Root: ر ى ش
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 1
Classical Lexicon stated:
(لسان العرب)
كِسْوةُ الطائر، والجمع أَرياش ورِياشٌ
That it denotes "clothing - sheeting -
apparel - attire" of the bird.
The most prominent feature of bird's
anatomy is feathers that are unique to birds. Feathers perform a number of functions for a bird. Firstly, they
provide insulation, this is very important in a warm blooded animal
(body temperature of most birds is maintained at around 40C). Feathers also protect birds from UV
Thus feathers have a double function,
retaining and maintaining the body heat - protecting its outflow and
protecting against extreme heat and UV light. Same is the function of
human dress:

O You the posterity of Adam! Our
Majesty has sent dress-clothing upon you
people. Its characteristic feature is that it renders your bodies covered-concealed—body-contours/inflection
points veiled; and
its other feature is that it
serves as integuments/feathers like protection [from heat
Take note about the Garment of
Cautiousness and Restraint: It is the best best veil and integument.
This information
about dress is a disclosure out of miscellany of pointers of
Allah the Exalted with the purpose that hopefully they develop habit
of remembering the Divine Providence.

Realize it, Allah the Exalted has rendered for you people shadows/shades of what
He had created;
And He has rendered shelters for you people in the mountains.
And He has rendered for you people the garments;
it preserves heat individually to you people-protects you from heat.
And the garments that protect you individually
from mutual hostility-offensive.
This is how He completes His blessing upon you
people so that you may submit. [16:81]
Collective Noun/Verbal Noun: Indefinite; masculine; accusative. (1)7:26=1
ر ى ع
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