You the Exalted do keep guiding us



  • Our Sustainer Lord Ar'Reh'maan! You the Exalted do keep guiding us upon the High road that leads safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [01:06]

  • This High Road is the Course which was followed by those upon whom You the Exalted have showered blessings.

  • This Path is other than of those upon whom culpability for criminal cognizance/arrest has become incumbent; and nor is of aberrant: those who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints. [01:07]

Main article on: : guidance, beacon - source guiding to the way

Ayah 6-7 comprising of 13 words constitute a verbal sentence which is like complex sentence in English grammar.

Having submitted sincerely and exclusively in absolute allegiance and servitude to the Sustainer Lord Ar'Reh'maan, we reflected that we have complete perception of time-space and of our location on the High road. The Path is for journeying, in progressing and ever changing times, towards the Destination-Place of Rest. We have requested for continued guidance in every moment and steps of our journey on the Path that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility.

Thereat, we mention our perception and understanding about the referred Path that it is the one which is journeyed by those people who were the recipients of showers of mercy and reward; and conversely we define this Path as opposite of the one adopted by those people who are since held guilty for criminal cognizance, and of those who are willfully and neglectfully wandering. They are lost in directionless bewilderment, deliberately being irrational and forgetful that there is always in time and space the "Star"/ The Book to indicate the True Direction.

Hereafter, we will instantly be informed that the Qur'aan is the Guide in time and space for those who remain cautious and wish to avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. The Grand Qur'aan will respond to our prayer and show us the High road and the psyche and conduct of those who were rewarded. It will depict in plain words the psyche and conduct in their entire history of those who have made their selves liable for criminal cognizance. Moreover, it will introduce and explain about those who are aimlessly wandering in directionless bewilderment.

This verbal sentence comprises of: Verb: imperative/request-prayer; Second Person; Singular; Masculine + Subject pronoun [أَنْتَ] hidden + نَا Suffixed first Object Pronoun; First person; plural, in accusative state. It stems from Root:  ھ د ى. The basic perception infolded in the Root is to direct or guide to the way; or cause to take, or follow a right way or course or direction. A way, course, method, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct, or proceeding or the like.

This verbal sentence is also used in 38:22 with slight difference of addition of prolongation sign on pronoun and the addressee is elevated Messenger Da'wood [alai'his'slaam] who was also the king.

  • And has the news of disputants reached to you when they people at their own climbed on to the private chamber[38:21]

  • When they entered on to Da'wood [alai'his'slaam], thereat, he felt cautiously afraid from them [for obvious reason that many people had broken all the security barriers unto the King's privacy]

  • They said, "Do not feel cautious

  • We are two disputant parties, some of us have done wrong upon others, therefore, you decide the matter between us on principle of equity and justice without favour or fear

  • And you guide us towards the equitable course. [38:22]


Progressive number of grammatical units: = 10,320 + 2 = 10,322

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