Root: ف ص ل Separate, divide, put apart a thing from another thing; the limit or boundary formed, a separation between the two lands; a separation that will reflect that the former has come to an end; distinguish and make two things distinct from each other. It demarcates the position/location of a thing/place which results in its highlighting/making apparent/visible/vivid/ defined/determined. Root: ب ى ن Separate, severe, disunite or cut off, distanced from one thing, to become apparent, manifest, evident, clear, plain, perspicuous, become known, distinguished. The way one pursues; Root: ج ر م criminal, erroneous behavior/conduct. This is contrary /antonym of المسلمين. {Refer 68:35} It is about the conduct, the way one follows, system, procedure, law. It is about practical conduct not theoretical belief.
Complete human body. Conceal, hide, obscure. Dress is like the night which spreads darkness and makes the things non visible, obscure. Any dress that makes the contours/figure more prominent, does not qualify to be called dress.
Root: ح ل ل The basic perception infolded in the Root is to untie; and remove impediment. It is used to dissolve and liquefy some frozen or solid thing. And it may be noted that the best part of the food is that which is liquefied and becomes absorbed into the blood, a liquid.
Root: ط ى ب pleasant, delightful, delicious, sweet or savory in taste and odor, pure, dilated, free from strait ness.
نَبَاتُ Plants, valuable produce of earth. خَبُثُ Root: خ ب ث Antonym/contrary to Root: ط ى ب. Bad, foul, abominable, nauseous, base, noxious, impure, unclean, filthy. نَكِدًا Root: ن ك د deficient, unpropitious and mean, scanty, little, niggardly.
نُصَرِّفُ Root: ص ر ف Signifies turning, shifting a thing from one state to another. Turn face away or towards someone. "دَرَستَ" trod, thrash, because of repeatedly passing over it.
It is our common perception that the primary objective and consideration of intellect/intelligence/knowledge is to differentiate between two things; to determine what is what and who is who. What is lasting-permanent and what is temporary; what is worthy and what is just scum. Intellect is primarily to demarcate a line that will make the things distinct from each other. A line of demarcation and distinction makes the things visible and the possibility of visual illusions is minimized. The qualifying test of any book or person who claims to be a guide, is that whether or not they have the capability of making things distinct to people to enable and facilitate them to arrive at conclusions without much of effort at their own end. The Grand Qur'aan claims for 'himself' that "He is a guide for the humanity". And humanity denotes/signifies time and space. Therefore we must find in it that everything is demarcated and made distinct from each/one another. Book says: "And this is how We make the knowledge about things distinct so that the path/way/conduct of criminals may become demarcated/manifested/highlighted" {Refer 6:55} The knowledge is gained/retained/stored/preserved/captivated only by comparison. Separating things from each other is called gaining knowledge. "We have separated/distinguished things so that people may learn/get knowledge" {Refer 6:97}
"This is how We separate/distinguish things so that people may learn/get knowledge" {Refer 7:32}
"And We separated/distinguished things so that people may learn/get knowledge" {Refer 8:11}
"We separate/distinguish things so that people may learn/get knowledge" {Refer 10:05}
"A Book whose verses have separated/distinguished the knowledge of things contained in it, The Quran in Arabic, so that people may learn/get knowledge" {Refer 41:03} What is the advantage and purpose of demarcating a line between things for making them distinct?
"We have made distinct/segregated/separated the knowledge of things so that people could comprehend/easily understand" {Refer 6:98}
"We have made distinct/segregated/separated the knowledge of things so that people could conveniently remember/recollect/retrieve from memory/could narrate" {Refer 6:126}
"And this is how We have separated/distinguished things so that people may perhaps listen/attend to them" {Refer 7.174}
"This is how We separate/distinguish things so that people may ponder/apply intellect/reflect on them" {Refer 30:28} What is the sublime knowledge? Is the one that Lord Bertrand Russell thought; "We only know the relationship of things, We do not know the nature of things"? What was so philosophical in the first part of the statement of Russell? Even a man of low intellect has this perception that we know things/obtain knowledge only by knowing the relationship of one thing with the other. And the second part of Russell's statement is totally baseless and are mere words. The very relationship of things is reflective of their nature. The true limits of the knowledge begin from the point where the knowledge and intellect of Russell and many other philosophers ends. My Lord, who is known in the time and space from beginning to end, the Last Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم is quoted by Qur'aan to have said:
Say, "I {Muhammad} advise you people with one advice; that find time for Allah in twos or individually and thereafter reflect to know the purpose of things" {Refer 34:46} If the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is understood as gaining information about things and their relationship and finding the nature of things and the universe then it is no more than "wandering" because even if we know everything about everything it will bring us back to the point from where we started this pursuit of knowledge. The destination of the pursuit of knowledge is to know the purpose behind the creation of a thing. A thing is created for a purpose in mind, it is a matter and knowledge of simple common sense. And when we find and conclude that a thing is created with a purpose behind it we find and realize about a creator behind that thing since purpose is related only to a person. The purpose invariably introduces us to the creator of the thing. It is only "تفكر" that could make one realize it. It is explained:
"And this is how We have separated/distinguished things/information/knowledge so that people may ponder/reflect to find the purpose" {Refer 10:24}
"Separates/distinguishes and makes distinct the Verses {containing knowledge/information} so that you people may get convinced/certain about your meeting with your Sustainer Lord " {Refer 13:02} The pursuit of things and matter would give knowledge about the relationship and nature of things and it involves nothing but a desire and effort since every thing is measured and proportioned and appropriated in relation to everything else. Matter is in measure, and then disciplined in a cohesive single unit by the choice of attraction and repulsion amongst things. The relationships are not subject to change. But this is the knowledge of the visible and apparent.
"They know/have the knowledge of visible/apparent from the worldly life and they are neglectful from the later/hereafter.
Do they not indulge in deep thinking/ponder/reflect in their hearts
{had they ever indulged in تفكر they would have known} Allah has not created the skies and earth and what is in between these two except with a purpose and for a determined time/period.
And indeed lot many amongst people deny about the meeting with their Sustainer Lord" {Refer 30:7-8}
Once we reach the stage of understanding that there is a purpose in the creation of everything which in itself creates a conviction that it is for a determined period since the very fact of creation with a purpose implies a predetermined period of the "life" of the thing; We immediately come to the question of the purpose of our own creation. {Allah created seven skies and earth} "for exposing/testing you; who amongst you people acts moderately/nicely/balanced" {Refer 11:07}
"We have made whatever is on earth as attraction in her so that We may expose/test them as to who amongst them performs moderate/balanced/nice acts" {Ref 18:07}
"Allah is The One Who created matter and life, for exposing/testing you people, as to who amongst you performs moderate/balanced/nice acts" {Refer 67:02} The Arabic word
"Tell the people, "There is no
similarity/equality/relationship between
We know that
"And We said. "O Adam, stay you and your wife as guest in the Garden, and both eat from wherever you wish and like, however you both don't go near this female tree/taste its fruit, otherwise you would become from those who interrupt/use things without right/permission"
"Then he created for both two of them confusion, so that it may become visible to them what was hidden of their bodies from each other" {Refer 7:20} "This is how by deceit he made both victim/fall. And in consequence when both tasted the fruit of that female tree, their bodies became naked for each other" {Refer 7:22}
"And in consequence, both ate from that, the result was that their bodies became nude for each other" {Refer 20.121} This is what we call cause and effect. Adam عليه السلام forgot the advice; he tasted the fruit of the tree and his wife followed him. The result was that they became nude for each other and that was exactly what Satan wanted that both of them may see private parts of each other where another sort of appetite is hidden, more pleasurable, alluring, fascinating and enjoyable {And surely life on earth would have been burdensome without that joy}. It also subtly reflected that there is a relationship between the food intake and private parts activity. The instinctive reaction was this:
"and they both hastened to cover/hide themselves with the leaves of the garden" The first visible/apparent distinction between human being and an animal is the dress to cover the body. "O You the posterity of Adam, We have sent for you dress/clothing for you to cover/hide/conceal your body and for protection [from heat discharge/outflow]/comfort/" {Refer 7:26}
{And be mindful about what Satan did with your parents} stripped off/removed from them their dress so that their bodies may become visible to each other" {Refer 7:27} Dress is human's distinction. It is symbol of honor, dignity and sanctity. Let us reflect on the reaction of the first man and woman when they became nude and naked for the eyes of each other. They felt perturbed and disturbed and in haste started to take themselves into the position, in which they were before violating the advice of not eating/tasting fruit of that female tree. They hastened to cover their bodies. No one had asked them to do like that. It was their own instant action. We must be proud of our father and mother. Our respects and salutes to both of them. And see the tragedy of the "progressive" posterity of Adam. We have nude clubs today and stupidly perceive that since man is born nude therefore to remain nude in the group is a natural phenomenon. This is what we call man is at loss in time. The second distinction is that there is a restriction on the human being of eating from a certain tree. And this restriction is to be followed with one's own will and desire. Amongst mammals a herbivore is a herbivore. Like man, Pig is omnivorous, eats both animal flesh and vegetable matter. Restrictions elevate a man; abundance of everything and unrestricted freedom would make the life meaningless/purposeless.
"O you people! eat what is from earth beneficial from permissible and do not follow the footsteps of Satan" {Refer 2:168}
"And eat what is provided by Allah to you as sustenance, delicious/pure/beneficial from permissible"
"Therefore eat what is granted by Allah to you, delicious/pure/beneficial from permissible" "And eat what is provided by Allah to you as sustenance, delicious/pure/beneficial from permissible and be grateful for the grant of Allah" {Refer 16:114}
Allah has
advised the mankind to eat what is
"Eat from what is
"O You who say to have believed! Eat from what
"O You who say to have believed! Spend from
"Eat from what is
"O You who say to have believed! do not declare
non permissible from
"Say, "Who has made non permissible the
attractions Allah has brought out for His servants and
"And gave you people sustenance from
"And gave them sustenance from
"And gave you people sustenance from
"And gave them sustenance from
"Eat from
"O You the messenger, eat from
It has repeatedly been said that people
should eat from
"They ask you, O the Messenger, what is made
permissible for them? Tell them, "For you people
"The day, made permissible/lawful you people
We earlier read that Quran draws a
demarcation line to make things distinct from each other. If
"And he {the messenger} declares for them
permissible/lawful the things which are
In the side pane we have read the
perception and meanings of the word
"And the land which is
And that land which in nature is
This is how We rotate/centrifuge the verses {to manifest knowledge/information from all angles} so that people my express gratitude/appreciation" {Refer 7:58}
We may appreciate that the meaning of
And this is how We rotate/centrifuge the verses
{containing knowledge/information/advices/orders/injunctions/statements}
so that people may say " The purpose of نُصَرِّفُ is made evident/reflected by the word "دَرَستَ". In good old days, people used to put the crop {wheat for example} in the field and then an animal used to walk in a circle to separate wheat grain from the plant. This was called "د ر س" by the Arabs. The rotating {centrifuge} of thing not only helps segregate two things but it becomes visible from all angles. Seeing one thing repeatedly from the same angle does not introduce that thing to the viewer from all angles. Repetition is the essence of publicity, since the objective is to inculcate in the mind of people only one aspect of the thing, whereas the objective of نُفَصِّلُ and نُصَرِّفُ is to make people perceive things distinctly and know them from every angle and aspect.
Let us revert to eatables and try to find
{click to continue} Water {drink of life}, earth and Botanical life. |