Man takes existence as Living Being on "The Blowing" in its Robotic Structure - Contingent Being .

Wikipedia defines Abiogenesis or informally the Origin of Life: It is the natural process by which life arises from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds. The transition from non-living to living entities was not a single event but a gradual process of increasing complexity

We may study a dozen of theories but none leads us to even remote level of certainty.  Grand Qur’ān has informed that it is not process by which life arises but the fact is that Matter and Life were created.

  • How can you disavow Allah the Exalted while knowing that you were matter - inanimate objects, then for a purpose He the Exalted vivified you people; (created you from matter 6:02).. [2:28]

  • He (the Omnipresent, the Perpetual, the Absolute) is the One Who created the matter and the life[refer 67:02]

The order of creation of physical realm is matter to life.

Words relating to semantic field Matter,  dead, inanimate objects and death stem from Root: م و ت and its contra. Root is:  ح ى ى which relates to semantic field Life.

Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الميم والواو والتاء أصلٌ صحيح يدلُّ على ذَهاب القُوّة من الشيء. منه المَوْتُ: خلاف الحياة

That it leads to the perception of a thing void of strength, vitality; it thereby refers to inanimate contra. of life.

And about Root:  ح ى ى he stated:

 الحاء والياء والحرف المعتل أصلان: أحدهما خِلاف المَوْت، والآخر الاستحياء الذي [هو] ضِدُّ الوقاحة.

That it is contra. of matter - inanimate; and secondly refers to a bad and uneasy feeling accompanied by embarrassment, caused by one's fear of being exposed or censured for some unworthy or indecent conduct; feel shy contra of impudicity.

Inanimate signifies never having been alive and having none of the characteristics of a living thing. The peculiarity (generally believed) of matter is inertia: inability to move or act; resistance to change: the property of a body by which it remains at rest or continuous moving in a straight line unless acted upon by a directional force.

The Root: م و ت describes the characteristics of matter which is specifically described by Root: ش ى ء. Matter (ش ى ء) is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. Because of its mass, all matter has inertia and weight, if it is in gravitational field. Volume is a measure of the amount of space occupied by an object.

  • He the Exalted is the One Who appropriately proportioned/synchronized/harmonized and balanced each and all things that He the Exalted has created.

  • Further be informed, He the Exalted initiated the Process of creation of Human Being corporeally with an extract drawn from wet-clay. [32:07]

  • Were they created from something different/ other than matter?

  • Or, are they themselves the creators of their selves? [52:35]

Inanimate is void of vitality, life which has the desire and force, capability of activity, exerting force and directing self and others. Life has the desire of growth, survival, continuity and accomplishment that renders it distinct from its origin, the matter. It retains in it all the qualities of matter except inertia. Thus life is a creation; independent of the creation of matter, something abstract - Vital Force that is inserted into a certain combinations of matter yielding a creature.

After the creation of a living entity it remains alive for a certain period of time and is caused to die a natural death. The state after death is not described as matter but as dead body described by word: naturally dead mammal; and: dead body of a naturally died person.

  • After a period He the Exalted will cause you to die.

  • Afterwards, [lapse of time and second blow in the Trumpet] He the Exalted will revive you all to life.

  • Thereafter, you will be presented before Him the Exalted for accountability (on your turn to tell you what you did in worldly life). [2:28]

  • Afterwards, lapse of respective period of life, indeed you people will certainly be naturally dead. [23:16]

  • Afterwards, lapse of appointed duration with determined terminating moment, indeed you people will be revived to life - resurrected on the Day of Rising. [23:16]


We are studying about the creation of man, step by step as mentioned in Divine Discourse:

  • Know the history of  point in time when your (the Messenger) Sustainer Lord had said for the Angels;

  • "I am about to create a being of "skinned corporeal compact structure";

  •  It will be corporeally created with the raw material comprising sand-mixedcrinkled clay drawn from odour-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:28]


  • Consequent to composing-coagulating and subject to I having caused it-the Masculine Structure stretched and proportioned-fashioned;

  • And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living];

  • Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him- [Aa'dam alahissalam]" [15:29]




  • Allah the Exalted is the One Who appropriately proportioned/synchronized/harmonized and balanced each of the things He the Exalted has created.

  • Further be informed, He the Exalted had initiated the Process of creation of Human Being corporeally with extract drawn from wet-clay. [32:07]

  • Afterwards, He the Exalted fashioned-rendered-inserted the extension of him: Species Human from gently and secretively drawn extract. This extract was drawn from artfully treated water which was desiccated, diluted, and lacking vitality. [32:08]

  • Afterwards He the Exalted stretched and proportioned/equated him and blew within him the Essence/Verbal Command of decision/affair of Him [kun-take existence as living]






The third and final process involved in the Creation of First Man as Living Being is explained:

  • And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living];


This sentence was translated by George Sale in these words:

"---and shall have breathed of my spirit into him;"; and the rest of translators in timeline have repeated it.

The use of word "of" in the translation reveals he did admit elision of the object of preceding verb. It signifies "and shall have breathed some segment of my spirit into him".

Syntactic analysis of this elliptical sentence:

It is the dependent clause with [حرف عطف]  Appositive/Conjunction particle; links this clause with the preceding verbal condition clause;

It is a verbal sentence. The Verb is Transitive; that it requires an Object to complete the meanings. It is Perfect; First Person; Singular; [التاء]  Subject Pronoun, in nominative state refers to Allah the Exalted. Its Verbal noun is: نَفْخٌ, which signifies to blow something in something. The Object of Verb as to what was that which was blown is elided - not mentioned.

: It is Prepositional phrase relating to Verb. Separable Preposition denotes "within; into" + Suffixed pronoun: third person; singular; masculine; genitive state, refers back to "specified contingent being ".

Prepositional phrase + Possessive Phrase, relating to adjectival of elided object of verb. The suffixed first person pronoun is referent for the Speaker, the Creator, Allah the Exalted.

We will have to study this sentence in minute detail; since the First Human - Adam had taken existence subsequent to it, for understanding the origin of human life.
  • Know the history of point in time when Our Majesty had commanded the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Aa'dam". [Refer 2:34]


  • Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him- [Last dependent sentence of Ayah 15:29 and 38:72]



The obeisance was for Adam who took existence subsequent to the act:  "I would have blown ----(elided object) into it (masculine structure - model- )".

The Root of First Person Transitive Verb: is "ن ف خ". The basic perception infolded therein is that of "to blow into, to breathe in, and puff". The effect of the act is that its object acquires an "inflated state".

It is disclosed that life arises after blowing into an object - modal made of different materials. In human history, the Last but one elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted, Easa (Jesus alahissalam) had given a demonstration as how life originates:

It was the unprecedented display, generally called miracle, when a human being originated life by blowing into a model of a bird made from wet clay. Elevated Messenger Easa (Jesus alahissalam) himself was a unique creation. He was given birth by a single parent, his virgin mother Maryam the truthful. His creation had some semblance with the creation of First Man Adam:


Power is needed for performance, any action. We all are sensible to the fact that its continued application is necessary to keep up organic motion, and drive us on through life. Vital action is continually dependent upon a power derived from air and aliment; for if these are withheld life ceases.

It is also observable that vital power is not inherent or self-existent in the human system; but is continuously dependent on, and kept up by the stimulus and nutriment derived from the air inhaled into lungs, and the aliment received into the stomach.

Living power is concentrated in the blood and this fluid immediately imparts the stimulus, and supplies the nutriment, to every part of the system which sustains vital action.



4. Allah the Exalted, the Self Living, blows into him-; First Human Person named Adam takes existence.


4.1 Life takes existence on "The Blowing".


[Read 5:110]

that I cast/sculpt bird-like for/before you people from clay, then for reason of Allah's will on my blowing therein, it becomes living bird, [read in conjunction 5:110] [3:49]

[See 3:49]

and when you cast/sculpted from clay bird-like structure with My permission then you blew in it then for reason of My permission it became living bird, [5:110]

Syeda Maryam name finds mention in Grand Qur’ān 34 times. The occurrence in 21:9 and last occurrence in 66:12 not only re-confirms the Virgin Birth but also that she remained virgin till her death.

: This sentence is repeated twice. This clause is the adjectival portrayal of Syeda Maryam. : This Verbal sentence comprising of Verb-Subject-Object is the Linkage Clause for the preceding feminine Relative Pronoun. : Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; feminine; [Form-IV; Suffixed Feminine marker; Subject pronoun hidden; اِحْصَانٌ Verbal noun. It is made from Root:  ح ص ن. Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated that the basic perception infolded in the Root is that of protecting, guarding, honouring, respecting; and of encompassing or surrounding; a fortified place. And the object of verb is: It is a Possessive Phrase, and it means "her pudendum". Since this characteristic of her is mentioned in Qur’ān, it relates to her entire life till natural death. In biological creation the body organ of a woman that is involved is the external sex organ, in Arabic: فَرْجٌ , from Root: ف ر ج. Basic perception infolded in it was described by Ibn Faris in these words: يدلُّ على تفتُّح في الشَّيء "that it leads to the perception of an opening; or intervening space- gap between two things; cleavage, rift, hole; and blooming in a thing." This word is applied to the pudenda of woman as well of a man. My respects and salutations to her with lowered chin.

Afterwards He stretched and proportioned/equated him and blew into him from His command [kun]. [32:09]

[Same information in 21:91]

she who guarded her chastity/infallibility,

[Same pronouncement with feminine pronoun in 21:91]

in such state of infallibility/whereupon/for reason [being أَمْرًا مَّقْضِيًّا a determined matter] We blew in him [Easa, blown in her] from "the word of Our command-life". [66:09]


The physical structure of would be human being was created from matter. This Structure’s cognition was by code/name -a skinned apparent structure.  Afterwards it was proportioned and preened. It was still matter. The []Structure  became a living human being when Allah, the only Self-Living, blew within it "the Essence" of one of His decided matters/commands,  and Allah the Exalted identified and named this creation as Aa'dam for the already living ones.



  • The purpose and consideration of this creative activity was that He the Exalted might expose by subjecting to a test as to who amongst you people is more appropriate-balanced-beautiful-moderate with regard to conduct, behaviour and actions.

  • And He the Exalted is the All Pervasive Dominant, the Oft-Forgiving. [67:02]

  • The fact is that Allah the Exalted is Who splits the grain seed and the stone in endocarp open.

  • He the Exalted brings out the living from the matter-dead;

  • And is the remover of the matter-death out of the living.

  • You people should know it about Allah the Exalted.

  • Thereby, how come you people are deluded away from Him? [6:95]

  • He the Exalted brings out the living from the matter-dead;

  • And He brings out matter from the living.

  • And He rejuvenates/revives the Earth after its death;

  • And like this you people will be the brought out [from Earth on Day of Resurrection] [30:19]