perception and meanings have become self evident by the examples struck in the aforementioned thirty-one occurrences of words made from this Root.

The purpose to strike an example, a reference, citation, and contrast is specifically mentioned which doubly affirms the meanings and perception of this Root. It is stated as:  in Ayah 14:25 and 39:27; and in Ayah 59:21 it is stated as: . Both Verbs in indicative mood are of Form-V which has reflexive causative meanings. It generally depicts such actions where the subject honestly and sincerely tries to transform himself, and performs that action diligently. The verb: is from Root "ذ ك ر ". The basic perception infolded is to save and preserve something in the memory. Things are stored in the memory only by comparison. Information saved-recorded in the memory becomes a source of reference, a link that can be retrieved or recalled. A thing retrieved or recalled from the safe storage-memory is for reviewing-visualizing, and for verbal narration to others.

The Verb: is from Root "ف ك ر". Basic perception infolded in the Root is described by Ibn Faris:

 تردُّدُ القَلْب في الشَّيء. يقال تفكّرَ إذا ردَّدَ قلبه معتبِرا

That it signifies the perception of employment of heart in repeated consideration, and reflection in some matter or affair. This is said for a man when he has carefully or repeatedly considered, reflected, contemplated, deeply pondered upon a thing for attaining a clear knowledge and objective conclusion.

It may, however, be noted that the outcome-conclusion of such an exercise is dependent upon the manner of reflecting upon some information. When the passions, preconceived notions, vested considerations keep interfering in the thought process in analyzing the given information about the hitherto unknown realities, the conclusion will be biased and tilted.

2.  It is now evident that the basic perception, meanings and signification of Root " ض ر ب " is to make some thing surfaced, conspicuous, demarcated, evident, contrasted and emerged with the result that it comes in the focus of public eye and perception. We have also conspicuously noticed in aforementioned Verbal Unitary Passage of Qur’ān that the Verbs of this Root are transitive. The perception of the Root is also in the nature of transit, since the purpose to strike examples is to make some idea enter somebody's mind or occur to somebody; to penetrate or seem to go right through something.

Similarly, when a man is at his home he is not apparent in public eye. However, the moment he transits in the Earth, i.e. city, locality and society, he becomes emerged and noticed. This Root has thus the signification for transit-openly moving in the Earth in contrast to the state of confinement-seclusion:

It is thus manifest that the Root " ض ر ب " denotes to emerge from a place of isolation-seclusion-restricted company to transit in land becoming noticeable by majority . When one moves out of his place in open land, he is bound to meet and confront people.

In this section we have seen six occurrences of Root " ض ر ب ".  One is the Verbal Noun which is source of other Verbs , and which are intransitive in such situation. Here the Subjects are themselves moving out and away [] from their houses in transit in the Earth or in the cause of Allah the Exalted, that is, towards the battlefield. Interestingly all the Verbs used in the Grand Qur’ān relating this Root are made from Verbal Noun .

3.   The basic perception, meanings and signification infolded in the Root " ض ر ب ", as we have until now evidently noticed from the above quotes, is that of emergence causing the thing to become apparent,  unveiled, noticeable, and thus perceivable. It gives us the perception of distinct and distinguished state, condition and feature stamped upon an entity.

It is a passive perfect verb, third person, singular, feminine. The passive agent [in Arabic-نائب فاعل] of it are and . Both are noun: definite; singular; feminine; nominative. Both reflect a state/condition. has made these two evident and distinguished features stamped upon them, which is the basic perception, meanings and signification of Root " ض ر ب ", and that is distinctly reflected in 40 out of 58  occurrences of it we have so far seen.

  • Know the fact of that day; Your Sustainer Lord was communicating to the Angels: "I am indeed watching the battlefield along with you, therefore, help strengthen those who have heartily accepted-believed.

  • I will keep casting terror in the hearts of those who have refused to believe:

Root: ر ع ب

  • Therefore, for terrorizing you frequent the place above the necks

Root: ع ن ق

  • And frequent each one who holds position of chieftain amongst them". [8:12]


4.    Strike; displace things to make another thing emerge on surface: Basic perception infolded in Root "ض ر ب" is to strike to make things marked, displaced away, conspicuous, evident, emerged, unveiled, and perceptible. Depending upon the intended objective, additional instruments or resources are needed to execute the strike.

: It is an imperative verb, second person; singular; masculine. The subject of the verb "أَنْتَ-you" is hidden, and he is Mūsā alai'his'slaam. This act was to be performed with the instrument Prepositional + Possessive Phrase: بِّ Inseparable preposition + Possessive Phrase : Noun definite; singular; feminine; genitive state + كَ Possessive pronoun: Second person; masculine; singular; in genitive state; and the object was Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; accusative; a particular stone.

It is known that water does not flow out of a stone in a quantity which could flow in twelve paths. We know from Grand Qur’ān that water is also stored within a stone but that is just couple of drops and not streams of water.

Similarly, it is a matter of common sense that a stick is not meant for "beating" to break the stone; rather the stick will break by such act. Stick can be helpful to displace a stone lying as a lid over water outflow points in hilly areas. A little moving-pushing it away with the help of staff will let the water and  spring gush forth, which is subject of the verb in the above two Ayah-Unitary Verbal Passages. 

  Prefixed conjunction فَ which shows cause and effect + Verb: Imperative; Second person; singular; masculine; the subject of the verb "أَنْتَ-you" is hidden, and he is Musa alai'his'slaam. This act of projection was to be done for them who were to accompany him. And what was the purpose and object of this verb which was to be projected/ surfaced? It was Noun: Indefinite; singular; masculine; accusative; "a path, passage, dried and embedded walkway, bridge". And where this passage/walkway/bridge was to be struck; evident/ surfaced/emerged?  It is a prepositional phrase: Separable Preposition + Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive, "in the Gulf of Suez". And what was the peculiar nature of that "passage, walkway"? It is mentioned as Verbal noun: masculine; accusative, "dried up" [interestingly original meanings of skeleton are also dried up] And later, that which emerged above the water surface, its each segment comprising many parts is exemplified by a Possessive coupled with Adjectival Phrase  signifying like the big bone-skeleton stationed firmly at its position.

It is thus evident by plain words of Grand Qur’ān that what he was asked to strike to project; bring on surface was a dried up skeleton to serve as walk way, upon which he might have been standing at that point in time; a fringing reef that can get uplifted intermittently resulting in parallel, stepped sub aerial terraces.

5.  Let us revert back from Exodus to the Root " ض ر ب " to study its use in other semantic fields in Qur’ān, after having noticed in 44 out of 58 occurrences, its basic perception, meanings and signification as that of emergence; to cause the thing become apparent, noticeable, unveiled and thus conveniently perceivable. Alternatively a strike may be for the purpose of  distancing away, enclosing, veiling, or obscuring something which is otherwise noticeable.

These young and determined Muslims had taken refuge in a Cave. Therein, they did not die. They were, during all that long period, in a state of deep sleep resembling coma. Thereafter, on revival to their original state, they had the perception of time as of a part of a day, indicating that nothing was in their memory about the intervening period, since the perception of time is dependant upon continuous recording of sounds and visuals in the memory.

Here the object of the verb is omitted but the effected thing is indicated, "Upon their ears"; reflecting thereby that a veil-partition-barrier was made to emerge causing they become deaf to sounds in the surroundings. Ears are such organ of human body that keep functioning during sleep, and keep conveying sounds to the brain, which remain under analysis. Hence, it is the 45th occurrence of words made from Root " ض ر ب " where we do not perceive the feel of "beating-act of striking repetitively with instrument and use of force causing harm, hurt or damage".

Things raised above-the-surface like the protuberant breasts of a woman are obviously noticeable even if a woman is not subtly exposing it to attract attention of men. Here the third person, plural feminine Verb in Jussive mood denotes such strike that is aimed at distancing away, obscuring a thing which is otherwise protuberant. Objective is to be achieved with the help of unsown sheets drawn over their chests. It will create a barrier over and above their clothes helping obscure the bulge and its contours.

The purpose of a "strike" can either be obscuring and hiding something or making it noticeable, vivid and known. Both these find mention in the above Ayah.

Here the object of the verb "to strike" is : an epithet for Grand Qur’ān; and action is related "".  The preposition "" designates to distance from, motion away from, departure from a place or besides a person; "distanced away from you people".  : It is a verbal noun used as Cognate adverb in the sentence. A cognate adverb is a verbal noun/gerund with a meaning very similar to a mentioned action - نَضْرِبُ. This adverb is used for one of three purposes:

to explain the manner in which the action takes place.
2  to provide the multitude in which the action takes place.
3  to place emphasis on the action.
And the manner of carrying out action designated by verbal noun is "avoidance, alienation, to ignore, placing aside".

When Root " ض ر ب " is employed for openly roaming in the land, it has simultaneously the connotation and effect of getting distanced away from the point and company of his stationing at that point in time. And here we have seen this effect by the use of preposition "" and verbal noun denoting avoidance, ignoring and turning away.


6. Apart from the 49 out of 58 occurrences which we have studied so for, this Root is used in other semantic fields where it does not reflect meanings of striking with the perception of "beating"-an attack or punishment in which somebody is hit repeatedly. Earlier we read that "you strike" is used to push, remove away a stone with the help of staff. We can also strike with hand to push back somebody, or push and throw down some inanimate object which is standing on ground.

The act done is:  . It is intransitive perfect verb, third person masculine with hidden pronoun referring back to Iebra'heim alai'his'slaam. a Verbal Noun; indefinite; singular; masculine; accusative;  is used as cognate adverb [in Arabic-مفعول مطلقwhich describes the manner in which the act was carried out. However, if a verbal noun from the same Root of verb is used it denotes the intensity of the act. The verb being intransitive, there is no object of it. Its manner of execution is not through an instrument but only the right hand. One can't beat and break the sculpted statues with hand which will cause only pain and bleeding to oneself rather than any harm to stone statues. One can break the placed-on-ground statues by striking-jerking them with hand over their heads to make them fall on ground to get broken. Accordingly he broke the smaller statues leaving bigger one by design-21:58.


 : Prefixed conjunction فَ, shows cause and effect-logical sequence + Verb: Imperative; Second person; singular; masculine. Verb is transitive needing at least one object. The mention of object is unnecessary since understood to the person whom this advice was given. It is for us also evident since the complaint of that person is mentioned prior to it in Ayah 38:41 that "when he called his Sustainer Lord, that "I am in pain, the Cobra has bitten me causing dizziness/ weakness and pain". It is obvious that no one advises for "beating-striking" the wound with anything, except raising the point of bite for washing the wound in depth.

7.   And now when we have read 51 out of 58 occurrences of this Root, let us see Unitary Verbal Passages where its use is for striking someone using an instrument-object and for purposes of one time hitting. Such occurrences are four in the following semantic fields:


This is picturesque description of a scene of a battlefield where troops are lined up face to face. Obvious consequence is described by: . This is a Possessive Phrase prefixed with Conjunction "فَ " which shows cause and effect. This signifies the situation and point in time when the troops of believers and non believers are lined up in the battlefield face to face. Verbal Noun ضَرْبَ in accusative case is used as Cognate adverb [المفعول المطلق]. A cognate adverb is such verbal noun with a meaning very similar to a mentioned action. Cognate adverbs need not to be from same root as the mentioned action but must have a similar meaning. Mentioned action is which signifies that warring groups are face to face, and war means to kill and get killed.

8. We also find two occurrences of words made from this Root used to denote strike in the manner of repeated hitting of certain parts of the bodies of criminals on the Day of Resurrection while dragging them towards the Hell Prison.

In these instances we have noticed that Root "ض ر ب" is used for knocking or striking on identified points causing mark of such smiting visible on the body of person hit.


9.  By the grace of Allah the Exalted we have covered a long journey studying all the semantic fields in 54 Unitary Verbal Passages where 57 times the words emanating from Root "ض ر ب" have been used. We have vividly noticed that generally it does not denote what is signified by the English word "to beat; beating". English word "beating" signifies; the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows; a whipping or thrashing, as in punishment;  hit somebody or something repeatedly; knock against something repeatedly; music hit drum: to hit a drum repeatedly to produce a musical rhythm or a signal; make something by hitting: to shape or make something by pounding or trampling.   This sort of perception is noticed only in the repeated strikes of the Angels, on the Day of Resurrection and Segregation, on the faces and backs of Non-Believers who are being dragged towards the Hell-Prison [see above 8:50; 47:27].

It is intriguing to note that in almost all traditional translations available on line, none of the translators have used the word "beat, beating" in  aforementioned 57 occurrences of this Root. Except few, majority have not even used it in 8:50 and 47:27 where it is evidently striking in the manner of beating  because of nominative mood of the Verb coupled with its transitivity.

Erroneous attitude of the original translators as well as plagiarist translators becomes self evident when we find solitary "beating" in their works for one occurrence of this Root in the Qur’ān and that is for: in Ayah 4:34 where suffixed object of the Verb refers to earlier mentioned wives.

George Sale; John Medows Rodwell and Arthur John Arberry laid the foundation to interpret this word as "scourge; chastise; beat them". Learned Yusuf Ali translated it as "(And last) beat them (lightly)". He seems to have expressed his "kindness" for women by placing "lightly" in the parentheses. Learned Pickthal like George Sale, on the contrary, seemed to have no sympathy for wives. He translated it, "and scourge them". It is hard to think that by using this word he meant to severely criticize them and not whip them.

Translators naively overlooked the basic perception infolded in the Root. The basic perception, meanings and signification infolded in this Root "ض ر ب"  as stated in Lane Lexicon is, [quote] "accord. to Er-Rághib, الضَّرْبُ signifies the making a thing to fall upon another thing;" [unquote] It reflects that its effect may necessarily not be of causing hurt. Further, it denotes a singular stroke. On the contrary, "beating" is a repetitive action. Therefore, Root "ض ر ب" and English word "strike" never convey the perception of beating unless so qualified and depicted by the use of supporting words that reflect repetitive nature of the action.

Recall the meanings made evident in 31 + 6 occurrences in part 1 and 2 above. That is, it denotes to strike with the purpose of highlighting and projecting something to become vivid for comprehension and to occur to others. When used with reference to locations, one of which is of seclusion and the other of open, it denotes to strike, meaning to transit in Earth.

The issue in Ayah 4:34 relates to that obtaining in the privacy and seclusion of bed rooms in houses. Presence of husband and wife in the seclusion of Bed Room of their houses is indicative to others that they are maintaining matrimonial relationship. In case they have strained relationship, and even if they are not continuing matrimonial relationship, other members of the House continue to have the positive perception of such linkage between them. It is pivotal to understand the delicacies of the issue discussed in this Ayah that we keep in mind the location to which the issue relates.



It is a Nominal Sentence beginning with [wāw], the Recommencing particle. It is a discourse coordinator, that signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which is coordinate in structure to prior unit. Here the discourse is about the conduct of wives. : It is the Subject of sentence; a Relative Pronoun; third person; feminine; plural in nominative state, in the meanings of a condition. Its Relative Clause is: a Verbal sentence in sequence Verb-Subject-Object. Verb  is: Imperfect; Second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state;  مصدر-خَوْفٌ Verbal noun. The imperfect indicative mood verb does not restrict itself to any idea of time; it indicates enduring existence, begun and incomplete, either in past, present or future time. The cause of this fear, that is the object of verb is: . It is a Possessive Phrase with suffixed possessive pronoun; third person; feminine; plural in accusative state which refers back to Relative Pronoun. The Object Noun is definite; Verbal Noun signifying an act and state. It denotes discordant behaviour. Please note that it is not peculiar to some of the wives. Some husbands also have conduct this way:

Please retain in mind the sensitiveness of issue and the objective to help and direct such couples to remain united, which will facilitate us in easily understanding the forthcoming imperative injunctions of Allah the Exalted.

When husbands are faced with such situation, they are directed in the Apodosis clause: . It is a Verbal sentence; Verb-Subject-Object preceded by Conjunction Particle "فَ" which signifies cause and effect and serves as connecting apodosis clause. Verb is Imperative; second person; plural; masculine; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state refers those husbands who are facing such situation. It is from  مصدر وَعَظٌ Verbal Noun. It signifies to politely and lovingly verbally advise the object-their respective wives of described conduct.

: This Verbal Sentence is conjunct to the preceding clause with Appositive Particle which is evidently showing a sequence. This verbal sentence is in sequence verb-subject-object. Both Subject and Object of the Verb are the same as in previous verb. The Verb is Imperative; second person; plural; masculine; [و ] Subject pronoun, in nominative state + [هُنَّ] Object Pronoun: Third person; plural; feminine, in accusative state. The verb is from مصدرهَجْرٌ Verbal Noun. Its Root is "ھ ج ر". The basic perception infolded in the Root is that of moving away from one place/location to another place/location which involves the act of breaking ties of nearness and association with the former location. This signifies the distancing away from the present situation-location which obviously involves the disjoining and disconnection from the former for the purpose to join/connect with another place-location-situation. It thus seems an antonym to الوصل meaning association, joining, connectivity.

Where such wives should be moved away from nearness and association with their previous location? Allah the Exalted indicated it: . This is a Prepositional Phrase relating to the preceding Verb. Preposition signifies rest in a place or during a time, and motion into a place. This signification is then transferred to the relation subsisting between any two things, the one of which is regarded as the place in which the other is, or happens, or into which it goes or is put. The location is within:  the respective bed rooms of such couples. Do I need to describe what it connotes when a husband is directed to move-distance away his wife to a location not somewhere else but within the same bed room where both are allowed to enjoy the privacies and its extremes at three timings a day? This is what some husbands might do at their own; as mentioned in 4:128 above which is other than discordant conduct. Verbal Noun: denotes an act and state of turned away, avoidance, and deserting. And when it happens within the bed room of a couple, it is obvious what it subtly and decently denotes.

So as long as this state remains restricted to the respective bed room of concerned husband and wife, people around them remain unaware and unconcerned. This state of affairs within the bed room of a married couple is obviously neither desirable nor naturally can or should be allowed to continue for longer periods.

When such state is caused by the husband at his own desire, not in compliance with the command of Allah the Exalted, it is directed:

The husband has taken the oath that he will not maintain the protocol of intimate partner with his wife. This is secret to him and only his wife will become aware of it by avoidance of natural protocol. Allah the Exalted, Who is privy to such secrets, does not approve that such state should persist at the discretion of husband. He the Exalted restricts it to a period of four months; obviously the Creator best knows the nature and delicacies of biological drives. Allah the Exalted encourages and prompts such husband to mend their selves and return to their respective wives by telling that if they do so they will find the fact that Allah the Exalted is repeatedly forgiving and overlooking the faults of people and is always the Fountain of Mercy. If he does not mend and revert, other course of action is:

The husband has resolved, made a determined decision to make public his intention of terminating protocol and bondage of matrimony. In response clause, Allah the Exalted has not mentioned the trait of overlooking and forgiveness. In this situation matter cannot be overlooked, since it is now out of the bed-room to others also. In this situation, those traits are mentioned which make instancing and dispensation of justice incumbent upon Him the Exalted. The matter will be looked into and disposed of on merit.

It is thus evident that the "Protocol of Matrimonial Bondage" cannot be allowed to remain suspended at discretion and will of the husband for an unlimited and unspecified period, abusing the "distinction, distinguished feature" for initiating the protocol granted to him. It will go beyond disrespecting the considerations of biological drives of intimate partner, into the realm of insult and indifference.

Allah the Exalted, for restoring harmony and tranquility disturbed by the discordant conduct of respective wife, commanded her husband to politely and lovingly verbally persuade her, and failing that express the disconcert non-verbally by distancing her away to separate bed within the bed room-suspend the intimate protocol.

Unscrupulous husbands should not take it as free hand given to them to avoid the protocol for indefinite period they might like till they coerce their wives to surrender unconditionally. That is not the purpose, nor this state is allowed to persist longer. When husband does it at his own will, Allah the Exalted restricts this period to four months during which he is encouraged to restore relationship, or if he had decided to alienate his wife then he must make it public. Here, when Intimate Protocol is suspended under direction of Allah the Exalted, it is limited to a very short duration by prescribing the immediate next step, which is to communicate non-verbally to others about the strained and suspended matrimonial protocol to involve them in resolving the problem. It is , "and you people strike; transit them from the bed rooms exposing the suspended matrimonial relations to entire family".

This Verbal Sentence is conjunct to the preceding clause with Appositive Particle which is evidently showing a sequence. This coordinating conjunction functions as an additive term within sentences to link clauses, phrases, and words. It refers to affirming for the المعطوف the same meaning that is affirmed for the المعطوف عليه, which is here: . The suspension of Protocol of Matrimony happened within the bed room of respective couple. It is in seclusion, hidden and not occurring to others. Action appositive to it is described by Verbal sentence comprising Verb-Subject-Object. Verb is Imperative; second person; masculine; [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state refers to the respective husbands. Suffixed feminine plural third person pronoun refers to respective wives. Action denoted by the verb is to strike once; and since it is associated with a location; the bed rooms of respective couples, with no other words linked with it that could add connotation of physical hitting with hand or an object and target part of body; the only meanings are to transit-move the wives from the bed room to other area of house. This will reflect the basic perception infolded in the Root of Verb; that is to make things manifest, become understandable for someone; to make it occur to others.

Wife is now out of the bed room. It is a non-verbal, but louder than verbal, conveniently understood by all others that this couple is neither respecting nor maintaining the Protocol of Matrimony. It is a dangerous and alarming state causing concern for others. Therefore, Allah the Exalted immediately gives in its continuation a course of action to the concerned relatives of husband and wife to try avert the situation before it worsens and ends in permanent break-alienation of the couple.

It is intriguing that despite such a simple and straightforward solution imperatively prescribed by Allah the Exalted to resolve a problem that emerged between a husband and wife, the concept of violence against wives was brought in by manipulating an otherwise semantically simple word. Such translators naively forgot that it does not have the perception of "beating"-a repetitive action. It signifies instance.

Majority of translators also naively ignored that the Verb is a Command Verb and the Authority-the Sovereign Who is issuing this command is none but Allah the Exalted. And they naively forgot that there is NO contradiction, arbitrariness in the Commands and polite advices of Allah the Exalted incorporated in the Qur’ān. Allah the Exalted politely advises at another place about such wives who are lot more than merely discordant.

This is the only Ayah-Unitary Verbal Passage in the Grand Qur’ān where three Verbs ; ; and are jointly used in view of the gravity of negative information given to husbands. All the Verbs are second person; plural; masculine; imperfect in jussive mood by conditional particle.

Kindly study what is the difference between a charge against wives signified by verbal noun and that signified by . It is an Adjective resembling participle/Collective on فَعولٌ measure: Indefinite; accusative; used for singular, dual, plural feminine/ masculine. The Adjective resembling participle, or termed as Verbal Adjective, is a noun derived from an intransitive verb in order to signify the one who establishes an action with the meaning of permanence. This Adjective, like a verb, signifies the occurrence of an action or state. It is the Subject Noun of Verb Like Particle in the sentence. Its Root is "ع د و".  The basic signification infolded in the Root, as stated by Ibn Faris is:

يدلُّ على تجاوُزٍ في الشيء وتقدُّمٍ لما ينبغي أن يقتصر عليه

"That it leads to the perception to move away-traverse instead of remaining confined, limited or reduced to the thing".  It, therefore, denotes those who have become enemy signifying disassociation of affiliation, nearness, distancing. Element of heat, warmness, conflict, friction and agitation is inherent in the action signified by the Root in whatever semantic field it might be used. Lane's Lexicon, quoting Er-Raghib, describes its primary signification as; "transition; or the going, passing beyond, or transgressing: and incompatibility to coalescence".

Kindly apply your intellect and reason that while a husband is advised to show par excellence patience and restraint, portrayed by three verbs used consecutively, against a wife who is persistently in the state of  -state of animosity for him; do you think that Allah the Exalted will order another husband to thrash-beat his wife who is merely discordant? No, there is never inconsistency in the Commands and advices contained in Qur’ān.

Please remember that the concept of violence, harassment and coercion is alien to Verbal Noun Islam.

The action and state reflected by and does not contain element of sexual turpitude. Just ponder what could be the worst shock a husband could have from his wife? It is that state when a husband is rightly or wrongly convinced of  the perception that his wife has indulged in illicit sex. If he registers a case against her wife in circumstances:


Please note the implications of the fifth testimony. He is self agreeing to be thrown in Hell-Prison in the Hereafter life. If he does this in the court of jurisdiction, the complainant succeeds in establishing the alleged charge. But the court cannot give the verdict without listening the accused.

Just ponder that a husband; who has a doubt of the strength of conviction about sexual misconduct of his wife, is not allowed to resort to violence-beat his wife but is asked to take the case to the court of law. Now adjudge yourself that can he be allowed rather directed to beat his wife who is merely "guilty" of : -discordant behaviour?

May Allah the Exalted have mercy upon us all and give us strength to remove and throw away all erroneous perceptions that got inculcated in our minds and to visit or revisit the Grand Qur’ān-the Guide in time and space.