Grand Qur'aan teaches the subject of Human Sexuality
Allah the Exalted, through the elevated Messenger who is the admonisher in timeline, has informed about Grand Qur'aan:
This: Qur'aan is an explicit elucidation for the people at large.
And it is guidance: regulatory information for aright conduct and counseling: results of affairs- disclosure of factual outcome of acts: good and bad eventuality, reward and punishment - penal code, for those who endeavor to remain cautious and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [3:138]
Allah the Exalted has informed in it that everything was created in measure and then disciplined in a cohesive single unit by the choice of attraction and repulsion amongst things. The purpose of disciplining every created thing was to make it easy for comprehension and perception of human beings since the objective of entire creation was to expose who among human beings conducts himself in an appropriate and balanced manner. The purpose of creation of physical realm is:
The purpose and consideration on the back of this creative activity was that He the Exalted might expose, by subjecting to a test, as to who amongst you people is more appropriate-balanced-beautiful-moderate with regard to conduct, behaviour and actions. [Refer 11:07]
It is a fact that Our Majesty has declared that which is on the Earth as appealing feature for her.
The purpose and consideration of rendering it attractive is that Our Majesty might expose them by subjecting to a test as to who amongst them is more appropriate-balanced-beautiful-moderate with regard to conduct, behaviour and actions. [18:07]
The Omnipresent, the Perpetual, the Absolute is the One Who created the matter and the life.
The purpose and consideration of this creative activity was that He the Exalted might expose by subjecting to a test as to who amongst you people is more appropriate-balanced-beautiful-moderate with regard to conduct, behaviour and actions.
And He the Exalted is the All Pervasive Dominant, the Oft-Forgiving. [67:02]
The purpose and consideration for the creation of matter and life is to subject the man who is bestowed autonomy of self governance and freedom of choice-will and expose as to who of them remains relatively better moderate, proportioned, meets the standards of beauty with regard to determined and volitional acts.
This nominal sentence is the second object of preceding verb.
This Comparative noun is the Predicate of
"who amongst you people". Comparative Noun [اسم
التفضيل], derived from primary active voice verb, is
a relational word which signifies that the excess in meaning is in
comparison to others. This noun means more beautiful, more proportioned, more
balanced, more moderate; more manifest in beauty.
It is disambiguation accusative noun for:
It thus shows that the trial is with regard to beauty of
volitional acts, conduct.
It denotes act: something that somebody does. What is an act and how is
it performed? This Arabic word denotes only those acts which
are performed by design and will.
It can be performed only when data and
about it is saved in the memory. Retrieving that information and translating-executing it
into action is called: "عمل". And the data in
memory is called: "علم" in Arabic. Both these
words have similar particles with different sequencing: ع , ل , م. The
act signified by :
thus be termed as transposition of
علم: information, knowledge.
And perhaps it is matter of common knowledge that all our willful-volitional acts
are caused by the desire to satisfy the appetite, attractions, lust of
three areas of our body; chest/heart; stomach, and the genitalia. There
is no other point where we have an appetite.
It means that our
conduct with respect to these areas of appetite is moderate and balanced
avoiding extremes since all these appetites can be satisfied by going
into the society where everyone is a shareholder. Anyone on extremes
will effect and jeopardize the rights of others and there will be
disquiet and disturbance in society, a situation that negates the
perception and meanings of verbal noun:
Submission to the discipline
establishing orderly state of peace, security, tranquility, harmony and
dynamic balance for all.
Pleasure and Pain are stimulus for:
conduct, behavior. Nature has placed mankind under the
governance of two sovereign masters, pleasure and pain.
Appealing features and attractions sooth us and
give us pleasures. In timeline, attractions for human beings have been in this
The love and desire of sensual excitements and gratifications has become fascinatingly attractive in the women [wives] and the Sons.
So has become the desire to have a state of hoarded abundance of Gold and Silver;
And the marked-pedigree horses [top of the line products], and abundance of herbivore-mammals, and for plenty of harvesting lands.
This is the wealth-sustenance-provision of the transitory worldly life.
Mind it that Allah the Exalted grants the most appropriate return and abode by His Grace. [3:14]
Woman and sons are the first attraction and this
is the primary cause of Human Sexuality which is the subject of our
present study.