: It is a time bound protocol. Number and the appointed timings for its performance during a day

Ever since: the Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance is introduced, it has always been time bound:

  • The fact about Ass-sa'laat: It has remained prescribed and mandatory for the true believers, characteristically time-bound - scheduled. [Ref 4:103]


Time keeps running. It never stops. One has to remain vigilant and on guard about the time when he is to perform a certain act at an appointed moment or duration of time.  : the Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance is time bound but how many times?

  • You people remain vigilant regards the plural number of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and be vigilant for the As-sa'laat which is relatively central to other four Formal Timings.

  • And you people stand for Allah the Exalted in the posture of devoted humble servants-subjects. [2:238]

: It is a verbal sentence. Verb is imperative, second person, plural, masculine, Form III relating to:  مصدر-مُحَافَظَةٌ Verbal noun. It signifies that the addressees are to remain self vigilant. Prepositional Phrase relates to the Verb. is the definite PLURAL noun. Plural Noun in Arabic quantitatively denotes three and more. It does not denote two. By appositive conjunction: same command is given for yet another: for which reason this definite noun denoting only One Formal demonstrative servitude and allegiance is in genitive case. It is First Noun of Adjectival Phrase. Its adjectival description is given by: which is a Comparative Noun; Definite; Singular; feminine; genitive, exactly matching on all counts with the described one. Its Root is "و س ط". For convenience, an entry from Lane's Lexicon is reproduced hereunder:

 [The middle, midst, or middle part, of a thing; i. e.,] properly, the part of which several lateral, or outer, portions are equal; as, for instance, the middle finger: but also meaning the part which is surrounded, or enclosed, on its several sides, although unequally: or the part that is between the two sides or extremities of a thing; [or the part, or point, that is between every two opposite extremities of a thing; and properly when equidistant;] as, for instance, the centre of a circle:] [unquote]

The Adjectival description by: for another has thus made it evident that it is in the midst of two laterals on each side showing that quantitatively the Preceding plural signifies four such Contact timings. Thereby, total number of: from the beginning of the lunar day at sunset to the next sunset ending lunar day is FIVE.

The Five appointed timings for : Protocol of Servitude and allegiance are described:

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] organize- make people stand for As'salat: Protocol of Servitude and allegiance during the two visual transitions- edges [Solar ephemeris] of the bright day. And organize As'salat at approaching moments: twilight segment of the night [after sun set-17:78] [Ref 11:114]



It is what is called in English grammar a compound sentence; two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. The figure of speech is climax: placement of words in ascending order towards the incoming-drawing near moments of the night. I wish someone who knows the scientific delicacies of revolving of day and night reflects on the choice of words and their placement in this compound sentence. The day is ascending to its ending edges and the moments of night are drawing near-approaching. Thereby, he enlightens us about the beautiful imagery depicted in this verbal passage.

The timings are set with reference to current local solar ephemeris of people. These are three timings for organizing the Institution of : Protocol of Servitude and allegiance.

: It is a Possessive Phrase; the first dual noun ; with its Noon dropped because of construct, is also definite because the second noun is definite: the two visual transitions-edges [Solar ephemeris] of the bright day. The Root of is "ط ر ف" and its basic perception as quoted in classical lexicon of Ibn Faris [died 1005] is:

 That it leads to the perception of extremity of a thing and its corners-edges.

يدلُّ على حدِّ الشيء وحَرفهِ


The third time after the ascension of the Day towards its ending edges mentioned for is .

 : It is an Indefinite; broken plural; feminine noun in accusative case. The basic perception is to approach or draw near. : This prepositional phrase relates to the elided adjective for . Thereby, it signifies the early moments of the night. The night and a new lunar day starts with the sunset. The : Protocol of Servitude and allegiance prescribed for the point in time of the Sunset is to be performed in the early moments of the night. Its beginning and end boundary of time is prescribed:

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] organize the assembly for Ass-sa'laat: Protocol of Servitude and allegiance for the point in time of rubbing and smoothly getting away of the Sun to the boundary of night getting cool and dark. [Ref 17:78]


: It is a Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase. : The verbal noun signifies a state of rubbing and getting away with ease and smoothly. The Sun touches/rubs the horizon and smoothly disappears whereby the night emerges. This is to be performed towards the point in time when the new phase-time-boundary of the night starts: : Towards the point in time of the darkening and cooling of the Night. Preposition signifies departing from a point in time or location and towards the start of a new boundary either of time or location. The beginning point in time of this is : the Sunset and it ends on reaching to the start of : : the darkening and cooling of the Night. And this duration is described earlier by these words:  : early moments of the Night.

The other two prescribed : Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance are also named by the point in time:
  • This restriction are for three points in time

  • These three periods in time are: before performing the Protocol of Servitude and allegiance of True Dawn to Sun Rise;

  • The second time is at Mid-day-Noon of Noon selected by you people for laying of clothes [from your back-lower area];

  • And third is after the Ass-sa'laat: Protocol of Servitude and allegiance of darkened Night.

  • These three timings of "Privacy-Sex" are exclusive occasions for you people-married couples. [Ref 24:58]

Two timings for: Protocol of Servitude and allegiance are after Sunset during the flow of night. One at Sunset to settling of the Night: twilight diminished and darkness became apparent; and the second is : As-sa'laat of the time of first part of night after disappearance of twilight-the darkened night when the surroundings are rendered dim-sighted, invisible.

The remaining three are prescribed at different timings of the Day; the first of the day is : at the true Dawn up to daybreak. The other two prescribed for daytime are at : the two visual transitions-edges [Solar ephemeris] of the bright day. The above five timings are represented in this chart:


The permission for sexual engagement with wife during the nights of Ramadan is shortened in time length because its night ends before the time of at true dawn. This seems compensated by not prescribing the condition of "after the Formal Prayer of darkened Night":

These activities end when the initial point in time of is reached:

Allah the Exalted has directed the believers to remain vigilant and watchful for and for . Muslim day begins with the Sunset and new month begins with appearance of New Moon. One time for is at the start of Muslim Day, beginning with Sun set and its duration ending with the disappearance of twilight segment of night. The second of Muslim day is  : As-sa'laat of the time of first part of night after disappearance of twilight: the darkened night when the surroundings are rendered dim-sighted, invisible. Then the third time is when the solar night ends and solar day begins at true dawn namely .

The remaining two timings for are at  : two visual transitions-edges [Solar ephemeris] of the day which are in the later day towards the approaching of : the Sunset. Otherwise the day-Solar ephemeris are multiple/plural during which the glory and praises of Allah the Exalted need to be remembered and expressed [ref 20:130]. is the third of the day which is relatively the central to the two of the night and two of day. It is also in between the two successive lunar days.