• Know the history of that point in time when Our Majesty had commanded the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Aa'dam".


  • Thereat, they paid obeisance to him.

  • However, Ieb'lees (in response to the command given to him separately-7:12) did not pay obeisance;

  • He demurred;

  • While he made his Self obsessed-puffed with delusion of grandeur and superiority;

  • And he had behaved as those who disavow. [2:34]


  • Be cognizant, Our Majesty had said: "O Aa'dam, stay - be the guest of the Paradise, you and your wife;

  • And you both eat of abundant variety there from, wherever you both wished and liked.

  • However, you both should refrain going near this female tree - taste its fruit.

  • Failing whereby you both might become and be considered who interrupt - use things without right - permission." [2:35]


  • Thereat, through devious manipulation Shai'taan caused both slip off her (the given advice).


  • Thereby, he (Shai'taan) caused the exile of of both of them from state of felicity-comfort in which they had been


  • And Our Majesty directed: "You all (plural at least three) descend.

  • Some of you people will be acting as enemy for some other.


  • Know it, comfortable dwelling and sustenance is arranged in the Earth for you people for a duration to an appointed moment of termination". [2:36]


  • The fact remains that Our Majesty created you people. After a lapse of time of your creation, Our Majesty had shaped/figured you (in the wombs of your mothers).


  • Afterwards the accomplishment of intermediary processes [15:29; 38:72] when he had taken existence Our Majesty had commanded the Angels:  "You people pay obeisance for Aa'dam".


  • Thereat, they did pay obeisance to him.

  • However, Ieb'lees did not pay obeisance; he demurred to be a humble reverent. [7:11]


  • He the Exalted inquired, asking, "What is that which restrained-held you (Ieb'lees) back that you pay obeisance despite that I directed you for this?"

  • He (Ieb'lees) replied: "I am superior than him

  • You have created me from fire;

  • And You created him from clay." [7:12]




  • And He the Exalted said;  "O Aa'dam! stay-be the guest of Paradise, you and your wife;



  • Thereby, both eat from wherever you both wished and liked.

  • However, you both should refrain going near this female tree - taste its fruit.

  • Failing whereby you both might become and be considered who interrupt - use things without right - permission."  [7:19]


  • Thereby, he duped them both to accomplish his desire by deceptive delusional manipulation.

  • Thereat, as soon they had tasted the fruit of the designated tree, their bodies became naked in each other's view.

  • And [Suffering this trauma they instantly came out of the fascinating trance] they both hastened and kept covering themselves by placing the leaves of the garden upon their bodies.

  • And their Sustainer Lord called them: "Did I not restrain you both from this particular tree?

  • And had I not given you warning regarding the fact that Shai'taan is certainly proclaimed enemy of you both? [7:22]


  • He the Exalted said: "You all descend;

  • (even there) Some of you people will be acting as enemy for some other.

  • Know it, comfortable dwelling and sustenance is arranged in the Earth for you people for a duration to an appointed moment of termination". [7:24]


  • He the Exalted told them: "You people will live therein, and will die therein.

  • And you people will be evacuated out of it [revived to life]" [7:25]



  • The past time fact is that Our Majesty had created the Man;

  • Man was corporeally created with the raw material comprising of sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odour-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:26]


  • And Our Majesty had created the Species Jinn in earlier time line shaped from the fire-flame of the hot-porous-poisonous-piercing air. [15:27]

  • Know the history of point in time when your Sustainer Lord had said for the Angels;

  • "I am about to create a "skinned corporeal compact structure";

  •  It will be corporeally created with the raw material comprising of sand-mixedcrinkled clay drawn from odour-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:28]



  • However, Ieb'lees did not pay obeisance;

  • He demurred (in response to the command given to him separately) that he might be with those who humble in obeisance. [15:31]



  • He the Exalted enquired, asking, "O Ieb'lees! What was that for you which prompted that you may not be the reverent along with those who humble in obeisance?" [15:32]


  • He (Ieb'lees) replied, "I did not find myself desirous and compromising that I might humble showing obeisance for a skinned structure;;

  • Your Majesty have corporeally created him;

  • With the raw material comprising of sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odor-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound." [15:33]




  • Know the history of that point in time when Our Majesty had commanded the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Aa'dam".


  • Thereat, they paid obeisance to him.

  • However, Ieb'lees (in response to the command given to him separately) did not pay obeisance;

  • He replied, "Should I make obeisance for him whom You have created "dusty"/from clay?" [17:61]



  • Know the history of that point in time when Our Majesty had commanded the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Aa'dam".


  • Thereat, they paid obeisance to him.

  • However, Ieb'lees (in response to the command given to him separately) did not pay obeisance;

  • --- He was representing the species of Jinn ---.

  • For reason of self presumed grandeur he transgressed-distanced away from the command of his Sustainer Lord to pay obeisance for Aa'dam.

  • Would you people adopt him and his progeny as patrons apart from My Majesty

  • While knowing they are for you people enemy.

  • The act of substitution is vile for the distorters-evil mongers. [18:50]



  • Know the history of that point in time when Our Majesty had commanded the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Aa'dam".


  • Thereat, they paid obeisance to him.

  • However, Ieb'lees (in response to the command given to him) did not pay obeisance;

  • He demurred. [20:116]


  • Therefore, Our Majesty had told him; "O Aa'dam! Mind it; Ib'lees is certainly enemy for you and your wife.

  • Thereby be cautious that he might not cause exit of you both from the Paradise. In that case, you Aa'dam, might have to effort and struggle for acquiring facilities you are enjoying here. [20:117]

  • Certainly the possibility that you face not hunger therein is vouchsafed for you. Neither is there the possibility of problem of clothing - nudity. [20:118]

  • And that certainly you will neither experience therein problem of thirst - scarcity of drinks, nor will you experience exposure to heat. [20:119]


  • Purposely, Shai'taan [Ieb'lees] subtly relayed a fascinating inspiration towards him (Aa'dam);


  • He (Shai'taan/Ieb'lees) said, "O Aa'dam! May I lead you to the tree of eternity and to a kingdom that never falls/decays?" [20:120]


  • Having deceptively been made to act, they both ate the fruit from that female-tree, thereat their bodies became naked in each other's view.

  • And [Suffering this trauma they instantly came out of the fascinating trance] they both hastened and kept covering themselves by placing the leaves of the garden upon their bodies.


  • And Aa'dam did not stick to the word of his Sustainer Lord whereby he got lured to trap - distraction. [20:121]



  • He the Exalted said: "You both go down to Earth, jointly departing from this place: Paradise.


  • There some of you people will be acting as enemy for some others.

  • Take note thenceforth whenever guidance: regulatory information for aright conduct from Me would have come to you people;


  • Thereat, whoever affectionately acted upon My Guidance in letter and spirit in such manner that nothing else influences in between;


  • Thereby, having acted on My Guidance neither would he go stray - neglectful - unrewarded nor would he face trouble - difficulty - inconvenience." [20:123]



  • Know the history of point in time when your Sustainer Lord had said for the Angels;

  • "I am about to create a "skinned corporeal compact structure";

  • It will be structured with extract drawn from wet clay". [38:71]



  • However, Ieb'lees (in response to the command given to him separately-7:12) did not pay obeisance;

  • While he made his Self puffed with delusion of grandeur and superiority;

  • And he had behaved as those who disavow. [38:74]



  • He the Exalted said, "Then it is established and proven fact [you cannot distract the sincere allegiants]; and I am mentioning another infallible fact  [38:84]

  • [It is My promise] Certainly I will fill the scorching Hell-Prison with you and whoever from amongst them physically followed you/your footsteps, all collected together". [38:85]