It is
Gesture-speech, highest communicative dynamism:
submission of servitude and allegiance;
(a) Standing; manners for this posture;
(b) Suspension of physical protocol in certain situations
(c) Segmental shortening of protocol in certain situations
(d) Kneeling: Gesture of surrender and submission of Spinal Cord.
(e) Prostration: Gesture of Surrender of granted state of
self-governor: enjoying free will of self rule-governance.
We have earlier
noted that all associations with the House of Allah the Exalted are primarily
physical in nature.
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance is one's manifestation: an act of demonstrating truthfulness
of verbal
proclamation of believing in Allah the Exalted in response to the call of
the caller. Addressing Allah the Exalted the Men of Wisdom submit:
Our Sustainer Lord; Indeed we have listened the caller [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. He calls for the Faith and directs: "you people believe in your Sustainer Lord". Responding to his call we have heartily accepted-believed.
Our Sustainer Lord! Sequel to our submission You the Exalted favour us by overlooking our misdeeds.
And remove away-delete from record our past omissions and excesses.
And segregate us in the company of Al-Ab'rar: the performers of good deeds on the Day of Judgment. [3:193]
He is:
The Herald of Allah the
Exalted is the elevated last Messenger
Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam.
Those who proclaim to have accepted the word of the elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted are advised:
This Imperative; second person; plural;
masculine verb is made from مصدر قِيَامٌ
Verbal Noun. It is from Root "ق و
م". This Root, verbs and words
made from it are used in relation to
throughout the Grand Qur’ān:
steadfastly maintain the Institution of
As-sa'laat: Time
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; Recurrence:
: Imperative Verbal sentence:
You people remain steadfast in
maintaining Institution of As-sa'laat:
Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance.
(1)2:43(2)2:83(3)2:110(4)4:77(5)10:87(6)24:56(7)30:31(8)73:20=8. [With
prefixed Fa: (1)4:103(2)22:78=2]
steadfastly maintained the Institution of
steadfastly maintained the Institution of
While he was standing for performing
As-sa'laat: Recurrence:
Steadfastly maintainers of the Institution of As-sa'laat: Recurrence:
organize-make people stand for As'salat:
This fact alone suffices to portray that
is a physical protocol. The basic perception infolded in the Root Root "ق و
م" and قِيَامٌ Verbal Noun is of
standing; straight position on feet as
distinct from sitting, reclining or lying; or walking. In physical terms it is the most stable,
established state of strength, alertness and equilibrium which other postures of sitting,
reclining and lying flat lack. This state grants an ability to
quickly react and respond to a sudden threat/attack.
Balance and equilibrium strengths a thing and grants stability, prominence and durability. Balance and equilibrium also create a stationary state. This Root thus also conveys the meaning of staying somewhere. And the point of staying becomes a place of gathering. Balance and equilibrium yields state of peace and tranquility. In whatever shade the words derived from this Root are used the; perception of balance and equilibrium, which is the primary condition of standing erect, shall remain predominant/prevail.
It is circumstantial clause [حال]; and is
plural active participle; stand in the manner of devoted humble
servants-subjects. The postures are a nonverbal communication that
provides significant information and emotional cues. The posture also
communicates social standing. A person of lower status typically stands or they
may remain standing until they are asked to sit. Gesture has a fundamental metaphoric property; it
is not mere ornamentation. Gesture-speech combinations co-expressively embody
the point of highest communicative dynamism. Gestures are the imagery of the
thought of the performer for the onlookers.
Standing in humble posture is the first protocol
prescribed for:
Protocol of servitude and allegiance. What standing
posture communicates a feel of reverence and humbleness? Please forgive me for
this naive question. Yes, majority knows it, perhaps instinctively. Moreover,
these days we
watch on television in ceremonies of ruling elite as how people of
lower echelons stand before Presidents, Rulers and the Kings.
Have you ever seen in these gatherings a person standing
with legs wide apart before a dignitary? It is surprising that some people stand
in such posture before the Sustainer Lord, the Supreme Sovereign of sovereigns. May Allah the Exalted revert them
from conjectural myths to Grand Qur’ān.
Standing in humble posture portrays every member of the congregation not passive but active and employed. Everybody cannot stand in this posture. It needs a belief and mindset:
Active Participle: Definite; sound plural; masculine; genitive;
Verbal noun. It signifies those people who do not
exercise dominant postures but are submissive, humble and lowly in every aspect:
bodily, voice-speech and in the eyes.
We stand in respectful and humble posture while in the presence of the worldly rulers and monarchs with belief of their superiority and humble mindset of a subject; and fear of accountability or losing access on violation of protocols. We must consciously stand in the most humble posture while presenting ourselves in the presence of the Mightiest Sovereign Lord of Universes. This is the secret of success:
(b) Suspension of physical protocol in certain situations
The fundamental requirement to perform
: Time
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance is to stand at a location
the individual's place of standing for
As-sa'laat and:
signifies gathering places where people prostrate
laying their forehead on ground. The injunction
prescribed for:
is allowed to be abandoned. Thereby,
bodily-physical aspect of it is no more the obligation for the
performance of:
restricting it to only verbal communication.
However, if you people cannot stand at a location for reason of suspected danger: thereby performance of As-salaa't is restricted to oral remembrance and adoration of Allah the Exalted in the state of walking on foot or journeying on conveyance.
Thereat when you have attained calm and secure state: then remember Allah the Exalted by formal protocol as He the Exalted has made you aware which you people earlier did not know. [2:239]
It is thus evident that the
primary objective and essence of:
is a particular recalling and remembrance of Allah the Exalted at the appointed
five times of the day. And this act is declared:
Verbal noun/Noun: Its Root is "ذ ك ر". The basic perception infolded is to save and preserve in
the memory; retain idea and perception
in the memory. Information saved and stored-recorded in the memory
becomes a source of reference; a link that can be
retrieved or
for reviewing-visualizing, and to relate. When:
is employed in reference to Allah the Exalted,
its English near equivalent "remembrance" signifies the act of honoring
the memory of Allah the Exalted extending to the entire period of
activity. Dominance of the thought
of Allah the Exalted must prevail. When believers indulge in foul
activities: Allah the Exalted is not in their thought even if His Name
is on their lips while a terrorist blasts. They are far away from the
Word of Allah: Qur’ān and are slaves of their worldly lords, the
psychological manipulators.
: Time
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance is for the purposes of:
"The remembrance of Mine"; but both are distinct
is firstly the non-verbal protocol coupled with
thought and speech. It is conspicuously clarified
in the Grand Qur’ān:
Thereat when you have finished the congregational Ass-sa'laat: the Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance: thereat you people remember Allah the Exalted all the time while standing; and sitting; and when you are lying-reclining on your sides.
Subject to and consequent upon getting assured of safety and security: Maintain and organize Ass-sa'laat in regular manner, unlike of the battle field.
The fact about Ass-sa'laat: It has remained prescribed and mandatory for the true believers, characteristically time-bound; at scheduled timings-timetabled. [4:103]
separately mentioned. A repetitive physical act gets registered in the
Non-Declarative memory and needs no conscious effort to instantly and
instinctively remember and recall the action and thought.
Performance of Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance paves the way and
: the thought and remembrance of Allah the Exalted during other
activities and durations.
The presence of all sorts of moral-ills in Muslim societies is reflective that either the majority does not perform the Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance; or we perform by giving it a status of "ritual" that is performed thoughtlessly and habitually. Allah the Exalted is on the lips of every Muslim; but His Parlance-Discourse conveyed verbatim by exalted Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam are obscured by artfully fabricated conjectural widespread stories.
(c) Segmental shortening of protocol in certain situations
As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance comprises a set procedure repeated for certain number of times. The segmental shortening of the procedure is also allowed in certain circumstances, like dangerous areas and in the battlefield:
It has all along been the Time Bound Protocol ever since its institution. It can
neither be postponed nor deferred. It cannot be deferred even when the exalted
Messenger and the Believers have taken positions in the battlefield. Prescribed
Protocol is shortened and its pattern is also modified for the followers:
Take note; When you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are amongst them; thereby, you have established Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance for them:
Thereat, for security reasons in the battle field a group of them should stand along with you; and they should retain and carry along their weapons;
Subsequent to they having prostrated; the first group should move away on behind and the other group which had not participated in Ass-sa'laat should join Ass-sa'laat with you.
And they should retain their protections-armor and their weapons.
This advice for retaining armor and weapons is for reason that the deniers-Non believers wished that somehow you people might become heedless of your weapons and other wherewithal whereby they might assault you; a single sudden assault.
However, nothing is objectionable for you if you put off your weapons for reason of discomfort because of rain or you being sick;
But retain your protections-armor.
Remain aware; Allah the Exalted has prepared for persistently denying people a humbling chastisement, one of humiliation. [4:102]
The Leader of the
exalted Messenger
has performed its two segments. The followers are divided
in two groups. Each of them has performed single segment of:
The segment ends with prostration. The intermediary physical act of kneeling is
understood in the Ayah.
(d) Kneeling: Gesture of surrender and submission of Spinal Cord.
The verbal sentence:
has second person, plural, masculine imperative verb.
The subject pronoun refers all believers; men and women, both individually and
as collective fraternity. It thus denotes that believers can also stand
individually for the performance of
as they perform it without bodily gestures individually while walking or
journeying on a conveyance in certain situations discussed earlier. Its
congregational and collective aspect is also separately prescribed:
It is a possessive Phrase. First noun is definite location adverb and
possessive noun is definite plural active participle from مصدر-رُكُوْعٌٌ
Verbal noun. It thus
signifies: in the company of-along with those who kneel. The complete
Protocol of
was prescribed at the time of the construction of the House of Allah the
The characteristic
features of
true believers in letter and spirit described in
Ayah 9:112 includes that
they are the performers of kneeling and prostration. The claimants of
belief are directed:
They perform the act and remain for sometime in the state
signified by the Verbal Noun: رُكُوْعٌ.
Classical Arabic lexicons state its basic perception as
bending and curving on knees with palms of hands resting on them. The
Root also denotes humility and self-abasement [Lane's Lexicon-
In this posture the Spinal Cord is in submissive and humble posture. The spinal cord is termed as the pathway- a bridge between the human brains and various organs of the body. However, the spinal cord can function on its own at times without the brain coming into picture. Notwithstanding the speed of information travel from the body to brain and back is very fast, it is not enough at times. In certain situations information needs faster travel to coordinate reflexes when the spinal cord takes the matters into its own hands.
Such overtake of authority by the spinal cord is usually in threat and danger situations. Allah the Exalted has taken care of this "dictatorial function" of the spinal cord and has granted relaxations and modifications to cope with such circumstances.
Prostration: Gesture of
Surrender of granted state of
self-governor: enjoying free will of self rule-governance.
Why is it so important that the Man should prostrate laying his forehead on ground to express his sincere allegiance and deepest adoration for his Sustainer Lord? Moreover, what does this demonstrative gesture actually transmit more loudly than verbal expression?
Where is the seat of self governing?
Where is the seat of executive functions of this self governing
sovereign? It lies in the prefrontal area of brain located behind the
: the act of laying the forehead on the
ground for Allah the Exalted explicitly expresses the willful and
affectionate surrender of one's will and self governing liberty at the
mercy of the Will of the Sustainer Lord. This non verbal communication
to Allah the Exalted much loudly expresses that henceforth one will
not follow his own will; but will regulate and administer his life
and actions according to the dictates conveyed through the elevated and
honoured Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam
in the Book: Grand Qur’ān. This was the
advice when Allah the Exalted distanced us away from nearness to Earth:
This is the eternal Rule in time and space for salvation and success and return to Original Abode: the Paradise. All those who refused and opted to conduct themselves on conjectural myths, hearsay, presumptions, speculative assertions, and non-verifiable sayings have no scope of salvation.
The act of prostration laying the seat of
self governance and free will on ground will bridge the distance:
Ever since the institution of
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance the true
believers have demonstrated by bodily gestures that they surrender their
Free Will:
Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is the Messenger of Allah the Exalted;
And those who are with him are strongly determined versus the non-believers and amongst themselves are kind hearted
You see them in state of kneeling and prostrating seeking the bounty, appreciation and approval of Allah the Exalted.
The identification mark of them is apparent within their faces [not forelock; for Angels who identify by marks] as the traces of prostrations.
This is the precedent of them mentioned in the Tor'aat;
And their precedence is mentioned in the Injeel;
Like a monocotyledon grain-crop seed; it caused to get out its singular blade-shoot-sprout;
Thereat it strengthened that blade whereupon it made itself thick-solidified-stout and thereby it made itself stand erect upon its stem.
It causes delight for the Sowers-Farmers. The striking of the simile of the believers is that it might cause irritating disquiet for those who are the non-believers.
The promise of Allah the Exalted as self imposed obligation for those amongst them who accepted-believed and performed deeds righteously and moderately [as directed in the Book]: forgiveness and splendid reward. [48:29]
It should be noted that there is no mention of marks or scar on the forehead. "Face" does not mean "Forehead-Forelock". It could not be ruled out that such marks on forehead can fictitiously be made by some for deception of piety before believers. Deep scars on forehead might seem strange since in prostration the weight of the body does not rest on it but is on the knees. Further, it must be noted that the identification mark is not stated as UPON the faces but what is stated is that it is within the faces. It is a known fact that the face has within it around 90 muscles; about 30 of these are purely for expressing and reflecting emotion and inner convictions. These facial marking send many non-verbal signals that are more truthful and reliable than his verbal expressions. The Angels will recognize the Criminals without questioning about their slander and sin. The facial expressions on the Day of Judgment are elaborately narrated in other places.
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Root: س ج د
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