Allah the Exalted

The Name of The Absolute Being - Sustainer Lord Who is uncritically admired, revered, feared, and adorned - glorified.


The near equivalent for: in English language is the God; though it is also transcribed in dictionaries as Allah which gives same sound as is in Arabic and its meanings mentioned is: Islamic name of God.

From Wikipedia

In monotheistic thought, God is conceived of as the Supreme Being and the principal object of faith. The concept of God, as described by theologians, commonly includes the attributes of omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), and as having an eternal and necessary existence. Depending on one’s kind of theism, these attributes are used either in way of analogy, or in a literal sense as distinct properties of the God.

Many scientists naively make a patently unscientific statement that belief in Allah the Exalted (the God) is "blind faith". They forget that "blind faith" can never make anyone sincere to anything. It is self deception. Sincerity is always the end product of thoughtful processing, critically evaluating and arriving to conviction of it being infallible fact about an idea. They ask: Does God Exist? If God does exist, has He revealed Himself? It is interesting that the first question posed in Qur’ān is addressed to the Atheists who believe not in the existence of Allah the Exalted (the God).

They perceive the existence of sciences but strangely perceive not the existence of the setter of sciences. They even perceive not that the primal source of "information" and "knowledge" is always unitary and its sharing is volitional. And that it is the attribute of a Living and sciences are the manifestation of a Living Being. Science itself is the evidence of the Existence of their Setter.

The science and scientific study revolve around a percept. But there is no percept which can be perceived in isolation, it is perceived with reference to existence of another percept. Arabic language has a far comprehensive rather scientific word to describe the unit of sciences and scientific study: stemming from Root: ء ى ى. It relates to semantic frame Sign. Lane's Lexicon quoting classical Arabic lexicon of Er-Rághib says, "it properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent, so that when one perceives the former, he knows that he perceives the other, which he cannot perceive by itself,"

Sign is defined as an object, event or phenomenon whose presence or occurrence indicates the existence, presence or occurrence of something else, the relationship being asymmetric.

Phenomenon is a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.

Sign is the Indicator which exists as an indication of another's existence or another phenomenon, the Indicated.

A Sign, in Arabic: is in fact information-mirroring-transmitter about some invisible existence, reality, fact. It has in it an element of news. It is neither synonym nor synonymous to: عَلَامَةٌ which is derived from Root: ع ل م  that denotes such mark, representation, symbol, or figure about which it is already known as to what it features - portrays. The relationship between Indicator and Indicated in: عَلَامَةٌ is that of symbolization or iconicity.

Though the Indicated in the English frame Sign can be past, present, or future entity or eventuality, Arabic has distinct word for the past sign: . Frame Sign signified by: is distinct from:  stemming from Root: ء ث ر that denotes a mark left of something, scar, trace, footprint relating to an object, event, phenomenon of the past that is no more in existence. 

Semantic frame Sign also relates to Communication and Text_creation.

In Grand Qur’ān the word: - plural is firstly used to refer to the Divine communication through linguistic tokens, the verbal Passages of the Divine Speech - Book that indicate information and guidance. These passages are the Indicators indicating the Existence of Invisible Author - Speaker and His speech act. The Text is a Sign indicating the Existence of its Creator exercising Volition.

Majority of the philosophers and scientists do not know that neither Allah the Exalted nor His elevated universal Messenger ever said in the Grand Qur’ān asking humanity to believe in His Presence as a blind faith. On the contrary, only scientific facts and arguments along with some cues in the events of the past are presented to pursue the people to realize and perceive the existence and omnipresence of Allah the Exalted (the God); and to prove the fact that all those whom they consider and revere, besides Him the Exalted, as gods none of them is a living entity.

The first part of the Thesis Statement of Grand Qur’ān is:

  • Realize it about miscellany of iela'aha: deities-godheads that are uncritically admired, adorned and worshipped: none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except Allah the Exalted the Alone Sustainer Lord


The evidence and arguments to prove the Thesis Statement relate to scientific domain. This is the reason that the second largest chunk of the text of Divine Discourse, after Narratives, is about scientific realities and phenomenon.  

Every individual, in the judgement of Allah the Exalted, is in fact a scientist because he is endowed with cognitive -perceptive faculties and intellect to differentiate between things and phenomena to draw conclusions and perceive what is not within the ambit of vision.