[It is explained in the command in 17:29 and also in 25:67;65:07]

[It may be other way also 4:128]

[same info in 2:218;3:31,129;4:25;5:74;8:70;9:27,91;24:22;49:05;57:28;60:07;66:01]

Neither upon the aged and weak and nor upon the ailing ones

and nor upon those who do not possess something to spend there is any blame and cause of feeling embarrassment/contraction when they are sincere to Allah and His Messenger.

There is no blame upon the virtuous ones.

 And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [9:91]

And neither there is any blame against those who when came to you the Messenger  [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] so that you may provide them with mounts,  you said, "I do not find on which I could mount you people for journey". They turned away with their eyes overflowing with tears in grief and sorrow that they could not find a thing to spend. [9:92]


And his fruit was surrounded, thereby he became distressed/emerged twisting/rubbing his both hands upon what he had invested in it;

and that was devastated on its trellises.

And he said [self talking], "Alas I should not have associated a single thing with my Sustainer Lord" [18:42]


[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:88]

And if something had gone out of your reach from your [left behind disbelieving] wives towards the Non Believers, then when you/society have become able

thereat pay to those whose wives had gone from them somewhat like that they had spent;

 and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and and fear of Allah, the One in Whom you believe.  [60:11]

[Same pronouncement/replica 59:09]

 For this reason/therefore you people consciously make yourselves mindful, heedful and cautious of Allah avoiding unrestrained conduct to whatever extent you individually could have enabled yourselves.

And you people attentively listen and incline yourselves to affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the word [of Allah and His Messenger conveyed through Qur'aan].

And incline yourselves to spend [seeking approval/appreciation of Allah], it is better for your selves.

And whoever got preserved/protected his self from covetousness/selfishness then for this reason/therefore they are the people [almuef'li'hoona active participle] who endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [64:16]

You cause them/the divorced wives during the intervening time-period of restraint between pronouncement of Divorce and Untying the Fold of Nikah to stay at places where you dwell yourself out of your means;

And you should not consciously and purposely make yourselves active in financially and mentally harming them with the objective that you may make them distressed and suppressed.

And if they are in the state of pregnancy thereat you spend upon them until they deliver their pregnancy;

whereat if they milked the offspring for you then in response pay their settled obligations;

and resolve the matters mutually amongst yourselves in accordance with the known traditions.

And if you have mutually felt uneasiness thereat in that case cause another woman suckle the child for him [father]. [65:06]

[similar information in  2:286;6:152;7:42;23:62;65:07]

Let spend the one with ample means according to his means,

and for whom his sustenance is limited one then let him spend according to that which Allah has given him.

Allah does not impose/burden/responsibility/demand/duty upon a person except according to her given capacity/scope/capability/strength/practicability/access/approach/tolerance.

Allah will keep creating easiness after hardship. [65:07]