guidance, beacon - source guiding to the way


  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

  • This Book is a Guide-Manual for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [2:02]

Syntactic analysis and explanation of Ayah

: This noun remains as it is in nominative and accusative case. In possessive phrase the tanwin is dropped being first noun of construct. It stems from Root: ھ د ى.  Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الهاء والدال والحرف المعتلّ: أصلانِ [أحدهما] التقدُّمُ للإرشاد، والآخر بَعثة لَطَفٍ.فالأوَّل قولُهم: هدَيتُه الطَّريق هِدايةً، أي تقدّمتُه لأرشدَه

That it signifies to be at the head for guidance - direction - showing the way to. And secondly it means to become nice, gentle, soft, delicate. It thus denotes the act or process of guiding to the way.

The basic perception infolded in the Root is to direct or guide to the way; or cause to take, or follow a right way or course or direction. A way, course, method, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct, or proceeding or the like. The day is called: because of its brightness, visibility and making every thing prominently evident for the vision, . And: هادية is that rock which is visible from a distance in the ocean.

Thereby, it serves the purpose of giving information about one's location and serves as guide for further proceedings. To remain on the right track, one needs to frequent the book for obtaining guidance about right course of action in ever changing exigencies of life.

The words stemming from this Root occur 316 times in 268 ayahs in 62 Suras (chapters). Number of words is 107, verbs are 69 and nouns 38. All the words share the irreducible semantic feature which is the basic perception embedded in the Root. The verbs and participles are of Form-I and VIII. Form-VIII has reflexive causative meanings and indicates a stronger role of the Subject as a performer of the action involving painstaking, meticulous, sincere effort.

Grand Qur'aan itself is the best lexicon for its important words, particularly for those concepts which will determine the success or failure of its audience. Such concepts are explained by easy-to-understand words and phenomenon which are common to the vocabulary of men of ordinary prudence.

  • Moreover, He the Exalted has rendered for you people certain Stars [Pointers and North Pole]:

  • For self finding the direction with their help while you people are in darkness-clueless locations-unmarked spaces-bewilderment of the Desert-Land and the Ocean..

  • Our Majesty has made the Aa'ya'at: verbal passages conveying information, facts and knowledge about things-concepts as vividly distinct-demarcated-isolated-alienated-crystal clear for the people in pursuit of knowing-understanding. [6:97]

  • And He the Exalted has placed in the Earth anchored-stabilizing mountains; the intent was that it might not shake you all;

  • And water flows;

  • And paths/passages for travel;

  • So that you people may lead your selves to destination. [16:15]

  • And He the Exalted has placed in land marks-pointers;

  • And they people get the direction-guidance with the help of the Star - North pole. [16:16]

The concept of guidance - finding the direction and way is rendered explicit by mentioning a commonly known fact. For guidance and finding a way - direction there has to be a source, it cannot be attained by oneself. Firstly, rendering of certain stars is mentioned for the purpose that people might get guidance for a direction when they are in darkness and are clueless in unmarked locations in deserts and sea. And then placing of water flows and pathways in the Earth are mentioned, its purpose being that people might lead their selves in the direction of their desired destination. Later a general reference is made to marks and pointers in the Earth as another object of the preceding verb. Lastly only one definite star is mentioned by which people certainly get the guidance to choose the desired direction for their movement in the bewilderment.

He the Exalted has rendered/appointed: certain - well-known stars [plural signifying three and/or more] and then it is said people get direction with/by the assistance of: one particular known star [definite singular]. Grand Qur'aan was meant not only for those Arabs and non-Arabs who were its first audience but for the entire humanity in time and space. Therefore, its language is such that it contains and narrates a fact in such manner that it should seem and could have been perceived as an absolute truth by its first listeners and prove to be an absolute fact for the posterity for whom the knowledge of the universe will keep unfolding. The above statement in Grand Qur'aan is a fact from whatever angle it may be seen. In common knowledge, people perceive that North/Pole Star is one but that is not the fact. Today North Star is Polaris but in 7500 there will be some other Star as Pole Star and in 15000 another one will take this place and after 9000 years today's North Pole Polaris will again be stationed there. Let us verify the fact with thanks from Encarta:

"North Star or Polestar, conspicuous star in the northern hemisphere, located closest to the point toward which the axis of the earth is directed, thus roughly marking the location of the north celestial pole. A polestar has been used by navigators throughout recorded history for charting navigation routes and is still used for determining true azimuth and astronomic latitude. The positions of the celestial poles change as the earth's axis moves with the earth's precessional motion (see Ecliptic), and as the north celestial pole assumes different positions relative to the constellations, different stars become the North Star.

During the past 5000 years the line of direction of the North Pole has moved from the star Thuban, or Alpha (a) Draconis, in the constellation Draco, to within one degree of the bright star Polaris, also known as Alpha (a) Ursae Minoris, in the constellation Ursa Minor (Little Dipper), which is now the North Star. Polaris is a binary star of second magnitude, and is located at a distance of about 300 light-years from the earth. It is easy to locate in the sky because the two stars opposite the handle in the bowl of the dipper in the constellation Ursa Major (Big Dipper), which are called the Pointers, point to the star Polaris. See Big Dipper; Constellation; Little Dipper.

In the year 7500 the brightest star in the constellation Cepheus, Alpha (a) Cephei, will mark the pole, and in the year 15,000 the star Vega, in the constellation Lyra, will be the North Star. About 9000 years after that, Polaris will again become the North Star"{"North Star." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005}


Thus the source of aright guidance is but unitary. The pointers towards the beacon of guidance could vary in time and space. Likewise, the elevated Messengers of Allah the Exalted kept changing in timeline for various nations but the guidance they brought was unitary, the Guidance prescribed by Allah the Exalted.

Guidance and to guide means to show somebody the way to a place; to direct or influence somebody's behaviour; and guide somebody through something; to explain to somebody how something functions/works to do something; conduct and manage affairs; how to be successful and accomplish an achievement. Everything that is created, the Creator puts in it necessary "guidance" for all of its components and for the whole unit for its operation and functioning to achieve the purpose for what it is created. Such "guidance" is the mechanism, a process by which something takes place and is brought about and system of parts working together.

  • Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said: "He the Exalted is Our Sustainer Lord Who have given shape and dimensions to every thing of His creation. Afterwards the completion of intermediary processes, He the Exalted prescribed regulation - information code for its course of conduct, proceeding and management. [20:50]


  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], repetitively praising the Name of your Sustainer Lord the Exalted, keep struggling for the assigned job. [87:01]

  • He is the One Who created all that exists. Thereat, He stretched-fashioned-equated-made it even. [87:02]

  • Moreover, He the Exalted is the One Who destined things in measure-limit-scale-proportional relativity. Thereby, He the Exalted prescribed regulation - instruction for its conduct, operation and management. [87:03]

The guidance, in Arabic: is the information-code in relation to matter and cells that are the governing and regulatory instructions for their functioning. For our convenience, we may call them "laws of nature" that exist prior to and independent of their discovery and formulation by us. But like the originator of an information-code, man too is conscious, autonomous with real freewill and liberty of choice. He is however a created entity and is not self-creator. Therefore, he is in need of information-code. What could be the best communication keeping in view the nature of his creation and that how is it conveyed by his Creator?

  • The fact remains that prescribing the regulation - instruction for conduct, operation and management exclusively rests upon Our Majesty. [92:12]

Thus the source of aright guidance is but unitary, Allah the Exalted.

Man before departure to the Earth from the Paradise in extraterrestrial domain was consoled by giving him the first instruction to follow "My guidance" which will enable him to come back to the Paradise with honour and as Permanent Resident with rights of ownership, not merely as guest:

  • We said: "You go down out of this place jointly-together.

  • Take note thenceforth whenever guidance-guide from Me would have come to you people;

  • Thereat, whoever would have followed in letter and spirit My Guidance in such manner that nothing else influences in between;

  • Thereby, fear will not overshadow-haunt such class of people.

  • Neither will they have a cause to feel sad or grieved". [2:38]

It is a complex sentence with four subordinate clauses. This event again finds mention in Chapter 7 with added information:

  • He the Exalted said: "You both go down to Earth, jointly departing from this place: Paradise.

  • There some of you people will be acting as enemy for some others.

  • Take note thenceforth whenever guidance-guide from Me would have come to you people;

  • Thereat, whoever affectionately acted upon My Guidance in letter and spirit in such manner that nothing else influences in between;

  • Thereby, having acted on My Guidance neither would he go stray - neglectful - unrewarded nor would he face trouble - difficulty - inconvenience." [20:123]

This is the eternal Rule, in time and space, for salvation, success and achievement of return to Original Abode. Now consider the similarity between the Messengers and Pointers. All of them pointed towards only one source for guidance, the Book of Allah. Messengers, like the North Star kept changing in time and space, but the point of guidance remained the same. If a group of people differ in the unmarked areas of earth and waters about the direction, who will come to their guidance? North Pole, none else. Anyone who takes it as a guiding source to know the right direction he will find the path and the one who refuses to take it as such shall remain wandering. This suggests that if one wishes to reach the destination safe and sound he will have to bind himself with the Book. But this is the dilemma of humanity that while they know vividly that there cannot be two sources of guidance, yet run away from the Book to meet their own desires and choices in life.

The possessive phrase: "My guidance" is semantically equivalent to possessive phrase: "the Guidance of Allah". The first noun of phrase is definite by construct; it is: "the Guidance". Whoever followed it, in letter and spirit, is ensured return to the Paradise, fear will not haunt them, nor they will have an occasion of grief. Grand Qur'aan is the string, whoever binds himself to it in the like manner of ribosome binding with the Messenger RNA in human genome he warps himself in space-time.

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce; "The fact remains that guidance of Allah the Exalted is certainly it: Qur'aan; it is the Guide.  [refer 2:120;and 6:71]

The definite noun: is an epithet for the Grand Qur'aan. The sentence is repeated in inverse order to explicate that it is the guidance and guide in the space-time:

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce; "The fact remains that: the Guide: Qur'aan is the Guidance of Allah the Exalted."  [refer 3:73]

Since man was descending to the Earth as a Ruler - autonomous entity enjoying real freewill, the upshot of aberrant was also declared:

  • And those people who deliberately refused to accept and publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages of the Book:

  • They are the people who will be the resident subjects-companions of scorching Hell-Prison.

  • They will abide therein permanently. [2:39]

It is one sentence with two subordinate clauses which are otherwise nominal sentences. Same information in same words is repeated:

  • Know about those who deliberately refused to accept and publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of revealed book: Grand Qur'aan:

  • They are the people who will be the residents-companions of the Hell-Prison.

  • They will be the permanent residents therein.

  • Beware; it is an evil abode/destination to land in.  [64:10]

Please note the difference in the choice of words in contrasting of the upshot of two types of people. When it is about successful people, it is conditioned with: "whoever would have followed in letter and spirit My Guidance in such manner that nothing else influences in between". But for the people of negative upshot who will become residents of Hell-Prison, the statement is declarative with reference to those people who not only rejected but also publicly contradicted: about "the signs - unprecedented displays - verbal passages of the Book, of Our Majesty".

We will, therefore, further study it under the topic: the Guidance


Noun: Singular; masculine; nominative/accusative/genitive. (1)2:02(2)2:38(3)2:97(4)2:185(5)3:04 (6)3:96(7)3:138(8)5:44(9)5:46(10)5:46(11)6:91(12)6:154(13)6:157(14)7:52 (15)7:154 (16)7:203(17) 10:57(18)12:111(19)16:64(20)16:89(21)16:102(22)17:02(23)18:13(24)19:76(25)20:10(26)20:123(27) 22:08(28)27:02 (29)28:43(3)31:03(32)31:20(33)32:23 40:54(34)41:44 (35)45:11(36)45:20(37)47:17=37 

In nominate state: (1)2:2(2)2:38(3)3:138(4)5:44(5)5:46(6)6:157(7)7:154(8)7:203(9)10:57(10)16:102(11)20:123(12)27:2(13)41:44 (14)45:11(15)45:20=15

In accusative case (1)2:97(2)2:185(3)3:4(4)3:96(5)5:46(6)6:91(7)6:154(8)7:52(9)12:111(10)16:64(11)16:89(12)17:2(13)18:13(14) 19:76(15)20:10(16)28:43(17)31:3(18)32:23(19)40:54(20)47:17=20

In genitive case (1)22:8(2)31:20=2 by conjunction with the preceding noun in genitive case.

Ayahs are reproduced below.

Other grammatical units with this noun





Prefixed Emphatic particle + Noun: Singular; masculine; nominative. (1) 27:77=1

  Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; accusative. (1)2:120(2)3:73(3)6:71(4)6:88(5) 39:23=5

: In nominate state: as predicate of nominal sentence; and as subject of a verb;

  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

  • This Book is a Guide-Manual for those who endeavor to remain cautious and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [2:02]

  • We said: "You go down out of this place jointly-together.

  • Take note thenceforth whenever guidance-guide from Me would have come to you people;

  • Thereat, whoever would have followed in letter and spirit My Guidance in such manner that nothing else influences in between;

  • Thereby, fear will not overshadow-haunt such class of people.

  • Neither will they have a cause to feel sad or grieved". [2:38]

  • This: Qur'aan is an explicit elucidation for the people at large.

  • And it is guidance: regulatory information for aright conduct and counseling: results of affairs- disclosure of factual outcome of acts: good and bad eventuality, reward and punishment - penal code, for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [3:138]

  • Indeed We had compositely sent the Tor'aat; guidance and life sustaining illuminating light was explicitly explained therein.

  • The Elevated and Chosen Allegiants of Allah the Exalted adjudged by its standard those who had submitted for those who had become Jews

  • And the rabbis and the intelligentsia-scholars adjudged with those contents of the Book of Allah the Exalted which survived-remained guarded and they were attesters upon it.

  • Therefore, you should not dread people; instead be completely in awe of Me.

  • Take caution that you the religious leaders/scholars should not indulge in business with My Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages for a trifling price-worldly gain.

  • Be mindful; if anyone in timeline decided and commanded not by that: the Book which Allah the Exalted communicated:

  • Thereby, they are the people who are in fact the non-believers. [5:44]

  • And We succeeded them by Easa [alai'his'slaam], son of Maryam, on their pattern-prototype; [after Mūsā [alai'his'slaam 2:87].

  • He acted as the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier-Authenticator of prevalent information before him which was truly the content of Tor'aat.

  • And We gave him the book named In'jeel.  Regulation - information code for aright course of conduct was prescribed therein. And it had the illuminating light in its contents showing the straight path to destination.

  • And this book acted as affirmer and sanctifier of prevalent information before it which was truly the content of Tor'aat.

  • And as a Guide and cautioning advice for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation, [5:46]

  • Or lest you people take the plea claiming: "Had it been so that the Book was compositely sent upon us, we would have certainly been guided people better than those two groups: Jews and Christians".

  • Therefore, a lucid discourse and guidance and blessing has come to you people from your Sustainer Lord;

  • Thereby, who could be a greater evil monger, a distorter, creator of imbalances, disorder, over stepping than him who publicly contradicted the Verbal Passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted and turned away from them.

  • Soon shall We requite those who turn away from Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of Qur'aan, with irksome punishment because of their deliberate turning away. [6:157]

  • And (after enquiry and repentance of nation) when the anger calmed down/appeased from Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] he picked up the Tablets;

  • Guidance was explicitly explained in its transcript; and mercy was assured therein for those who are mindful and feel awe for their Sustainer Lord. [7:154]

  • And when You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] did not come to them with a new Ayah: Unitary Verbal Passage of Qur'aan, they said: "Why have you not yourself gathered - compiled it?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them: "Indeed I practically follow in letter and spirit that (Qur'aan) which is communicated to me by my Sustainer Lord".

  • This (Qur'aan) is evocative luminous enlightenments: Verbal descriptive passages enabling mental imaging are folded therein; it is a communication from your Sustainer Lord.

  • And it is guidance: regulatory information for aright conduct and an act of Mercy-Blessing for the people who accept and believe. [7:203]

  • O you the Mankind, listen!

  • Indeed an advice- disclosure of factual outcome of acts: good and bad eventuality has since come to you people. It was disclosed by the Messenger under command from your Sustainer Lord.

  • And a Healer and Curer for those psychological - personality disorders - diseases which are nurtured in the chests/organs located within the chests.

  • And it is a Guide in time and space and a mercy - blessing for the true believers. [10:57]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It has been sent as Bounty of Distinction by Allah the Exalted with His Mercy. Thereby, they the true believers should rejoice.

  • This (Grand Qur'aan) is far better a blessing than what they the disbelievers collect and hoard. [10:58]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that the trusted executor of vital command: Gib'rei'l [alai'his'slaam] has communicated it: Grand Qur'aan successively and intermittently from your Sustainer Lord as infallible discourse.

  • The objective is that it might keep them a firm fraternity who have believed.

  • And it serves as a Guide and guarantee of good news for the people who conduct on prescribed procedure-pattern of life [Islam after believing]. [16:102]

  • He the Exalted said: "You both go down to Earth, jointly departing from this place: Paradise.

  • There some of you people will be acting as enemy for some others.

  • Take note thenceforth whenever guidance-guide from Me would have come to you people;

  • Thereat, whoever affectionately acted upon My Guidance in letter and spirit in such manner that nothing else influences in between;

  • Thereby, having acted on My Guidance neither would he go stray - neglectful - unrewarded nor would he face trouble - difficulty - inconvenience." [20:123]

  • This (Qur'aan) is a Guide in every moment of life, and conveyer of glad tidings for those who have heartily accepted-believed in it  [27:02]

  • However, had Our Majesty rendered it: Qur'aan inter-textually in some non-Arab: indistinct language, [contrary to their present assertions of teaching by a Non-Arab-16:103] they would certainly have said to people exclaiming: "Why the Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages of it are not individuated distinguishing and exposing the information in a crystallized manner?

  • Can a Non Arabic: indistinct language and Arabic: distinct-eloquent language be considered at par?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for humanity: "It is a guide and healer for all those (whether Arab or Non Arab) who have heartily accepted it.

  • And the fact about those who do not heartily accept it is that as if a heavy load is deposited within their ears: acoustic impedance is persisting in their ears.

  • And it (Grand Qur'aan) is in black - obscured state not reflecting light upon them.

  • They are the people as if they are being called to listen and see Grand Qur'aan from a far distant place. [41:44]

  • This (Grand Qur'aan) is Guidance/Guide [in time and space]

  • And those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept the Aa'ya'at: Unitary verbal passages of their Sustainer Lord

  • Be mindful, a grave torment is in wait-prepared for them. [45:11]

  • This (Qur'aan) is a evocative - verbal Documentary for the humanity.

  • And this is a guide: regulatory information for aright conduct; and mercy-blessing for the people who seek rationally convincing knowledge-conceptualize. [45:20]

In accusative case it is used as circumstantial accusative for the referred book; as disambiguation accusative (18:13;19:76;47:17); and as object of verb (20:10; 32:23).

(1)2:97(2)2:185(3)3:4(4)3:96(5)5:46(6)6:91(7)6:154(8)7:52(9)12:111(10)16:64(11)16:89(12)17:2(13)18:13(14)19:76(15)20:10(16) 28:43(17)31:3(18)32:23(19)40:54(20)47:17=20

  • O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, he who has been an antagonist for Gib'rei'l

  • Because he has intermittently brought it down to rest upon your heart by the prior explicit Will of Allah the Exalted.

  • It is the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier of that which was sent in times before it.

  • Moreover, it is a Guide in every moment of life and conveyer of glad tidings for those who have heartily accepted-believed in it. [2:97]

  • The month of Ramadan is the month during which the Qur'aan was compositely sent.

  • It is a guidance for the people; and distinctly self explanatory verbal passages were gradually communicated from the miscellany of Al-Huda'a: the Guide and Al-Furqau'n: the Criterion; the Separator of right from wrong, fact from falsity-conjecture.

  • Therefore, if he who reaching adulthood amongst you has seen this month he should observe it by fasting.

  • And he who has been suffering amongst you from sickness or was embarking on a journey may adjourn fasting. Thereby, the adjourned fasting be accomplished to the count during the days of another month.

  • Allah the Exalted intends easiness for you people and never intends difficulty-awkwardness for you.

  • And its purpose is that you might complete the count of fasting and that you might proclaim and praise the Sublime grandeur of Allah the Mightiest upon your getting aright guided (by adhering to Qur'aan);

  • And so that you people might keep expressing gratitude. [2:185]

  • He the Exalted has gradually sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book (Grand Qur'aan) containing miscellany of infallible facts.

  • It (Grand Qur'aan) is the testifier-affirmer to sanctify that which was sent in times before it.

  • And He the Exalted had sent in one go the Tor'aat and In'jeel [3:03]

  • In times before it: Grand Qur'aan. They served as a guide for the people.

  • And He the Exalted had sent in one go Al-Furqau'n; the Criterion.

  • Authentic information about those who have deliberately refused to accept the Aa'ya'at of Allah the Exalted: Verbal passages of revelation or unprecedented physical displays, is that a severe corporeal punishment is in wait for them.

  • And be cognizant that Allah the Exalted is the Dominant, the holder of authority to award due punishment to criminals. [3:04]

  • Undoubtedly the FIRST House appointed for the peoples is certainly the one that was raised [from foundations by Iebra'heim along with Iesma'eile [alai'his'slaam]] on a plot in the valley named Becca [in those days; later City: Mecca].

  • Its prominent characteristic is that it is perpetuated. And that it is beacon of guidance for the mankind. [3:96]

  • And We succeeded them by Easa [alai'his'slaam], son of Maryam, on their pattern-prototype; [after Mūsā [alai'his'slaam 2:87].

  • He acted as the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier-Authenticator of prevalent information before him which was truly the content of Tor'aat.

  • And We gave him the book named In'jeel.  Regulation - information code for aright course of conduct was prescribed therein. And it had the illuminating light in its contents showing the straight path to destination.

  • And this book acted as affirmer and sanctifier of prevalent information before it which was truly the content of Tor'aat.

  • And as a Guide and cautioning advice for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation, [5:46]

  • Know it; they amongst the Jews did not esteem Allah the Exalted as is appropriate for His Magnificence:

  • When they said: "Allah has not sent anything compositely upon the Man. [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Who had compositely sent the Book; that along with which Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] had come back; it was enlightening and guidance for the people.

  • You people declare it: Book brought by Mūsā [alai'his'slaam- Tor'at] as fragmented papers; you show individual written pieces of  papers and you conceal most of them disclosing to people.

  • And you people were taught that which you did not know earlier nor your fathers knew."

  • [They keep mum] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "Allah the Exalted sent both."

  • Afterwards having told them you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them playing in their conjectural discourses. [6:91]


  • [Reverting to the historical information about Messengers-6:86] Afterwards, We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book [duly written down on tablets-7:145];

  • It served comprehensively for him who wished to conduct appropriately and rationally.

  • And it was composed wherein every matter-aspect was categorized and individuated.

  • And it was a guide and blessing.

  • Its objective was that they might believe in their presentation for accountability before their Sustainer Lord. [6:154]

  • Indeed Our Majesty had brought them: the discarded people in Hell-prison a book. Its characteristic feature was that We had made its contents explicitly demarcated and delineated based upon absolute knowledge:

  • It serves as a guide and blessing for the people who heartily accept it. [7:52]

  • Certainly a terrorizing and awakening lesson; embedded in the replicated verbal narration of the episodes/incidents of those people, is mirrored for men of understanding who reflect objectively to arrive at the purpose/objective of it.

  • Qur'aan is not such discourse that someone could have compiled-fabricated-authored it.

  • On the contrary, it is but the affirmation-certification of that revelation which was sent before it;

  • And it has the elaboration, organization, differentiation, delineation and contrast of each and every matter.

  • And it is the Guide in time and space because of its permanence, leading on the way to destination and is Mercy/blessing for the believing people. [12:111]

  • People should realize it, Our Majesty have sent the Book: Grand Qur'aan to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] but for the purpose that you may render explicitly crystal clear for them any point in which they differed;

  • And for the purpose that it serves as the Guide in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination and is blessing for the believing people. [16:64]

  • Beware of the Day when Our Majesty will resurrect a witness who was sent in every nation as Messenger; staunch monotheist amongst them, to testify upon them;

  • And We have brought you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] as Witness upon these people.

  • And We have sent in piecemeal upon you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book: Qur'aan. It will serve as criterion for evaluating, distinguishing and classifying each and all affairs and issues.

  • And will serve as Guide, and Mercy-blessing, and heartening guarantee for the people who conduct their lives on prescribed procedure-pattern of life: Islam. [Ref 16:89]

  • Know it, Our Majesty gave Mūsā  [alai'his'slaam] the Book and We rendered it as guide for Bani Iesraa'eel:

  • By advising them: "you people should not adopt, apart from Me, anyone as trustee, protector and disposer of affairs[17:02]

  • We replicate verbally to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] step by step-event by event the news about them, infallibly truthful facts.

  • It is true, they were youths who had believed in their Sustainer Lord and We improved them with regard to the level of guidance. [18:13]

  • And Allah the Exalted enhances those who have guided their-selves aright, improving insight and clarity of guidance (Grand Qur'aan).

  • Take note, the persisting perfect-righteous deeds are better in the judgment of your Sustainer Lord as source of return. and is better in terms of hopefulness. [19:76]

  • And has the episode - story of Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] reached you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]?  [20:09]

  • When [traveling after having left city of Madyan, by the side of At-Tur] he had seen fire whereby he said to his accompanying family:

  • "You people [wife + at least two children with one certainly male, both less than nine years of age] stay here. Indeed I have seen and perceived fire; I am going there perhaps I will bring for you from there fire balls (it indicates that it was a cold night of winter)

  • Or I will get some guiding information at the place of the fire ". [20:10]

  • Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book

  • After the earlier Civilizations which We had annihilated

  • It served as a Verbal Documentary for people; and a Guide and Mercy-Blessing.

  • The objective was that they might save it in memory, thereby remember and recall to narrate it to others. [28:43]

  • These are the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Miscellany of the Book which gives insight to the invisible, hidden, secreted realities.  [31:02]

  • The Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination] and Mercy/ blessing for those who are moderate, graceful and generous. [31:03]

  • And it is certain that We had given Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book.

  • For reason [if they do not come to you with At'Toraat-3:93] you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] let not yourself be in disturbing worry for its presentation.

  • And We had declared that Book/At'Toraat as guidance for Bani Iesraa'eel. [32:23]

  • And it is certain that in the past We had given to Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Guidance-Guide:

  • And We had caused Bani Iesraa'eel to inherit the Book. [40:53]

  • Its served as guidance and a source-reference book to frequent for the men of wisdom who look into matters objectively without overlapping with emotions-prejudices-biases-whims-caprices. [40:54]

  • And those who consciously and purposely sought to get guided it enhanced them in guidance, and caused them to gain their psyche of endeavoring for their salvation. [47:17]

In genitive case (1)22:8(2)31:20=2 by conjunction with the preceding noun in genitive case.

  • Notice the person amongst the people who wrangles about the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of Allah the Exalted arguing by conjectural unsubstantiated myths void of knowledge;

  • And without guidance and without the visible light-reflectingenlightening book;  [22:08]

  • Have you people [despite existing-living in 21st century] not yet seen-given a thought to the fact that Allah the Exalted has subjected-subjugated all which is located in the Skies and in the Earth solely for you people to a set discipline-relativity?

  • Moreover, He the Exalted has amply extended upon you people His bounties, in the state visibly apparent and infolded [in things].

  • However, yet amongst the people is the one who wrangles about Allah the Exalted [Aa'ya'at/manifestations of] without having any concrete knowledge;

  • And without guidance and without the visible light-reflectingenlightening book;  [but with conjectural unsubstantiated myths]. [31:20]

(1)2:5(2)31:5=2 Prepositional Phrase relating to elided predicate of nominal sentence - dependent clause.

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success -  fruitfulness. [2:05] [Its Replica/Mirror 31:05]

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success - fruitfulness. [31:05]

=(1)22:67=1 Prefixed particle of emphasis + Prepositional phrase coupled with adjectival phrase.

  • Know it; Our Majesty have declared one and the same obligatory procedure for every nation - generation. They are accustomed to it.

  • Therefore, they should not henceforth indulge in controversy-argument with you in the matter.

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] invite towards your Sustainer Lord,

  • Indeed you have been living upon guidance that is straight leading to the Sustainer Lord. [22:67]

(1)34:24=1 Prefixed particle of emphasis + Prepositional phrase

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who provides you sustenance/ provisions for life from the Skies and the Earth;

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Allah provides the sustenance;

  • And it is certain that either We or you people are on guidance or in manifest neglectfulness/ straying/wandering". [34:24]

(1)28:50=1 Prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase

  • Thereby, should they purposely decide not to respond to you: thereat, conclusively know it that they uninterruptedly follow only their desires, conjectures and fascinations.

  • And who is more astray than he who followed his selfish lusts and myths on the ground other than the Guidance-Book received from Allah the Exalted?

  • Indeed, Allah the Exalted does not guide, against their will-considered decision, those who are mischievous-distorters-Substituter of facts with conjectures-myths-concocted stories. [28:50]

Prefixed Emphatic particle + Noun: Singular; masculine; nominative. (1) 27:77=1

  • And indeed it (Qur'aan) is certainly a Guide [in time and space] and Mercy/blessing for the true believers. [27:77]


Progressive number of grammatical units: = 12,472 + 37 = 12,509

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