The characteristic feature of Mutta'qeena is that they heartily accept-believe in the presence-existence of the Unseen; not in their sight [Creator: Allah the Exalted, and what is stated in the Book].
And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Protocol of demonstrating Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.
Further, they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given to them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]. [2:003]
And you people spend your financial resources in the cause-seeking attention and Mercy of Allah the Exalted.
And you should not cast yourselves into self ruin with your own hands by keeping fists closed [as is done by Muna'afiqeen-9:67].
And you consciously adopt a balanced, graceful and generous conduct-approach towards others.
It is a fact that Allah the Exalted appreciates-loves-acknowledges those who are moderate, graceful and generous. [2:195]
They people ask you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] regarding that which should they spend for others.
You tell them; "What ever you wished to spend-keep open out of things of value, thereat it is for the parents, and the near ones, and the orphans, and for the destitute, and the wayfarer.
And should you people initiatively perform any deed of better import, thereby for reason of omnipresence Allah the Exalted is certainly fully aware of it." [2:215]
[It is explained in the command in
17:29 and
also in
They people seek information from you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about the Alcoholic Beverages and act of gambling.
You tell them; "A severe dilapidation-act of great sin is inherent within both of them. However, sources of profitability-immediate-momentary benefits are apparently found within both of them for certain people.
Take note that the dilapidating-sinful inherent characteristic of both is much greater than the immediate gain from both".
And they ask you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] as to what possession should they keep spending.
You tell them; "You people spend that whichever you can efface-spare".
Like this organized with thoroughness and careful attention to detail information in response to your questions; Allah the Exalted elaborates for you people the Aa'ya'at: verbal unitary passages rendering each point distinct-distinguished-isolated and crystal clear.
The purpose is that you people might self indulge in critical thinking; to reflect-ponder rationally without overlapping passions and emotions. [2:219]
O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you people before lest the day might come.
No pay-later system bargain could be struck during that day.
Neither that day friendly help would be available nor recommendation/pleading--intercession be of avail to non believers [of intercessors-2:48,123;74:48].
The fact is that those who persistently refuse to accept are truly the wrong-doers/distorters/unjust. [2:254]
The equation of outcome-benefit of a donation of those who heartily spend their financial resources in the cause of Allah the Exalted is:
Like a single grain that germinates seven shoots. One hundred grains are embedded in every shoot.
Mind that above is is a general proposition, Allah the Exalted even further enlarges the outcome for whoever He wills.
Moreover remember; Allah the Exalted has domain beyond bounds-limits. He is eternally the all-Knowing. [2:261]
Know about those who heartily spend their financial resources in the cause of Allah the Exalted
and afterwards in timeline they do not reproach and make account of that which they had generously spent and nor they cause embarrassment to the recipient;
that their reward is securely in deposit with their Sustainer Lord.
Moreover, not at all fear shall overshadow-haunt upon them. And they shall neither have a cause for grieve. [ 2:262]
O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
You should not render your gifts of generosity as worthless scum by reproach/pronouncing account of it and by causing embarrassment to the recipient
like he who spends his wealth as a worldly pomp and show; pleasure of ostentatious display and he in fact believes not in Allah the Exalted nor the Last Day.
Thereby, his similarity is with such rock that a layer of soil is layered upon it.
Thereat, a heavy rainfall fell upon it and washed away the layer of soil whereby the rainfall left it as a naked rock.
Such people have no power to retain permanently that which they have earned.
Be aware that Allah the Exalted does not guide, against their will, the people who persistently and deliberately refuse to accept. [2:264]
And the illustration for those who heartily spend their worldly resources with the objective to seek the approval-appreciation of Allah the Exalted and to sustain belief of their inner selves:
It is like a garden at a hilly place.
A heavy rain watered it. Thereat, it yielded two-fold produce.
However, if no heavy rain watered it even then dewfall-drizzling suffices to produce good yield.
And Allah the Exalted is ever watching the acts which you people perform. [2:265]
O those people/you, who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
You people heartily donate something advantageous out of the beneficial wherewithal that you have earned
and out of that which We have brought out for you from the Earth.
Moreover, you people should not intend to select gimcrack-junk for spending, which if offered to you it will not be liked except that you might deliberately avoid eye on it or you perceive not.
Further you people know that Allah the Exalted is the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [2:267]
Moreover, remain satisfied that whatever you people would have spent benefiting out of the substance or would have laid down what you had vowed, Allah the Exalted is indeed always aware of it.
And take note that not a single one of helpers will come forward for helping the disturbers, distorters of facts; evil doers. [2:270]
Their becoming guided aright was not assigned; obligation upon you the Messenger [صلى الله عليه وسلم].
But the fact remains that Allah the Exalted keeps guiding him about whom He the Exalted decides to be guided [in time and space through the Book-39:23].
You people understand; should you spend something advantageous out of the beneficial wherewithal: its resultant benefit accrues for your own selves;
Provided you do not spend for considerations/countenance other than the exclusive objective of seeking the approval and appreciation of Allah the Exalted.
And should you spend something advantageous out of the beneficial wherewithal, it will be rendered back to you in full;
And you people will not be subject to a slightest injustice. [2:272]
Donating the gifts secretively is particularly for those needy people who have been restricted-restrained to their places for the cause of Allah the Exalted.
They do not find it feasible for openly striking; transiting in the Earth-society.
The emotional man of superficial understanding presumes them self-sufficiently rich because of their self-restraint, self-respect and composedness.
You will recognize them by their visible sign;
They do not ask people in frank overtaking manner.
And should you spend that which is something advantageous out of the beneficial wherewithal:
For reason of omnipresence, the ever vigilant Allah the Exalted is certainly fully aware of it. [2:273]
The people who spend their wealth for the welfare of others during the night and the day time, secretly and publicly-visibly:
The reward of them is in wait-prepared for them by the Grace of their Sustainer Lord.
Moreover, not at all fear shall overshadow-haunt upon them. And they shall neither have a cause for grieve. [2:274]
They are coolly perseverant, truthful in their speech and conduct, and they firmly stand for Allah the Exalted like devoted servants; and they are the ones who spend seeking approval and appreciation of Allah the Exalted.
And they are the seekers of forgiveness in the moments between end part of nights and true dawns. [3:17]
You people might never attain the Virtue until and unless you people may heartily and generously spend [seeking appreciation and approval of Allah, the Al-bur'ro] a part out of that: wealth which you people love most to retain.
And should you spend in whatever manner [openly or secretively] anything of benefit;
Thereby for reason of omnipresence Allah the Exalted is certainly always aware of it. [3:92]
[their wealth and progeny will be of no avail] The similarity-illustration of that which the Non-Believers spend in this worldly life is:
Like such a wind; creaking and cold effect is inherent within it.
She descended upon cultivation of a people who did injustice to themselves.
Thereby, she destroyed the cultivation.
The fact is that Allah the Exalted did no injustice to them but in fact they kept doing injustice to their selves. [3:117]
They are the people who heartily spend for other's welfare in prosperity and in adversity.
And they are the people who suppress and curb the rage-anger and sublimate: divert excessive energy into positive direction instead of wasting it in negative activity, and they are the ones who ignore and overlook the excesses of people.
And Allah the Exalted appreciates and approves for nearness those people who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [3:134]
[It may be other way also
Generally, the men are preservers who firmly stand for protecting the honour-dignity-rights of certain women because Allah the Exalted has bestowed peculiarity in some respects to some of them over some other men.
And the husbands are preservers of honour-dignity-rights of their respective wives for which they had spent their wealth for taking them in protective fold.
Thereby, the righteously moderate wives are sincere maintainers and preservers; they are the protectors [of dignity/ rights/household of men/husbands] in the absence-out of sight of them, for the reason that Allah the Exalted has since protected them.
And regarding those wives about whom you-the respective husbands remain afraid of their discordant conduct, the following course of action is hereby prescribed:
Thereat, in such cases you politely and lovingly advise such of them.
And you husbands distance-shift them away within the bed rooms.
And you people strike: transit them out of the bed rooms [عن المضاجع] open in house making the suspended matrimonial relations apparent to entire family.
In response to any of aforesaid options given to you if they accepted your word; thereby, you should not pursue to find excuses against them.
Be mindful; certainly Allah the Exalted is eternally the Most Exalted, the Greatest. [4:34]
And Allah does not appreciate and approve those who spend their wherewithal only for pomp and show off to people;
[this evidently reflects that in fact] and they neither believe in Allah nor in the Last Day.
And should Shai'taan be a close comrade of someone-dominating his mind and heart; thereby, he is worst for association. [4:38]
And what burden would it have caused them if they believed in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day?
And had spent for others benefit out of the sustenance Allah the Exalted has bestowed upon them seeking His appreciation and approval.
And Allah the Exalted is Ever Aware of them. [4:39]
Know it; the Jews said: "Allah's hand is in a tied up state"
Their fists have become tied.
And they are discarded as condemned and cursed for what they stated.
They lied; the fact is that His hands are fully stretched; He the Exalted openly flows the bounty as He wills.
Be aware; it is certain that it Grand Qur'aan; which has since been communicated to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] by your Sustainer Lord, will augment the majority of them in brimming out of bounds and disbelief.
And We have allowed to exist wrangling and grudge/hatred/resentment between them until the Day of Resurrection.
Every time they excited-provoked fire for the war, Allah the Exalted extinguished it.
And they keep attempting creating disturbance/distortions/imbalances/chaos in the Earth-world.
Take note; Allah the Exalted does not approve and appreciate those who are distorter/creators of disorder/imbalances/spread wicked unsound ideas. [5:64]
And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Protocol of demonstrating Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.
Further, they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given to them as sustenance. [8:03]
Be informed about those who have deliberately refused to accept: they keep funding their wealth for the purpose that they might divert people from the High road of Allah the Exalted: Qur'aan.
Purposely they will keep regularly funding it in the future. Afterwards [on resurrection], it will become regret-melancholic remorse upon them. Thereafter, they will be captured/arrested [by Angels]
And those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept will be gathered/dragged towards Hell-Prison. [8:36]
Take note; you are directed to prepare for them, whatever is possible in your reach, reflective of combat force and strength and a force of cavalry-mobile troops;
You will deter the enemy of Allah the Exalted and your enemy with this preparedness: deterrence;
And apart from them, for other potential enemy whom you people do not presently recognize; Allah the Exalted knows them.
And whatever should you spend in the cause of Allah the Exalted it will fully be paid back to you;
And you people will not be met with slightest injustice. [8:60]
And He has put coalescence: affection and love in between their hearts.
If you had spent whatever wealth is found in the Earth, all collectively, you could not coalesced: put love and affection in between their hearts. But Allah the Exalted has put love and affection between them.
Indeed He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [8:63]
O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
It is a fact that that majority of those enjoying recognition of religious scholars and secluded-spiritually contemplating people certainly consume the money and goods of people; by advocating delusional and fascinating scummy relays;
Whereby they hinder-divert people away from the High road of Allah the Exalted.
Take note; Those who treasure gold and silver and spend it not for other's welfare in reverence of Allah the Exalted:
Accordingly, they indeed deserve recompense; therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give them the "good news" of severe torment in wait for them.. [9:34]
Severe torment is in wait for them; the day the warmth becomes broiling upon it in the scorching Hell-Prison, whereby their foreheads; and their flanks; and their backs will get branded;
They will be told: "This is what you people treasured for your selves; therefore, you people enjoy the taste of that which you kept treasuring." [9:35]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell [Muna'fi'qeen]; "You people spend whether by showing willingness or distastefully-aversely, this spending might never be accepted from you;
The fact remains that you have beene averse people who transgress prescribed bounds, lie and betray promises." [9:53]
Know it; Nothing has prevented them: Muna'fi'qeen that their contributions might be accepted except that they have factually refused to believe in Allah the Exalted and His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];
And they come not to join the Ass-sa'laat congregation: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance except in the manner that they are reluctant and irritant with heavy heart.
And they do not spend except feeling disgusted and averse. [9:54]
[same info in
Neither upon the aged and weak and nor upon the ailing ones
and nor upon those who do not possess something to spend there is any blame and cause of feeling embarrassment/contraction when they are sincere to Allah and His Messenger.
There is no blame upon the virtuous ones.
And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [9:91]
And neither there is any blame against those who when came to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] so that you may provide them with mounts, you said, "I do not find on which I could mount you people for journey". They turned away with their eyes overflowing with tears in grief and sorrow that they could not find a thing to spend. [9:92]
Know it; some amongst the Arabized foreign settlers considers a forced liability what he spends; and awaits turn of bad times for you people.
Whirlpool of evil is overarching upon them.
Remain cautious; Allah the Exalted is eternally the Listener; the Absolute Knowledgeable. [9:98]
And some amongst the Arabized foreign settlers sincerely believes in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day-the Hereafter;
And he considers what he spends contributing to welfare of others as source of successive nearness in the sight of Allah the Exalted; and for attaining the approval and appreciation of the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].
Yes, be encouraged, it is certainly a source of attaining nearness for them with Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.
Allah the Exalted will enter them in His Umbrella of Mercy.
It is a fact that Allah the Exalted is repeatedly Forgiving-Overlooking-the fountain of Mercy. [9:99]
And neither any spending of diminutive import nor any of large import which they heartily donate; nor a journey through a valley they undertake but credited for them in written record;
So that Allay the Exalted might pay them the most appropriate reward of the acts which they people performed. [9:121]
And they are who exercising patience remained coolly perseverant seeking the approval and appreciation of their Sustainer Lord;
And steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted, and they spent, secretively and publicly, for other's wellbeing out of the sustenance Our Majesty had provided them;
And they repel/avert evil/misconduct with good and mannered conduct.
The are the people: the best end place is in wait for them. [13:22]
Allah the Exalted has struck an example of a contrast between a subjugated person whose peculiarity is that he does not have power and prerogative over anything;
and a person whom We have given from Our Grace affluent stable sustenance whereby he spends out of that secretly and publicly.
Adjudge, are such people considered equivalent in public eye?
[having understood the point say] The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
However, the fact of the matter is that most of them do not know; retain such simple facts in their memory. [16:75]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "If you had acquired the know-how that you can possess-master the treasures of the Mercy of my Sustainer Lord; thereat you would certainly have withheld/put it under lock and key; taking guards against apprehension of diminution.
The fact remains that generally the Man seldom feels the sustenance sufficient." [17:100]
And his fruit was surrounded, thereby he became distressed/emerged twisting/rubbing his both hands upon what he had invested in it;
and that was devastated on its trellises.
And he said [self talking], "Alas I should not have associated a single thing with my Sustainer Lord" [18:42]
They are the people whose hearts blenched-trembled when Allah the Exalted is mentioned;
And they are coolly perseverant upon what adverse reached them;
And they are the steadfastly maintainers of Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted;
And they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]. [22:35]
And they are people who are neither extravagant and nor miser when they spent;
And the expenditure is maintained determinedly and stably in the middle of these two extremes. [25:67] [Read with 2:219;17:29;65:07]
They are the people who will be paid their reward twice for the reason that they remained steadfast exercising coolly perseverance.
And they repel/avert evil/misconduct with good and mannered conduct.
Further, they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given to them as sustenance. [28:54]
Reflexively their sides shrink: draw away in reverence and fear from their sleeping beds/rooms;
They call upon their Sustainer Lord, fearing and hoping favourable response;
And they are the people who heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given to them as sustenance. [32:16]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "The fact is that my Sustainer Lord expands the livelihood for him about whom He the Exalted so decides; and restricts to measure for him about whom so decides, amongst His living subjects.
And should you spent generously anything of substance; thereby [He knows 2:270] He the Exalted compensates for that.
And He the Exalted is certainly the best of sustenance provider. [34:39]
Certain fact about those who recite/study the Book of Allah, word by word in the manner that passions, conceptions, perceptions, myths, notions already in memory interfere not in between the words of the Book and the Reciter/reader;
And they steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted, and they spent, secretively and publicly, for other's wellbeing out of the sustenance Our Majesty had provided them:
They are pursuing a business, an economic activity that might never suffer stagnation. [35:29]
And when it was said to them: "You generously spend some of the sustenance Allah the Exalted has given to you";
Those who had refused to believe said for those who had heartily believed: "Should we feed him whom Allah, if so willed, would have fed?.
You people are not but in manifest forgetfulness." [36:47]
And they are the people who have consciously and rationally responded to the message of their Sustainer Lord;
And steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted;
And their affair is organized on the basis of consultation and consensus between them;
Further, they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given to them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]. [42:38]
Listen! You are the people called upon for spending in the cause of Allah the Exalted. Yet some amongst you miserly withholds;
And should someone miserly withhold, in effect he miserly withholds from his own self.
Realize it; Allah the Exalted is eternally the Absolutely Independent and you people are the needy dependants.
And if you people purposely about-face then know the possibility that He the Exalted would decide substituting the nation presently opposite of you people. Thereafter they will not be the likes of you people. [47:38]
[O you the People] Incline yourselves to believe and trust in Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];
And spend for the welfare of others a part of the worldly wherewithal He the Exalted has declared you as disposers whereof.
Responding, those of you who heartily believed and spent: a great reward is ensured for them. [57:07]
Moreover, what could be the matter-rationale for you people that you might not spend in the Path of Allah the Exalted?
And the domain of the Skies and the Earth is eternally the subject exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
Those who had spent before the event of the Conquest of Mecca and confronted war do not and will never equate in timeline with any one amongst you people.
They are the people who are comparatively great.
Their greatness is with regard to their elevated rank-ascension in contrast to all the people who did the same act of spending and confronting war in time and space in time-line after the Conquest.
Though Allah the Exalted has promised the most appropriate-proportionate reward for all others.
Remain mindful, Allah the Exalted is perpetually informed/aware of all those acts which you people keep doing. [57:10]
O those people-you, who self proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
In case the Believing Women have reached to you people [Muslim society/state] in the state of emigrants,
thereat, subject them to careful examination-investigation regards their belief.
Allah the Exalted is best aware than you people regarding their belief.
Thereby, if you have found them truly the Believing Women, resultantly you people should not deport-revert them back to the Non-Believers.
They are no more in the state of permissible-lawful to continue to be wives for them. Neither they-their respective non-believing husbands are anymore permissible-lawful husbands for them.
And you people-Muslim society pay them-respective non-believing husbands of those emigrated married women that amount which they had spent.
Take note that there is absolutely no restriction or something blameworthy upon you people that you may enter into matrimonial bondage with them, provided you have paid them their wedding gifts-agreed upon obligations.
And you people should not cause self holding the Bond of Marriage with the Non-Believing Wives.
And you demand that which you had spent, and they the non-believing husbands should demand that which they had spent.
This is the Directive of Allah the Exalted. He the Exalted administers justice between you people.
And Allah the Exalted Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of otherwise invisible-hidden realities-considerations. [60:10]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:88]
And if something had gone out of your reach from your [left behind disbelieving] wives towards the Non Believers, then when you/society have become able
thereat pay to those whose wives had gone from them somewhat like that they had spent;
and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and and fear of Allah, the One in Whom you believe. [60:11]
They are the people who say to others: "You should not spend-invest upon those who are with the Messenger of Allah until and unless they might disband themselves".
And they say it despite the fact that the treasures of the Skies and the Earth are exclusively at the disposal of Allah the Exalted are;
But the Muna'fi'qeen: imposter believers do not comprehend the apparent realities. [63:07]
Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you in times before the death might reach someone of you;
Whereat he might say: "My Sustainer Lord! why not You the Exalted granted me a respite-delayed for a little more time;
That would have enabled me to become generous donor, and I should have been one of the righteous-perfectionists. [63:10]
[Same pronouncement/replica
For this reason/therefore you people consciously make yourselves mindful, heedful and cautious of Allah avoiding unrestrained conduct to whatever extent you individually could have enabled yourselves.
And you people attentively listen and incline yourselves to affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the word [of Allah and His Messenger conveyed through Qur'aan].
And incline yourselves to spend [seeking approval/appreciation of Allah], it is better for your selves.
And whoever got preserved/protected his self from covetousness/selfishness then for this reason/therefore they are the people [almuef'li'hoona active participle] who endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [64:16]
You cause them/the divorced wives during the intervening time-period of restraint between pronouncement of Divorce and Untying the Fold of Nikah to stay at places where you dwell yourself out of your means;
And you should not consciously and purposely make yourselves active in financially and mentally harming them with the objective that you may make them distressed and suppressed.
And if they are in the state of pregnancy thereat you spend upon them until they deliver their pregnancy;
whereat if they milked the offspring for you then in response pay their settled obligations;
and resolve the matters mutually amongst yourselves in accordance with the known traditions.
And if you have mutually felt uneasiness thereat in that case cause another woman suckle the child for him [father]. [65:06]
[similar information in
Let spend the one with ample means according to his means,
and for whom his sustenance is limited one then let him spend according to that which Allah has given him.
Allah does not impose/burden/responsibility/demand/duty upon a person except according to her given capacity/scope/capability/strength/practicability/access/approach/tolerance.
Allah will keep creating easiness after hardship. [65:07]