misguidance - straying - waywardness


Main article on the concept: : the aberrant/astray - the unaware - the unmindful - engrossed in deep thinking

It is a definite accusative verbal noun of Form-I; its verbs are: -   and passive voice imperfect is ; imperfect Jussive mood is . Root: ض ل ل.


Verbal Noun: Definite; accusative. (1)2:16(2)2:175(3)4:44=3 

Verbal Noun: Definite; nominative. (1)7:30(2)16:36=2

Verbal Noun: Definite; genitive. (1)19:75=1

Verbal Noun: Indefinite; nominative. (1)7:61=1

Possessive Phrase: Verbal Noun: definite; genitive + Possessive  Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural, in genitive state. (1)27:81(2)30:53=2

Form-II Verbal noun:

Verbal Noun: Indefinite; genitive; [Form-II]. (1)105:02=1



  • The aforementioned are the people who have purposely purchased the misguidance - straying exchanging with the Guidance - (Grand Qur'aan).

  • Thereby, their "Instant Commerce" did not yield benefit.

  • It retained them in a state of those who incline not to become guided aright. [2:16]

  • They are the people who have purchased the misguidance-straying exchanging with the Guidance-Grand Qur'aan.

  • Thus they have bartered retribution for forgiveness.

  • Strange! what is that which has caused them content upon the scorching Hell Prison? [2:175]

  • Have you not marked the attitude of those who were given an earmarked share of the Mother/Principal Book?

  • They indulge in commerce of the engrossing deviations. And they desire that you people may also stray neglectful of the path of truth [and be like them] [4:44]

  • [Having sent the Messenger and the Book] He the Exalted has guided one group. And the other group that has purposely denied to accept: the straying has become manifest signature upon them.

  • They are the people who have purposely adopted satanic minded people as their patrons, colleagues, trailblazers instead of Allah the Exalted.

  • And they wishfully imagine that they have consciously become aright guided. [7:30]

  • He replied: "O my nation, absolutely no delusion preoccupies me;

  • On the contrary, I am the Messenger appointed for conveying the message from the Sustainer Lord of the universes-all that exists. [7:61]

mistaken notion

  • Know the history, Our Majesty did appoint in every nation a Messenger for conveying and directing them, "you people be subservient exclusively to Allah the Exalted and refrain-avoid the defiant, refractory wanderer."

  • Thereby, Allah the Exalted guided aright a group of them; and heedless straying by willful design was established against other group of them.

  • Therefore to know and take heed/lesson, you people traverse in the world , thereat observe the remains-archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who publicly contradicted the Messengers and Verbal message of Allah the Exalted. [16:36]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Anyone who is absorbed in deliberate neglectful indifference, thereby Ar'Reh'maan will certainly permit for him- let him stretch in neglectful indifference, as an extension [granted for a period];

  • Till such time when they would have seen what is being promised to them, either the infliction before the Last Day or the Last Moment;

  • Thereat, they will know with certainty who is at liquefying-irritating place, and is weakest, with regard to supportive people." [19:75]

  • And Allah the Exalted enhances those who have guided their selves aright, improving insight and clarity of guidance: Grand Qur'aan.

  • Take note, the persisting perfect-righteous deeds are better in the judgment of your Sustainer Lord as source of return. and is better in terms of hopefulness. [19:76]

  • And nor you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can act as the Guide for the blind hearted man to take them out of their willful negligence, indifference, (subdued by passion, conjecture and worldly lusts).

  • You cannot cause a man mindfully listen except the one who believes in Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of Qur'aan whereupon they act as Muslims—those who prove their belief by following the prescribed Code of Conduct: Islam. [27:81]

  • And nor you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can act as the Guide for the blind hearted man to take them out of their willful negligence, indifference (subdued by passion, conjecture and worldly lusts).

  • You cannot cause a man mindfully listen except the one who believes in Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of Qur'aan whereupon they act as Muslims—those who prove their belief by following the prescribed Code of Conduct: Islam. [30:53]

Verbal Noun: Definite; nominative. (1)10:32(2)14:18(3)22:12=3

  Verbal Noun: Definite; genitive. (1)34:08=1

Verbal Noun: Indefinite; genitive. (1)3:164(2)6:74(3)7:60(4)12:08(5)12:30(6)13:14 (7)19:38(8)21:54(9)26:97(10)28:85(11)31:11(12)34:24(13)36:24(14)36:47(15)39:22(16)40:25(17) 40:50(18)43:40(19)46:32(20)54:24(21)54:47(22)62:02(23)67:09(24)67:29=24

Verbal Noun: Indefinite; genitive. (1)14:03(2)42:18(3)50:27=3

Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)4:60(2)4:116(3)4:136(4)4:167=4

Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)33:36(2)71:24=2

Possessive Phrase: Verbal Noun: definite; genitive + Possessive Pronoun:  Second person; singular; masculine; in genitive state (1)12:95=1



, Recurrence: (1)4:60(2)4:116(3)4:136(4)4:167=4


  • It is a certain fact that Allah the Exalted had conferred beneficence/indebtedness upon [] the Believers at the moment He appointed a Revivalist/re-Awakener within them as a messenger who was one of staunch monotheist believer in their community*

  • He recites syllable by syllable/word by word upon them Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages of the Book conveying information and facts.

  • And he intellectually uplifts-sanctifies them [by removing shackles of conjectural myths/distortions].

  • And he educates them to read and write the recited text imparting the knowledge of the Book and he teaches them how to attain the wisdom: capability to perceive the information about invisible realities.

  • And they were certainly in a manifest state of unwariness in aforetimes. [3:164]

  • Have you marked conduct of those who falsely assert to have accepted believing in that which is compositely sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and in that which was compositely sent in times before you?

  • They intend they might govern their matters towards refractory state of  no limits, measure and bounds. The fact remains that they were certainly commanded to the effect that they might avoid such refractory conduct.

  • And Ash'Shai'taan: the Satan: Defiant-Refractory desires and intends that he might stray them to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:60]

  • Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted will not forgive that He might be ascribed and associated with partners. And He the Exalted will forgive offences other than this in respect of a person about whom He so decides.

  • Take note; if someone ascribes and associates partners with Allah the exalted:

  •  Thereat, he certainly perished-lost himself to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:116]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • Incline yourselves to heartily believe in Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him; Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];

  • And in the Book having peculiarity that He the Exalted has gradually sent it upon His Messenger, Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];

  • And in the Book whose peculiarity is that He the Exalted had compositely sent in timeline before it: Qur'aan [In'jeel to Easa علیہ السلام People from amongst the Jews on becoming believer are also required to accept and believe in In'jeel which was sent and has been affirmed by Grand Qur'aan]

  • Take note; Should someone refuse to believe in Allah the Exalted; and His Angels; and all the Books and all the Messengers of Him; and the Last Day:

  • Thereat, he certainly perished-lost himself to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:136]

  • Those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept: Grand Qur'aan and they hindered-diverted people from the path of Allah the Exalted:

  • Certainly they have perished-lost themselves to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:167]

  • Be conversant with the history; when Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] said to his paternal father—uncle Aazar: "Do you  purposely adopt hand-carved statues-figurines as miscellaneous iela'aha: godheads?

  • It is a fact that I find you and your nation lost in manifest forgetfulness of reality." [6:74]

  • The ruling elite-chieftains of his nation who had refused to believe replied him:

  • "Indeed we see and consider you in evident delusion-neglectfulness." [7:60]

  • Thereby, you people remain mindful of Allah the Exalted; your Sustainer Lord, the Infallible Reality.

  • Thereby, what is there after acceptance of the infallible fact to turn except neglectful wandering?

  • Therefore, how and for what reason you people are turned away? [10:32]

  • When they discussed amongst themselves: "It is obvious fact that Yu'suf and his mother-born brother are more beloved and nearer for our father than us despite we being a well-knit force; [deserving more attention and position]

  • It is obvious that our father is certainly forgetful/negligent of this fact. [12:08]

  • You kill Yu'suf or carry him to some other land/city;

  • The attention of your father will become exclusively focused for you people;

  • And you people would afterwards live as righteous people." [12:09]

  • And a few women in the city talked: "[look at] Wife of Aziz, she seduces her servant seeking to elicit him fulfilling her desire

  • Indeed he has reached her pericardium, piercing desire for nearness-love has impassioned her.

  • Indeed we find her certainly in a state of manifest forgetfulness/mindlessness". [12:30]

  • And when the caravan departed [from Egypt] at that point in time their father pronounced [to the people around him], "Indeed I certainly find the smell of Yu'suf;

  • If you people do not consider it as aging-talk of me." [12:94]

  • They said, "By Allah, indeed you are certainly absorbed in the old thought. [that Yu'suf is alive]" [12:95]

  • The truthful-real supplication for response is directed exclusively for Him the Exalted.

  • Be mindful, they who call upon others instead of Him the Exalted, such addressees cannot  respond to them, not at all—

  • It is but futile like him who spreads his two hands in the direction of the water so that it might reach his mouth while that water itself can never reach him.

  • Note that the calls/supplications of those who have refused to accept are nowhere except in abandonment. [13:14]

  • They the deniers intensively love the worldly life in preference over the Hereafter;

  • And they hinder/divert people off the High road of Allah the Exalted  and vehemently attempt to render it distracted and misaligned for people [by distortions with conjectural myths].

  • They are the people who are lost in the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [14:03]

  • Understand the similitude of those who persistently refused to acknowledge their Sustainer Lord.

  • Their deeds are like ash; the wind became violently irresistible for it during a day marked by the presence of one [masculine active participle] who makes things revolve.

  • They not at all have control to retain-confine what they had earned from scattering-flying away like ash by the wind.

  • This is what is called the far destructive end of neglectfulness-straying-wandering. [14:18]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] listen and visualize what is being stated about them for the day they will be brought before Our Majesty for accountability;

  • But today the distorters/unjust people are in manifest heedlessness. [19:38]

  • When he said to his uncle and his people:

  •  "What are these statues, the ones for which you people remain around attached?" [21:52]

  • They replied, "We found our forefather as allegiant worshippers for these statues." [21:53]

  • He said, "Certainly I see and find you people have been, you people and your forefathers, in manifest forgetfulness." [21:54]

  • He calls—exhibits allegiance and subservience to some; other than Allah the Exalted, that neither causes  infliction to him nor that causes him any benefit.

  • This is what is called the far destructive end of neglectfulness - straying - wandering. [22:12]

  • They said, while they were mutually disputing—exchanging heated arguments, [26:96]

  • "By Allah the Exalted, Indeed We remained in manifest straying— [26:97]

  • It is a fact that the One, Who had earmarked-assigned-allocated the responsibility of delivery of Qur'aan upon you, He will surely return/revive you the Messenger Mohammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] honorably to the Original Abode [مَقَاماً مَّحْمُوداً  17:79]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "My Sustainer Lord best knows the one who has come along with Al-Huda-the Guide-Grand Qur'aan;

  • And knows fully the one who is wanderer in manifest forgetfulness". [28:85]

  • This is the creation of Allah. Therefore/for reason [if they are real existing personalities] show me what those [whom you call various iela'aha] other than Allah have created.

  • Nay, the fact is that the distorters/unjust people are in manifest heedlessness. [31:11]

  • And for a believing man and a believing woman there is no provision when Allah and His Messenger has concluded/decided about a matter/issue [in Aa'ya'at of the Qur'aan]

  • That there be left for them the discretion/option in their matter [except to say "We have listened and affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted].

  • And whosoever does not accept the words of Allah and His Messenger [recited from the Qur'aan],

  • Thereby he has certainly perished/lost himself to the manifest destructive end of neglectfulness. [33:36]

  • [and they pose a question] "Has he fabricated a lie upon Allah or is he obsessed with delusion?"

  • No, the fact of the matter is that those who do not believe in the Hereafter they are in irksome pain and at far destructive end of neglectfulness/straying/wandering. [34:08]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who provides you sustenance/ provisions for life from the Skies and the Earth;

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Allah provides the sustenance;

  • And it is certain that either We or you people are on guidance or in manifest neglectfulness/ straying/wandering". [34:24]

  • Should I adopt for myself other than Him as various iela'aha? If Ar'Reh'maan intends any harm to me their recommendation will not avert any thing from me;

  • And nor can they escape me. [36:23]

  • It is certain that the moment I do that I will definitely be in manifest straying. [36:24]

  • I have accepted and believed in your Sustainer Lord, therefore, you people listen to me." [36:25]

  • And when it was said to them: "You generously spend some of the sustenance Allah the Exalted has given to you";

  • Those who had refused to believe said for those who had heartily believed: "Should we feed him whom Allah, if so willed, would have fed?.

  • You people are not but in manifest forgetfulness." [36:47]

  • Is it then the one whose chest Allah has opened for Islam whereupon he is on Enlightenment-the Visible Light/Grand Qur'aan from his Sustainer Lord [like that who has opened his chest for disbelief-plunged it into darkness-16:106]
  • For reason/thereby woe/regret is for hardened/inflexible attitude of their hearts about the Reminder/Admonisher of Allah [Grand Qur'aan]
  • They are the people who are in manifest forgetfulness/heedlessness wandering. [39:22]

  • For reason/in consequence [of their arrogant pride] when he brought to them the eminent reality [unprecedented visible signs-displays] from Our Majesty;

  • They/the inner confidants said, "You people kill the sons of those who have believed along with him and let remain their daughters live";

  • But the deceptive plans of the deliberate non believers are nowhere except in abandonment/lurch. [40:25]

  • They replied, "Did not come to you people your Messengers with evident demonstrative signs/distinct Aa'ya'at?"

  • They replied, "No, the fact is that they did come to us."

  • They said, "then you people call!"

  • And the calls/supplications of those who have refused to accept are nowhere except in abandonment. [40:50]

  • Only those people seek [mock] to hasten the Determined Moment who do not accept/believe in it—
  • And those who have believed feel terror of it since they know it is indeed a fact [proven/unavoidable]
  • The fact is that those who indulge in controversy [are in search/create confusion and illusions regarding point of occurrence] about the Appointed Moment—they are indeed in prolonged heedlessness. [42:18]

  • Can you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] cause the deaf to hear—[despite that if they do not intentionally apply faculty of intellect/save the vibrating sounds]

  • Or can you guide/show the path to the blind— [hearted despite that if they do not have/apply vision]

  • And the one who has been in consciously maintained heedlessness wandering. [43:40]

  • Take note; if someone not responds to the Herald of Allah the Exalted;  thereby it should be remembered that there is none who frustrates-averts decisions in the Earth;

  • And not at all protectors are there to help him, other than Allah the Exalted.

  • The non responding to him are the people who are lost manifestly engrossed in deviations." [46:32]

  • His worldly friend/close comrade said, "Our Sustainer Lord, I did not cause him to transgress—

  • But he was at his own in the prolonged heedlessness/straying far away. [50:27]

  • People of Sa'mued publicly contradicted the Warnings— [54:23]

  • Whereupon they said to people, "Should we all consciously follow a solitary man from amongst us—
  • Indeed if we do it, we will immediately be in neglectfulness and insane infatuation— [54:24]

  • Indeed the criminals are in neglectful wandering and insane infatuation [for love of vested interests and worldly enjoyment]. [54:47]

  • He the Exalted is the One Who appointed; within the People identified as: the people who were earlier not given the Book by Allah the Exalted, a revivalist/re-awakener as a Messenger who has been a Staunch Monotheist Believing person in them.

  • He keeps reciting; syllable by syllable/word by word, for you people Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages of the Book conveying information and facts.

  • And he intellectually uplifts-sanctifies them [by removing shackles of conjectural myths/distortions in belief]..

  • And he educates them to read and write the recited text imparting the knowledge of the Book, and he teaches them how to attain the wisdom-capability to perceive the information about invisible realities.

  • And they were certainly in a manifest state of negligence-un-mindfulness in aforetimes. [62:02]

  • They replied to the Warders, "No, the fact is opposite—

  • Indeed Warner had come to us—

  • Then/in response [to his telling the Aa'ya'at] we publicly contradicted and we said, "Allah has sent nothing of the sort, actually you are but in great delusion." [67:09]

  • You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "He/Allah is Ar'Reh'maan, we have believed in Him, and upon Him we trust consciously placing all our affairs for disposal.

  • Resultantly soon shall you people know who is the one who is in manifest heedless wandering." [67:29]

  • [Noah alai'his'slaam further said] "And certainly they caused many neglectfully lost and strayed;

  • And let not those exceed/improve who are evil mongers/mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/ concocted stories except in neglectful wandering and straying."  [71:24]


  • Have you not yet given a thought-visualized as to what your Sustainer Lord innovatively did with "the People of the Elephant—flag as a symbol of strength, power and longevity"? [105:01]

  • Did He the Exalted not make their deceptive/defiant plan plunged in flop and frustration? [105:02]

  • And He the Exalted had sent upon them birds, in successive flocks; [105:03]

  • They were striking them by hurling consecutively upon them stones collected from baked clay—obsidians. [105:04]

  • Thereby, He the Exalted rendered them resembling grain chewed/bitten/edged by teeth. [105:05]