epithet - adjective as one of:
The names - nouns attributing the sublime preeminence,
proportion, equilibrium, admiration, grandeur, just, majesty, absoluteness, and
beauty; infinitely awesome.
The nominal sentence:
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified
eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted, the Sustainer Lord of the
Known-Multiple universes-All that exists—can
be described by the epithet:
which is Adjective resembling participle or termed as Verbal Adjective, on فَعِيْلٌ
measure, in Arabic: الصفة المشبهة:
it is a noun derived from an intransitive verb in order to signify the
one who establishes an action or state with the meaning of permanence. Its pattern is at variance with the pattern of Active
Participles and Passive Participles; it is known by usage.
The ayahs wherein this epithet: a
descriptive word or phrase added to or substituted for the name of
mentioned are reproduced below; it always appeared with another
collocate describing other characteristics unique to Allah the Exalted:

O those people/you, who
proclaim to have
accepted-become believers, listen;
You people
heartily donate something advantageous out of the beneficial
wherewithal that you have earned;
And out of that which We
have brought out for you
from the Earth.
Moreover, you people should not intend
to select gimcrack-junk for spending, which if offered to you it will not
be liked except that you might deliberately avoid eye on it or you
perceive not.
Further you people know
that Allah the Exalted is the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory
and Praise. [2:267]

Take note; whatever exists in the Skies
and whatever exists in the Earth celebrates the praises for Allah the
Be mindful; We had ordained
for them whom Book was given before you; and
have ordained specifically for you people:
Always remain
mindful and self cautious to avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence
and fear of Allah the Exalted.
However, should you people
override the ordainment:
[It is for your free
will] Then know it that
whatever exists in the Skies and
whatever exists in the Earth is the domain for, and celebrates the
praises for Allah the Exalted
Realize it; Allah the
Exalted is eternally the
Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [4:131]

They said, "Madam,
are you feeling amazed in the decree of Allah the Exalted?
The mercy of Allah
the Exalted and His
blessings are upon you people, you the residents of this house.
Indeed He is eternally the
focus of Glory and Praise, the Infinitely Exalted." [11:73]

Aleph [letter], Laam [Consonant] with prolongation sign/glyph, Ra
[Consonant] conjoined with preceding letter.
This is the Book which
Our Majesty has compactly sent towards you
the Messenger [Muhammad
So that you might take out
the peoples-humanity from the layers of darkness towards the Visible Light:
Grand Qur'aan: the sustainer of life,
with the permission and approval of their Sustainer Lord;
Leading them towards the High
Road of the
Dominant Supreme Sovereign, the magnificently Praised—[14:01]

"if you people refuse to accept, you and whoever is in the Earth all
collectively refuse to accept;
[it makes no
Then beware Allah the Exalted is indeed
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [14:08]

Know it, these people were guided
towards the truly-benefiting—enduring
life studying it from the Word-Discourse: Grand Qur'aan;
And they were guided
[with Word/Grand Qur'aan]
towards the High
Road leading towards the magnificently Praised.

exists in the Skies and
whatever exists in the Earth are subservient-dependant-subjects
for Him the Exalted.
Be aware;
Allah the Exalted is certainly the One
and Only Absolutely Independent, eternally the Icon of Glory and Praise. [22:64]

And indeed We had granted
wisdom/insight to understand and perceive infolded realities to Looq'maan
that, "you be obliged and express gratitude for Allah the
And whoever makes himself
feel obliged and grateful then indeed he expresses gratitude only for his own
And whoever concealed obligation/remained ungrateful
[it makes no
difference] since/then remember
Allah is indeed
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise." [31:12]

For Allah is everyone/thing who/what is in Skies
and the Earth,
[All are for Him subservient/ dependant willingly or
perforce/consciously or unconsciously].
Allah the Exalted is the One Who is
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [31:26]

Know it; Those
who are given the
knowledge find that which is
revealed by the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger
[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], Grand Qur'aan:
It is the Infallible
And it guides people towards the
High Road destined to the
Dominant Absolute Sovereign, the ever Praiseworthy. [34:06]

O you the Mankind,
You people are the obvious dependants, needy
towards Allah.
And Allah the Exalted is the One Who is
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [35:15]

The unique feature of the
Book: Grand Qur'aan is that neither whimsical, conjectural falsity
fabricated in times before it and nor that fabricated after its
revelation will ever effect it.
This is
because this Book is gradually communicated and delivered by the
Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realms, visible and
invisible, the Praiseworthy.

And He is the One Who sends
the Rain after that [drought] because of which they felt despaired
and He spreads His Mercy
And He is the
Protector/Caretaking Lord, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise.

Allah the
Exalted does not appreciate
and approve those who are themselves
stingy and miser and to justify their act instruct other people to
miserly withhold the worldly wherewithal from spending in the cause of
And whoever purposely
thereat, it should be
known that indeed Allah is the One Who is
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise.[57:24]

Certainly there
has been for you people an excellently balanced and appropriate example
of conduct in them to emulate [in connection
with your relations],
For the one who
has been cautiously keeping hope in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.
And whoever purposely causes
himself to turn away, thereat it should be
known that indeed Allah is the
One Who is
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [60:06]

This happened certainly because of the reason that their Messengers used
to come to them with the distinct unprecedented demonstrative signs/Aa'ya'at
whereupon in response they said,
"Would human beings [like us]
guide us?"
Consequently they refused to
accept/believe and they turned away.
And Allah has always kept
Himself absolutely Independent not to care about them.
And Allah is
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [64:06]