The Infinite Glory and Praise

The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted, the Sustainer Lord of the
Known-Multiple universes-All that exists—[01:02]
The Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is
Ar'Reh'maan Who
is eternally the Fountain of Infinite Mercy—[01:03]
Ar'Reh'maan is the Sovereign - the
adjudicating Authority on "The Day of Judgment and Requital".
: Ayah 2 to
4 comprising of 9 words constitute one simple
nominal sentence-
الْجُمْلَةُ الاِسْمِيَّةُ;
the addition of adjectives,
prepositional, possessive and adjectival phrases to a simple
sentence does not change it into a complex sentence.
Semantically it is declarative expressing a fact that is
not bound in time and space. It is as such even before the physical
realm was made to take existence.
The topic of this study is the
and its sub-topic is:
epithet - adjective as one of:
The names - nouns attributing the sublime preeminence,
proportion, equilibrium, admiration, grandeur, just, majesty, absoluteness, and
beauty; infinitely awesome.
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
(1)01:02(2)6:01(3)6:45(4)7:43(5)10:10(6)14:39(7)16:75 (8)17:111(9)18:01(10)23:28
(11)27:15(12)27:59(13)27:93 (14)29:63(15)30:25(16)34:01
(17)35:01(18)35:34(19)37:182 (20)39:29(21)39:74(22)39:75(23)40:65=23
It is mentioned 26 times exclusively for Allah - Ar'Reh'maan the
Exalted. In three ayahs, it is the delayed subject in inverted
nominal sentence. In two ayahs:
is not mentioned, instead pronoun is used. All Ayahs are
reproduced in the end.
It is the nominal
الْجُمْلَةُ الاِسْمِيَّةُ
and the remaining phrases are additions.
Nominal sentence has two parts: the Subject; and the
Subject of a nominal
sentence - topic;
خَبَر : Predicate of a nominal sentence - comment.
Peculiar features of
Subject may be
single noun, proper noun;
demonstrative pronoun;
a pronoun; a relative
clause; or it may
be a phrase other than a prepositional phrase. But it cannot be a complete sentence.
However, if the topic of a sentence is a phrase: it may itself
contain embedded sentence.
Subject is like a start codon
in genes and it must be firstly identified in the sentence for accurate translation.
T he topic of a sentence cannot be
any of the
following two elements;
(a) Prepositional phrase;
Adverbial phrase
When any of above
two entities appear in the beginning - location of
subject of a
sentence, they in fact relate to the predicate/ comment and the order of the sentence has
been inverted. Such are inverted nominal sentences.
خَبَر : Predicate of a nominal sentence - comment. The comment of a sentence may be a single word, a
phrase, or an entire sentence. When it is an entire sentence, that
sentence will have its own structure and all the rules will apply to it as well. The embedded sentence must be
treated as a brand new sentence with its own internal rules, grammatical
positions, and so forth.
: [مبتدأ مرفوع بالضمة]
It is the Subject/Topic. The peculiar identification of Nominal Subject is
the ending vowel, it is always nominative. In Arabic, common nouns are
indefinite by default.
There is no indefinite article like the English "a" and "an".
Instead there is a declension that indicates "indefiniteness"; this
is called "Nunation"
الْتَّنْوِيْنُ ــًــٍــٌ
tanwīn symbols.
One way of rendering a common noun definite is by prefixing a
أَدَاْةُ الْتَّعْرِيْفِ
the definite article:
And such word is called:
معرف باللام a word made definite by definite
article. The definite article
is apparently composed of
two letters, the first one is a consonant:
However, this is of the type that is called:
هَمْزَةُ الوَصْلِ "the
of connection". This is written by placing a "small neck" of
consonant "ص" on letter "ا".
The letter "ل" of definite
in the word
: "lunar laam". This is so called since it is
prefixed and followed by one of 14
letters of Arabic alphabet which are termed as "Moon letters"; they
، ب ، ج ، ح ، خ ، ع ، غ ، ف ، ق ، ك ، م ، هـ ، و ،
Types of definite article:
1. الْعَهْدِيَّةُ: Definite article is referential. It
means reference, previous knowledge, acquaintance; it refers to a thing
already known to the speaker - author and the listener -reader. The
source of knowledge could be either:
(a) الْعَهْدُ الْحُضُورِىُّ : The
thing is right in front of you, presence. Thereby, the speaker and
listener know it.
(b) الْعَهْدُ الذِّكْرِيُّ: The
object or the person has been mentioned before either by the speaker or
the listener. It is knowledge gained by its having been mentioned
(c) الْعَهْدُ الذِّهْنِيُّ : In
this the common knowledge is based on context.
2. الْجِنْسِيَّةُ : This type
refers to the genus. It has two sub-divisions:
(a) الْجِنْسِيَّةُ لأِسْتِغْرَاقِ
الْجِنْسِيَّةِ: It is used to comprehend all the members of the genus;
(b) الْجِنْسِيَّةُ لبَيَانَ
الحَقِيقَةِ: It is to point only a fact, it does not include all
members of the genus; generally speaking: 4:34.
(3) الزَّائِدَةُ : Certain Arabic
words have it as inseparable prefix, like relative pronouns and some
names of countries, cities.
The prefixed definite article is of the type:
الْجِنْسِيَّةُ لأِسْتِغْرَاقِ
denoting/ascribing to the suffixed noun universality -
not bound to time-frame or event.
The suffixed noun originates from
Root "ح م د". The basic perception infolded in the Root is to
willingly and sincerely acknowledge and appreciate the grandeur and
greatness, positive and proportionate qualities, traits and acts of a
person and thereby revere and express admiration. ح م د:
is used only for a person of will and intellect and not for matter and other living
creatures while the English word "praise" refers to expression of
admiration for somebody or something. حمد) ح م د
) It is the prerogative and exclusive right of
a person intrinsically possessor of grandeur, greatness, power,
dominion, sovereignty, actions etc., and on the other hand it is an obligation
upon others to recognize, acknowledge and express their admiration
reflecting willful and affectionate acceptance of their relative
inferiority and humility.
The only passive verb used in Grand Qur'aan reflects that
functionally its use is for reason - in relation to acts—performances—accomplishments:

Classical lexicons stated that it is antonym of censure,
vilification, vituperation.
The notion of Root ح م د
in English is portrayed by the semantic field
"praise": [Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus / [ed. by B. A. Kipfer]. – N.-Y. :
Laurel, 1993. – 860 p.]
The notion ‘praise’ forms the corresponding semantic concept or
semantic field which embraces the following verbs:
Commend, praise,
laud, compliment, applaud, clap, cheer, acclaim, encore, eulogize,
boost, root for, cry up, puff, extol, magnify, glorify, exalt, sing the
praises of;
Commendatory, complimentary, laudatory, panegyric,
eulogistic, lavish of praise, uncritical;
Approved, praised, popular, in
good odor, in high esteem, in favour, in high favour; To give thanks,
say grace, bless, praise, laud, glorify, magnify, sing praises [16, p.
Another lexicographical source – Oxford Compact Thesaurus / [ed. by
A. S. Hornby]. – Oxford : 92 Oxford University Press, 2005. – 929 p.
provides such constituents of the semantic field of ‘praise’:
Praise –
commend, express admiration for, applaud, pay tribute to, speak highly
of, eulogize, compliment, congratulate, sing the praises of, rave about,
go into raptures about, heap praises on, wax lyrical about, make much
of, pat on the back, take one’s hat off to, lionize, admire, admire,
Glorify, honour, exalt, adore, pay tribute to, give thanks to,
venerate, reverence, Approval, acclaim, admiration, approbation,
acclamation, plaudits, congratulations, commendation; Tribute, accolade,
compliment, a pat on the back, eulogy, panegyric, give praise to God,
honor, thanks, glory, worship, devotion, adoration, reverence [15, p.

The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted—
He Who innovatively
created the Skies and the Earth;
And He
the Exalted rendered the layers of dark matter/darkness; and the Visible Light.
acknowledging it they who refused
to accept ascribe equals with their Sustainer Lord.

Know it; Our Majesty extracted -
resolved whatever
resentment - illwill that nurtured in their hearts in worldly life
against someone of them.
[sitting like brothers in
front of each other-15:47]
They will be enjoying streams flowing side-by them
And they said: "Glorifying praise is for Allah
the Exalted. He guided us for this place. And it would not have been
possible for us to guide ourselves aright had the guidance of Allah not
come to us.
Undoubtedly the Messengers of our Sustainer
Lord had come along with infallible verbal discourse."
And they will be addressed; this is
the Paradise;
you people have indeed deserved and rendered it inheritance with what you people
kept doing. [الحمد لله
how appreciative and encouraging remarks] [7:43]

Their prayer therein
would be: "Glory is for You, Allah the Exalted". And their greetings
and pleasantries therein would be wishing peace and tranquility.
And their departing call
is pronouncement: "The Infinite Glory and Praise is specified eternally,
entirely and exclusively for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the
Existing Worlds-All that exists". [10:10]

السلام said]
Infinite Glory and Praise
stands specified eternally, entirely and
exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
He the Exalted has granted me
Iesma'eile [alai'his'slaam] and Ies'hauq
upon reaching the old
Indeed My Sustainer Lord is
certainly the listener of the prayer. [14:39]

Allah the Exalted has
struck a contrast by an example of a subjugated person; his peculiarity is that he
persistently have no power and prerogative over anything;
And another person whom
Our Majesty
have given from Our Grace affluent stable sustenance whereby he
spends out of it, secretly and publicly;
Adjudge, are such
people considered equivalent in public eye?
[having understood the point
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
However, the fact
remains that most of them do not know;
retain not such simple facts in their memory.

And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
pronounce, "The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted. He the Exalted has never adopted a
And never ever there
was a partner-associate for Him the Exalted to share the dominion
and sovereign power.
And never ever there
was a companion, protector for Him, needed for overcoming weakness."
And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
intensively glorify Him,
emphatically expressing the Sublime Greatness.

The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
He is the One Who
has since communicated the Book: Grand Qur'aan to His
sincere allegiant
[Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].
And He the Exalted has not
inserted for him any ambiguous, illusory, conflicting, contradictory, confusing, unaligned
matter and statement in the Book. [18:01]

Thereupon when you have boarded, you and
whoever is with you, on the Ship:
Then say, "The
Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for
Allah the Exalted, He Who has rescued us from the unjust nation." [23:28]

Know the past
history, We had indeed imparted
knowledge to Da'wued and
And both, "The
Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for
Allah, the One Who has given us distinction upon most of His believing
allegiants". [27:15]

You the Messenger
pronounce declaratively, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is
entirely and exclusively for Allah the Exalted; and respects-salutations-tranquility and peace is upon His
sincere allegiants whom He has chosen."
Do they realize not, Allah is the Superb
and Exalted than what they
associate with Him? [27:59]
Moreover, you the Messenger
"The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally stands specified entirely and
exclusively for Allah the Exalted. He the Exalted will henceforth keep visually showing you people His Aa'ya'at:
Unitary Passages mirroring physical
realities [in the Universe and your own bodies]
Thereat, you people will keep recognizing them as were verbally mirrored".
And your Sustainer Lord is indeed never
unmindful/neglecting of what acts you people perform.

And He is
Allah the
Realize it about miscellany of iela'aha:
deities that are
uncritically admired, adorned
and worshipped; none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except He the
Alone Sustainer
The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally and
exclusively is for Him in the
beginning and in the End-Hereafter.
And the decision/commanding the matters is the
exclusive prerogative for Him the Exalted,
And you will people be presented before Him [on day of
Resurrection] for accountability.

T hey will certainly answer "Allah did it"
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
pronounce, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is
entirely and exclusively for Allah the Exalted."
Nay, the fact is that most of them
do not apply intellect to discern/distinguish.


And if you ask them as to who created the
Skies and the Earth;
They will certainly answer
"Allah did it".
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
pronounce declaratively, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is
entirely and exclusively for Allah."
Nay, the fact of the matter is that most of them
do not know. [31:25]


The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is
entirely and exclusively for Allah,
The One for Whom: Whatever
exists in the Skies and
whatever exists in the Earth are subservient-dependant-subjects
for Him the Exalted;
And the Infinite Glory and Praise in
the Hereafter is for Him the Exalted.
Know it, He is
the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm;
absolutely aware of all evident and secreted. [34:01]

The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
He is the Primal
Originator-Creator of the Skies and the Earth.
He appoints the Angels as messengers,
the possessors of wings, twos, and threes, and fours.
He/Allah increases/adds in the
creation [in whatever manner]
He wills
Allah the Exalted
has eternally the command and control over each and all things,
individually and collectively, to set them right-fix them in measure.

And they said amongst
themselves, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is
entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has removed away from us the
Certainly our Sustainer Lord
is indeed the Oft Forgiving, the Recognizer, acknowledger and
appreciative; [35:34]

Allah the Exalted has
struck citing a man whose characteristic is that many
persons of conflicting nature and psyche have partnership rights of
subjugation-subordination-service in holding him;
and of another man
who is subservient-in obedience solely for one man.
Adjudge, do they
both equalize for purposes of citing?
[having understood the point
and you not being such man, say]
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
However, the fact is that most of them
pursue not to know
[retain such simple facts in their memory].

And they pronounced,
"The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is
entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has fulfilled for Us His
And He has made us the
demesne of the Land that we may settle
ourselves in the part of Paradise wherever we wish".
Thereby what a
pleasant/exalted/aggrandized reward of performers is. [39:74]

you the Messenger
will see
the Angels
active in the surroundings
of the atmosphere of The Exalted [Al-Arsh]
repetitively mentioning the Glory with praises of their Sustainer Lord.
And the matter is decided and
finally concluded amongst all the resurrected people on the basis of the
Statement of Fact-the Book/the proven and established fact and justice.
On having everything resolved and people settled
in respective abodes, it was said [by all],
"The Infinite Glory and Praise
is truly eternally and exclusively for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the
Known/Existing Worlds-All that exists".

He the Exalted is The Living;
Realize it about miscellany of iela'aha:
deities that are
uncritically admired, adorned
and worshipped; none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except He the
Alone Sustainer
Therefore, you people
[the heedful] call
upon Him remaining exclusively sincere devotee/allegiant
for Him in the physical conduct/code/procedure of life,
The Infinite Glory and Praise is
specified eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah, the Sustainer
Lord of the Existing Worlds-All that exists. [40:65]

Therefore, the Infinite Glory and Praise stands
specified, eternally and
exclusively, for Allah the Sustainer Lord of the Skies; and the Sustainer Lord of
the Earth,
[to cut short the list]
the Sustainer Lord of all the Known/Existing Worlds/all that exists. [45:36]

Whatever exists in the
skies and whatever exists in the Earth carries out all
effort exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
For Him is the dominion/Sovereignty
and for Him is eternally and exclusively the Infinite Glory
and the Praise.
And He the Exalted is eternally the Causality
Determiner upon
entire physical realm.
epithet - adjective as one of:
The names - nouns attributing the sublime preeminence,
proportion, equilibrium, admiration, grandeur, just, majesty, absoluteness, and
beauty; infinitely awesome.
Progressive number of grammatical units: 7 + 26 =33

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