they have refused to accept - disavowed

Main article:


  • General information about those who have disavowed the Creator

  • Whether you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have cautioned them of potential consequences or have not cautioned them, the effect upon them would remain alike;

  • They believe not. [for reasons hereinafter given]. [2:06]

Syntactic analysis and explanation of Ayah

: Recurrence:(1)2:06(2)2:161(3)3:04(4)3:10(5)3:90(6)3:91(7)3:116(8)4:56(9)4:167(10)4:168(11)5:36(12)8:36(13)22:25(14)40:10(15)41:41 (16)47:32 (17)47:34(18)98:06=18

 This verbal sentence is the linkage clause of Relative Pronoun. Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state is referent to Relative Pronoun; مصدر-كُفْرٌ Verbal Noun. The subject pronoun of a plural verb is always referent to the antecedent.

  فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكرغائب

Recurrence:  (1)2:06(2)2:26(3)2:39(4)2:89(5)2:89(6)2:102(7) 2:105(8)2:161(9)2:171(10)2:212(11)3:04(12)3:10(13)3:12(14)3:55(15)3:56(16)3:86 (17)3:90(18)3:91 (19)3:116(20)3:149(21) 3:151(22)3:156(23)3:196(24)4:42(25)4:51(26)4:56(27)4:76(28)4:84(29)4:89 (30)4:102(31)4:137 (32)4:137(33)4:167(34)4:168(35)5:03(36)5:10(37)5:36(38)5:73(39)5:78(40)5:80 (41)5:86(42)5:103 (43)5:110(44)6:01(45)7:66(46)7:90 (47)8:12(48)8:15(49)8:30(50)8:36(51)8:50(52) 8:52(53)8:55(54)8:59(55)8:65(56)8:73(57)9:03(58)9:26(59)9:30(60)9:37(61)9:40(62)9:40 (63)9:54 (64)9:74(65) 9:80(66)9:84(67)9:90(68)10:04(69)11:27(70)11:60(71)11:68(72)13:05(73)13:07(74)13:27 (75)13:31(76)13:32 (77)13:33(78)13:43(79)14:13(80)14:18(81)15:02(82)16:84(83)16:88(84)17:98(85)  18:56(86)18:105(87)18:106(88)19:37(89)19:73 (90)21:39(91)21:97(92)22:19(93)22:25(94)22:55(95) 22:57(96)22:72(97)22:72(98)23:24(99)23:33(100)24:57(101)25:32(102)29:12(103)29:23(104) 29:52 (105)30:16(106)33:25(107)34:03(108)34:07(109)34:17(110)34:31(111)34:33(112)34:43(113)34:53 (114)35:07 (115)35:26(116)35:36(117)36:47(118)38:02(119)38:27(120)38:27(121)39:63 (122)40:04 (123)40:10(124)41:26(125)41:27(126)41:29 (127)41:41(128)41:50(129)45:11(130)46:03(131)46:07 (132)46:11(133)46:20(134)46:34(135)47:01(136)47:03(137)47:04(138)47:08 (139) 47:12(140)47:32 (141)47:34(142)48:22(143)48:25(144)48:25(145)48:26(146)51:60(147)52:42(148)57:15(149)57:19 (150)59:02 (151)59:11(152)60:01(153)60:05(154)63:03(155)64:05(156)64:10 (157)66:07(158)66:10 (159)67:06(160)67:27(161)68:51(162)70:36 (163)74:31(164)84:22(165)85:19(166)90:19(167)98:01 (168)98:06=168

 Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Subject Pronoun in nominative state, with prolongation sign; مصدر-كُفْرٌ Verbal Noun. (1)2:257(2)3:55(3)  3:127(4)3:178(5)4:101(6)6:07(7)6:25(8)8:36(9)8:38(10)11:07(11)16:39(12)18:102(13)21:30(14)21:36 (15)24:39 (16)25:04(17)27:67(18)30:58(19)32:29(20)39:71(21)40:06(22)45:31(23)64:07=23

Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows relation of cause and effect + Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-كُفْرٌ Verbal Noun. (1)37:170(2)40:22(3)64:06=3

It stems from Root: ك ف ر. Words made from this Root occur 525 times in 465 Ayahs in 77 Chapters. It is one of the eight Roots that have more than 524 occurrences in the Divine Discourse.

Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الكاف والفاء والراء أصلٌ صحيحٌ يدلُّ على معنىً واحد، وهو السَّتْر والتَّغطية

That it signifies concealing, veiling; covering and hedging.

(لسان العرب)
الكُفْرُ: نقيض الإِيمان

That it is contra of belief, believing, accepting; i.e. disbelief, rejecting, disavowing.

Contra. Root: ء م ن

Contra Root: ش ك ر

The subject of verb: (singular and) (plural) is respectively and . The verb is intransitive but semantically does refer to something one is rejecting or disavowing: to deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with somebody. The point to determine is as to what have they denied to acknowledge because the predicate of sentence reveals it is not related to denial of Grand Qur'aan and the exalted Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam? The foremost attribute of: Mutta'qeena is described:

  • They are the people who heartily accept and believe in the presence of the Unseennot in their sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted. [refer 2:03]

And the opposites of them are: those who have disavowed. What have they rejected to believe? About whom they deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, and association with? They have denied acknowledging the existence and presence of Allah the Exalted. The do so without any cogent reason for which people are asked:

  • How could; [being men of intellect] it is so surprising, you refuse to acknowledge Allah the Exalted, while knowing that you were pieces of matter whereby [determined purpose, by design/will] He the Exalted made you people living [created you from matter 6:02].

The verb is intransitive and is rendered transitive by a prepositional phrase with preposition: بـِ. Allah the Exalted is the creator of humanity. Our association with and our responsibility is for Allah the Exalted Who is our Creator. Who can be more irrational, regardless, unreasonable and heedless than him who rejects the First Cause, the Creator of his existence and acknowledges Him not.

  • Our Majesty has created you people. Thereby, why you people not accept and publicly endorse - affirm this fact? [56:57]

  • Thereby, have you seen-examined that which you people keep pouring? [into receptacle/vagina of respective wives] [56:58]

  • Are you the people who create that-sperm? Or Our Majesty are the Creator? [56:59]

The basic perception infolded in the Root: ء م ن is belief - heartily acceptance and pronouncing the infallible reality and its contr. is Root ك ف ر denoting rejection of the truth without rhyme or reason. These two Roots give the basic classification of humanity into two larger groups:

  • He the Exalted is the One Who has created you people;

  • For reason of enjoying real free will, a rejecter - disbeliever is there amongst you; and a believer in the Creator, without being in sight, is there amongst you.

  • And Allah the Exalted is ever watching the acts you people perform. [64:02]

This Ayah simplistically explains, the otherwise complex philosophical debate about Principle of Sufficient Reason and determinism, that free will is factually real. It is man's real freewill manifestation in not seeking or accepting the explanation for the first cause of his own state of being in existence. There is no restriction upon him from not being irrational and acting against the basic instinct of mind shared by humanity that says everything needs an explanation why it is.

Thus the basic division and classification of human beings is that an individual is either a believer or disbeliever - disavower. 

Man enjoys real freewill, thereby believing or rejecting is his own decision: 

  • And You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "This Grand Qur'aan is the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse, which is sent compactly towards you in easy to read and comprehend composition by your Sustainer Lord.

  • Therefore, there being principle of no coercion, whoever so willed he should thereat voluntarily and happily accept and believe in it; and should someone decided otherwise, he is at liberty to refuse to accept it. [refer18:29]

In line with the basic perception of the Root its convergent meaning is thanklessness contra of gratitude, signified by: Root: ش ك ر.

  • Therefore, you people remember and keep mentioning Me, I will take care of you people.

  • And express gratitude for My favors.

  • And be mindful that you people should not be ungrateful to My favors/graces. [2:152]

The attitude of not recognizing and appreciating the favours and graces is like veiling them:

  • Allah the exalted does not appreciate and approve those who are themselves stingy and miser and to justify their act instruct other people to miserly withhold the worldly wherewithal from spending in the cause of Allah;

  • And conceal from people what Allah has bestowed upon them out of His Bounty; [they should not consider it something better for them-3:180].

  • And We have prepared for the rejecters - ungrateful people a humbling chastisement, disgracing. [4:37]

  • He who had acquired knowledge by studying certain book said, "I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you."

  • Therebyhaving bees asked to go ahead, when he saw that throne placed by his side he said, "This is manifestation of the blessing of my Sustainer Lord so that He may expose me whether I am grateful or I am ungrateful;

  • And know itwhoever expressed gratitude, indeed he expresses gratitude only for his own selfbenefit;

  • And whoever concealed ungratefully then [he harms his own self] it makes no difference since my Sustainer Lord is the Absolute Independent, the Exalted". [27:40]

  • Fact remains, Our Majesty have guided him (the Man) regards the High Road; it is for him whether he remains in state of gratefully acknowledger; or he opts to be desperately ungrateful - unappreciative. [76:03]


Since this concept relates to the very basic classification of human beings and their upshot in the Hereafter, therefore, we will study it in detail by reference to all the ayahs on the subject in Main article:


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