He said, "Then get down from it;
Because puffing yourself therein with grandeur and pride was not appropriate for you.
Therefore, you get out; indeed you have exposed yourself as petty-minded, mean-spirited." [7:13]
Ieb'lees requested, "Your Majesty grant me respite until the Day they will be Revived/ Resurrected." [7:14]
Allah the Exalted said, "Indeed you are given respite [until the Day of an appointed Time]" [7:15]
Ieb'lees said: "Your Majesty has since condemned and ruined me because of human being;
I swear, I will certainly sit in ambush for them on the High road defined by You the Exalted; [7:16]
Afterwards, I swear I will approach them, coming from their front [contemporaries] and from their behind/past [legends of past generations] and from their right side and their left side
And You will not find most of them as grateful-acknowledgers of greatness bestowed upon them. [7:17]
He the Exalted commanded, "You get away of her, disgraced and expelled.
It is My promise, whoever of them would have followed you, I will certainly fill up the Hell-Prison with you people you and your followers collected together." [7:18]
Purposely, Shai'taan [Ieb'lees] subtly relayed a fascinating inspiration for both of them.
His objective was that he might cause that of their bodies visible for them which were in hidden condition from each other.
[how he relayed the fascinating thought?] He said; "The Sustainer Lord of you has not forbidden you from this female tree—
Except for the reason that you might become governors-rulers;
Or that you both might attain life of immortals." [7:20]
And he swore to both of them and said: "Believe me, I am certainly a sincere well-wishing advisor for you both." [7:21]
Both humbly stated: "Our Sustainer Lord; we have wronged ourselves;
And if You the Exalted excuse and forgive us not and bestow not mercy upon us;
We will certainly be amongst the doomed." [7:23]
Consequent to composing-coagulating and subject to I having caused it-the Masculine Structure stretched and proportioned-fashioned;
And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living];
Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him- [Aa'dam alahissalam]" [15:29]
Thereupon, in compliance thereof the Angels, everyone of them, did pay obeisance to him (Adam) collectively. [15:30]
He said, "Then you get out of it whereby indeed you are permanently discarded one; [15:34]
And indeed curse and condemnation will hover upon you until the Day of Judgment." [15:35]
Ieb'lees requested, "My Sustainer Lord! Thereby, [to prove my point] You give me respite until the Day they will be Revived - Resurrected." [15:36]
Allah the Exalted said, "your request is indeed acceded, you are reprieved; [15:37]
Unto the Day of the appointed- determined Time and Date." [15:38]
Ieb'lees said: "My Sustainer Lord! Your Majesty has since condemned and ruined me because of human being;
I swear, I will certainly make for them fascination in the Earth [by false hopes and desires] and of course I will certainly distract and thereby ruin them, all collectively. [15:39]
Exception to my promised Endeavour against humanity is only with regard to those of them who are exclusively chosen as absolutely sincere allegiants of You the Exalted, and those who have rendered themselves exclusively sincere."[15:40]
He the Exalted remarked: "This course of exclusive and sincere allegiance is the high road that is incumbent upon Me to manifest for them. [15:41]
Indeed My allegiants are they that no authority and convincing argument will be available for you to influence upon them;
Except for him who purposely followed you while being amongst the divagating ones. [15:42]
And certainly, Hell-Prison is of course the promised abode for them, yes for them all such people. [15:43]
Seven gates are made for entrance therein.
Each of these seven gates is appointed-earmarked for groups-identities. [15:44]
He said [proudly], "Have You seen! this is the one whom You have exalted and honoured over me?"
Of course subject to Your granting me respite towards the Day of Rising;
Certainly I will firmly bridle his progeny except a small minority." [17:62]
Allah the Exalted said, "You go your way, thereby, whoever amongst them would have acted following your footsteps, then certainly the Hell-Prison is the reward of you people, a commensurate recompense. [17:63]
And you stumble and fascinatingly unsettle him whom you found receptive in neglectful state amongst them with your voice-vociferation; [conjectural false hopes void of reality/words]
And you assault them with your "cavalry" and your "infantry" and be an associate with them in wealth and progeny and promise them."
Be cautioned, Shai'taan does not promise them except deceptively. [17:64]
"Indeed My sincere allegiant subjects; no power to sway would work for you to have influence upon them."
Know it, the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger suffices as the Guardian-Protector-Disposer of Affairs. [17:65]
Be aware, I did not make them to witness the creation of the Skies and the Earth, nor creation of their own selves;
And never ever I am the adopter of those who mislead as helping hands. [18:51]
Afterwards his Sustainer Lord chose him, attended to him and guided him. [20:122]
And whoever had purposely abstained adhering My Admonition - Reference Source - Operative Manual for conduct: Book:
Thereby, certainly a straitened living - economy will be arranged for him in Hell-prison.
Take note; We will gather him on the Day of Rising; he will be feeling blind. [20:124]
He said, "My Sustainer Lord! Why have you gathered me blind while indeed I had vision.". [20:125]
He said, "This is because Our Aa'ya'at had come to you whereupon - for reason [obsessed and absorbed in personal/vested interests of worldly life, by design] you forgot those.
And like that today you are willfully discarded. [20:126]
And this is how Our Majesty requite him who transgressed and accepted - believe not in the Aa'ya'ay: Verbal passages of the Book of his Sustainer Lord;
Take note, the affliction of Hereafter [Hell-Prison] is certainly harsher and lasting. [20:127]
Consequent to composing-coagulating and subject to I having caused it-the Masculine Structure stretched and proportioned-fashioned;
And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living];
Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him- [Aa'dam alahissalam]" [38:72]
Thereupon, in compliance thereof, the Angels, all of them collectively, did pay obeisance to him. [38:73]
Allah the Exalted enquired, asking, "O Ieb'lees, what is that which hindered/prevented you that you should show obeisance for the one whom I created with My Hands?
Is it for reason that you thought yourself great or/as if have you been from amongst the arrogates/ haughty?" [38:75]
He replied, "I am superior than him.
You have created me from fire, and You have created him from clay" [38:76]
He said, "Then you get out of it whereby indeed you are permanently discarded one; [38:77]
And indeed My curse and condemnation will hover upon you until the Day of Judgment." [38:78]
Until the Day of the appointed- determined Time and Date." [38:81]
Ieb'lees said, "Since You have given me respite I swear by Your Dominance and Dignity; I will certainly distract and thereby ruin them, all collectively. [38:82]
Exception to my promised Endeavour against humanity is only with regard to those who are exclusively chosen as absolutely sincere allegiants of You the Exalted." [38:83]