The ultimate ethics; the characteristic trait of immortality and perpetual happiness


Critics have rightly claimed that this emphasis on moral principles smacks of a thoughtless and slavish worship of rules, as if the moral life was a matter of scrupulously checking our every action against a table of do's and don'ts. Fortunately, this obsession with principles and rules has been recently challenged by several ethicists who argue that the emphasis on principles ignores a fundamental component of ethics--virtue. These ethicists point our that by focusing on what people should do or how people should act, the "moral principles approach" neglects the more important issue--what people should be.

In other words, the fundamental question of ethics is not "What should I do?" but "What kind of person should I be?"

According to "virtue ethics", there are certain ideals, such as excellence or dedication to the common good, toward which we should strive and which allow the full development of our humanity. These ideals are discovered through thoughtful reflection on what we as human beings have the potential to become.

"Virtues" are attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop this potential. They enable us to pursue the ideals we have adopted. Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples of virtues.

Virtues are habits. That is, once they are acquired, they become characteristic of a person. For example, a person who has developed the virtue of generosity is often referred to as a generous person because he or she tends to be generous in all circumstances. Moreover, a person who has developed virtues will be naturally disposed to act in ways that are consistent with moral principles. The virtuous person is the ethical person.

At the heart of the virtue approach to ethics is the idea of "community". A person's character traits are not developed in isolation, but within and by the communities to which he or she belongs, including family, church, school, and other private and public associations. As people grow and mature, their personalities are deeply affected by the values that their communities prize, by the personality traits that their communities encourage, and by the role models that their communities put forth for imitation through traditional stories, fiction, movies, television, and so on. The virtue approach urges us to pay attention to the contours of our communities and the habits of character they encourage and instill.

: It is Sound Plural Active Participle from Form-VIII Present Tense Active Voice Verb, which has reflexive causative meanings and indicates a stronger role of the Subjects as a performer of the action involving painstaking, meticulous effort. It signifies such people who endeavour for ultimate success by remaining mindful and cautious and avoiding unrestrained conduct, in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. They are the people who conduct their selves in accordance with the Book-the Law. Paradise is exclusively for , and Grand Qur'aan is "The Guide, the reference source for directing one's life aright in time and space".

We might not need reading voluminous theories about "Value System", "Ethics", "deontology" propounded by philosophers in timeline to arrive at an ideal perception about human conduct encompassing all spheres of human activity. All theories and dissertations on the subject put on one side, this one Active Participle referring a group of people outweighs them for arriving and formulating an approach to life.

All thoughtful human acts are aimed at achieving what is caused by the desires and appetites relating and emanating from just three parts of human body; the Chest-locus of desires-passions-motives-interests; central part-belly-stomach-locus and source of providing energy needed to retain dynamic equilibrium of body and life; genitalia the locus responsible for continuity of species and a unique pleasure without which the life might seem merely robotic and worker-ant like.

This phenomenon makes the Man compulsorily a social being.  are the most rational beings. They understand that no individual or group of people can devise a conduct and social value system that could impart ideally equal justice and satisfaction to each member of the species. Thereby, they believe and frequently visit their Creator, their Sustainer Lord, Allah the Exalted and His elevated and chosen Messengers who delivered verbal Manual-the Message for guiding them in time and space.

This approach pragmatically shows that  they are sincere in their intention of good will since evidence of good will and good intention is that an act is done in reverence, affection and respect considering it as duty of the subject towards his Creator and Sustainer Lord, Allah the Exalted and His Messenger. This is in consonance with simple reality that ideology precedes conduct.

It is informed that the Paradise-the ideal abode for the truly living life is prepared for those who conduct their lives mindfully trying it mirror that which is the Will and liking of their Sustainer Lord, as conveyed by Spokesperson-the Elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted through the Verbal Message-the Book of Allah. This relational fact is described by telling as for whom the Paradise is prepared:


The most conspicuous characteristic trait of is described as:


Belief of omnipresence: Isolation

does not mean blind faith. "Blind faith" can never make anyone sincere to anything. It is self deception.

-it denotes the fact of existence and presence not being in sight/vision. The minimum level of being a rational person is to accept the existence and presence of one's Creator since one knows he is not the creator of his own self. Only such man possessing minimum level of rationality could be admonished/ warned/revived/advised by the Messenger and the Book-21:49;23:57;35:18;36:11; 50:33;67:12]




[Read with 38:01]

This is the Admonishment/ Reminder/Reiteration [of all that was sent earlier-a linkage].


And certainly for those who remaining cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah is definitely the most appropriate place to return to. [38:49]

The Gardens of pleasant abode,


for them the entry doors are kept open. [38:50]


[Similar description in 2:177]

And the one who remained steadfast with the Truth/Grand Qur'aan and with it he proved his word [of believing] as true;

[Same verdict in same words in 2:177]o

such are the people who are truly cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct. [39:33]

[Same pronouncement in 16:31;25:16;42:22;50:35]

For them is/will be everything which they desire from their Sustainer Lord,

[With و same pronouncement in same words 5:84]o

 This is the reward for moderate/balanced people. [39:34]