It is a fact that (what to say of explaining with gigantic similitude, given earlier) Allah the Exalted considers it not a matter of shyness-reluctance-embarrassment-constraint to strike example: of a female mosquito, thereby highlighting that which exists besides herof that which enters a female mosquito where after it reaches to top of her.
Thereat, as for those who have since heartily accepted-believed, they know that it is certainly the established fact disclosed and communicated by the Sustainer Lord of them.
However, as for those are concerned who have rejected-refused to accept the Message (Qur'aan-call of Messenger) they in responsepurposefully question others, saying; "What is that which Allah has intended by this disclosure-similitude?"
He, by such revelation, exposesproves many as neglectfully strayingcause
them remain:
And He the Exalted guides with it many [who seek/wish guidance].
Realize it that
He the Exalted by it
does not let anyone remain
neglectful- straying, except those who
dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints
and portrayed hereafter]. [2:26]
They [ ] are
those who in time and space keep
breaking- distorting- absolving- disowning the Covenant of Allah the Exalted,
after its having consented as firmly established and
Moreover, they cut- distance away from that which Allah the Exalted has commanded that it might be approached- joined- maintained. [Allah's Book].
Furthermore, they keep creating disturbance- disquiet- confusion in the society. [Diametrically opposite ones 13:20]
These are truly those who cause- earn loss to their selves in time-line. [2:27]
And recall when We had said: "You people enter this town for sojourn;
Thereat, eat of the plenty therein as you wish.
Moreover, you enter the door as humble people-in humility posture;
And while entering the door you pronounce praying, "
We beg forgiveness":
We would like to forgive-overlook for you people about your omissions.
Be assured, We will keep increasing blessings for those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously". [2:58]
Consequently while entering, those amongst them who transgressed, substituted the utterance-word with an utterance-word other than that which was told to them.
Thereby, We sent, upon those of them who were transgressors, disquieting punishment from the Sky.
They met this punishment because they kept transgressing the prescribed bounds. [2:59]
The fact remains: We have compactly sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] explicit Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages mirroring information, facts and knowledge.
Know the fact that none refuses accepting them except those who are "al-fasiqoona": the promise breakers and transgressor-who go out of the prescribed bounds. [2:99]
The Hu'j is in the limited Days [composite comprising day and night] which are famous-a matter of common knowledge-information [known from centuries, therefore need not be mentioned-22:28].
Therefore, he who has "cut off, alienated, isolated-undertaken obligation" in these days for Hu'j, thereat [having put on eharaa'm/Hu'j dress] neither engaging in matrimonial relations-sex affairs-all sex related excitements nor any un-restrained-abnormal act and any purposeless debating-wrangling is permissible during Hu'j.
And should you people initiatively perform any deed of better import, Allah the Exalted will certainly acknowledge and make it known [since He is eternally and always watching the affairs].
And you people take along necessary provisions for journey-sojourn.
For reason-result wise the best provision is the heedful, mindful and restrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.
And you always remain focusing on Me, O you the people who look into matters objectively/find the end purpose/objective of creation. [2:197]
Thereby, after having known this obligation with which the entire humanity is bound by the aforesaid oath, if someone deliberately turned away;
Thereat, they are truly the people who are in habit of going out of the prescribed bounds. [3:82]
You the believing Muslims have been a people best in goodness and moderation. This community was made prominent for the peoples: mankind.
You enjoin people to act according to the accepted social values-norms and forbid people to stay away from the conjectural, unexampled, unauthentic and unverifiable myths.
And you people believe and place your trust with Allah the Exalted.
And had the people of the Book accepted and believed [in the Messenger and Grand Qur'aan]; indeed it would have been much better for them.
The believers are present amongst them: People of the Book;
But the majority of them are: "al-fasiqoona" the promise breakers who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints. [3:110]
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] prayed: "My Sustainer Lord! I have authority and control over none except upon myself and my brother.
Therefore, draw a separation between us and between people who are Al'Fasi'qeen: those who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints; the wicked nation" [5:25]
Allah the Exalted told him: "Be informed; This City is thereby forbidden upon them for forty years. They will during this period wander bewildered in the Earth.
Therefore, you need not feel sorry - lament for Al'Fasi'qeen: those who dissolutely move out of prescribed bounds and restraints; wicked nation". [5:26]
And the holders of In'jeel should command the people by that which Allah the Exalted had communicated therein.
Be mindful; if anyone in timeline decided and commanded not by that: the Book which Allah the Exalted had communicated:
Thereat, they are truly the people who are in habit of going out of the prescribed bounds. [5:47]
And it is imperative that you the Messenger adjudge between them in the light of that which Allah the Exalted has since communicated in the Book.
And you the Messenger should not incline to pursue the conjectures and hearsay of theirs: Jews and Christians.
And be careful of them that they might try you in some content of that which Allah the Exalted has conveyed to you;
Thereat you having adjudged by injunctions-information contained in the Book: if they turned back then be informed that Allah the Exalted will decide to inflict them with some of the share and result of their sins.
Know it; quite many of people are certainly mischief-mongers: practice unrestrained conduct; bind themselves not within the frame of the Book of Allah. [5:49]
You ask and tell them: "O you the people of Book! Do you disapprove, revenge and retaliate against us for nothing except that we have believed in Allah the Exalted, and in that which has since been sent-relayed to us: Grand Qur'aan, and in that which was communicated before in timeline: preserved in Grand Qur'aan?
However, the fact remains that majority of you people are "fasi'qoona": the promise breakers and transgressors who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints". [5:59]
And had they believed in Allah the Exalted and An-Nabi: the elevated sincere allegiant Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam; he about whom they find written in At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel]; and in that which has since been relayed to them: Grand Qur'aan, they would not have adopted them: the non-believers as their intimate patrons/guardians
But fact remains; majority of typical psyche amongst them are "fasi'qoona": the promise breakers and transgressors who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints. [5:81]
This mode of verification is better suited which will prompt the people to give the testimony exactly on its face-as was bequeathed by the deceased testator;
Or else they might apprehend that it might be rejected by other oaths taken after their attestation.
And you are directed to remain mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted;
Moreover, you are directed to attentively listen [injunctions in the Qur'aan].
Mind it; Allah the Exalted does not guide those people who are aberrant-the promise breakers and transgressors of the prescribed bounds. [5:108]
Know it, We did not find the majority of them to have respect and adherence for any article of covenant-promise;
And We observed the majority of them as deviants, limits and promise breakers. [7:102]
Know it, Our Majesty had prescribed for him: Mūsā [علیہ السلام] in writing engraved in the Tablets:
A polite and affectionate advice regarding every matter and act of appropriate conduct;
And it was composed wherein every matter-aspect was categorized and individuated.
We had asked him: "Therefore, hold these Tablets firmly and command your nation that they should adhere the best course of conduct outlined therein.
I will henceforth keep enlightening and enabling you people to envision the abode of those who transgress and go out of the bounds and restraints." [7:145]
How could the pact persist? When it has become evident that they would have no regard for the kinship in you nor for the pact of protection should they gain prominence/power over you - balance of power is in their favour.
They satisfy, please, cool you people by lip service and their hearts avert.
And most of them are "fasiqoona": the promise breakers, transgressors, prone to violating the bounds. [9:08]
They bartered a trifling worldly gain by going against Aa'ya'at: verbal passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted whereby they hindered people from the High road of Him the Exalted.
Indeed evil and extremely harmful is for them what they have been doing. [9:09]
They regard not the kinship tie in a believer nor the pact of protection.
And they are the people who are the transgressors. [9:10]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your spouses and your clans;
And the wealth that you have acquired, and the business you people apprehend recession in it; and the residences you are delighted with:
These are more attractive and dearer to you people than Allah the Exalted and the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] of Him the Exalted; and than endeavoring-exerting utmost for the cause-High road of Him the Exalted:
Thereby, wait remain absorbed in their love until such time Allah the Exalted proclaims His decision-command.
Remain cognizant, Allah the Exalted guides not the people who are aberrant-promise breakers and transgress prescribed bounds. [9:24]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell [Muna'fi'qeen]; "You people spend whether by showing willingness or distastefully-aversely; this spending might never be accepted from you;
The fact remains that you have been averse people who transgress prescribed bounds, lie and betray promises." [9:53]
The information about men and women who are deceptive and false claimants of belief in the believer's society is that some of them take directions from some others.
They enjoin sticking by deviations, unfamiliar, unauthentic and unverifiable myths and they forbid the accepted social values/norms/appropriate conduct: the verbal passages of Qur'aan.
And they keep their fists closed.
They have forgotten Allah; therefore, He the Exalted has discarded and condemned them as not worthy of consideration.
Indeed the Muna'fi'qeen: imposter believers: they are truly the transgressors of the prescribed bounds. [9:67]
You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] seek forgiveness or should you not seek forgiveness for them; if you seek forgiveness for them even seventy times; outcome will remain the same since Allah the Exalted would never forgive them.
The point intended to be clarified is that this upshot is only because they have refused to believe in Allah the Exalted and His Messenger [rendering them ineligible for entry into Paradise; hence no forgiveness].
Mind it; Allah the Exalted does not guide those people who are aberrant-the promise breakers and transgressors of the prescribed bounds. [9:80]
Take note, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should never ever pray upon any one of them: Muna'fi'qeen: Imposter believers who has died; and you should not stand by his grave.
Indeed they: Imposter believers have refused to believe in Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.
And they died while they were "fasiqoona": the promise breakers and transgressors of prescribed bounds. [9:84]
They swear for satisfying and pleasing you people to overlook them.
Responsively should you people become satisfied about them, then remain aware that Allah the Exalted does not approve and appreciate such people who are averse, transgressors, liars and promise breakers. [9:96]
And mention about Luet [alai'his'slaam] Our Majesty had given him faculty of decision making- judgment and knowledge;
And We rescued him from the locality which used to perform abominable acts.
Indeed they were a people evil, deviants who get out of the bounds, restrains. [21:74]
Take note about those who hurl allegationregister a complaint of illicit sex upon the chaste women;
Thereafter they did not bring forthproduced four eye witnesses to prove their allegation:
Thereupon you peoplethe Judiciary/executive authority holding them guilty of false accusation flog them eighty lashes, the object of flogging being restricted to the skin [not excoriation].
And henceforth you people should not accept/confront them as witness for ever in future;
And they are certainly such people who are transgressorsbetray the prescribed bounds; [24:04]
Except those who have returned repenting after having done that, and they henceforth consciously corrected/mended the direction of conduct;
Thereat, Allah the Exalted is indeed Oft-forgiving-overlooking faults, the Merciful. [24:05]
Allah the Exalted did promise, as self imposed obligation, for those of you people who accepted-believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately; [as directed in the Book of Allah prevalent in time and space]
That He will certainly grant them succession in the Earth in the like manner as He granted succession to those before them;
And that He will establish for them their System and Code of Life, the System that He has approved for them;
And that He will certainly replace after their state of fear and insecurity to state of tranquility and peace.
They are exclusively allegiant to Me, they do not associate anything with Me.
Be mindful, whoever refused to accept after this proclamation;
Thereat, they are truly the people who are in habit of going out of the prescribed bounds. [24:55]
And enter your hand into your neckbandtowards Axilla/armpit, it will come out as pure shining white without any spot;
These two are included in Nine unprecedented displaysmiraculous signs towards Fir'aoun/ Pharaoh and his nation.
Indeed they have been a people deviants and limits violator. [27:12]
Enter your hand into your neckbandtowards Axilla/armpit,it will come out as pure shining white without any spot;
And draw/take your hand [after entering it in neckband] into your axilla/armpit against the fear.
Hence these two [out of nine] are evidences from your Sustainer Lord for demonstration upon Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and his Chieftains.
Indeed they have been a people deviants and limits violator.. [28:32]
Is then the one who had persistently been a believer like the one who persistently remained a transgressor/who went out of the prescribed bounds?
No, they are not equal and identical. [32:18]
Thereby he consciously by design bluffed his nation whereupon they accepted his word;
Indeed they were a people deviants and limits violator. [43:54]
Therefore, you remain coolly perseverant like the tradition of patience exercised by the Messengers of strong will and determination;
And you should not react to hasten finality for them [as they ask you to hasten decision].
[they mockingly ask that when they would have converted to bones and dust, their perception will be] As if, the Day when they see [resurrection] what is being promised to them, [their observation would be that] they had not stayed in that condition except for an hour of a day.
The time is to cross over to that Moment;
Thereat would anyone get destroyed and doomed except the people who are deliberate and persistent defiant and deviants? [46:35]
O those people/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen;
If a person, who enjoys the reputation of a distorter and exceeding norms of the society, has come to you people with a news,
Thereat/for reason you should verify/investigate its authenticity
Lest you cause harm to a people under influence of outburst of passion/emotion;
Thereat on knowing the reality you may become regretfully ashamed for that which you did reactively. [49:06]
And the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] in aforetimes;
Indeed they were a people who remained deviants and limits violator. [51:46]
Has the hour not yet come for those who have proclaimed to have believed;
That their hearts may become soft and humble for the "Reminder of Allah" and for that which has since been communicated in the Infallible Discourse: Grand Qur'aan
And they should not become like those whom the Book was given earlier in time before them,
Thereon the time interval lengthened upon them whereby their hearts became hardened/dense/stuck to one place/immovable [from the conjectural myths/stories/notions/hopes made popular]
The fact remains; majority of typical psyche amongst them are "fasi'qoona": the promise breakers and transgressors who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints. [57:16]
And it is a fact that We had sent Noah and Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam];
And We kept in the progeny of both of them the position of Distinction of Elevation and Selectivity and the Book;
Thereby there are those who made themselves aright guided living amongst them;
While most of them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [57:26]
Afterwards We sent Messengers one after the other in succession on their pattern,
And We succeeded them with Easa [alai'his'slaam] son of Maryam and We gave him In'jeel;
And We placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who physically followed him.
However, monasticism was innovated novelty of their own inclination. We had not prescribed it for them; their purpose was but to seek and pursue for the appreciation and approval of Allah the Exalted.
Thereat they could not observe it as was the due right of its observance.
Resultantly We gave to those of them their reward who have accepted and believed;
And most of them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds". [57:27]
"The irregularly behaving/spreading/developing trees which you had cut down out of the [inferior quality produce] date-palms or had left others standing on their roots it was for reason of being with the leave of Allah,
And that He may cause the realization of eventuality of their shameful acts to the Transgressors-those who cut/distance away from command and go out of the bounds disregarding their promises ". [59:05]
And you should not become like those who forgot Allah whereby [by discarding and condemning them] He made them forget their own selves [never evaluating their conduct remaining unconscious of eventuality].
They are the people who are transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [59:19]
Recollect the history; When Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said to his nation:
"O my nation! for what/why you people cause for me irritation/annoyance while you certainly know that I am the Messenger of Allah towards you people".
In response/eventually when they tilted to their inclinations, Allah caused their hearts to remain atilt,
Mind it; Allah the Exalted does not guide those people who are aberrant-the promise breakers and transgressors of the prescribed bounds. [61:05]
It is one and the same thing result wise upon them, whether you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] had inclined yourself to seek forgiveness for them or have not inclined yourself that you should seek forgiveness for them
Since Allah will never grant forgiveness for them.
Indeed Allah does not guide those people who are aberrant/the promise breakers and transgressors who go out of the prescribed bounds. [63:06]
O those people/you, who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
Whenever you people have mutually decided a fiscal deal of promissory nature: lending whose maturity term is specified by deadline-specific date for payment, thereat you are directed to document it in writing.
A scribe should write down the agreement struck between you people, impartially in just manner.
Take note, a scribe should not refuse documenting-writing down since Allah the Exalted has imparted him the knowledge to write.
Therefore, he should write down and the party under liability should dictate, remaining mindful and fearful of Allah the Exalted, his Sustainer Lord. And he should not undervalue anything relating to the liability/obligation.
For reason of the indebted person being immature or weak, or if he does not consider himself capable to dictate it, thereby, the guardian of his interests should dictate it; details of deal with equity.
Moreover, you must seek two men of good repute amongst you as observers-non participating witness to the contract.
However, in case of non-availability of two men, the recourse is to seek one man and two women of vicinity selected by mutual consent to observe the deal. [two women; it is embarrassing for a woman to join unknown 4 men in a commercial shop; she might remain absent minded].
The cause of inviting two women to observe the transaction: supposedly one of the two ladies might become lost-absorbed in herself-unmindful other woman might make her mindful.
And the observers should not refuse to observe the contract when they are called upon for it.
And you should not neglect too reduce it: lending-loaning deal to writing-documenting; notwithstanding whether it be small or big in worth, validating till its termination date.
Allah the Exalted considers it-documentation as an act more just for you people and is primary evidence. And it reduces the chances that you might suffer confusion and double mindedness.
However, if it were an on-spot transaction by hand-to-hand, a routine daily business of rotation of things by selling and buying, thereat, no blame is upon you people in not reducing it to writing.
And you are directed to make it a witnessed activity when you have mutually struck a promissory commercial transaction: credit sale.
Take note that neither the scribe nor the witnesses should be harassed.
In case you do so, thereat you will indeed be guilty of excess.
Moreover, you people consciously remain mindful and avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.
And recognize the fact that Allah the Exalted is teaching you [the right way to conduct business].
And Allah the Exalted has the absolute knowledge of each and everything [visible and infolded][2:282]
The dead mammal; and the flowing liquid blood; and the meat of swine-pig flesh have been forbidden upon you the claimants of belief;
And forbidden is that mammal which has been slaughtered in the name-pronouncing someone other than Allah the Exalted and associating with Allah someone else also;
And the strangled; and the one succumbed to injuries; and the one died by falling; and the one gored to death;
And that mangled by animal of prey save that you timely slaughtered it;
And the mammal slaughtered upon [stationary] idols.
And it is forbidden for you that you people might apportion matters-seek judgments with featherless arrows instead of using intellect/thought process.
This is for you people equivalent to getting out of the bounds/restraints imposed by Allah the Exalted/It is equivalent to denounce allegiance to Allah.
Those who have refused to believe are now despaired by your Code of conduct.
Therefore, you people should not be apprehensive of them; and always be awed of Me exclusively.
I have by now fully prescribed your Code of Conduct: Constitution for adherence by you;
And I have thus accomplished My beneficence upon you people.
And I am pleased to announce Islam as the Constitution: Code of Conduct for you people.
In partial modification of prohibition and subject to desperate reason of quiver-shudder because of extreme hunger no one will be held guilty of sin for eating any of the forbidden things; provided he had no urge and liking for that; and that he does not transgress the limit of relieving the state of quiver-shudder from hunger,
Remain aware; Allah the Exalted is indeed Oft-forgiving-overlooking, the Merciful. [5:03]
Take note: Our Majesty appoints the sent Messengers only to act as Pronouncer-guarantor of glad tidings and as cautioner and awakener.
Responding them whoever had heartily accepted; and perfected his conduct;
Thereby, fear will not haunt-overshadow upon such class of people.
Neither will they have a cause to grieve. [6:48]
And the destiny for those who publicly contradicted the Aa'ya'at: revealed Verbal Passages of Our Majesty is that a certain punishment will keep afflicting them.
This consequence is for the reason that they kept transgressing the prescribed bounds. [6:49]
Take note; you people should not eat a mammal upon whom the name of Allah the Exalted was not pronounced while slaughtering.
Be mindful; slaughtering mammal without pronouncing the name of Allah and eating it is most certainly an act of trespassing the bounds-restraints imposed by Allah the Exalted.
And Evil-minded people indeed inspire fabricated conjectural myths to their companions-like minded so that they might contend with you people.
Be mindful; if you people affectionately listen and accept their words; you are undoubtedly the keepers of their partnership-association-company. [6:121]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "I do not find; in the contents of that which has verbally been communicated to me: Grand Qur'aan, anything prohibited and forbidden upon a feeder which he eats;
Except the prohibition that it: feed were a naturally dead mammal;
Or the food comprised flowing liquid blood;
Or the food contains bacon - meat of pig; reason being that it certainly suffers messiness, filthiness;
Or the meat of that mammal slaughtered in the name/pronouncing someone other than Allah the Exalted; it is an act of denouncing allegiance and transgressing the bounds."
The aforementioned prohibition is relaxed for desperate reason of quiver/shudder because of extreme hunger subject to further condition that one will not be held guilty of sin for eating any of the forbidden things provided he had no urge and liking for that; and he does not transgress the limit of relieving the state of quiver/shudder from hunger.
This is because the Sustainer Lord of you is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking; the Fountain of Mercy. [6:145]
And you ask them about the people of the town which was situated by the side of the sea:
With reference to when they started transgressing in the matter of Sabbat: rest-holiday for commercial activity on observing that fishes in their area emerge on surface on their legal day off; and on the day when they were not legally off business the fishes were not coming to them.
This is how Our Majesty were subjecting them to trial for the reason of their transgressing the prescribed bounds. [7:163]
Thereby, when they deliberately effaced from memory what they had been strongly reminded Our Majesty rescued those who were forbidding evil conduct;
And We seized with grievous punishment those who distorted and violated because of their persistent transgression and unrestrained conduct. [7:165]
This is how the word of your Sustainer Lord is proved and established upon those who transgressed distancing away from restraints, that they will not accept and believe. [10:33]
Know it, when Our Majesty have decided that We may annihilate a dwelling, We commanded through the Messenger to the ruling elite of her; thereat, they purposely transgressed therein;
Thereupon the promised proposition became incumbent upon them. Consequently, Our Majesty destroyed her, a destruction by forceful entrance. [17:16]
Know the history of that point in time when We had said to the Angles; "You people pay obeisance for Adam";
Consequently, on taking existence, in compliance they did pay obeisance to Adam [alahissalam]. However, Ieb'lees in response to the command given to him separately demurred [on being questioned for disobeying the command given to him]
He was representing the species of Jinn. For reason of self presumed grandeur he transgressed-distanced away from the command of his Sustainer Lord to pay obeisance for Adam.
Would you people adopt him and his progeny as patrons apart from My Majesty while they are for you people enemy.
The act of substitution is vile for the distorters-evil mongers. [18:50]
It is certain that We are about to bring down upon the inhabitants of this Town:
Disquieting punishment from the Sky
This consequence is for the reason that they kept transgressing the prescribed bounds." [29:34]
And as for those are concerned who transgressed/distanced away from restraints, thereby/in consequence their place of return/abode is the heated Hell-Prison.
Every time they wished/intended that they may get out of that they are pushed back therein
And it is said/announced for them, "you people taste the torment of heat the one which you people used to contradict." [32:20]
And the Day when those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept would be presented to the Hell-Prison,
It will be pronounced, "you people exhausted your good things in the life of you people in the lowly world and in that you people consciously absorbed yourselves in enjoyment,
In consequence today you people will be requited with humiliating chastisement for the reason that you showed arrogance [against Aa'ya'at of Allah] without any reason and rhyme in the Earth/worldly life, [Similar information in 6:93]
And for the reason that you people kept transgressing and digressing. [46:20]
And you people realize that the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] of Allah the Exalted is present among youcan be imagined as if he is among you;
If he were to accept your words in many of the matters certainly it would have caused you difficulty;
But Allah has endeared for you people the Belief and He has made it alluring in your hearts
And He has made it abominable for you people the Disbelief, and the unrestrained conduct and the transgression/defiance to accept the word [of the Book/Grand Qur'aan].
They are the people who are dextral/righteous/veracious. [49:07]
O those people/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen;
No group of people should indulge in mocking/ridiculing another people, it is possible that they may be better than them;
And nor group of women should indulge mocking/ridiculing other women, it is possible that they may be better than them;
And you people should not slander against each other and nor make yourselves habitual in calling others with nicknames of negative import,
The act of calling by the name having characteristic of defiant import, after the Belief, is wretched.
And whoever has not yet remorsefully left this habit and returned;
Thereby such people are truly the evil-doers-distorters-creators of imbalances-disorders-over stepping. [49:11]