ط ى ر
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 29
b) No of constructions: 16
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
الطاء والياء والراء أصلٌ واحدٌ يدلُّ على خِفّة
الشَّيءِ في الهواءِ.ثمَّ يستعار ذلك في غيرِهِ وفي كلِّ سُرعة. من ذلك
الطَّير: جمع طائر
That it leads to the perception of lightweight of a thing
in the air, and thereafter borrowed from it is all sorts of quickness,
agility and from it is bird.
Semantic field:
د ب ب
Taxonomy: Sub-category: Birds
It is stated in textbooks that it was
Galileo who
described bird bones as hollow and lightweight, in 1638,
and now the skeletons of birds are universally described as lightweight
as a result of selection for minimizing the energy required for flight.
From a functional perspective, the weight (mass) of an animal relative
to its lift-generating surfaces is a key determinant of the metabolic
cost of flight.
But this information that the flying birds are
lightweight was always there in the Arabic Root from where the word bird
stems. Specific feature of lightweight is:
في الهوا in the
air, atmosphere. Bones of flying birds are typically lighter than those
of flightless and diving birds.
Birds are different to most mammals in a number of
immediately obvious ways, they walk on two legs and have two wings, they
have feathers instead of hair and a beak instead of jaws with teeth.
They are also similar to us in some ways, they are warm
blooded, they have two legs, two eyeshave
excellent sight, and two earssense
of hearing is excellent,
have a 4-chambered
heart with
complete separation of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood. The right
ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, while the left ventricle pumps blood
to the rest of the body. All birds are
endothermic, that is, their body temperature remains fairly constant
regardless of their surrounding environment.
Grand Qur'aan has been telling these facts since 1400

Know it; there is neither any
genus of the animal kingdom in
the Earth;
Nor any
genus in the class of bird that flies with
its two wings;
are but
in the likenesses of you people.
We have not neglected
mention a relevant thing in the Book: Grand Qur'aan.
expiry of period
[on Day of Resurrection]
they will be gathered towards their Sustainer Lord.
Birds are divided into birds flying in
atmosphere and flightless who remain on ground. they walk and run:

Take this information
also that when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام]
requested: "My Sustainer
Lord! Do cause the demonstration for my watching
as to how You the Exalted revive-resurrect the dead".
Allah the Exalted
enquired: "Is it for reason that presently you do not accept this
He-Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] clarified: "No, I did not
mean that; I do know and believe it. However, I just wanted to
observe it
so that my heart may enjoy tranquility of absolute knowledge."
He the Exalted said: "For
that purpose-demonstration; you acquire four available birds of your
choice. Thereat, make
them acquainted-familiarized-tamed-friendly towards you.
Thereafter, lapsing
time cut them into pieces and place the pieces on every
After lapse of
time-their position converting into decayed bones, you call them.
They will come to you walking
attractively and swiftly.
And thus affirm your
knowledge that Allah the Exalted
is the All Pervasive-Dominant and eternally the Wise-Knower of
invisible-secreted-infolded realities." [2:260]
It is human psyche that they remain
eager to know about their fate.
They imbued the lives and actions of birds with great
meaning and have given them a starring role
in matter relating to misfortune and luck and fatea
consequence or final result. This root is also used in this context:

Thereby, whenever
certain pleasant situation occurred to them
they said, "This pleasantness has obtained for us".
And if
difficult/disturbing times/misfortune occurred to them, they jinxed
it with
and the believers who were with him.
No, their misfortunes
in fact ordained by Allah the Exalted.
But most of
them were not interested in knowing and acknowledging it [7:131]

And Our Majesty has
rendered every individual person accompanying permanently his augury-fate
within his neck;
And We will bring
it out in
writing-print out for him on the Day of Judgment-Resurrection which he
would see openly spread; [and will be asked];
"You read your book/record;
Today you suffice for
yourself as accountability judge." [17:14]

This is a complete verbal sentence with di-transitive
verb-subject-objects. Verb is
Perfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign Singular; Masculine; [Form-IV]; [نَا] Subject Pronoun; nominative state +
Suffixed first Object Pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in
accusative state referring individual human ; مصدر-إِلْزَامٌ
Verbal noun, and its Root is:
ل ز م.
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated
that it leads to the perception of binding a thing
with another permanently. In lexicons we will find its meanings as
obligation, imposing, imposition, enjoining, etc.
Possessive phrase is the second direct object of preceding perfect verb
and denotes "his augury - fatewhat
will happen to him in future".

Prepositional Phrase coupled with possessive phrase. This grammatical
unit relates to preceding verb. Preposition denotes
rest in a place or during a time, and motion into a
place. This signification is then transferred to the relation subsisting
between any two things, the one of which is regarded as the place in
which the other is, or happens, or into which it goes or is put.
And this place is:
his neck, the pronoun referring individual.
Man's fate is what will happen to him
ultimately, which will depend upon his ledger of deeds. It is account of
voluntary action and not involuntary actions. Forebrain is responsible
for voluntary action, hindbrain is responsible for involuntary action. This ayah
explains that man's ledger is scrolled in his neck.
Voluntary actions are done by commands
given by motor signals which pass through the descending tracts of the
central nervous system starting from brain to spinal cord. Motor signals
have to pass through the neck.

Position of cervical vertebrae (shown in red). Animation. [Credit:
Wiki Encyclopedia]
Science is perhaps not yet aware that
record of every motor signal and consequent action is also being
permanently kept. On the Day of Resurrection it will be taken out and
presented as a written-printed book which will be seen by the individual
in spread papers state. A book has only two forms, one is scroll. He
will be asked to study his book-biography whereby he will suffice to
adjudge his own fate. Thereby, he will be like either type of a bird,
who could fly into the Paradise, or like the bird who cannot fly and
remains on the Earth, eventually the Hell-Prison.
There is yet another delicacy of this
root. The most prominent feature of bird's
anatomy is feathers that are unique to birds. Feathers perform a number of functions for a bird. Firstly, they
provide insulation, this is very important in a warm blooded animal
(body temperature of most birds is maintained at around 40C). Feathers also protect birds from UV
Thus feathers have a double function,
retaining and maintaining the body heat - protecting its outflow and
protecting against extreme heat and UV light. Same is the function of
human dress:
Feathers are signified by Root
ر ى ش
. Only once it is used in relation to
a verbal noun and collective noun. One function of dress is what
is performed by feathers:

O You the posterity of Adam! Our
Majesty has sent dress-clothing upon you
people. Its characteristic feature is that it renders your bodies covered-concealedbody-contours/inflection
points veiled; and
its other feature is that it
serves as integuments/ feathers like protection [from heat
Take note about the Garment of
Cautiousness and Restraint: It is the best best veil and integument.
This information
about dress is a disclosure out of miscellany of pointers of
Allah the Exalted with the purpose that hopefully they develop habit
of remembering the Divine Providence.

Realize it, Allah the Exalted has rendered for you people shadows/shades of what
He had created;
And He has rendered shelters for you people in the mountains.
And He has rendered for you people the garments;
it preserves heat individually to you people-protects you from heat.
And the garments that protect you individually
from mutual hostility-offensive.
This is how He completes His blessing upon you
people so that you may submit. [16:81]
Different garments serve as
insulation, protection in thermal environment to maintain the internal
body temperature within tolerance limits.
Related Roots
ج ن ح
ر ى ش
: Feathers, insulation.
Specific birds:

: Raven - crow
1 |
Verb: Perfect; First person; Plural; [Form-V];
[نَا] Suffixed Subject Pronoun; nominative
state; مصدر-تَطَيُّرٌ Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير
متصل فى محل رفع فاعل/جمع متكلم
/باب تفعّل |
2 |
Definite; Masculine; plural; genitive. (1)2:260(2)3:49(3)5:110(4)16:79(5) 27:16(6)27:17(7)67:19=7
:معرفہ باللام-مجرور-جمع
مذكر |
3 |
Noun/Collective: definite;
plural; masculine; nominative.
(1)12:36(2)12:41(3) 22:31(4)24:41=4
:معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-جمع
4 |
Noun: definite;
plural; masculine; accusative.
(1)21:79(2)27:20(3)34:10(4) 38:19=4
:معرفہ باللام-منصوب-جمع
مذكر |
5 |
Perfect; First person; Plural; Masculine; [Form-V]; [نَا]
Suffixed Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر-تَطَيُّرٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير
متصل فى محل رفع فاعل/جمع متكلم
/باب تَفَعَّلَ |
6 |
indefinite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)6:38=1
مذكر |
7 |
Possessive Phrase: Noun:
Definite; singular; masculine;
nominative + Possessive pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in
genitive state. (1)27:47=1
الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-واحد
+ ضمير متصل-جمع
حاضر في محل جر-مضاف
8 |
Possessive Phrase: Noun:
Definite; singular; masculine;
nominative + Possessive pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in
genitive state.(1)36:19=1
الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-واحد
+ ضمير متصل-جمع
حاضر في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
9 |
Phrase: Noun:
singular; masculine;
nominative + Possessive pronoun:
person; masculine; singular;
in genitive state.(1)17:13=1
الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-واحد
+ ضمير متصل-واحد
في محل جر-مضاف إليه |
10 |
Phrase: Noun:
singular; masculine;
nominative + Possessive pronoun:
person; plural; masculine; in genitive state. (1)7:131=1
الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-واحد
+ ضمير متصل-جمع
غائب في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
11 |
Indefinite; Masculine; plural; accusative (1)56:21=1
مذكر |
12 |
Indefinite; Masculine; plural; accusative.(1)3:49(2)5:110=2اسم
مذكر |
13 |
Indefinite; Masculine; plural; accusative.
مذكر |
14 |
Participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative; [Form-X](1)76:07=1
فاعل: منصوب-واحد مذكر |
15 |
Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular;
masculine; Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدرطَيْرٌ/طَيْرَانٌ
Verbal noun. (1)6:38=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة /الفاعل:ضمير مستتر
جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
غائب |
16 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine;
Mood: Jussive; [Form-V]; [و ] Subject
pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-تَطَيُّرٌ
Verbal noun.(1) 7:131=1
فعل مضارع مجزوم جواب الشرط و علامة نصبه
حذف النون /باب
و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع
مذكرغائب |
Ta assimilated |

ط ى ن
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