o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Same pronouncement in same words in
11:50] And towards Aad We sent their brother Hud [alai'his'slaam]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:73,85;11:50,61,84] Hud [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;
[Same questioning in
10:31;23:23,32,87]o Would you people then for this reason not take heed and be cautious? [7:65]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:90] The ruling elite/chiefs of his nation who refused to accept/believe said to him, "Indeed we certainly see/consider that you are plunged in foolishness and indeed we think you are from amongst the liars " [7:66] He replied, "O my nation, absolutely nothing of foolishness is with me;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:61]o on the contrary I am the Messenger from the Sustainer Lord of the known/existing Worlds. [7:67]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:62] I am conveying/delivering/passing on to you people the messages of my Sustainer Lord and I am a trustworthy cleanser/perfectionist for you people [to straighten the distorted and conjectural version of Allah's Deen] [7:68]
[Same in
7:63] Or have you people felt it strange that the Book has come from your Sustainer Lord upon a man from amongst you so that he may awaken/admonish you people. And you people recall that He/your Sustainer Lord appointed you people the rulers after the [fall/annihilation] of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and increased you people [from a small minority] in creation/population extensively.
[Same injunction in same words in 7:74] Therefore you people remember/recall to your memory the blessings of Allah
[Same probability in same words
200;5:90,100;7:69;8:45;22:77;24:31;62:10] o so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [7:69] They argued, "Have you come to us so that we may be allegiant to Allah solely and exclusively and we should leave what our forefathers used to worship.
[Same demand in same words in
46:22]o [we are not going to accept it] Therefore bring to us that what you promise/warn us if you are from amongst the truthful. [7:70] He said, [about that the knowledge is with Allah] "But indeed from your Sustainer Lord the brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting/commotion/ruckus and criminal cognizance has become eminent/established upon you people. Do you people dispute/indulge in controversy with me in these feminine names which you people and your forefathers have coined/innovated for which Allah has sent no affirmation/authority for it.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
10:20,102]o Therefore you people wait [for the promised thing to happen], I am indeed with you people from the waiting ones". [7:71] [Read with 46:22-26]
[then that happened] For reason [of migration before time and in discharge of Our promise-10:103] We saved/escaped him [Hud alai'his'slaam] and those who were along with him [the believers] with mercy from Us. [Similar information in
6:45;8:07;15:66] And We cut/annihilated the back altogether without posterity of those people who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'aat [words of the Book/demonstrative signs-emblems]. And they were not believers. [7:72]
[Same information in same words in
11:61] And towards Sa'mued We sent their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam].
[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:65,,85;11:50,61,84] Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said,, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; indeed a demarcating/segregating sign/emblem has since come to you people from your Sustainer Lord.
[Similar pronouncement in
11:64;26:155;91:13] This is the she-camel, for you people she is a sign/emblem from Allah;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
11:64] therefore leave her freely feeding in the land of Allah
[Similar pronouncement in
11:64;26:156]o and you people do not touch her with harming intention for which reason you people will be seized by terrible torment. [7:73] And you people recall when He/your Sustainer Lord appointed you people the rulers after [fall/annihilation] of Aad civilization; and settled/established you people in the Earth the plains of which you adopt for palaces
[Same information in
26:149] and you people carve out the mountains for houses.
[Same injunction in same words in 7:69] Therefore you people remember/recall to your memory the blessings of Allah
[Same prohibition in exact these words in
2:60;11:85;26:183;29:36]o and do no like mischief-doers create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society. [7:74] [Same pronouncement in same words in
7:88] The ruling elite/chiefs of his nation who showed arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur said to the people from the weaker segment/downtrodden of the society, of course to those ones who had accepted/believed, "do you people really know that Saleh is the one who has been sent as Messenger by his Sustainer Lord?" They replied, "Certainly we are the believers in what he has been sent with" [7:75] Those who showed arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur, said "Indeed we are the refuters/rejecters of that one you people have believed in" [7:76] For reason of arrogant rejection they hamstrung the she-camel and thus went to irreversible extreme against the command of their Sustainer Lord. And they said, "O Saleh! you bring to us that what you promise/warn us if you are from amongst the Messengers" [7:77] [Replica/Mirror
7:91] Consequently the earthquake seized them and they turned/became debris in their area. [7:78] [Same information/words in
7:93] [returning from parenthetic] In response to their extreme misconduct he turned away from them saying, "O my nation! I have undoubtedly conveyed/delivered to you people the message of my Sustainer Lord and I cleansed/perfected for you people but you people do not like the perfectionists/sincere advisors" [7:79] .......
Has not come to their knowledge the news of people before them; the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and nation A'ad and nation Thamud; and nation of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and people of nation Madyan and the towns overturned? Their Messengers brought to them [the message of Allah] with distinct unprecedented signs.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
30:09] Then in consequence it was not for Allah that He should do injustice to them
[Same pronouncement in same words
2:57;7:160;16:33,118;29:40;30:09]o but in fact they kept doing injustice and harm to their own selves. [9:70] .......
{Same information in same words in
7:65] And towards Aad We sent their brother Hued [alai'his'slaam]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:65;73,85;11:61,84] Hued [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone. Indeed you people are but falsifiers and conjecturers. [11:50]
[other Messengers said the same to their respective
10:72;11:29,51;26:109,127,145,164,180;36:21] O my nation! I do not demand/ask from you people any remuneration for telling you this guidance;
Indeed my reward/remuneration is upon none except the One Who has originated/created me.
[This query is also in
2:44,76;3:65;6:32;7:169;10:16;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]o Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect] [11:51] And O my nation! you people seek forgiveness from your Sustainer Lord and afterwards you people turn to Him perfecting sincerity/conduct; [It is complete verse
71:11] He will send upon you people rain timely and abundantly; o and He will strengthen you in strength over and above your present strength and you people do not turn away as criminals. [11:52]
They said, "O Hued, you have not brought to us any distinct evidence/argument,
and we are not going to leave/abandon our various iela'aha on your saying o and we will certainly not be believer for you, [11:53]
we say nothing except that some of our various iela'aha has seized you with evil". o Hued [alai'his'slaam] said, "I call Allah to witness, and you people bear witness that I am absolved of what you people associate with [11:54]
other than Him. o Therefore you people [call your associates, afterwards you people] conspire against me collectively altogether, afterwards/consequentially having plotted let there be no respite for me. [11:55]
Indeed I rely and depend upon Allah, My Sustainer Lord and yours Sustainer Lord.
There is none from the moving living animal except upon whom He has grasp on her forelock. o Indeed my Sustainer Lord is found on the Straight Path [leading to Him]. [11:56]
Therefore if you people have turned away then indeed I have since conveyed/handed over to you people that message with which I was sent to you people,
And my Sustainer Lord will succeed you people with a nation other than of your origin and you people cannot do anything to harm His decision since indeed my Sustainer Lord is the Guardian upon each and everything". [11:57]
[Similar pronouncement in
11:99] And they were chased by curse and condemnation in this worldly life and so will be on the Day of Resurrection. The fact is that indeed the Aad refused to believe in their Sustainer Lord. So [in keeping with the laid down principle] distancing away was for the civilization of Aad, nation of Hued [alai'his'slaam]. [11:60] .............
Have not the news of those who were before you people reached to you people, the nation of Noah, and Aad and Samud; and those after them, no one knows them except Allah. There came to them many of their Messengers with evident unprecedented demonstrative signs/utmost rationally sound arguments, in response/for reason they turned their hand to their mouths [did not rebut/answer the rational evident arguments] and they said, "Indeed we have refused to accept/believe that with which you are sent with; [Same assertion in
11:62]o and we are indeed in skepticism towards Whom you are inviting us, a doubt/skepticism causing disquiet/duality of thought/disconcert". [14:09] ................. And in case they publicly contradict what you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then/thereby [do not feel grieved] indeed before them also have so contradicted the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and of Aad and of Samued; [22:42]
And civilizations of Aad and Samued and Companions of Ar-Rass and many generations/habitations in between that. [25:38] ........
The people of Aad publicly contradicted those who were sent as Messengers. [26:123]
When their brother Hued [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] them "Would you people not take heed and be cautious? [26:124]
[Mirror/Replica 26:107,143,162,178;
same in 44:18] Indeed I am for you people the trusted Messenger. [26:125]
same in
3:50;43:63] For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [26:126] [Replica/Mirror
26:109,145,164,180]o And [since I am merely discharging the entrusted trust to you] I do not ask you people for that any worldly remuneration, because/that my reward is due on none except upon the Sustainer Lord of Worlds. [26:127] Do you people construct at each and every elevated point a monument, you people act superfluously. [26:128]
And you people adopt for yourselves strongholds hoping so that you may live for long. [26:129]
And when you seize people, you seize tyrannically. [26:130]
same in
3:50;43:63] For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [26:131]
And you people make yourself cautious and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct for the One Who has stretched/aided you people in whatever you people know.[26:132]
He has made you people affluent with mammals and progeny, [26:133]
and with gardens and springs. [26:134]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:59;46:21] I am afraid/apprehensive of the punishment for you people of the Great Day" [26:135]
They/ruling elite replied, "It is one and the same thing for us whether you advise us or you were not from amongst the admonishers. [26:136] [Answer to his objection
26:128] [as for those monuments are concerned, we have not constructed] These are not but the creations/works of the earlier ones [26:137]
[Same claim in same words in
34:35] and we are certainly not the ones receiver of punishment [for works of earlier people] [26:138]
Thereby they contradicted him [Hued alai'his'slaam] and consequently We annihilated them. [Same
26:08,67,103,121.121,158,174,190]o Indeed in it is certainly a demonstrative lesson/sign [unlimited creativity of their Sustainer Lord]. But most have them have not been the believers. [26:139] [Replica/Mirror
26:09,68,104,140,159,175,191] And indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:140]
and the civilizations of Aad and Samued, and certainly from their dwellings it has become distinctly self evident for you people [about their sudden destruction] [Replica
information in
And Shaitan had made their deeds/acts
alluring for them thereby he stopped them from the Path
o though they were intelligent visionary people. [29:38] ...........
In response [to the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan] if they knowingly and deliberately refrained from those, thereat You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce,
"I have admonished you people unambiguously and conspicuously like thunderbolt, the like of flash and thunder encountered by A'ad and Samued civilizations; [41:13]
when the Messengers had come to them [Aad and Sumued civilizations] in their earlier generations/ aforetimes and their later generations;
[and asked them] that "you people should not be subject/subservient/allegiant to anyone whatsoever except Allah"
They/the ruling elite replied, "had our Sustainer Lord willed certainly He would have sent Angels, [14:09;34:34;43:24] therefore/for that reason, indeed we are the deniers for that with which you have been sent" [41:14]
And as for A'ad are concerned they responded making themselves in the Land obsessed/puffed with pride of grandeur and superiority without justifiable cause and reason;
and they boasted, "who-no one is stronger than us in power and might".
Why could they not see/consider/give a thought [before uttering that] that Allah, Who had created them, was far more powerful than them in strength. And they deliberately and knowingly kept denying Our Aa'ya'at. [41:15] Consequently/on expiry of respite period granted We sent upon them in the foggy days of winter a chilly furious wind [that blew for seven nights and eight days]
so that We may cause them taste in the worldly life the punishment causing feel of belittlement and remorse;
and certainly the punishment in the Hereafter is much more of belittlement and remorse.
and they all will not be helped [by anyone who could help]. [41:16]
And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention [in/from the Book] the brother of Aad
when he admonished his nation about/with the Sand-Dunes [present in their geographical location];
and indeed the Warner/Admonishers had passed before and after they had become a civilization; [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:02,26;41:14] [reverting from parenthetic he warned them] that "you people should be subject/subservient/ allegiant to none whatsoever except Allah.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:59;26:135;46:21] I am afraid/apprehensive of the punishment for you people of the Great Day" [46:21] They/ruling elite replied, "Have you come to us so that you divert us away from our various iela'aha
[Same demand in same words in
7:70] [we are not going to accept it] Therefore bring to us that what you promise/warn us if you are from amongst the truthful". [46:22]
He said, "the knowledge of that is only with Allah
and I am conveying and transferring to you people that which I have been sent with but I find you people are acting as blind traditionalists and emotionalists" [46:23]
Consequently when they saw and perceived it as dense cloud that was causing itself move coming towards their valley
they said, "This is a cloud, the one which will bring rain for us"
[They were told] "No, it is that which you people deliberately and reflexively sought to hasten, it is wind in which there is a grievous punishment; [46:24]
it will destroy everything by the command of its Lord".
And then the result was that it ended with nothing was left to be seen except their houses/buildings. This is how We punish the guilty people. [46:25] And indeed they were the people whom We had established with power in the state in which We have not established you
and We had given them faculty of listening, observation and interpreting/intellect/knowledge/know how/technology
but neither their faculty of listening, nor of vision and nor wisdom/knowledge did avail profit in averting anything from them
when they deliberately kept denying and wrangling with the Aa'ya'at of Allah, [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:08;16:34;39:48;40:83;45:33] and they were hemmed with that about which they consciously adopted a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with. [46:26]
And indeed We annihilated that which is around you people from the habitats/localities;
and We had rotated/centrifuged the Aa'ya'at making the point distinct and separated from all angles
[Read with
30:41;32:21;43:28,48] so that perhaps they may return. [46:27]
Thereat why not those helped them whom they had deliberately and consciously adopted, other than Allah, as various iela'aha under the pretext that these are source of letting nearness to Allah.
Nay, the fact is that those lost/vanished from them [their mind, they did not even recall those] and that was their deceptive falsification and what they kept fabricating and conjecturing. [46:28]
And there is a lesson in the episode of Aad when We sent upon them the devastating wind; [51:41]
it left nothing from anything that came in its way except that it made that like disintegrated ruins. [51:42]
People of Aad publicly contradicted [the Messenger and the Message]. Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:18] It is a fact that We sent upon them a chilly furious wind in a foggy day of continuing winter season; [54:19] [Read with
69:07] it was plucking people as if they were the stems of uprooted hollow palm-trees. [54:20] Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:21]
And it is a certain fact that We have since simplified/made easy the Grand Qur'aan for convenience of saving in memory, comprehension, understanding and recalling to narrate and taking lesson; therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely saves it in memory, comprehends, understands and recalls to mention/take lesson and admonition? [54:22]