o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[They are also addressed in these words in
2:47,122] O you the posterity of Iesraa'eel! Recall the special favour which I bestowed upon you people, and you people incline your
selves to fulfill/discharge your
promise/commitment with Me,
so that in return I should fulfill My word given to you
people [since
it was conditional/subject to first your discharging of obligation][ [Same advice in
16:51] and for Me exclusively, therefore/for reason, you people be fearful/mindful of Me. [2:40] [Similar invitation in
4:47] And accept that/Grand Qur'aan which I have since sent, who/which certifies/sanctifies what is with you people [from Tor'aat] and do not be the first one [amongst people of Book] to deny/disregard that Qur'aan; [Same advice to claimants of faith in
5:44] and do not indulge in business with My Aaya'at [revealed verses; with conjectural stories suited to the desires of people] for a trifling price/gain. and for Me exclusively, therefore/for reason, be mindful/afraid of Me. [2:41]
[Their clergy and intelligentsia do it, see 3:71] And nor clothe the Proven
Truth [My
Aaya'at, any Statement of Fact]
with the falsehood/ conjectural stories/scum;
and/while you people know this [since universe is like one unit before your eyes, and you know unit belongs to One only]. [2:42] [Same direction in same words in
2:83,110;4:77;24:56;73:20] And you people remain steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat and you give the az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality]; and you people bow down along with those who bow down. [2:43] Do you [the people of clergy/men of understanding] direct common people to restrict to good deeds and forget it for yourselves though you read the Book?
[This query is also in
2:76;3:65;6:32;7:169;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138] Is it for the reason that you do not reflect? [to notice this evident contradiction in your behaviour/conduct]? [2:44]
And seek help with patience and performing Ass-sa'laat for uplift and becoming stable personality; though Sa'laat is certainly burdensome upon people except the humble-minded [2:45]
who understand that they have to appear before their Sustainer Lord and that He has to hold them accountable. [2:46] [They are also addressed in these words in
2:40,122] O you the posterity of Iesraa'eel! Recall the special favour which I bestowed upon you people, and/whereupon I
granted you distinction and uniqueness/individuality upon others [Pharaoh's
nation]; [2:47 and Replica/Mirror
2:122] [for
[Same information in same words in 2:123] And you people make yourselves cautiously mindful and afraid of the day when one man will have no avail from another man
and from him no recommendation/pleading shall be accepted [nor pleading by others will benefit him]
and nor compensation/offer of fine will be accepted; [Same information in same words at the end of
2:86,123;21:39;44:41;52:46] and they all will not get help [from anyone who could help]. [2:48] [Same information in
14:06] [reverting from parenthetic to favour of exodus from Egypt] And when We delivered you from the fold of Pharaoh; they were subjecting you people with the horrible torment,
they used to kill your male
children and they had decided to let your females live. [Same information with substitution
[Same information in same words in
14:06] And in it was a tremendous trial from your Sustainer Lord. [2:49] And [recall/visualize] when We made evident/emerged in the sea/gulf of Suez [refer 20:80] the division [central passage like line in the head] for you, thus/with this cause We delivered/rescued you keeping safe and above [skeleton like dried passage/emerged fringing reef-see 26:63] and We drowned the Pharaoh-folk [army equipped with arms] while you people were watching them [from other bank of Gulf of Suez after having crossed over the emerged fringing reef that served as bridge/dried passage]. [2:50] [This is the last scene of the Exodus, the entire episode is depicted afterwards in the Grand Qur'aan in such manner that one can see/visualize it-read "The Exodus of Bani Iesraa'eel from Egypt-Eye witness account"] [Read in conjunction
7:142] And remember when We appointed forty nights for Musa [alai'his'slaam], [Same information in same words in
2:92; similar
4:153] after a lapse of time, in his absence, after he left [for forty nights] you had adopted a [hand made/sculpted] calf (as iela'aha), [Same verdict in same words in
2:92] and you people were unjust/wrong-doers/distorters of fact. [2:51]
Afterwards [pursuant upon confronting you to simple evident facts about sculpted calf (refer 7:148; 20:89) you recognized that you had erred, and repented seeking forgiveness (refer 7:149)] We overlooked/pardoned you about it
so that you people might be grateful. [2:52]
And when [he came leaving you behind] We gave Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book, [Read with
21:48] and/i.e. the Criterion [to distinguish between right and wrong]
so that you people be guided aright. [2:53] And when [on his return having been told by Us about your doing in his absence] Musa [alai'his'slaam] said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by having adopted the sculpted calf. For this reason/therefore [for absolving] turn to your Creator seeking forgiveness thereat feeling ashamed/penitently yourselves; that will be better for you people in the sight of your Sustainer Lord. [You acted on his advice-7:149] Thereupon He turned towards you in forgiveness.
[Same information in same words at the end of
2:37] He is the One Who repeatedly forgiving/pays attention, The Merciful. [2:54] [Also referred in
4:153] And when you said: "O Musa! We will not accept your word until we see Allah, manifestly with naked eye". [similar excuse/argument is raised by those who do not believe in Last Day-25:21] [This incident also told in
4:153] Thereupon thunder storm seized you [to the point of death] while you were consciously watching it. [2:55] [This incident is prior to and different from that of earthquake-7:155]
Afterwards We revived you people to life after your death [Same expectation in same words
waw 2:185;16:14;28:73;30:46;35:12;45:12 ] so that you people may acknowledge and express praises/thanks. [2:56]