Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


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And be mindful that The Iiela'aha of you people is a Singular Iela'aha-Absolute Sovereign Lord. There exists absolutely no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except that Singular Iela'aha, He-the Singular Iela'aha  is Ar'Reh'maan, Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [2:163]

It is a fact that explicit tangible manifestations, reflect the Divine Providence and Will evidently, in the creation of the Skies and the Earth, and in the alteration/revolving/circular pursuit of the Night and the Day, and in the boat/ship that sails in the water reservoirs [river/sea/canals] laden with cargoes beneficial to people/mankind,

and in that which Allah descended from the Sky from water whereby He revived/rejuvenated the land with it after its demise/drying up; and He spread all kinds of animals in it;

and in the circling of winds; and organizing of the middle clouds in between the Sky and the Earth; [only for this particular cloud the word in between Sky and Earth is used-Qur'aan was the first ever Book to give Atlas of Clouds] for such people who recognize, differentiate, relate and reflect. [2:164]

And notice that, [despite seeing explicit manifestations of Oneness of Universe] there are such amongst the people who consciously and purposely adopt besides Allah equivalents. Such people adore those adopted equivalents equally like the adoration of Allah. And those who have consciously and heartily accepted/believed have the greatest and deepest adoration/love/affiliation for Allah other than anything else.

And better was it if those who distort the reality and fact with unfounded conjectural concept could now realize  that which they will realize seeing the chastisement that the fact is that all the power/authority is the subject for Allah collectively/absolutely. And beware about the fact that Allah awards quite severe punishment. [2:165]

The point in time when those people, in whose footsteps other people had followed, disassociated absolving themselves from those who followed them in obeisance,  while being in the state of having seen the eminent punishment, and the relationship of vested interests had come to an end with them. [2:166]

And those who had followed their footsteps said amongst themselves "if for us there happens an opportunity of collective exit and return [to worldly life], in that case on exit we will disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us".

This is how Allah will show/make them realize their deeds/pattern of conduct as a feeling of frustration/defeat and regret/woe upon them.  And be mindful that they will never be the ones exiting from the Fire/Hell/Prison. [2:167]

O you the humankind! You eat that which is beneficial/nutrient from the declared permissible from amongst the produce of the Earth.

And you people should not follow/walk on the footsteps/path of Shai'taan. It is a fact that he is for you people an openly declared enemy. [2:168]

Indeed he inspires/allures you people to indulge in imbalanced/improper/irrational conduct and sexual perversion [alfaa'sha'ai includes all illicit sexual activity done individually or openly/with others, other than intercourse of genitalia [furr'ej] of opposite sexes with mutual consent, called uz'zina]; and that you people may tell others something attributing it to Allah about which you do not have the authentic knowledge [personally verified whether it is written in Qur'aan or is established by tangible evidence]. [2:169]

And when it was/is said for [to] them, "You people consciously and heartily follow practically that which Allah has sent [in the Book]", they replied/say; "No, instead We will keep following that upon which we found our fathers had been".

 [how irrational/illogical is the response, without having refuted the proposed fact] Would they keep following their forefather despite the fact if they were not reflecting/recognizing/differentiating something and nor were they consciously attempting to get guided/arrive at rational conclusion? [2:170]

And the comparable similarity example of those people who have deliberately refused to accept is like the one who shepherds a herd with that sound in which he listens nothing meaningful except calls and whoops and .

They are deaf, dumb, and blind, resultantly they do not reflect/recognize/differentiate. [2:171]

O those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen! You people eat from amongst "tayi'baate" [individual's choice delicious/pure/beneficial/suitable for his health, nutrient, nourishing from permissible/lawful] which We have given you as sustenance; and express gratitude for Allah [His favour, blessing, provisions] if exclusively to Him you people remain submissive allegiant. [2:172]

He has indeed forbidden for you people only the dead corpse/mammal [who has died a natural death], and the [flowing liquid] blood, and the meat of swine/pig flesh and that/mammal which has been slaughtered pronouncing the name of someone other than Allah [or associating with Allah someone else also]

 For desperate reason of quiver/shudder [because of extreme hunger 5:03] one will not be held guilty of sin for eating any of the forbidden things provided he had no urge and liking for that, and he does not transgress the limit of relieving the state of quiver/shudder from hunger. It is a fact that Allah is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking-the fountain of Mercy. [2:173]

It is a fact that those people-scholars-religious elite who keep concealing/withhold telling the people from the Book that which Allah has sent while they consciously and purposely keep themselves inclined conducting with it a business for worldly/vile gain;

 they are the ones who do not take/earn in/for their bellies nothing except fire; [since they will have nothing beneficial in their account ledger-3:77 and what they would take in belly is like molten brass] and Allah will not address to them on the Day of Resurrection and He will neither uplift/sanctify them. And, be mindful, a severe/grave punishment is prepared/in wait for them. [2:174]

These are the people who have purchased vagrancy/straying in barter of The Guidance [Grand Qur'aan], and retribution for forgiveness; thereby what is that which has caused them become content upon the Fire. [2:175]

This eventuality is because [of refusal and contradicting/differing in what] Allah has since gradually sent down the Book [Grand Qur'aan] as a statement of fact;

This disastrous destiny is because [of their refusal and contradicting in what] Allah has since gradually sent down the Book [Grand Qur'aan] containing statement accompanied with proven/authentic fact. And be aware that it is a fact that those who consciously and purposely indulged in differing/contradicting/going against the inscriptions in the Book are certainly in opposition/desirous of retaining a separate distinct identity. [2:176]

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