Man and the Universe
Why is the Universe the way it is?
How did the Universe begin
Philosophers and scientists have worked hard
and devoted their lives in pondering and observing the universe all around them
to find answers to the following fundamental questions:
and Religious Experience-Dr.Allama Muhammad Iqbal]
Character and general
structure of the universe in which we live;
Is there a permanent
element in the constitution of this universe?
How are we related to it?
What place do we occupy in it?
What is the kind of conduct
that befits the place we occupy?
The history of pursuit for finding
answers to these questions may be read in the remarkable work of learned
Stephen Hawking "A brief history of time". His
classic work helps non-scientists to understand fundamental questions of
physics and our existence from the point of view of physicists:
Where did the universe
come from? How and why did it begin?
Will it come to an end,
and if so, how?
Earlier we have studied the answer in the Divine
Discourse to the question "Where did the universe
come from and about why did it begin". We will in this paper study the answer
given in the Grand Qur’ān about the question:
How did it begin?
Though this question is more of interest for the physicists it is
explained simplistically for the benefit of entire humanity who are the
The irreducible semantic feature of Arabic Root:
خ ل ق
signifying "creation" is the will - decision taken by the living to
create; and the idea - blue print - determination of measures of the
object to be created and its proportionality to other things that
defines interrelationships before the object takes existence:
Thereby, Subject to He the
Exalted has finalized-decided about any matter, individual event:
thereat-sequel to it:

"He the Exalted finalized-decided-completed a matter-thing, individual
event" results in:

"an affair, matter, event that has since become
decided-an ordained reality". It is further explained and
simplified by using a different set of words:

We intended to cause it converted";

"when He the Exalted intended to cause a thing
informed, subject to
Our Majesty
having finalized-decided any matter-thing, individual event to take
the only action is that—
is from Root "ر و د". The
basic perception infolded is that of "going to and
fro-will, wish, desire, or intend". It is Form-IV Verb from مصدر-اِرَادَةٌ
Verbal noun. This is causative in meanings. It denotes a desire, or
intention to cause a thing converted from its present state to a state
desired or intended. Once this state alteration is intended, in respect
of anything, the only action to effect it is that "We might say for that
thing", "He the Exalted might say for that thing" just one commanding
word: "
meaning, "You, the
intended thing-event-matter-person get in the intended physical
Thereby, in compliance to the Command of Allah the Exalted, that
intended thing and affair takes existence in Physical Realm. It becomes
a Reality cognizable by all that exists in the Physical Realm.
It may be noted that the Object
of Verb:
. And then these
objects are Subject-doer of both verbs "
Therefore, they are already a "Reality"
who are the recipients of commanding Word: "
The intended action is that they convert
and emerge as a Reality in a different Realm-Physical Word. They are
directed to become in a known and perceivable state to the Existents of
Physical World.
It is thus evident that Allah the
Exalted is referring to, let us presume for convenience of our
perception, an "idea/thought"
of a thing that has yet to emerge in its physical shape-existence as an
"object". It
indicates that the "image" or "verbal specification" of the object-thing
exists prior to its physical manifestation. This also holds true for
such human creators who develop or invent something from the already
existing matter, though it may be vague at idea stage.
Our knowledge is dependent upon
the existence of matter and awareness of its name-code, which verbally
mirrors it through words composed with letters and consonants of a
language making us cognizant of it. Cognizant is he who can verbally
mirror the image of that thing for others. This being the ground
reality, We could not say with certainty regarding whether
thought-idea-image-name-word mirroring the
physical object is the first in existence, or the object mirrored by
that Word was first in existence. Grand Qur’ān has clarified
for us in simple words that the idea, thought, wish and will of a Living
Being precedes the emergence of a physical reality. The idea, thought
and perception and verbal description of the thing precedes its taking
physical existence. It comes into Physical
Realm only in compliance to a Word.
The verb:
has the prefixed conjunction particle "Fa-
, which
conjuncts clauses, semantically signifies cause and
effect relationship and shows that later is subsequent to the
former in time-duration natural to taking its effect.
The creation of the Skies and the Earth and all that exists
between them is stated to have been accomplished in six days and this is also
mentioned six times. And seventh time it is mention by sticking:

Emphatic Particle + [حرف
تحقيق] Particle of
certainty. It renders the verb as present perfect;
also gives an emphasis and denotes certainty to the
meaning of the verb.
And the myth of taking rest after accomplishing the
gigantic task of creation of the Universe is also negated. It is again
The entire process of
of the universe was
accomplished in
six days. Obviously the time reference cannot relate to
the time reference of the object, the universe, which was itself
undergoing the process of creation and its own time had yet to come into
motion. How did the universe begin and the break-up of time consumed in
structuring three entities of the universe is also mentioned:
Here the reference is of all that which was created for
the audience of the Book, the humanity, within the Earth. The Earth was
created and then everything of service and utility for the humanity was
created therein. Having created Earth and all whatever is in it, the next
action is mentioned after the conjunction particle:
. This connective particle is an adverb that indicates a sequential
action, coming later in time than the action in the preceding sentence
or clause.
It is ordinarily translated with English words "and", or
"then" by considering it synonym/ synonymous {مرادف,مترادف}
of conjunction particles "و" and "ف".
But, Grand Qur’ān has explained and used it in a
manner distinct in all respects from "و" and "ف".
The word "and" or "then" as a substitute of "ف"
,"و" are
conjunction, denoting order and a delay giving the perception of a
sequence "after that, afterwards, next, as a
consequence". It also gives informal perception of "in addition to, as
well as, along with, coupled with, combined with, furthermore, likewise".
These particles show a connected series. And "ف" reflects the relationship of cause and effect.
Both these English words
and the Arabic particles reflect a sequence of happenings/things which
are interrelated. And one does not perceive the distance of time between
the two things mentioned before and after the use of word "and" or
"then". It reflects the continuity in the two things conjunct by them
though delay in the order of happenings is evident with respect to the
thing occurring after them in relation to the one occurring before them.
But particle:
is used in a distinct manner. It emphasizes the sequence between two
structurally independent statements. It occurs as conjunction between
two things different from each other in nature and reflects a break and
time gap between both, not continuity. It does not reflect the
perception of relationship of cause and effect.
After a lapse of time, not disclosed, having finished the
creation of Earth and other materials placed in it, attention was paid
to the Sky (singular, feminine) which makes it evident that it was already
existing as singular entity. Next sentence starts with conjunction
particle "Fa" prefixed to verbal sentence:
Verb + subject pronoun third person masculine singular referent
to Allah the Exalted. It means "thereby, He the Exalted proportioned
them, feminine pronoun referring to seven skies mentioned as
circumstantial clause by indefinite accusative noun in possessive
phrase. Conjunction particle reveals that the Sky which was earlier one
whole, it was made to exist by further creative work into seven skies,
say stretching and expanding, where after seven were proportioned. The
point is rendered explicit:
This is the only statement where the mention of creation
of Earth precedes mention of creation of skies but the skies are
qualified by upper ones. One Sky already existed before the creation of
the Earth and other wherewithal in it. We will find the mention of exact
point in time when the Sky was made to exist as seven skies in the
consolidated disclosure about how did the universe came into being:
The Earth, as it was at the time of original creation,
was brought into existence in a time-span of two days. It is obvious
that the
time reference
is not of our universe but of domain beyond its
Zero-hour of our universe was still faraway.
And He the Exalted
inserted in
her (the Earth) firmly grounded anchors (mountains)
visible above her surface,
and He the Exalted permanently and relatively fixed/pegged them inside her;
And He the Exalted determined in her (the Earth) its foods,
nourishments, sustenance, provisions of it.
The phrases:

a prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase relates to elided
verb of a new sentence. The elision of verb is evident from the
following cognate adverb:
(مفعول مطلق لفعل محذوف).
A cognate adverb is a gerund with a meaning very
similar to a mentioned action. Their governing words
are often dropped, provided the purpose of the adverb is not emphasis.
People who seldom care to
analyze the grammatical structuring of sentences of the discourse to
understand a concept get confused by the word "four days". The previous
clause of creation of the Earth in two days is conjunct with another
independent clause by particle "waw" which starts with:
meaning "He the Exalted inserted" instead of:
"He created".
It is the most interesting information about which we are
still not aware and sure in the 21st century about the formation of
plate tectonics and formation of rocks/mountains. However, general
belief is that different set of processes that shaped the surface of
Earth started after quite sometime the Earth was in existence.
But the Divine information is that the:
firmly grounded anchors were
not created in the universe but were
inserted in the Earth which means it were the materials
"imported" into
the Earth. They were inserted and placed in such manner that they are
over her surface and firmly grounded within the Earth. What are the
firmly grounded anchors? It is explained:
Have Our Majesty not
rendered the
Earth as
spread plain, even and smooth?
[to make your sojourn comfortable] [78:06]
It is nowhere mentioned that the Anchors - Mountains were
created. For them verb:
"He created" is NOT used. Instead verb:
"He inserted" and verb:
Form-IV, perfect, third person, masculine, singular, and
hidden subject pronoun referent for Allah the Exalted. The verb
signifies causing something to be placed before or within something.
is thus evident that like dark matter, white light, and water
anchors/rocks/or tectonic plates are the matter imported from somewhere
else into our universe during its making.
And again verb "He created" is not used in 41:10 quoted above, but it
"He the
Exalted determined - quantified" its object:
is a possessive phrase with first plural noun and the suffixed pronoun
is referent for the Earth that means "her sustenance - provisions -
materials of preservation."
The creation of Earth and other works were a
progressive work as is evident by the choice of conjunction particle
and different verbs, and the progressive time duration for the
completion of works relating to the Earth is mentioned by progressive
total of days consumed. This quantification of sustenance and provisions
were appropriately proportioned for the needs of would-be seekers of
The next distinct phase of creation of the universe was
continued after a lapse of time afterwards the creation of the Earth and
other jobs and processes:
Afterwards, having created the
Earth and its wherewithal, He the Exalted attended-directed towards
the Sky, she was existing in gaseous state.
This declarative - informative statement is conjunct to
the previous clause by:
that reveals the different nature of antecedent activity and the
activity mentioned later and a time-gap between the two. The focus of
activity is mentioned as the Sky (singular) and in what condition was it
then is mentioned as
gaseous state.
It is explicit that at the time of and during the
creation of the Earth and insertion of other materials in it
One Sky was
already present in gaseous state. These were
two independent
components at that point in time. Allah the Exalted gave an option to
the Sky and the Earth (both feminine objects) to make an assembly - a
relationship either of attraction-tug or repulsion.
This shows that the
matter too has some phenomenon of "consciousness - perception -
intelligence". They,
the two feminine objects replied they have come like those who develop
relationship of mutual pull-affection-attraction desiring proximity.
At this point in time two component units (both feminine)
had become assembled as we generally assemble components while
manufacturing/creating an object. What followed:
Thereby, applying of stretching in
layers [firmaments
one above the other]
He the Exalted
them seven skies
within two days.
And He the Exalted
assigned to each
of the layers of the Sky
her specific task.
And Our Majesty have
the lowest Sky of
Lowly World-Earth with
Comets, and have
rendered it
These are the
equations-measured settings of relations-relativity determined by the absolutely
Dominant, Infinitely Knowledgeable - the setter of sciences. [41:12]
This clause is conjunct to the preceding clause by
particle "Fa" that indicates the sequence of happenings. After the
assemblage of the Sky and the Earth, the Sky was converted into seven
skies, and distinct task was assigned to each one. Another
classification was made as the Sky of the Lower world and the Upper
About the manner of creation of the Skies it is informed:
Have you
people not seen how Allah
the Exalted has created seven skies, vertically layered one above another in harmony/adjoining one above another. [71:15]
And He the
Exalted rendered the Moon in all of them as
reflector of visible light
And He the Exalted has rendered the Sun as Prominent Figure.
[Shining, grandeur, grace, beauty, attraction]
The creation of the unified universe was thus
accomplished in a period of six days of some other domain before the
zero moment when the newly created universe was set into motion or spin.
That the Skies and the Earth were once in a
sewn state - united leaving no aperture as if
she were a single unit. Thereby, since the intent was to make the under
creation universe operational, Our Majesty
disjointed both rendering them individuated.
Earlier we have read that the Sky and the Earth had
joined and then the Sky was proportioned and completed into seven skies
and their state had become:
as two things are sewn leaving no aperture. Then it
It is a complete sentence comprising of prefixed conjunction particle
signifying presence of reason and effect, perfect verb, subject pronoun
and suffixed object pronoun dual feminine. The skies is a plural broken
feminine noun which is grammatically singular. Also the relation is
in fact between two, the Sky and the Earth.
How and when the newly created universe had become
operational? Here seems the answer:
Allah the Exalted had raised the "سمك"
ceiling of the Sky which resulted in:
"Thereby, Our Majesty disjointed both", which earlier being two separate entities
[gaseous and solid matter] had been brought in the
state/relation/condition of:
as two things are sewn leaving no aperture. The "سمك" means "Interior uppermost
part, a thing with which a thing is raised, elevated, upraised or
uplifted. It signifies the extent of anything from top to bottom.
Camel's hump; a pole of a tent with which tent is raised from the
The fact of
raising high the Skies finds mention with additional information:
Further it is
mentioned that the structuring of the Sky was done with application of
strength and force, and that the
phenomenon of expanding it is ongoing:
Creation of Time of our Universe
The raising of
the Sky accomplished the harmonization of the Universe as a single
Ever since the day of creation of the Skies and the Earth
the time-calendar
is by the number of twelve lunar months
a year. The calendar is of
twelve months
four of them are declared since beginning as sacred; and we know that the
sacred months are with reference to lunar year. The Calendar from the beginning of
Universe; created primarily for the test of human beings; is Islamic in accordance with the
chosen "Deen": the code of conduct: Constitution of Universe: Islam:
surrender, peace and harmony.
After (رَفَعَ
سَـمْكَهَا) the raising of the ceiling of the Sky and making
adjustments for harmonizing (فَسَوَّىٰـهَا)
the night of the Sky is mentioned and then its heat and light was
released, meaning the first day-time of newly created universe.
the release of heat and light the Earth was rendered like the communal
ostrich pit for spawning.
Lunar day and month starts at the moment of the beginning
of night which was the Zero hour of the Universe. After raising the Sky
some adjustments were made that does indicate some amount of time for
synchronizing the system immediately before the start time - zero hour
of the universe. This might help the scientists finding where an object [sun, moon and earth] was located in
terms of Space-Time Continuum
[four-dimensional description of length, width, and height and
time] immediately before the spin-Zero Time of our Universe.
Qur’ān has mentioned twelve months of the year but has not referred to
the number of days in a year. The consistency is of twelve months but
the number of days in the year could vary in time and space.
The information my be useful for Planetary
Scientists who are in the pursuit of knowing the Earth-Moon dynamics.
On the first lunar day's sunlight the Earth got spread
and with this the water stored therein was
taken out which occupied the major portion
of the Earth.
Start time of the Universe is
the night. Time is reckoned in relation to night and day. We find throughout the
Grand Qur’ān that night finds mention first and then the mention of day. We
will study the phenomenon of night and day mentioned in Qur’ān in a separate
paper. Similarly we will study separately about detailed information regarding
the Earth, the Sky and other celestial bodies to grasp the entire universe.
A brief synopsis of the process
of creation of our universe unfolded by the Grand Qur’ān:
(a) Earth and all
other material inserted and quantified in/on it was created in four days, a period of universe
external to under construction universe. Anchors - mountains were
inserted, also Water in measured quantity was placed in it. These
materials seem to be imported ones into our universe.
(b) After this and lapse of
unspecified time,
attention was paid to the Sky which already existed in gaseous state.
(c) Sky (Gaseous) and
Earth were "asked" to develop a relationship either of
love/attraction or hatred/repulsion. Both (feminine) opted the
relationship of attraction which resulted in "sewing" of the Sky and
Earth without any cleavage/gap/aperture/vacuum. This state has been
described by the word {رَتْقاً}.
(d) Sky
was divided into seven parts, one above another one, exactly fitting in
each other. This partitioning and assigning of specific task for each of
them took two days, a period of universe external to under construction
universe. Thus the total period consumed in the construction of our
universe matter and material was equal to six days of some external
universe because internal time of the proposed universe had not as yet
begun. Everything was set and placed in equations to set and
maintain the balance which afterwards became evident, displayed to view.
(e) The
of the Sky was raised upwards. The Sky and Earth were parted/disjointed. This was the beginning of a
new universe. It created simultaneously
the Time of our Universe. The first
night was rendered darkened and after that the light and
heat of the day was brought out.
After the discharge of heat and light on the first bright day, the Earth of newly
constructed universe was expanded - stretched.
(g) Neither the above process of creation of our
universe could make any body infer that the creation of universe was
from zero volume nor that it was the result of some "Bing Bang".
Grand Qur'an has nowhere informed the humanity that there was a "Bing Bang" at
the time of creation. But there
will certainly be a "Bing Bang" to be heard by people when the Time of
our universe is to be brought to a halt which we will study next to find
the answer to question:
Will the universe come to an end,
and if so, how?

Will the Universe come to an end, if so