Ayshs with other words made from Root : "ز ك و"
Our Sustainer Lord! And raise a revivalist amongst them as messenger who is characteristically a perpetually Monotheist Believer amongst them- ["Our Progeny" refers to and solely denotes Muslim community of Iesma'eile's progeny].
He will recite word by word-syllable by syllable the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Unitary Passages of the Book of You the Exalted.
And he will educate them to read and copy writing the Book, and will teach them how to attain the wisdom-capability to perceive the information about invisible realities.
And he will intellectually uplift-sanctify them [by removing shackles of conjectural myths/distorted beliefs].
The fact remains that You the Exalted are certainly the all Pervasive and eternally the Wise-Knower of invisible-secreted- infolded realities." [2:129]
Conclude My Favour/Grace/boon like the obliging beneficence that We sent among you as a Messenger who has been a perpetual Monotheist Believer-Muslim amongst you.
He recites word by word-syllable by syllable to you people Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages of Grand Qur'aan conveying information and facts.
And he intellectually uplifts-sanctifies you people: removes shackles of conjectural myths - distortions in belief.
And he educates you to read and write the recited text imparting the knowledge of the Book; and he teaches you to attain the wisdom-capability to perceive information about invisible realities.
Realize it; he the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] imparts you the information-knowledge which hitherto you did not have. [2:151]
Note the factual news about those-scholars-religious elite who conceal-withhold telling people some information of the Book which Allah the Exalted has revealed-communicated;
And they purposely keep conducting a business with this recourse for worldly-vile gain:
They are who take in-earn for their bellies noting but fire. [This is because they will have nothing beneficial in their account ledger-3:77].
Moreover, Allah the Exalted will not address them on the Day of Resurrection;
And He the Exalted will neither cause their uplift.
Be mindful, a severe-grave punishment is prepared-in wait for them. [2:174]
Take note of the course of conduct in case you husbands have publicly suspended the Marriage- Protocol with wives and thereafter the alienated wives have elapsed-crossed over their respectively determined mandatory restraint period [resulting in disintegration-dissolution of Nikkah].
Thereat, you people-the society should not muscle them-the alienated wives that they might unite in Nikkah-re marry with their own husbands whenever they-the disintegrated spouses have struck mutual agreement-understanding in accordance with acceptable norms of society.
This is the course of action that he gets advised by it who amongst you has truly been believing in Allah the Exalted and the Day of Judgment.
This advised course of action not to hinder the alienated [divorcee] wife to unite in Nikah-re-marry with her husband is more flourishing and relatively more clean-pious for you the society.
Realize that Allah the Exalted absolutely knows everything while you people do not know about everything. [2:232]
The authentic news about those people who earn a vile gain/make it a business at the cost of the pledge of Allah the Exalted and their own oaths is that:
They are the people for whom nothing of significance shall be available in the Hereafter.
And Allah the Exalted will neither address such people nor will pay them attention on the Day of Resurrection.
And nor will He the Exalted cause their uplift/sanctification;
Be mindful, a severe punishment is prepared-in wait for them. [3:77]
It is a certain fact that Allah the Exalted had conferred beneficence/indebtedness upon
the Believers at the point in time when He appointed a
Revivalist/re-Awakener within them as a messenger who was one of their
He recites syllable by syllable/word by word upon them Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages of the Book conveying information and facts.
And he intellectually uplifts-sanctifies them [by removing shackles of conjectural myths/distortions].
And he educates them to read and write the recited text imparting the knowledge of the Book and he teaches them how to attain the wisdom: capability to perceive the information about invisible realities.
And they were certainly in a manifest state of negligence-un-mindfulness in aforetimes. [3:164]
Have you marked the attitude of those people who are in habit of self-enhancement and self-dignifying their stature?
No, self adopted big titles do not elevate; Allah the Exalted elevates and dignifies a person about whom He the Exalted so decides.
And they will not meet minutest injustice even equivalent to thin spot/fiber on date-stone slit. [4:49]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] accept as gift of generosity for public utilization some part of their wealth;
You cleanse them and improve-uplift them by utilizing their generosity;
And you bless upon them approval and appreciation. Indeed your approval and appreciation is a source of tranquility for them.
Know it; Allah the Exalted eternally the Listener, the All-Knowledgeable. [9:103]
And for this We revived them to their original state so that they may question among themselves.
One of the participant of talk asked, "How long have you stayed here?"
Some of them replied, "We have stayed for a day or just a part of a day."
Others said" [Don't be conjectural] Your Sustainer Lord fully knows how long you have stayed here.
Therefore send one of you with this coin of yours towards the city, then let him see which of the meal is purer/nutritious;
Whereby let him bring eatable provision from that; and let he be cautious and neither should he let anyone have clue about you. [18:19]
Thereby they both set out [keeping silent] until when they both met a boy whereupon he killed him/boy;
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] questioned/objected saying: "Have you killed apparently innocent boy without being in requital for a person/murder!
Indeed you have done a thing unpleasing!" [18:74]
Therefore we intended that their Sustainer Lord may substitute them with a son better than him in character uplift, and nearer in affection and sympathy. [18:81]
And softness from Our Grace and elevated stature;
And he was in the habit of mindfulness and avoidance of unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [19:13]
and softness from Our Grace and elevated stature, and he was in the habit of mindfulness and avoidance of unrestrained conduct with reverence and fear of Allah. [19:13]
He replied, "I am only the Messenger of your Sustainer Lord to confirm to you the bestowing of the son, intellectually elevated. [19:19]
[Same information in
[Similar pronouncement in
Gardens of pleasant abode, streams flowing beneath/side-by them, they will reside therein permanently.
And this is the reward for the one who elevated himself"[above conjectures, desires/vested interest] [20:76] [Our salutations and respects to these Muslims who were earlier illusionists; and curse upon Fir'aoun who despite having been asked-79:18 could not raise himself above self deceptions]
[Similar advice
[Same pronouncement in same words in
[Similar pronouncement in
[This information is also in
O you who declare to have accepted!
you people must not physically follow the footprints of Shai'taan;
and whoever follows the footprints of Shaitaan then indeed he inspires/allures to indulge in sexual perversion and imbalanced/improper/irrational conduct [alfaa'sha'ai includes all illicit sexual activity done individually or openly/with others other than intercourse of genitalia [furr'ej] of opposite sexes with mutual consent which is uz'zina];
And had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you people
not a single one from amongst you people could ever have elevated/sanctified.
But Allah is He Who elevates/sanctifies whom He wills.
And Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [Knower of visible and invisible]. [24:21]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
In response to your call if you did not find anyone [male] therein then do not enter therein until permission has been granted for you;
and if it is said for you, "please you go back" then you people return back;
that is a purer and elevated course of conduct for you people.
And Allah fully knows everything that which you people do. [24:28]
[Similar information in
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for the Believing Men that they should reduce their focused vision [visual attention upon women-most powerful stimuli to excite-first step]
and they should guard their genitalia; [the end area in sex process]
that is a purer and elevated course of conduct for them.
Indeed Allah is fully aware of that which they people [lust mongers] artfully devise/fabricate. [24:30]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
[Same pronouncement in same words in 36:11]
[Exactly the same information in same words in
[Same information in same words in
And no bearer of burdens shall bear/lift the burdens of others;
and if heavily laden person calls attention towards its load no one will uplift any part of it however nearer one he might be.
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can only revive/admonish
those [in time and space] who remain careful/mindful/afraid of their Sustainer Lord without being in their sight;
and they organized and managed the performance of Ass-sa'laat.
And whoever elevated himself [above conjectures, desires/vested interest] resultantly he elevated only for his own person [to attain perpetual success/fruitfulness-87:14]
And towards Allah is the destination/finality. [35:18]
And those people are those who consciously avoid committing major and grave sins [that cause serious and deep rooted disturbance and dilapidation in society] and illicit sexual activities except the minor occasional lapses.
Indeed the Sustainer Lord of you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is vastly generous in overlooking and forgiving.
He the Exalted absolutely knows you people ever since He produced you people from the Earth, and while you people were fetuses in the bellies of your mothers.
Therefore you people should not boast of your selves of elevation/sanctification.
He fully knows the one who has made himself mindful, cautious, heedful and avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [53:32]
the Exalted is the One
Who appointed within
the People identified as
; the
people who were earlier not given the Book by Allah the Exalted;
a revivalist/re-awakener as a Messenger who has
been a Staunch Monotheist Believing person in them.
He keeps reciting syllable by syllable/word by word for you people Our Aa'ya'at-unitary verbal passages of the Book conveying information and facts.
And he intellectually uplifts-sanctifies them [by removing shackles of conjectural myths/distortions in belief]..
And he educates them to read and write the recited text imparting the knowledge of the Book, and he teaches them how to attain the wisdom-capability to perceive the information about invisible realities.
And they were certainly in a manifest state of negligence-un-mindfulness in aforetimes. [62:02]
[Similar pronouncement in
And this is the reward for the one who elevated himself" [above conjectures, desires/vested interest] [20:76] [Our salutations and respects to these Muslims who were earlier illusionists; and curse upon Fir'aoun who despite having been asked-79:18 could not raise himself above self deceptions]
thereat reaching him say to him, "would it be for you to come towards that you may truly elevate yourself; [79:18]
And what can give you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the perception of his arrival, since you are deeply occupied in advising that he/rich notable might reflexively cause himself to elevate [from polytheism] or he consciously inclines himself to remember the advice and then its recalling may benefit him; [80:03-04]
[Arrival of blind man was not noticed] since you have made yourself deeply occupied in paying concentrated attention for him who has consciously made himself assume as free from need, though you are absolved of any blame if he is purposely determined not to elevate and purify himself [by leaving idolatry]. [80:05-07]
Indeed he has attained the perpetual success-fruitfulness who elevated himself in piety. [87:14]
And he remembered and adored the Name of his Sustainer Lord whereby he performed Sala'at: Time bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance. [87:15]
And by the inner self of a person and of that who balanced her; [91:07]
Thereby, it/he made her know and understand how it gets flowing and scattering [perversion-path of criminals] and her taking heed, cautiousness and restraint. [91:08]
This is to emphasize that indeed he has attained the perpetual success who made her: inner self noble [above conjectures, desires/vested interest taking guidance from Qur'aan]; [91:09]
And certainly he has frustratingly failed who suppressed/stunted it: the inner self. [91:10]
[Read with
[Similar information in
And the consciously heedful and mindful avoider of unrestrained conduct will be kept away from her: Hell Prison; [92:17]
His characteristic trait is that he gives his money; consideration being to transform into elevated personality-nobility; it becomes self multiplying. [92:18]
And compensation by any fruitful thing to be given in return is not incumbent upon any recipient of money; [92:19]
Money is given but only for seeking the approval and appreciation of his Sustainer Lord, the Supreme Exalted. [92:20]
And certainly he will soon be pleased with the reward of his achievement. [92:21]