o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[للعَهْد الذِّهْنيّ / الْعِلْميّ] It indicates familiarity with the object due to it being previously known to both the speaker and listener. This peculiar victory is already known to the reader in Surat 48:01. 48:24;48:27.
Classification of the Believers
1. The Verbal unitary passages of Grand Qur'aan categorize and classify families of creations. The Grand Qur'aan contains: verbal unitary passages that make distinct and contrasted one thing from the other. They demarcate and categorize two things having similarity or opposition, thus making each of them distinct and individualized. They also differentiate between the individual members of a genus-group-family, or we may say they enumerate the divisions and classification of a group. The Believers of the Last Messenger of Allah the Exalted, Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, the great of the creations, and of the Grand Qur'aan are a family-group of people enjoying a separate identity in the category of Human Beings. Allah the Exalted has pronounced the verdict that this Group-Family has sub-division into two groups, their classification is as under:
[اسم موصول مبنى على السكون فى محل رفع فاعل] Relative Pronoun, in nominative state, is the Subject of preceding verb: . This verb is [فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة المقدرة على الياء للثقل] Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative; [Form-VIII]; مصدر-اِسْتِوَاءٌ Verbal noun. The indicative mood of the verb signifies that it covers the point in time of speech and the future time-line, and its pattern of Form-VIII connotes mutuality with every one else of his group, genus. Its Root is "س و ى". The basic perception and signification infolded in it is that of equation and equivalence. The person referred by the Relative Pronoun is described and specified by the relational-linkage clause [صِلَةُ الْمَوْصُولِ] stating his distinct qualification and identification, by the word . This is a [فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح] perfect verb, denoting an act accomplished in the past, whose affect continues. The Subject of the verb, masculine singular, is hidden [الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ] It refers back to the Relative Pronoun. Its pattern of Form-IV denotes conscious and heartily feeling of the Subject in doing that act described by the Verb, i.e. spending for the sake of attaining approval and pleasure of Allah, the Exalted. The timing of the past act of that person is described with reference to occurrence of an Event , "before the Event of the Conquest". This composite prepositional + possessive phrase renders the otherwise indefinite noun as definite because of the second definite noun [The Conquest-Victory] of possessive construction.
2.1 Event is The Conquest of Mecca. While reading Grand Qur'aan, please keep in mind that it was gradually and intermittently revealed, and communicated to people who were the contemporary of period of its revelation. They were witnessing all the events of the time. Therefore, addition of the name of the City of the Conquest, from their perspective, [Arabs who do not appreciate use of extra words that convey already known and understood information for the listener] might have been the negation of manners of eloquent and succinct speech. However, since the Grand Qur'aan is for everyone in time-line, the information that might seem non-specific to the posterity finds explanation and clarification at other places. This clarification is in an earlier Surat named: . Indeed We have gained victory for you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], a decisive and vivid victory. [48:01]
and He is the One Who withheld the hands of them away from you and the hands of you people away from them in indulging hand to hand fight in the interior of Mecca, after the point in time that He had given you victory over them. [Refer 48:24]
Indeed Allah has since proved to His Messenger the vision/dream, as truthful with physical execution, that you will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah willed, safe and secure. [Refer 48:27] This is the description of one-time event and relates only to those who were present in that era. This incident happened in the midst of Mecca after they had gained victory over the enemy and had entered within the city of Mecca. This is: the decisive and vivid Victory and Conquest of Mecca, the Sanctified City.
3. The true Believers of period before the Conquest of Mecca are declared great. After negation of equation and equivalence of the Believer; who consciously and heartily spent and/or confronted war before the Event of the Conquest of Mecca, with each one amongst other Believers of Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam and of Grand Qur'aan, in time and space, it is pronounced:
They are the people who are comparatively great. Their greatness is with regard to their elevated rank-ascension. The Demonstrative Pronoun اسم الإشارة constituting them as a distinct group, and its predicate declares them as comparatively great. The indefinite accusative word is for disambiguation of any ambiguity that might occur in the perception of some reader with regard to the nature of Elative noun: denoting greatness. This explains that their greatness is with regard to their elevated-ascended status, position, rank. Their superior position and rank is in relation to all the people constituting another group:
in contrast to/than all the people who did the same act of spending and confronting war in time and space in time-line after the conquest.
Irrespective of the time and space, the human Messenger of Allah the Exalted is the person who is the chosen one and elevated in rank and status above all humanity-peoples of his past and future time and space. Believing in the Messengers of Allah the Exalted is the cardinal condition for all people irrespective of time and space of their existence, to earn eligibility to enter the Paradise. [Read with 3:133] this Paradise has been made for the abode of those who believed in Allah the Exalted and His Messengers. The guide lord of humanity, Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is the Last Messenger of Allah the Exalted. The absolute fact adjudged by none but Allah the Exalted is that in time and space NO person will ever attain a status equal to the rank of those Believers who spent for the cause of Allah the Exalted and fought before the Victory of Mecca. Therefore, claimants of "nabi" and "messenger", under whatever title and guise, are liars, imposters and cheaters. Therefore, they are cursed and condemned notwithstanding large following through deception.
5. Another classification of believers in the entire time-line. Main Page/Index |