خ ر ب
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 2
b) No of constructions: 2
Lane's Lexicon:
inf. n.
خَرَابٌ, said
of a place, or a country, or a dwelling, or place of abode, or a
house, It was,
or became, in a state of ruin, waste, uninhabited,
depopulated, deserted, desolate, uncultivated, or
in a state the contrary of flourishing:
inf. n.
He reduced to ruin; or
rendered waste, uninhabited, depopulated, deserted,
desolate, uncultivated, or in a state the
contrary of flourishing; or a dwelling, or
place of abode, or a country

Consider it, who could be more unjust
than he who forbade that the Name of Him the Exalted might be celebrated
there within the Mosques of Allah;
And strived for the ruining of their sanctity?
They are the people for whom it was not befitting that they
themselves might have entered therein except like those who fear Allah the Exalted.
Humiliation-loss of
self respect is manifest for them while in the worldly life;
And a great torment is in wait-prepared for them in the Hereafter. [2:114]

[After the Proclamation of
He is the One Who caused those amongst the People of the Book who
had persistently refused to accept/believe
[in the Messenger and Grand Qur'aan; and had backed the Allied Forced-33:26],
to come out of their homes for the turning-joining with the gathering
[of people getting ready for exile]
You people had not thought
that they may get out;
And they had thought that
their fortresses are their protectors from Allah,
Thereat Allah the
Exalted came to them
from the direction they had not made themselves to expect/visualize
And He cast in
their hearts the terror
That they were causing the
dismantling-emptying and abandoning of their houses with their own hands
and with the help of the Believers.
Therefore, incline yourselves [having heard and known this historical
fact] to rationalism for arriving at
truthful conclusions, O you the men bestowed with faculty of
vision-recap-visualization! [59:02]
1 |
Possessive Phrase:
Verbal Noun:
Definite; genitive + Attached
Possessive pronoun:
third person; singular; feminine, in genitive state.
+ ضمير متصل-واحد
في محل جر-مضاف إليه |
Verb Form-IV
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Plural;
Masculine; Mood: Indicative
evident by نَ; [Form-IV]; [و]
Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-إخْرَابٌ Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و-
ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع
مذكرغائب |
خ ر ج
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