Root: ش ف ى
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 6
b) No of constructions: 3
Nouns: 1; Recurrence: 4; Verb: 2 [Form-I]
Related: Root:
م ر ض
The basic perception infolded in the Root
is that of convalescence: recuperating patient: a patient
who is recovering from an illness. It is the state of a human body which
is opposite to the state of suffering from sickness, illness, disease.
Grand Qur'aan has illustrated its perception in the quote of a statement
made by the elevated and distinguished Messenger of Allah the Exalted,
Iebra'heim alai'his'slaam

You are directed to
confront them: Mecca's Idol Worshipers in war. Allah the Exalted
would inflict punishment upon them
through your hands; and will disgracefully crumble them;
And He the Exalted will help you people
over them;
And He the Exalted
would recuperate the chests of believing nation [with victory of
Mecca] [9:14]

O you the Mankind,
Indeed an advice- disclosure
of factual outcome of acts: good and bad eventuality has since come to
you people. It was disclosed by the Messenger under command from your Sustainer Lord.
And a Healer and Curer for
those psychological - personality disorders - diseases which are
nurtured in the chests/organs located within the chests.
And it is a Guide in time and
space and a mercy - blessing for the true believers. [10:57]
The elided linkage clause for the Relative Pronoun
can be estimated either or both things as mentioned in the translation.
It signifies
convalescence: recuperating patient: a patient who
is recovering from an illness:


And you
the Messenger
pronounce: "The
Infallible Doctrine-Discourse
of Reality-Profitability and substance of permanence: Grand Qur'aan has
since arrived;
and the
falsehood scummed;
like filmy layer of extraneous matter or
impurities that rises up on the surface of a liquid, dross or refuse
from molten metal, has
The fact about
conjectural scum is that it has always been a matter that eventually
vanishes away.
And Our Majesty gradually
communicates and reveals from the miscellany of Grand Qur'aan that which is
a Healer and Curer and a blessing for the true believers.
But the fact remains
that their refrain and contradiction
increases the unjust and manipulators
nothing save rendering them in
a state of losses. [17:82]

However, had Our
rendered it: Qur'aan as such text in some non-Arab:
language, [contrary to their present
assertions of teaching by a Non-Arab-16:103] they would certainly
have said to people exclaiming:
"Why the Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal
Passages of it are not individuated distinguishing and exposing the
information in a crystallized manner?
Can a Non Arabic: indistinct language
and Arabic: distinct-eloquent language be considered at par?"
You the
pronounce for humanity: "It is a guide and
healer for all those whether Arab or Non Arab who have heartily accepted it.
And the fact
about those who do not heartily accept it is that as if a heavy load
is deposited within their ears: acoustic impedance is
persisting in their ears.
And it: Grand Qur'aan
is in black - obscured state not reflecting light upon them.
They are the people as if they
are being called to listen and see Grand Qur'aan
from a far distant place. [41:44]

Afterwards, eat
nectar out
all the fruits;
Thereat, you the bee
cause the travel-passages-routes of your
Sustainer Lord rendered surmountable to enter."
A palatable liquid,
whose colours
vary, secrets from the stomachs of these female bees.
The peculiarity of that liquid: honey is that healing,
curing, surmounting upon disease
is the characteristic power embedded within it for the benefit of
It is a fact that in
this phenomenon there is explicit manifestation for the people who
are in habit of reflecting objectively to arrive at the purpose of
creation/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [16:69]

1 |
Noun/Verbal Noun: Indefinite; nominative.(1)10:57(2)16:69(3)17:82(4)41:44=4
Verbs Form-I
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; singular;
Masculine, Mood: Jussive; Transitive; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-شِفاءٌ
Verbal noun. (1)9:14=1
فعل مضارع مجزوم و
علامة جزمه حذف آخره حرف العلة/الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكرغائب |
2 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine;
Mood: Indicative; Suffixed Noon of protection; Object Pronoun
elided: First person; singular; masculine; accusative state;
Verbal noun (1)26:80=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع
المقدرة على الياء لثقل-الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
نون الوقاية +
الياء ضمير
محذوف في محل نصب
مفعول به/واحد
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