Be always mindful for performing As-Salaat; and just peep in the Hell-Prison to listen its dwellers.
The time bound Protocol of Servitude and
Allegiance is the fundamental protocol for non-verbal demonstration of
the truthfulness of one's claim of having accepted and become a
believer. This is manifestation of belief and key to success and
Indeed the following of those who identify their selves as Believers have attained perpetual success and fruitfulness: [23:01]
Those who demonstrate solemnity and humble-mindedness in the performance of their As-Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance; [23:02]
The claimants of belief are therefore reminded time and again to remain self vigilant about it:
You people remain vigilant regards the plural number of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and be vigilant for the As-sa'laat which is relatively central to other four Formal Timings. [Ref 2:238]
Take note; Those who truly believe in the Hereafter life; they heartily accept and believe in it: the Grand Qur'aan.
And they remain vigilant for regularly performing their As-Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance. [Ref 6:92]
And the true believers who have attained perpetual success are those who remain vigilant for regularly performing their Sala'waat: Five time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance. [23:09]
And they are who remain vigilant for regularly performing their each Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance. [70:34]
The Men whom neither routine cash business-selling and buying on hand to hand basis nor promissory natured commercial transactions distracts them away:
from the remembrance and thought of Allah the Exalted; and for establishing As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and paying the Az-zakat: financial contribution for economic up-lift of society. [Ref 24:37]
The vicissitudes in life do not affect their resolve and determination to express their servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted at the appointed timings:
Indeed the Man has generally become mingled-molded with hastily anxiousness: [70:19]
When the adversity and irritating disturbance touches him he becomes distressed; [70:20]
And when affluence and soothing circumstance touches him he becomes niggardly; [70:21]
This has become general psyche of man except such of the performers of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude that are persistently regular upon performing their As-sa'laat. [70:22-23]
However, there are people and pseudo intellectuals in believer's society who distract their followers from performing As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude:
Have you seen him who forbids allegiant person when he performed Sa'laat: Time bound Protocol of Allegiance? [96:10-11]
Warning is issued for
those who advocate and forbid others about performing
Time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance
You may not have noticed him but does he the forbidder know not that Allah the Exalted is certainly watching him? [96:14]
Nay, it is certain that if he did not self desist forbidding the performance of Sa'laat: Time bound Protocol of Allegiance: We will certainly drag him by the forelock; [96:15]
His forelock: characteristically in habit of lying and deliberately sinful. [96:16]
The act of lying relates to speech. Broca's area: part of the cortex related to speech is located in the frontal lobe of the Brain behind the forehead. The part of the brain that plans all ill-acts is also in prefrontal area on the back of forehead.
Muslims amongst the
Humanity and other living perform
Time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance
respectively in their prescribed manner:
Have you not seen-given a thought that Allah the Exalted is He for Whom renders the focus of all effort and repetitive praises:
Whoever is in the Skies and on-in the Earth willingly and in coercive circumstances;
And the birds in rows with wings outstretched.
All have since learnt his Sa'laat: Time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance and his repetitive glorification praises.
Take note; Allah the Exalted is eternally aware of what innovative acts they people perform. [24:41]
There is distinct
group amongst the believing society who verbally claim to be believers.
They feign belief. They are assigned a distinct identification by the
imposter believers. Since
is the
non-verbal demonstration of one's
belief they also in circumstances stand for participation. Their inner
psychological state at such occasions is revealed:
Indeed the Muna'fi'qeen: Imposter Believers seek by contrary to fact verbal proclamation to beguile Allah the Exalted.
While the fact is that He the Exalted lets them engulfed in their deceptive perception by leaving them as discarded/condemned.
And when they get up to join the Ass-sa'laat congregation they stand reluctantly and irritant with heavy heart. They just stand for feigning to people that they are believers.
And they do not remember Allah the Exalted except occasionally. [4:142]
And they not come to join the Ass-sa'laat congregation: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance except in the manner that they are reluctant and irritant with heavy heart. [Ref 9:54]
Thereby, regret and vow is the eventuality for Muna'fi'qeen performers of As-sa'laat: [107:04]
Who are neglectful and heedless of their Sa'laat; [107:05]
Who occasionally come for it only feigning to people; [107:06]
And they cause hindrance in freely-ordinarily available things of public use and refuse giving trivial value things to others. [107:07]
We know that in the present day world
except Muslims no nation Jews; Christians; Hindus; and others are the
performers of
Time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance.
To realize the importance of remaining vigilant and regular in
demonstrating Servitude and Allegiance to Allah the Exalted; let us peep
into the Hell-Prison and listen their response as to why they are cast
"What has brought-entered you people in Saqar: the scorching Hell-Prison? [74:42]
They replied: "We used not to be seen with those who were performers of As-Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance; [74:43]
And nor we used to feed the indigent. [74:44]
And we used to indulge in vain-conjectural discourses in the company of such vain talkers like myths of walking barefooted on water surface. [74:45]
And we kept contradicting the perception of accountability on the Day of Resurrection till the time the natural death had reached us" [74:46-47]
Thereby, the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them. [74:48]
We are lucky that
the certain: the natural death has not reached us as yet. On its arrival
the believing of accountability will be of no avail. Let us forget the
widespread gossips of old and new vain talkers and revert to Grand
Qur'aan to make ourselves the reapers of the fruits of success. Let us
try to be one of these believers:
Indeed the following of those who identify their selves as Believers have attained perpetual success and fruitfulness: [23:01]
Those who demonstrate solemnity and humble-mindedness in the performance of their As-Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance; [23:02]
We should become regular in performing
but should also direct and advise our household and near ones and all
those whom we wish to be declared successful on the Day of Resurrection:
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for those of My servants who proclaim having accepted and become believers:
That they may stand for the performance of Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Allegiance and Servitude;
And may spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that We have given them;
They might do these acts both privately and publicly;
Before that the Day might reach; the Day wherein neither pay-later system bargain nor friendship could be struck. [14:31]
And he: Iesma'eile [alai'his'slaam] used to enjoin his household for performing Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance and paying Az-Zakat: financial contribution for uplift of society.
And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] imperatively advise your household-wives and children to regularly perform Ass-sa'laat and you remain coolly perseverant upon establishing it. [Ref 20:132]
We have listened to
the people who were destined to scorching Hell-Prison that they were not
seen in the company of performers of
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude.
We are advised to protect ourselves and
our household:
O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
You people save yourselves and your families-household from heated Hell-Prison;
This Heated Hell Prison is the one who's "Fuel" [charred-affected by it] are the People and the Stones.
Stern and severe Angels perform duty as Warders [19 in number] upon her. They refuse not the word of Allah the Exalted which He has commanded to them.
And they perform what they are commanded to perform. [66:06]
Following the exalted Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam we must caution our household. Wise men have been doing it in remote past also:
Looq'maan the Wise said: "O my son! Remain steadfast in the performance of Ass-sa'laat; Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance.
And enjoin to act according to accepted social values and norms and forbid other following conjectural innovations-deviations and unauthentic non verifiable myths.
And remain coolly perseverant upon whatever distressing and unpleasant reaches you.
No doubt this course is indeed a subject of strong determination and will power." [31:17]
We said in the beginning that
The time bound Protocol of Servitude and
Allegiance is the fundamental protocol for non-verbal demonstration of
the truthfulness of one's claim of having accepted and become a
believer. Now please carefully listen and read the verdict of Allah the
Exalted as to who amongst the claimants of belief are recognized as
truly the established believers:
Take note; Truly the Believers are only those whose hearts blenched when Allah the Exalted is mentioned;
And when Aa'ya'at: the Verbal Passages of the Book of Him: Grand Qur'aan are recited to them word by word: Each Ayah: Unitary Verbal Passage gave them enhancement; the enhancement and conviction of belief.
And they have trust and hope in their Sustainer Lord. [8:02]
And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Protocol of demonstrating Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.
Further, they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given to them as sustenance. [8:03]
The aforementioned are the proven and established believers amongst claimants of belief.
Ranks of elevation [according to deeds performed-6:132;46:19] are assigned for them by their Sustainer Lord;
And forgiveness and par excellence sustenance is guaranteed for them. [8:04]
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The time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance