o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
We have communicated to you, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Our Words of Command as We communicated to Noah and the Elevated and Chosen Persons [علیھم السلام] after him; and We communicated Our words of command to Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob [علیھم السلام] and his progeny; and Easa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroon and Sulie'maa'n [علیھم السلام]. [Same pronouncement in same words in
17:55] And We gave to Da'ued [علیہ السلام] Zaboor [Book written/on papers]. [4:163]
[Same in
7:63] Or have you people felt it strange that the Book has come from your Sustainer Lord upon a man from amongst you so that he may awaken/admonish you people. And you people recall that He/your Sustainer Lord appointed you people the rulers after the [fall/annihilation] of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and increased you people [from a small minority] in creation/population extensively.
[Same injunction in same words in 7:74] Therefore you people remember/recall to your memory the blessings of Allah
[Same probability in same words
200;5:90,100;7:69;8:45;22:77;24:31;62:10] o so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [7:69]
[Similar query in
14:09] Has not come to their knowledge the news of people before them; the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and nation A'ad and nation Thamud; and nation of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and people of nation Madyan and the towns overturned? Their Messengers brought to them [the message of Allah] with distinct unprecedented signs.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
30:09] Then in consequence it was not for Allah that He should do injustice to them
[Same pronouncement in same words
2:57;7:160;16:33,118;29:40;30:09]o but in fact they kept doing injustice and harm to their own selves. [9:70]
And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] convey them the news about Noah [alai'his'slaam] when he said for [to] his nation elite;
[Same pronouncement in same words in 42:23; similar in 12:104;25:57;34:47;38:86;42:23;52:40;68:46] [other Messengers said the same to their respective nations 10:72;11:29,51;26:109,127,145,164,180;36:21] Therefore if you people turn away unresponsive, [it is your option] since/for this I have not asked you for any remuneration. [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:29] Indeed my reward/remuneration is upon none except Allah; [Same pronouncement in same words in
read with
42:13]o and it was advised [at the time of revelation] that I be amongst those who accept it". [10:72] In response and for reason they publicly contradicted him, therefore We saved him and whoever was with him in the ship [in keeping with our word and obligation to save Messengers and believers]; and [afterwards lapse of time] We made them the rulers/self governing state. And We drowned those [people of Noah's nation] who publicly contradicted our Aa'ya'at [of Book]. [Same is complete verse
37:73]o Therefore/for reason [to take a lesson, you the Messenger tell everyone to travel in land and] you see how was the conclusion/end result of those who were duly admonished and awakened. [10:73] Afterwards/lapse of period after him/Noah [علیہ السلام] We appointed Revivalists as Messengers towards their [believing people who were saved in the ship along with Noah علیہ السلام] nation. [Similar pronouncement in
7:101;10:13] For reason [people had corrupted the Message/Book left by Noah علیہ السلام] they came to them with evident/distinct/unprecedented [miraculous] demonstrative Signs, then in response they were not such that they should [subsequently] believe in what they had earlier contradicted. This is because We let the wrapping remain on the hearts of the people who are the transgressors/go beyond prescribed limits/rationality. [10:74]
And he said, "You people embark in it, with the name of Allah is its course and anchorage; o indeed my Sustainer Lord is certainly oft-Forgiving and Merciful. [11:41]
And the ship started smoothly sailing with them in the waves like long mountains;
and Noah [alai'his'slaam] called his son who was away at different point, o "O my dear son, embark with us and do not be with the non believers"[11:42]
He replied, "I will betake myself up a mountain, that will save me from the water".
Noah [alai'his'slaam] called telling him, "Today there is no protector from the commanded matter of Allah except the one upon whom He showered mercy". o And a wave became barrier/separation in between both two of them, resultantly he was amongst the drowned ones. [11:43]
And it was commanded, "O you the Earth! swallow back your water, and O you the Sky, withhold".
And the water receded/subsided and the command/matter got accomplished and the ship rested on the Judi o and it was announced, "Distancing away is for the nation of evil doers/distorters/unjust" [11:44]
And Noah [alai'his'slaam] groaned to his Sustainer Lord, for reason [passion for progeny] he said, "My Sustainer Lord! indeed my son was from my family o and certainly Your promise/word is the absolute fact [he has drowned as You said earlier], and You are the Supreme and the Absolute Just of all the rulers and decision makers. [11:45]
Allah correcting him said, "O Noah [alai'his'slaam] [why you groan] he was indeed never from your household since his conduct was indeed the opposite of a righteous/perfectionist.
Therefore you should not ask me about anything about which you do not have the complete knowledge/information. o I am affectionately and politely advising you only for the purpose that you might not become from amongst the passionate. [11:46]
He replied, "O my Sustainer Lord! I beg Your pardon/seek refuge with You that I may ask You about a thing about which I do not have complete knowledge/information. o and except that You excused/overlooked for me and You showered mercy upon me I would be among the losers" [11:47]
It was pronounced, "O Noah [alai'his'slaam] Disembark down with peace and tranquility from Us and blessings are upon you and upon the "nations" from those who are with you, o and the "nations" [emerging from those with you] We will soon give them worldly wherewithal; afterwards lapse of time [on becoming unjust/distorters] sever punishment will inflict them from Us. [11:48]
O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], this information is from the news of the past/facts which We are communicating to you.
You hitherto did not know these facts/news, you and not your nation knew these before this Qur'aan. [In the presence of this straightforward information, all those stories which people have concocted and attributed it the members of the Nation of the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam about Noah alai'his'slaam are conjectures and blatant lies, notwithstanding who is the author] [Same advice in
20:130;30:60;40:55,77;46:35;50:39;68:48;70:05;74:07;76:24] Therefore you remain coolly perseverant [on negative and irrational response]. [Same pronouncement in
28:83]o Indeed the ultimate accomplishment is for those who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful and conduct restraining. [11:49] And O my nation! let not the dissenting with me overpower/exploit you to an extent that/lest befalls upon you similar to what befell upon nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], or that on nation of Hued [alai'his'slaam] or that on nation of Saleh [alai'his'slaam]; [Similar geographical location
indicated in
11:83]o and nor the land/area of nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] is far off from you people. [11:89]
[Similar query in
9:70] Have not the news of those who were before you people reached to you people, the nation of Noah, and Aad and Samud; and those after them, no one knows them except Allah. There came to them many of their Messengers with evident unprecedented demonstrative signs/utmost rationally sound arguments, in response/for reason they turned their hand to their mouths [did not rebut/answer the rational evident arguments] and they said, "Indeed we have refused to accept/believe that with which you are sent with; [Same assertion in
11:62]o and we are indeed in skepticism towards Whom you are inviting us, a doubt/skepticism causing disquiet/duality of thought/disconcert". [14:09] Their many Messengers said, "Can there be any skepticism about Allah; [Same pronouncement in same words in
12:1011;39:46;42:11] Who is the Primal Originator/Creator of the Skies and the Earth; [Same pronouncement in
71:04] He invites you people so that He may forgive for you for your slanders and sins; [Same pronouncement in
71:04] and He may give you respite towards an appointed term of determined moment of termination"
[they did not answer/comment on this, instead] They said, "[why should we accept your word] You are none except as structured being exactly resembling/like us.
You intend that you may hinder/divert us from what our forefathers used to worship/were allegiant. o Therefore bring to us evidently manifest/demonstrative authority". [14:10]
Their many Messengers said for [to] them, "We are indeed structured beings exactly resembling/like you people, [this is our cognition]
but [to understand our identity and distinction] Allah grants obliging Grace upon the one He wills from His servants/sincere allegiants;
and it is not for us that we come to you evidently manifest/demonstrative authority/sign except with the explicit permission of Allah; [This instruction in same words is also in
3:122,3:160;5:11;9:51;58:10;64:13]o and upon Allah, therefore for reason [He being the possessor of absolute power], the true believers should keep their trust/confidence/reliance/affair/hope. [14:11]
And what rationale is for us that we may not put our trust and reliance upon Allah and certainly He has guided us on our ways.
And of course We will persistently remain certainly firm and determined remaining coolly perseverant on what you caused us physical and mental irritation and disturbance.
[Similar pronouncement in
12:67]o And upon Allah therefore the ones who entrust to others should place reliance and dependence" [14:12]
And those who had refused to accept said for [to] their Messenger, "Of course we will certainly drive you people out from our city/country/society or [alternatively] you people must reconcile with our system of life".
o In consequence/for reason their Sustainer Lord communicated to them, "We will certainly annihilate the distorters/wrong-doers/evil mongers. [14:13]
And of course We will certainly establish you people firmly in the land after them".
o This sort of response is for the one who feared for My reckoning/accountability and felt afraid of My warning/caution. [14:14]
And they sought [in response to their demand-14:13] a decision. And each and every unjustifiably oppressing obstinate is abased [in the end]. [14:15]
And in front [awaiting] of him is Hell, and he will drink from boiling hot water, [14:16]
And We gave Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book and We declared that a guide for Bani Iesraa'eel o [Bani Iesraa'eel were commanded] that "you people never adopt apart from Me anyone as trustee, protector and disposer of affairs" [17:02]
They/Bani Iesraa'eel are the progeny of the one whom We uploaded [in the ship] along with Noah [alai'his'slaam] o Indeed He was a thankful sincere allegiant. [17:03]
And when We have decided that We may annihilate a dwelling We commanded through the Messenger the ruling elite of it, then/for reason they transgressed in it o thereby the word got proved against them, thereby/for reason of fulfillment of promise becoming obligatory We destroyed it, destruction by forceful entrance. [17:16] [Read with 6:123]
And many of civilizations after Noah [alai'his'slaam] have We annihilated. [Similar pronouncement in
25:58]o And your Sustainer Lord, eternally absolutely informed and everything under His focus, suffices to watch the slanders and sins of His created ones. [17:17]
These were those upon whom Allah showered blessings from amongst the Elevated and Chosen Distinct Persons.
They were the progeny of Adam [alai'his'slaam] and from those whom We uploaded [in the ship] along with Noah [alai'his'slaam];
and from the progeny of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and Iesraa'eel [Yaqoob alai'his'slaam] and of those whom We guided and We chose. When the Aa'ya'at of Ar'Reh'maan were recited upon them they kneeled down prostrating with eyes overflowing with tears. [Please prostrate-it helps getting near to Allah] [19:58] [Read with
7:169] Thereafter/for reason, the later generations after them succeeded who [people admixed and spread conjectural myths] neglectfully discarded the Ass-sa'laat and they practically followed desires and lusts and conjectural fascinations. o Thereby soon they will confront devastating result, [19:59] [Similar pronouncement in
20:82;25:70,71;28:67] except the one who recognized/repented [his earlier conduct] and accepted/believed and conducted perfectly [Same pronouncement in same words
4:124;40:40] then for this reason, being believer and doer of good deeds, they are the people who will enter the Paradise. And they will not be met with injustice, nothing of the sort. [19:60] And Noah [alai'his'slaam] when he called in aforetimes whereupon We responded for him, [Same pronouncement in
37:76]o thereby We rescued him and his family from great distress. [21:76]
And We helped him against the nation/people who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at o Indeed they were a people evil, therefore, We drowned them, all together. [21:77] And in case they publicly contradict what you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then/thereby [do not feel grieved] indeed before them also have so contradicted the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and of Aad and of Samued; [22:42]
[Same information in
7:59;11:25;29:14;71:01] And indeed We had sent Noah [alai'his'slaam] towards his nation. [Same pronouncement in same words in
7:59] For reason [of their idol worshipping] Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;
[Same questioning in
7:65;10:31;23:32,87]o Would you people then for this reason not take heed and be cautious?" [23:23] [Same information in same words in
11:27] In response the ruling elite/chieftains of his nation who had refused to accept/believe said to people,
"This man is none except an ordinary human like you people, he intends that he may attain dignity and precedence upon you people;
and had Allah so willed [to send you guidance] certainly He would have sent Angels. o We have not heard of this in times of our earlier forefathers. [23:24]
Not is he except a man deluded and hallucinated
o therefore you people wait/tolerate him for a little while" [23:25]
23:39] Noah [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord! You help me since they have publicly contradicted me" [23:26]
[Same command in
11:37] Therefore/in response We communicated to him that "you skillfully make the ship before Our eyes and as per Our communication/instructions.
[Similar information in
11:40] Then when Our command has reached and the valley is gushed forth
[Similar information in
11:40] at that point in time you enter in the ship from all pairing plants/mammals [that you have]
[Similar information in
11:40] and your family members except the one male [his non believing son] from them for whom the word has preceded/decreed.
[Same command in same words in
11:37] And you should not address Me about those who have committed wrong. [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:37]o Indeed they are the ones who are to be drowned. [23:27]
Thereupon when you have boarded, you and whoever is with you, on the Ship
o then say, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has rescued us from the unjust nation" [23:28]
And you pray, "O My Sustainer Lord! You cause me to land at a blessed destination and You are the best Who takes to the destination"
Indeed in this [episode] are certainly demonstrative signs of knowledge and We certainly subject people to evaluation/exposure trial. [23:30] And the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], when they publicly contradicted the Messengers We drowned them, and We made them for people an example [Note: their mention is found in the literature of almost all existing nations/civilizations] o And for evil mongers/unjust/distorters of facts We have prepared/kept ready a painful torment. [25:37] [Same information in
25:37] The people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] publicly contradicted the Messengers. [26:105]
When their brother Noah [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] them "Would you people not take heed and be cautious? [26:106] [Mirror/Replica 26:125,143,162,178;
same in 44:18] Indeed I am for you people the trusted Messenger. [26:107]
same in
3:50;43:63] For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [26:108] [Replica/Mirror
26:127,145,164,180]o And [since I am merely discharging the entrusted trust to you] I do not ask you people, for that/discharging the entrusted trust, any worldly remuneration, because/that my reward is due on none except upon the Sustainer Lord of Worlds [Whose Trust/Assignment is being discharged]. [26:109]
same in
3:50;43:63] For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word". [26:110] [Statement of ruling elite also in
11:27] They/ruling elite replied to him, "Should we believe for you while only those people follow you who are vilest/riffraff among us". [26:111]
Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, " I have no knowledge about what they people had been doing in the past; [26:112]
their accountability is upon none except upon my Sustainer Lord,
o if you people can follow/comprehend/perceive [the point]. [26:113]
And nor I am the one to drive away the believers, [26:114]
[Same pronouncement in
22:49;26:115;29:50;38:70;46:09;51:50,51;67:26] since I am but an Awakener/Revivalist/Admonisher/Warner making for people things manifest/distinct/crystal clear" [26:115] They/ruling elite threatened to him, "Indeed if you did not desist, O Noah, certainly you will definitely be amongst those who are stoned" [26:116]
[Read with
23:26] Noah [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord, indeed my nation has publicly contradicted me. [26:117]
Therefore You conclude the matter between me and between them quite openly/decisively;
o and You rescue me and those who are with me from amongst the believers. [26:118]
[Same information in
7:64;29:15] Therefore/in response We rescued him safely and whoever was with him in the loaded ship. [26:119]
Afterwards We drowned after that [their safe departure] the remaining ones. [26:120] [Replica/Mirror
in same words in
26:139,158]o Indeed in it is certainly a demonstrative lesson/sign [unlimited creativity of their Sustainer Lord]. But most have them have not been the believers. [26:121] [Replica/Mirror
26:09,68,104,140,159,175,191] And indeed your Sustainer
Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of
Infinite Mercy. [26:122]
[Same information in
And indeed We had sent Noah
[alai'his'slaam] towards his nation;
whereupon he lived among them for a thousand year save fifty years.
o For reason/in consequence of contradicting him flood seized them while they were persistently evil doers. [29:14]
[Same information in
7:64;26:119] Thereupon We saved him and those who were companions in the boat.
o And We made her/the boat a visible/tangible sign for remembrance/lesson for the people world over. [29:15]
And when We obtained a pledge/oath of the Chosen/Elevated/Selected Persons, and from you, The Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, the sanctifier/affirmer of all of them], and from Noah, and Iebra'heim, and Musa and [the last but one] Easa son of Maryam [as described in 3:81]; o and We had obtained from them a covenant/oath unambiguously and strongly worded; [33:07]
so that He may question The Truthful/these Chosen/Elevated/Selected Persons about [response received by them to] their truth. [Same
information in 76:31]o And He has prepared a great torment for those who [in time and space] deliberately refused to accept [the truth conveyed by The Truthful Chosen/Elevated/Selected Persons]. [33:08]
And of course Noah [alai'his'slaam] had called Us since We are undoubtedly the best of the Responders; [37:75]
[Same pronouncement in
21:76] and We rescued him and his household from great distress. [37:76]
And We made his posterity [to rule land] they are the survivors. [37:77] And We left for him his memories in the later generations. [37:78] Salutation is upon Noah [alai'his'slaam] in the Worlds. [37:79]
37:121,131;77:44] Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:80] It is certain that he was from Our the truly believing servants. [37:81]
26:66] Afterwards We drowned the other remaining ones. [37:82]
And indeed from his [Noah alai'his'slaam] party/his type of people was certainly Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam], [37:83] [Read with
40:05] Before them publicly contradicted the people of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and of Aad and Fir'aoun, who were the holder of deeply entrenched vested interests; [38:12] [Read with
38:12] Before them publicly contradicted the people of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and the confederations [as referred in 38:11] after them
And EACH and EVERY generation/nation had decided/was bent upon about their Messenger that they may seize him, [Same information in 18:56] and they wrangled with scum and conjectural false myths with the purpose that by this way they may obscure the Absolute truth/Fact, thereat/for this reason We seized them. [Same pronouncement in same words in
13:32] Eventually [let people take lesson by traversing in land] how was My conclusive punishment? [40:05]
like the prototype end of nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and civilization Aad and Samued and those nations who had emerged after them,
[Read with
3:108]o and Allah does not intend any injustice and inequity for the people. [40:31] [Read
alai'his'slaam proclamation in
10:72] He has ordained for you people, the humanity, from the Code of Conduct and Physical Procedure the same Path/the Fountain of perpetual flow/Source/Ordinance with which He had tied/enjoined on Noah [alai'his'slaam], [Read his proclamation in
27:91; in
45:18] and which We have communicated to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], [Read with
2:132;4:131;6:153] and with which We had tied and enjoined upon Iebra'heim and Musa and Easa علیھم السلام
that Universal Ordinance is "you people keep yourselves firm and steadfast for the Prescribed Code of Conduct and Physical Procedure, and you people should not transform yourselves in divisions/sects in it.
This universally ordained Ordinance towards which you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] invite them is heavy upon those who worship hand sculpted Statues considering and calling them as various iela'aha. Allah chooses for grouping towards Him the one whom He wills, and/i.e. He guides towards Him the one who determines to turn [on the Ordained Straight Path] [42:13]
[Read with 38:12;40:05] Before them publicly contradicted the people of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], the residents/people of "Ar-Rass" and the civilization Samued [50:12] [Same pronouncement in same words in
53:52] And the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] in aforetimes; [Same pronouncement in same words in
27:12;28:32;43:54;] Indeed they have been a people deviants and limits violator. [51:46]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 51:46] And the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] in aforetimes;
Indeed they were the people who remained becoming more unjust and more rebellious; [53:52] [Same pronouncement in same words in
22:42;38:12;40:05;50:12] Before them publicly contradicted the people of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], In response they contradicted publicly Our Sincere Allegiant and they said, "Obsessed by delusions", and he was taunted. [54:09] Thereat he prayed to his Sustainer Lord, "Indeed I have become despairing/hopeless [seeing their persistent negative response], therefore, You decide to help [conclude the matter]" [54:10]
Thereupon we opened the doors of the Sky with water persistently pouring down [54:11] and We caused the Earth to gush forth the springs whereat the water reached to meet the decided quantity for executing the Command that was ordained. [54:12] And We made him embark upon the Ship made of planks and nails, [54:13] it was sailing before Our Eyes, a reward for the one who was denied. [54:14]
And indeed We have left it as a demonstrative sign [for taking lesson]
therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely takes admonition? [54:15] Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:16]
And it is a certain fact that We have since simplified/made easy the Grand Qur'aan for convenience of saving in memory, comprehension, understanding and recalling to narrate and taking lesson; therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely saves it in memory, comprehends, understands and recalls to mention/take lesson and admonition? [54:17]
And it is a fact that We had sent Noah [alai'his'slaam] and Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام]
[Read with
[Same pronouncement 57:16,27;
similar information in 3:110;5:59;5:81] And it is a fact that We had sent Noah [alai'his'slaam] and Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] And We kept in the progeny of both of them the position of Distinction of Elevation and Selectivity and the Book; Thereby, the self sincerely guided people always existed and exist in their posterity. and most from them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [57:26]
Allah has quoted/surfaced the equation for those people who have deliberately refused to accept/believe with the wife of Noah [علیہ السلام] and wife of Luet [علیہ السلام].
They both were respectively under the wedlock of Our two perfectly sincere allegiants.
For reason/since both two of them exhibited disloyalty [in allegiance to Allah] then nothing [including intimate relationship with Allah's Messengers] could avert [the punishment] from both of them/ rescue them from Allah, and it was said, "you both/two enter into Hell-Prison along with other entrants" [66:10]
Indeed when We overflowed the water We uplifted you people in the state of sailing [69:11]
so that We may make it a matter/message to be described, and it may be remembered by an ear that acts as receptacle for retaining. [69:12] [Same information in
7:59;11:25;23:23;29:14] Indeed We had sent Noah [alai'his'slaam] towards his nation, with the direction that "You warn/admonish your nation before that severe punishment may become due upon them". [71:01] [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:25] He said, O my nation "I am a Warner/Awakener/Admonisher making for you people things manifest/distinct/crystal clear, [71:02] that you people be allegiants for Allah and consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful/cautious and afraid of Him and listen and accept my word. [71:03] [Same pronouncement in
14:10] He will forgive you people for your slanders and sins; [Same pronouncement in
14:10] and He will give you respite towards an appointed term of determined moment of termination. Indeed when the Termination Moment of Duration appointed by Allah has reached it is not delayed and postponed, if you people make yourselves understandably know it" [71:04] He/Noah [alai'his'slaam] prayed/reported to Allah, "My Sustainer Lord! Indeed I invited my nation during night hours and in the day [71:05] whereat my invitation did not let them improve except in getting distancing away. [71:06]
And indeed each and every time when I invited them so that You may forgive them
they put their fingers in their ears and consciously made themselves veiled with their garments/traditions; and they persisted to remain tied with their system/traditions and they demonstrated self-pride having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur. [71:07]
Afterwards indeed I invited them loudly in public. [71:08] Afterwards Indeed I also announced for them and held private meetings with them in isolation [71:09] whereat I said to them, "you people consciously incline and make yourselves seek forgiveness from your Sustainer Lord, indeed He is Oft-Forgiving; [71:10] [Same statement in same words in
11:52] He will send upon you people rain timely and abundantly; [71:11] and He will expand you with affluence/wealth and sons and He will make for you people gardens and will appoint for you flowing streams. [71:12] What is for you people that you do not make yourselves graceful by putting firm hopes for Allah. [71:13] And indeed He has created you people in diverse stages-in the manner of changing measures and lengths. [71:14] [Same information in 67:03] Have you not seen how Allah has created seven Skies in harmony/adjoining one above another. [Read with
25:61] And He made/appointed a Moon in all of them as reflector of visible light and made the Sun as Prominent Figure [Shining, grandeur, grace, beauty, attraction] [71:16]
And Allah has emerged you people from the Earth like process of sprouting of plants. [71:17]
Afterwards [on lapse of respectively appointed life duration] He will return you people in it and He will bring you out, the exit. [71:18]
And Allah has made the Earth for you people as a carpet spread out[71:19]
so that you may go along within it through spacious moving paths"[71:20]
Noah [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "My Sustainer Lord! indeed they have refused to accept my word
and they inclined themselves to follow the one whose wealth and whose children did not flourish him except in increasing loss". [71:21]
[Noah alai'his'slaam further said] "And certainly they caused many neglectfully lost and strayed;
and let not those exceed/improve who are evil mongers/mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/ concocted stories except in neglectful wandering and straying". [71:24]
For the reason of their persistent crimes they were drowned,
in consequence they are entered [on the Day of Judgment] in the Hell-Prison whereat they did not find for them any to help other than Allah. [71:25]
And Noah [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "My Sustainer Lord! do not leave upon the Earth from amongst the Non-Believers, inhabiting. [71:26]
Indeed if You leave them they will cause misleading Your servants and nor will they father except wicked disbeliever. [71:27]
My Sustainer Lord! You forgive and protect me and my parent and whoever entered in my house as believer and for all believing men and believing women.
and let not those exceed/improve who are evil mongers/mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/ concocted stories except in destruction" [71:28]