
Root ن  ش  ر

Spread, spread out or open, expanded, unfolded, publish, disperse, revive.







It is a proper noun since it is preceded by definite article "ال". It refers to a cloud which is white and shiny. It is amongst the high clouds, classified as Cirrostratus clouds which appear as a fine, whitish veil; they occasionally exhibit a fibrous structure and, when situated between the observer and the moon, produce halo phenomena. Cirrocumulus clouds form small, white, fleecy balls and wisps, arranged in groups or rows.


Anything burning to mouth, whether saline, bitter or hot.


Root: س  ك  ن

make something stay; enter into.



















َحِجْراً مَّحْجُورا

Prevent, restrain, hinder, bound, enclosure, pray for preservation, safety, protection.

{From Lane's Lexicon}

The part of the brink  of a valley that retains the water,  and surrounds it;

High  land or ground, the middle  of which is low, or depressed; low places in the ground, retaining water;. depressed, and having elevated borders, upon which the water is retained. rounded






Root: ل  ق  ح

seed/semen of stallion/horse which causes pregnancy and offspring.

Winds carry condensation nuclei which are the basic thing in causing rain.

This metaphor is expressive of absolute precision in describing the winds which are the main source of forming/ causing rain.



Humanity has started seeing the phenomenon. It is called hydrology.


Root: س  ل  ك

made it travel and enter into underground reservoirs.
































Root: ل  ج  ج




darkness, it is antonym of نُوراً  , meaning visible light.



denotes nearness.





















Water, earth and Botanical life/World


Importance and Relationship of water with earth and botanical life:


                 The Grand Quran, in its very first direct address to the humanity, after asking them to become the servants of their Sustainer Lord Who created them and their earlier generations, disclosed the fact that entire creation of physical world which they could perceive {physical sciences} was created by their Sustainer Lord for their advantage and subsistence/sustenance.

"Your Sustainer Lord is the One Who spread/carpeted for you the earth and made sky as a canopy.

And from sky sent water" {Refer 2:22; 14:32}

"And He is the One Who sent water from the sky" {Refer 6:99}

             Grand Quran has not disclosed as to when and how the water was created. It has always been referred to have been sent from the sky. Information about water reflecting its sanctity is this:

"And the Seat/Throne of your Sustainer Lord is above water" {Refer 11:07}

"And We created from water every living creature" {Refer 21:30}

"And Allah created all animals from water" {Refer 24:45}

"And Allah is The One Who created man from water" {Refer 25:54}

Apart from the human beings and animals {all living locomotive organisms} what is the form of life of other things?

"And what Allah sent from sky from water and with that rejuvenated/revived the earth after its death" {Refer 2:164}

"And Allah sent from sky the water and with that rejuvenated/revived the earth after its death" {Refer 16:65}

"And sent from sky the purifying/rejuvenating water to rejuvenate/revive the earth after its death" {Refer 25:48-49}

"And If you ask them as to who sent from sky the water and with it rejuvenated/revived the earth after its death they will certainly answer "Allah" {Refer 29:63}

"And He sends water from sky and with it rejuvenates/revives earth after its death" {Refer 30:24}

"And Allah is the One Who sends the winds so that they raise up the clouds, and We drive them to a piece of land that is dead; and rejuvenate/revive the earth after its death. This is how the raising/resurrection would be" {Refer 35:09}

"And with that revived/rejuvenated the dead piece of land. This is how the people will be taken out/revived/dispersed" {Refer 50:11}

                    ٱلأَرْض signifies the entire earth and بَلْدَةً is specific to a dwelling, town, region, a piece of demarcated/identified land. Water is the basic source of life. Viewed from any angle Water is a unique substance/matter. We drink it almost quite few times daily. But perhaps we spared not few moments to reflect and ponder about this substance so crucial in our lives. Allah reminds us:

"Have you seen/pondered about the water which you drink? Is it you who shed it from the white shiny cloud, or are We the Shedder?

Were it Our Will, We could salinize it {rendering it non-drinkable): then why do you not express gratitude? {Refer 56:68-70} Let us say الحمد لله

The unique feature of the universe is that everything is measured and proportioned in such a manner that with all its diversities it is a harmonious one unit. Allah has informed:

"And created everything, and measured/quantified everything proportionately" {Refer 25:02}

"Indeed, We have created everything in  measured/proportionate quantity" {Refer 54:49}

"Allah made/determined for everything a measure/proportion" {Refer 65:03}

"And We have sent from sky water in a measured volume/quantity and {for that reason} We have lodged/stayed it in the earth" {Refer 23:18}

When things are created by a measure in proportion to others, it not only puts each of them under strict control and discipline but also creates a relationship between the things. Measure and proportionate relationship creates harmony, stability and beauty in the system of things. In the word "بِقَدَرٍ " the particle "ب" denotes adhesion, means "with; by" and "قَدَرٍ" means "measure". "With/ by measure" denotes known/fixed quantity/volume. Water has been sent from the sky in measured/ known quantity/volume and then it was stored/lodged in the earth. Water is the only substance that occurs at ordinary temperatures in all three states of matter, that is, as a solid, a liquid, and a gas. Scientists have estimated the quantity/volume of water in all its three states but to express that huge a quantity may seem meaningless/confusing/of little interest for us, non scientists. When discussing a very large quantity, scientists use a system of exponential numbers. We know, for example, that there are 3 x 1014 kg of water in Earth’s oceans. That is the number 3 with 14 zeros after it! You can see that this is a very large quantity indeed. According to their estimates 97 percent of the total quantity of water is lodged in the seas/oceans and the rest three percent is in the rivers, lakes, underground reservoirs, glaciers and clouds/ atmosphere.  

"And We have sent from sky water which has the trait of permanence" {Refer 50:09}

Its Root is "ب  ر  ك". The basic concept infolded in it is of that abundance and permanence/protraction in which manifestation/appearance/expansion/visibility is included. In its meanings the steadfastness of a thing is combined with its appearance and becoming manifest. And these qualities of a thing are the cause of blessing.

"And He is the One Who sends from the sky water in due proportion, and with that revived/rejuvenated the dead piece of land. This is how the people will be taken out/revived/dispersed" {Refer 43:11}

Here in this verse the sending of water in a measured quantity is with reference to a dead piece of land and not about the lodging of a certain measured quantity in the earth as stated in verse 23:18 above. It is about the measured quantity of water sent as rain. Rain is also "بِقَدَرٍ ". In one second an estimated quantity of about sixteen millions tons of water evaporates into the atmosphere which measures about 513 trillion tons a year. The same quantity of water is sent back as rain. Some disturbance in this phenomenon of circulation of water could be dangerous/lethal for life on earth.

                Water is for تَشْرَبُونَ for our drinking, and it will not remain drinkable if it is made أُجَاجاً, salinized. The perception and meanings of the words and statements are clarified by Quran itself.

"And He is the One Who has made two large reservoirs of water, one is contained in chamber pleasant to drink quenching thirst,, and one is whitish, salinated" {Refer 25:53}

"And two water reservoirs are not alike; one is contained in chamber quenches thirst, pleasant to drink;  and one is whitish salinated" {Refer 35:12}

           عَذْبٌ فُرَاتٌ has been defined by سَآئِغٌ شَرَابُهُ  which means that drink is سَآئِغٌ. Its Root is "س و غ" and the basic concept infolded is one necessary and agreeable to swallow, easy of entrance into fauces, pleasant to drink. The other type of water is defined and explained:

"And in front {awaiting} of such people is Hell, and they will drink from boiling hot water, sip by sip of it, and yet will not be able to swallow it agreeably" {Refer 14:16-17}

The Grand Quran has not used any word in relation to water which could be translated as "sweet", therefore the word "sweet" used by the Urdu and English Translators should be considered as their error. Water is colorless, odorless and tasteless.

             The Grand Quran, with reference to two different types of reservoirs of water has used the word عَذْبٌ which denotes restrained, contained, restricted.

"And He is the One Who has made two large reservoirs of water, one is contained in chamber pleasant to drink quenching thirst,, and one is whitish, salinated"

"And in between these two We have made a barrier and safe/solid/prohibiting/guardian rock" {Refer 25:53}

 بَرْزَخاً is anything that intervenes between two things; a bar, an obstruction or a thing that makes separation between two things. َحِجْراً مَّحْجُورا : Its root is "ح  ج  ر" which refers to prevent, restrain, hinder, bound, enclosure, pray for preservation, safety, protection; refuge; a means of protection or defense; stone, rock. Immediately before this, word has occurred in verse 25:22 where the criminals on the day of judgment are requesting for protection, refuge from the angels:

"And they say provide us protection, refuge" {Refer 25:22}

The water which is pleasant to drink is preserved, protected from mixing of contaminated/salinated water by placing/lodging it in the rocky chamber. What type of these rocks are?

"And indeed amongst the rocks/stones is one which when slips away water flows out/gush forth.

And indeed amongst the rocks is one, when it bursts then water comes out from it" {Refer 2:74}

"And We sent the winds loaded with fecundating material {condensation nuclei}, and as a sequel {offspring} We sent from sky water for drink, and you are not the one who could stock it {being in abundant quantity}" {Refer 15:22}

"Do you not see/reflect/research that Allah sent water from the sky and then soaked it into and percolated into underlying rocks in the earth" {Refer 39:21}

"Say, "Have you thought/considered/pondered that if some day your drinking water went deep/disappeared, who would then bring you the water in springs/wells?" {Refer 67:30}

"Worldwide, groundwater accounts for about one-third of one percent of the earth's water, or about 20 times more than the total of surface waters on continents and islands. Groundwater is of major importance to civilization, because it is the largest reserve of drinkable water in regions where humans can live" {Quoted with thanks from "Underground water" Encarta}

Spring in hydrology is an opening at or near the surface of the Earth for the discharge of water from underground sources. A spring is a natural discharge point of subterranean water at the surface of the ground or directly into the bed of a stream, lake, or sea. Slipping of the rock on the opening of a spring will result in the gushing out of water.

Aquifer, in hydrology, is a rock layer that contains water and releases it in appreciable amounts. The rock contains water-filled pore spaces, and, when the spaces are connected, the water is able to flow through the matrix of the rock. An aquifer also may be called a water-bearing stratum, lens, or zone. A confined aquifer is a water-bearing stratum that is confined or overlain by a rock layer that does not transmit water in any appreciable amount or that is impermeable. There probably are few truly confined aquifers, because tests have shown that the confining strata, or layers, although they do not readily transmit water, over a period of time contribute large quantities of water by slow leakage to supplement production from the principal aquifer. A groundwater aquifer is said to be unconfined when its upper surface (water table) is open to the atmosphere through permeable material. As opposed to a confined aquifer, the water table in an unconfined aquifer system has no overlying impervious rock layer to separate it from the atmosphere.

                 The fact that two reservoirs of water do not intermix is also explained in these verses:

"And has set between two seas/oceans a separating bar" {Refer 27:61}

"He has made the two seas both interfacing. In between the two is an obstruction which does not let them join/transgress/encroach each other/mingle" {Refer 55:19-20}

The phenomenon of "surface tension" does not let the two waters/seas mingle/absorb in each other since interface acts somewhat like a stretched elastic membrane { بَرْزَخٌ}. What Grand Quran had stated 1400 years back was seen and accepted as a fact in 20th century. 

                   Grand Quran while explaining the net affect of all the deeds/actions of a non-believer by an example has highlighted certain physical phenomenon which one could not imagine 1400 years back yet the example was conveniently comprehendible by the first addresses of the Book. It says:

"And those who have refused, their deeds/acts are like a mirage in sandy desert, which the man parched with thirst considers that to be water till such time when he has reached there he did find that as nothing" {Refer 24:39}

"Or [the affectivity of unbeliever's deeds] are like the darkness of a deep sea which is covered by waves upon waves above which are clouds,

layers of darkness, one upon the other.

when he puts out his hand, he is not near seeing {scarcely see} it.

And for whom Allah has not assigned visible light then for him there is no visible light" {Refer 24:40}

The deeds of those who refuse to accept the Quran have been compared with two things; mirage and non visibility of one's own hand in the deep sea. Mirage is an illusion. Mirage, realistic image of an object that is either totally imaginary or that appears to be in a location other than the true one. The imaginary vision is a psychological aberration sometimes experienced by persons suffering from such conditions as extreme thirst, or mental or physical strain. The phenomenon that causes objects to appear out of place, usually in desert or at sea, is the result of atmospheric conditions. When heat radiates from a hot earth surface, as in a desert, it causes a diminution of the density of the air just above the surface and forces a denser layer of air to remain above the hot, rarefied air instead of, as is usually the case, below it. The boundary between the two layers produces a lens like effect and refracts or bends rays of light from a distant object; it also gives the appearance of a layer of water to the thirsty man.

And in respect to deep seas two phenomenon have been indicated. A wave of water above another wave and layers of darkness one upon the other, indicating darkness increasing downwards until a point of darkness reaches where the man would not be near seeing his own hand since he does not have the visible light.

This reflected that light passes into the sea and the darkness occurs gradually.  This was made known that visible light is subject to attenuation after it enters into the sea. The colors of the light spectrum are absorbed in the first two hundred meters, one after another except for blue light. Below a depth of about 1000 meters, there is no light at all, complete darkness and in such a darkness one cannot see one's own hand with his eyes.

The other fact mentioned in the Grand Qur'aan about the existence of wave above wave has also very recently been discovered/seen by human beings. The point that I could not understand is the presence ofسَحَابٌ  above a wave. Etymologically this word means  "dragged it, drew it along; efface". The word has metaphorical similarity to Waves of seismic origin: A tsunami (Japanese: tsu, “harbour,” and nami, “sea”) is a very long wave of seismic origin that is caused by a submarine or coastal earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption. Such a wave may have a length of hundreds of kilometers and a period on the order of a quarter of an hour. It travels across the ocean at a tremendous speed. In the open ocean the height of tsunamis may be less than one meter, and they pass unnoticed. As they approach a continental shelf, however, their speed is reduced and their height increases dramatically. Tsunamis have caused enormous destruction of life and property, piling up in coastal waters at places thousands of kilometers away from their point of origin, particularly in the Pacific Ocean.

Continue: What is the perception and meaning of giving life to earth/land after its death?

:Perception and meanings.