Root: ع ذ ر

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur’ān:

a) Total occurrences: 12 

b) No of constructions: 8

Noun: 5; Recurrence: 7; Verb: 3; Recurrence: 5 ; [Form-VIII]

Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

فَالْعُذْرُ مَعْرُوفٌ، وَهُوَ رَوْمُ الْإِنْسَانِ إِصْلَاحَ مَا أُنْكِرَ عَلَيْهِ بِكَلَامٍ

It is well known; it is man's desire/wish to reform that what is denounced upon him in words.

مفردات ألفاظ القرآن — الراغب الأصفهاني (٥٠٢ هـ)
العُذْرُ: تحرّي الإنسان ما يمحو به ذنوبه

It signifies man exploring/inquiring into that by which he be exonerated, obliterated of his offence, culpability.

Lane Lexicon: He excused him; freed, cleared, or exempted, him from blame; exculpated him: (Msb:) or he accepted his excuse:

Classical Lexicons

اردو میں عذر، معذرت مستعمل ہے:،

بہانہ، حیلہ، اعتذار، ٹال مٹول۔ معقولِ سبب، جواز شرعی، حجت۔ استدلال، توجیہ۔

معذرت، طلبِ معافی نیز توبہ۔

  • And when a group of people amongst them said advising people: "Why do you advise cautioning a people whom Allah the Exalted is going to annihilate or punish them with severe infliction?"

اور جب ان میں سے ایک طبقے نے جواپنے آپ کو غیر فعال رکھتا تھا،وعط کرنے والوں سے کہا’’تم لوگ کس لئے ایک ایسی قوم کونصیحت کرتے ہو؛ اللہ تعالیٰ انہیں کسی لمحے ہلاک کرنے والے ہیں،یا انہیں ایک شدید قسم کا عذاب دینے والے ہیں‘‘۔

  • They replied: ", We are doing so to get absolved, of responsibility of reminding about prohibition, before your Sustainer Lord

اس برائی سے منع کرنے والے گروہ نے جواب دیا’’معذرت،ہمارا مدعا تمہارے رب کی جانب سے اس الزام سے بچنا ہے کہ ہم نے برائی سے منع نہیں کیا تھا؛

  • So that they might endeavour to protect their selves." [7:164]

اور مقصد یہ تھا کہ شاید وہ لوگ اپنے آ ّپ کو محفوظ بنانے کی کوشش کریں،نافرمانی سے اجتناب کر کے‘‘۔

  • You people should not exculpate to get absolved; you have indeed denounced belief after proclaiming belief."

  • Should Our Majesty overlook and pardon a group amongst you people who returned repenting and they perfected themselves [4:146]; We would punish a group because they indeed remained criminals [till their death]. [9:66]

Root: ط و ف

  • Know it, the apology pretenders, richer amongst the Arabized foreign settlers in Arabia, came with excuses for obtaining permission for exemption may be granted for them and tarried behind those who lied to Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.

  • A severe punishment will soon strike those of them who disavowed. [9:90]

  • They will render apologetic explanations to you people when you would have returned to them

  • You reply to them: "Don't give explanations, never will we believe you, Allah the Exalted has indeed since informed us some of the news of the news-paper of you people.

  • Take note, Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him will in the Hereafter consider your deeds for requital:

  • Afterwards this examination, you will be taken towards the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible domains, continuously and simultaneously

  • Thereat, He the Exalted will charge sheet you for deliberate and wilful acts you were performing." [9:94]

  • He-(Mūsā [alai'his'slaam]) said; "Henceforth, If I asked you a question about anything after its happening, you should not keep me accompanying you

  • Indeed you would have exhausted excuse from my side." [18:76]

  • For reason/thereat the Day when they would have been segregated on resurrection their regrets and excuses will not benefit them who did wrong

  • And nor their requests for making mends for pardon will be acceded. [30:57]

Root: ع ت ب

  • That Day their regrets and excuses will not benefit the wrong doers/creators of imbalances/distorters

  • And for them is curse and condemnation

  • And for them is a terrible abode/home. [40:52]

  • [It will be pronounced] "O you who persistently refused to accept/believe, do not put forward excuses, today.

  • You people are being paid back only that which you people kept doing".[66:07]

  • Though he presented his excuses and justifications [for self deception]. [75:15]

  • For feeling regret or taking warning-admonition [77:06]

  • And nor it will be permitted for them whereby they engage themselves in apologetic excuses. [77:36]


Active Participle: Definite; plural; Masculine; nominative; [Form-II] مصدر-تَعْزِيرٌ Verbal Noun. (1)9:90=1 

                       اسم فاعل:معرفہ باللام- مرفوع-جمع مذكر/باب تَفْعِيل


Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)18:76(2)77:06=2 -1 =1    مصدر: منصوب



Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; broken plural; feminine; accusative + Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; plural; Masculine, in genitive state;(1)75:15=1

  الإِضَافَةُ-اسم : منصوب جمع مؤنث /مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)7:164=1                مصدر/اسم مصدر: منصوب


Possessive Phrase: Verbal Noun: Definite;  nominative;+ Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; plural; Masculine, in genitive state; (1)30:57(2)40:52=2

   الإِضَافَةُ-مصدر/اسم مصدر: مرفوع/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Verb Form-VIII


Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Jussive by Prohibitive Particle; [Form-VIII]; مصدر-إِعْتِذَارٌ Verbal Noun. (1)9:66(2)9:94(3)66:07=3

 فعل مضارع مجزوم بِلاَ و علامة جزمه حذف النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكرحاضر/باب اِفْتَعَلَ


Prefixed conjunction فَ that shows cause and effect + Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form-VIII]; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-إِعْتِذَارٌ Verbal Noun (1) 77:36=1

  حرف فَ +  فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب/باب اِفْتَعَلَ


Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form-VIII]; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-إِعْتِذَارٌ Verbal Noun. (1)9:94=1

  فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب/باب اِفْتَعَلَ