Man and the Universe
Why is the Universe the way it is?
Will the universe come to an end?
And if so, how?
Fundamental questions of physics and our
existence from the point of view of physicists are: Where did the universe
come from? How and why did it begin?
Will it come to an end,
and if so, how?
Earlier we have studied the answers in the Divine
Discourse to the question "Where did the universe
come from and about why did it begin", and about: How did it begin?
Now we will study to find the answer to the question: Will it come to an end,
and if so, how?
The objective of a book is accomplished when its text creates
an impression in the reader's minds. A powerful tool to achieve this objective
is imagery, a figure of speech, which employs words to create mental images in
the mind of the reader. It makes the reader feel as if he is present in the very
moment, right between the lines. Words that do not stimulate imagination are
just symbols sprinkled on a blank piece of paper. Images and emotions are
recreated by using vivid descriptions and comparisons with the help of sound
illustrates in a unique way by the choice of such words
whereby it produces images and describes events as though were happening in
front of the reader. Its vivid descriptions portray image in such manner as if
it were being displayed in a live recording. The reader feels watching the past
and future events visually. Let us listen the elevated Messenger of Allah the
It is an epithet for Grand Qur’ān; grammatically singular, but morphologically broken plural of singular:
which signifies:
"Mental perception; the perceptive faculty of the mind"
Lexicon]. Its Root is "ب ص ر".
The basic perception infolded in the root is that of such seeing as
yields knowledge-mental perception.
descriptive verbal passages of Grand Qur’ān are
luminous enlightenments;
they stimulate imagination; they
open the eye of heart/mind-understanding. They are the live imagery of
physical realm; they warp time-space making it easy for the reader to
conveniently see and perceive.
The question of physicists relates to
the future. Interestingly, we find the answer given by using perfect
verbs that emphasize as if it has already happened. The future-perfect
is used to express the certainty of an happening in the future.
The question of physicists is limited to
whether or not the universe will come to an end, but when the answer is
given in affirmative many people start asking the date and time of its
end since they have no scientific evidence or argument to negate the
affirmation. The scientific explanation and evidence could be found only
in answer to question "how it will end", or "what will cause it perish".
Thus, our study has three segments:
(1) Will the Universe come to an end;
(2) Query about the date and moment of its
end; (we swill study it separately under "Eschatology")
(3) How will it end?;
The question "will it come to an end" is naive
for men of ordinary prudence since common sense tells every created thing is but
to perish ultimately. Anything brought to existence by design and will for an
assigned objective is always for a determined duration of its existence:
Matter and life is what the whole of universe is. It is
declared that the creation of universe is for:
It is an adjectival phrase meaning a duration with a determined-named-appointed
moment of its expiry. Thus everything in the created realm is but to
The fact that the universe is created for a
determined period of existence reveals that it will have its end day:

The Last Day, and specific moment of disintegration described by:
Moment - the Hour:
Let us first find the answer to
Stephen Hawking's question that as to how the universe will end, and
will later study the happenings of the Last Day.
The Day will be
recognized by the big bang that will initiate the process of
breaking the entire universe:
upon lapse of certain duration, the sound is blown
in the Trumpet second time, thereupon - at that point in time they will be
standing in waiting. [39:68]
It is informed by using past tenses
— future perfect to emphasize
the infallibility of the given information as if it has already happened
that the
Last Day will be recognized by the blow of sound in the
Both ayahs have complex sentence
by structure and are declarative. The effect
of blow is described in the dependent clauses by two intransitive verbs
signifying the feel and state of individuals alive on the Last Day,
anywhere in the Universe.
They will be panicked and feel like
There will be two blows in the
trumpet; the first will cause the dismantling of universe and
natural death to all living on that Day. Thereafter, there will be
gap of time before the second blow when life will be revived and
everyone will stand on their feet. The connective particle:
which occurs as conjunction between two things
different from each other in nature, and reflects a break and
time-gap between both, not continuity. It does not reflect the
perception of relationship of cause and effect.
The prominent feature of the Last
Day and how the universe will come to an end is the piercing - thundering sound:
The blow will cause a Big-Bang
The first blow in the trumpet will disintegrate
the Universe and every living will die natural death. The second phase of
resurrection will start with the second blow in the Trumpet:
The verbal noun:
signifies producing a loud sound. Similarly:
feminine Active
participle from Root: ص خ خ
signifies the sound that is deafening for the ears because of its
vehemence, this can also be thought as thud since classical lexicons
relate it to rocks impacting with a surface. This
bang will be
suddenly by all the people as if its source was nearby them when
they will be busy in their routine activities. The panic will
Sound is a series of vibrations moving
as waves through air or other gases, liquids, or solids. Detection of
these vibrations, or sound waves, is called hearing. After being
collected by the auricles, sound waves pass through the outer auditory
canal to the eardrum, causing it to vibrate. The vibrations of the
eardrum are then transmitted through the ossicles, the chain of bones in
the middle ear. As the vibrations pass from the relatively large area of
the eardrum through the chain of bones, which have a smaller area, their
force is concentrated. This concentration amplifies, or increases, the
sound source
is described by:
the noun of instrument.
The last Day happenings reveal the
destructive power of sound waves. Presently we know about the
process of cavitation that the energy unleashed by it breaks down
the bond that tie large molecules together. The
acousticians can better explain by studying the
effect on other objects on the Last Day as portrayed in Grand
The answer to the question "how will the
universe end" is that the real
big bang will cause its end.
It will happen in compliance to the command given at certain moment of the Last
Day when the breaking process will begin and many of events will be watched by
the humanity living on that day before they all meet the natural death with
their eyes remaining open with glimpses of horror since there will be no one to
close their eyes.
And He the Exalted is Who
created the Skies and the Earth; conditioning them
infallible governing rules for a determined purpose and time.
۔اور وہی جناب ہیں جنہوں نے آسمانوں اور زمین کو متعین
مقصد،متعین سائنسی اصولوں اور متعین مدت کے تحت تخلیق کیا ہے۔
And remember the day when He the
Exalted will order, "You
end] manifest yourself." Thereby,
in compliance it will happen.
۔اور جس دن وہ کہیں گے ”وقوع پذیرہو جا“ تو تعمیل حکم
میں وہ وواقعہ وقوع پذیر ہو جائے گا۔
The universe will start breaking when
the big bang is blown. What will start happening is mentioned in detail
in such picturesque manner that actual and imaginative horror scene
experienced by anyone in life would seem belittled. We will study them
under the topic "Horrible Events of the Last Day" under the