o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
and the Grain Plants [Family: Grasses] grow therein who are the possessor of Grain, the sustenance.
It is interesting that even illiterate, simple farmers of Punjab of Pakistan; who know nothing about photosynthesis etc.; conveniently, pleasurably and excitingly feel and recognize this particular wind. They call this wind as "پورے دی ہوا". In Urdu, it is called "نسیم سحر-باد صبح"
Key to prosperity: Control over Breeze- the grain producer
It is undeniable and unfortunate fact that only a few scholars attempted translating the Grand Qur'aan in their respective target language directly from its Arabic text. Majority merely "re-translated", or "reproduced" already available translations with slight difference of sentence structuring, and synonyms and synonymous words of the same language. This fact becomes glaring in translations when we find such opinions which otherwise seem irrational, illogical and even ridiculous on face value were plagiarized. Strangely, one finds that scholars of remote past kept fabulating whenever episode of life of the Elevated Messengers of Allah the Exalted finds mention in Qur'aan. Thereafter, the plagiarists in time line have repeated it extensively that now it is as if engraved in memories of majority. However, the original episode in the original Arabic words of Qur'aan is ever safe for those who wish not to live in fictional realm. It were only the Jews at the time of revelation of Qur'aan who are criminally charged for slandering, ill-reputing, and associating fabricated ridiculous stories to the Chosen and Elevated Messengers of Allah the Exalted, which are not becoming of their dignity, status, honour, and reverence. They did not hesitate doing so even for Sulie'maan alai'his'slaam who had made them sort of superpower. The kingship of Sulie'maan alai'his'slaam was an era of prosperity and abundant wealth. The key factor for this prosperity is mentioned in Grand Qur'aan.
The sentence is conjunct by
Plants of family grasses- grain crops:
are wind-pollinated. The Breeze, blowing
of which was at command and control of
is declared in circumstantial clause as
Erroneous fiction, which is the basis for existing translations of Verbal Passages about this fact, will seem ridiculous by just glancing the aforementioned Arabic words. The erroneous fiction that finds mention in some exegeses is this: [He had a mat made of wood on which he would place all the equipment of his kingship; horses, camels, tents and troops, then he would command the wind to carry it, and he would go underneath it and it would carry him aloft, shading him and protecting him from the heat, until it reached wherever he wanted to go in the land. Then it would come down and deposit his equipment and entourage.] This fiction is alleging that Sulie'maan alai'his'slaam did care for his own shade and protection from heat, but he let his troops suffer hazards of heat and absence of shade by putting them along with horses and camels above the "wooden mat". Fiction makes the body of King floating in air with big wooden plank loaded with horses, camels and his troops right over and above his head. And it displays that the King in this state is moving from his Land towards other places by using the wind placed under his command. People might feel
fascinated by such fictional scene unmindful of subtle
slandering against
the Elevated Messenger of Allah the
Exalted. Now please look at the words of Ayah and see direction Wind is heading
towards by command of
alai'his'slaam! It is moving and heading
He made it quickly flow towards the Land blessed-his kingdom. It soon became popularly noticed.
Verbal Noun:
The mention of the timings chosen by Sulie'maan alai'his'slaam for flowing that breeze into his territory reflects as if he had the knowledge about plant kingdom whoch is recently acquired by humanity in late 20th century. Plants produce substances called phytochromes depending on whether, they're exposed to red light during the brightest part of the day, far-red wavelengths at sunrise and sunset. Phytochromes are light-sensitive pigments in plants that control flowering and germination of seeds. Many plants pollinate in the morning, but some pollinate in the evening. Sulie'maan alai'his'slaam was honoured with this unprecedented and unique authority in response to his unique request to his Sustainer Lord Allah the Exalted in the days when he was still a prince:
He prayer was granted and was made a unique king having authority that none might acquire for himself.
يدلُّ على نزولِ شيءٍ واستقرارِهِ قَرَارَه. That it leads to the perception of descent of a thing, and durably staying. Lane's Lexicon says, " it, or he, descended; went down, downwards, down a declivity, or from a higher to a lower place or position;" [Lane Lexicon] Breeze: It is classified by reference to its speed and effect as Light Breeze, Gentle Breeze, Moderate Breeze and Strong Breeze. It makes the leaves of plants rustle, branches move and sway. Pollen floats, and pollination takes place. Grand Qur'aan incorporates picturesque portrayal of different kinds of Winds, which we will study, Allah the Exalted so willing, under their sub-classifications in the article "Classification of Winds in Grand Qur'aan".