Root: ج س د
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4
b) No of constructions: 1
Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
الجيم والسين والدال يدلُّ على
تجمُّع الشيء أيضاً واشتدادِه. من ذلك
جَسَدُ الإنسان
That it leads to the perception of assembling, agglomerating a thing and its accentuation. And it refers human body—corporal.
(لسان العرب)
جسم الإِنسان ولا يقال لغيره من الأَجسام المغتذية، ولا يقال لغير الإِنسان
جسد من خلق الأَرض
Lane Lexicon Classical Lexicons
Semantic Domain: Human Body
It signifies complete physical structure - body whether living or dead
or just a complete body modal:
Know it, the nation of Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] after his departure had deliberately adopted as iela'aha: godhead a model of calf crafted [by Sa'mri] from their precious metal ornaments.
Lowing sound emergence was rendered a peculiar feature for that crafted calf effigy. [Ref 7:148]
[Why they got befooled by wordless sound] Did they not observe the fact: it was not verbally speaking with them;
Nor was it guiding them about the course/path.
They purposely adopted it while in frame of mind of distorters and wrong doers. [7:148]
People may know the history; We did not send in timeline before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] spokespersons except men whom Our Majesty used to verbally communicate.
Therefore, you people ask them who were/are given the Memoir/Reference Book if you do not have the knowledge about it. [21:07]
Moreover, another fact about those Messengers of aforetimes is that We had not assigned them exceptional bodies of characteristic feature that they did not keep eating food/meals.
Nor were they the Beings who lived perpetually - indefinitely. [21:08]
Know the fact that We had indeed subjected Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] to an irking experience. We had caused placing a dummy upon his Seat. [38:34]
Other roots relating to human body:
Parts of human body
Root: ء ذ ن Ears
Root: ب د ن : Torso, sacrificial camels with heavy carcass, scale armour
Root: ب ن ن Fingertip, fingerprint
Root: ج ب ن : temple: [the part of each side of the head between the eye and the ear]
Root: ج ب ه : Forehead
Root: ج و ف : A cavity in the interior - thoracic cavity
Root: ج ى ب : Bosom - breast
Root: ج ى د : Neck
Root: ح ن ج ر : Larynx, throat, windpipe
Root: خ د د : Cheek
Root: ص د ر : Chest
Root: ع ن ق : Neck
Root: ر ف ق : Elbow
Root: ش ف ه : Lip
Root: ع ظ م : Skeleton, bones
Root: ف ء د : Brain
Root: ف ر ج : Genital - sex organ
Root: ف ل ك : Breast when it has become twirled, attained the shape of circularity
Root: ك ع ب Ankle
Root: م ع ى : Bowels/Intestine
Root: ن ص و : Forelock; lock of hair on forehead
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