Epithet for Archangel Gibraa'iel alai'his'slaam
O the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that he who has been an antagonist for Gib'rei'l, he should know that he is certainly the one who has gradually brought the Qur'aan upon your heart by the prior explicit Will of Allah the Exalted.
The Grand Qur'aan is the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier of that which was sent in times before it.
Moreover, it is a Guide in every moment of life and conveyer of glad tidings for those who have heartily accepted-believed in it. [2:97]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that Gib'raa'eil has communicated it: Grand Qur'aan successively and intermittently from your Sustainer Lord as infallible discourse.
The objective is that it might keep them a firm fraternity who have believed.
And that it serves as a Guide and guarantee of good news for the people who conduct on prescribed procedure-pattern of life [Islam after believing]. [16:102]
And truly it: Grand Qur'aan is certainly the gradual and successive communication from the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds. [26:192]
The trusted executor of vital command: Gib'raa'eil [alai'his'slaam] did descend along with it: Qur'aan.
He rehearsed it for your heart's memorization so that you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] publicly become known as amongst the Revivalists/Warner/Awakeners;
It is in Arabic; the language which is rich, clear, perspicuous, eloquent, and distinctly expressive. [26:195]
And indeed it: Qur'aan was certainly mentioned in the written books sent in earlier periods. [26:196]
[Read about him in 2:97;16:102;81:19-21]
[Read with 25:01]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book.
And We sent the Messengers after him, one after the other in succession.
Moreover know it that We had given to Easa [alai'his'slaam], the Son of Maryam [Siddiqa], to display unprecedented Exhibitions.
And We strengthened and protected him through Angel Gibraa'iel [RoohulQudd's].
Is it not the fact that every time there came a Messenger with such advice-command which your hearts did not feel in consonance with-pleasing and appeasing desires-wishful thinking; you reflexively puffed up with arrogance and pride of grandeur and superiority?
Thereby, for that reason you people had publicly contradicted a group of those Messengers.
And you people keep ridiculing-insulting-defaming-slandering against another group of those Messengers. [2:87]
sent ones [
the Messengers. We had granted distinction-peculiarity individuality to
some of them upon someone else.
And there was one amongst them with whom Allah the Exalted had a conversation.
Moreover, He the Exalted had elevated some of them; elevation in ranking.
And We gave to Easa [alai'his'slaam], the son of Maryam, certain distinct unprecedented demonstrative displays.
In addition, We strengthened-protected him through Angel Gibra'eel [RoohulQudds].
And if Allah the Exalted had so willed, the people, who were generation later in times after them-demise of Messengers, would not have mutually distanced-discarded each other in the presence of that which the distinct Aayaa't-Verbal passages of message had conveyed to them.
However, they purposely differed for motives-vested interest, thereby some amongst them accepted the Aayaa't-Verbal passages of message and some others refused to accept.
And if Allah the Exalted had so willed they could not mutually distance away-discard each other but Allah the Exalted indeed does that which He the Exalted decides-wills [not to suspend/take away the granted freedom of choice/will]. [2:253]
The day when Allah the Exalted would have said: "O you Easa son of Maryam!
Recall My favour-blessing upon you and upon your mother when I protected you through Archangel Gibraa'iel [RoohulQudd's, in migration to safe abode defeating the murder conspiracy-23:50].
Recall you used to speak-converse with the people in the cradle/as milk sucking baby in the lap of your mother and in later part of your life-old age.
And recall the occasions when I made you learn the Book and the wisdom [contained therein] i.e. At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel;
And recall when you used to cast/sculpt from clay bird-like structure with My permission; thereat you used to blew in it whereby for reason of My permission it became a living bird;
And recall when you with My permission used to heal those suffering from blindness and vitiligo;
And that when you used to restore to life the naturally/clinically dead with My will;
And recall the murder conspiracy when I restrained the hands of Bani Iesraa'eel from reaching you/rescued you from their hands;
At the point in time you having brought to them unprecedented demonstrative displays one group amongst them who had refused to accept said: "this is nothing except an evident illusion". [5:110]
And swearing is by the Night when it has departed the layered darkness; [81:17]
And by the true dawn when it: life has made-transformed itself breathe-energize-photosynthesized; [81:18]
That undoubtedly it: Grand Qur'aan is certainly communicated through oral narration by the exalted Messenger [Gib'raa'eil alai'his'slaam]; [81:19]
He is the holder of strength given by the Sustainer Lord of the Firm Throne of Absolute Sovereignty; [81:20]
He has made himself acceptor of every word with reverence and wholeheartedness; he is the trusted one everywhere. [81:21]