o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
In Grand Qur'aan Roots with first two letters ع ل 1) ع ل ق 2) ع ل م 3) ع ل ن 4) ع ل و
to rise, to gain control, overcome, to become exalted;
and basic perception in the Root ع ل ى is "to mount". As is suggested by the Lexicographers the overlap between these two Roots is so great that in some cases it is not possible or even desirable to draw a line of demarcation between the two.
Root: ع ل و Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 70 b) No of constructions: 35 The basic perception infolded in the Root is to rise, exaltation, loftiness, honour, elevation and grandeur. It refers to upper part or surface of a thing or place. The basic perception and meanings infolded in the Root have unambiguously been made evident in the Grand Qur'aan by contrast;
And He, the exalted has declared the word/utterance of those who had refused to accept/believe, as the meaninglessly base.
And the word/promise of Allah, the Exalted is the one that is on the Top-it prevails/gets executed. [Refer 9:40]
[Same information in
15:74] In keeping with the information given when Our command reached We made the upper surface of it as its lower surface [by spreading on it layer of volcano mud] [Refer11:82]
[Same information in
11:82] Consequently/for reason We made the upper surface/layer of her/that city as its beneath layer [by spreading on it layer of volcano mud]. [Refer 15:74] The perception and meanings of Root س ف ل are made manifestly understandable here:
when they attacked upon you people from above your ground level and from lower level than you [Refer 33:10]
"we will crush them both under our feet so that they become the most abased". [Refer 41:29] ..................
Verb [Intransitive]: Perfect; Third person; Singular; masculine; [Form-VI]. The basic meanings of this Form of Verbs is "Reflexive Causative to be Active Participle" This verb has occurred 14 times in the Grand Qur'aan, mostly interjectionally [something said loudly and abruptly, or something inserted in a text, especially something that interrupts what is being said or alleged]. The greatest lies which the ruling elite of human societies have conjectured in time and space attributing to Allah the Exalted, are two: (a) they sculpted idols and assigned them hypothetical feminine names and declared those to people as various iela'aha associating them as partners with Allah, the Exalted; (2) later on they concocted the conjectural concept that Allah the Exalted, has adopted son and daughters.
Resultantly when He gave both two of them a perfectly proportioned son they both two ascribe for Him partners in what He gave to both two of them.
[Except Fa Same pronouncement in same words in
27:63]o [they conjecture] Since Allah has kept Himself Exalted from that they associate with Him. [7:190] [Same pronouncement in
25:55] and they worship/exhibit allegiance and subservience to some other than Allah that neither causes them any infliction nor that causes them any benefit. And they tell people, "These are our intercessors with Allah" You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], question them, "Do you people inform/give news to Allah about that He does not know neither in the Skies and nor in the Earth?" [Same pronouncement in same words in
16:01;30:40;39:67]o Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort; and He has kept Himself Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [10:18] The أَمْرُ [Grand Quran announcing sounding of true big bang any moment] of Allah has since been given/reached, therefore, you people should not seek hastening that [day of reckoning/account]. [Same pronouncement in same words in
10:18;30:40;39:67]o Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort; and He has kept Himself Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [16:01] [Similar pronouncement
6:73;14:19;15:85;16:03;29:44;39:05] He originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [and for appointed duration]. [Same pronouncement in
7:190;10:18;16:01;23:92;27:63;28:68;30:40;39:67]o He is Exalted above all what they conjecturally group/associate with Him. [16:03]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "had there been along with Him other various iela'aha as they people conjecturally describe o in that case those so called iela'aha would certainly have sought a passage towards the Holder of Supreme Sovereign Seat/Throne [beyond the Skies of universe]". [17:42]
He is above such needs/support/weakness being the focus of all effort and He is Infinitely above
that what they people state; o He is the infinitely elevated and exalted. [17:43] [Same pronouncement in same words in
23:116] [they conjecture] Since Allah is Exalted, truly and factually the Sublime Sovereign.
And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not hasten with the Qur'aan [to quickly read through it] before that We conclude upon you its [oral] communication. o And you pray, "My Sustainer Lord! Increase my knowledge" [20:114]
[Same information in same words in
9:94,105;23:92;39:46;62:08] He is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures;
[Same pronouncement in
7:190;10:18;16:01,03;27:63;28:68;30:40;39:67]o therefore [being Absolute and Alone] He is Exalted from that what they associate with Him. [23:92]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
20:114] therefore [being Absolute and Alone] Allah is the Exalted, truly and factually The Sovereign.
[Same pronouncement in
9:129;27:26;23:86]o There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone. He is the Sustainer Lord of the Exalted Seat of the Sovereign. [23:116] [Read with
6:97] Or who guides/rescues you [in frustratingly distressing situations] in the dark [unmarked] spaces of land and sea. And Who is the One Who sends the particular winds, as advance glad news before His Mercy,
[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64] Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?
[Same pronouncement in
7:190;10:18;16:01,03;23:92;28:68;30:40;39:67]o [they conjecture] Allah is Exalted from that what they associate with Him. [27:63] [Similar pronouncement in
3:47;30:54;39:04;42:49] And your Sustainer Lord creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed and whatever He chooses;
There has never been a choice for them [sculpted idols which they ascribe as partner Iela'aha].
[Same pronouncement in same words in
23:91;37:159] Allah is Infinitely Glorious and the focus of all effort; [Same pronouncement in
o and He is Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [28:68]
[Similar information in
2:28] Allah is the One Who created you people; afterwards He provided you sustenance; after lapse of time/period [determined of your life 6:02] He will cause you all to die; thereafter lapse of time [appointed period of existence of universe] He will revive you all to life; Is there any one from your partners who innovatively does any one of these things? [Same pronouncement in same words in
10:18;16:01;39:67]o Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort; and He is Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [30:40]