donations-funding-gifts-grants with no
strings attached.
It is derived from Root: ص د ق
Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated in
his classic
مقاييس اللغة
الصاد والدال والقاف أصلٌ
يدلُّ على قوّةٍ
في الشيء قولاً وغيرَه. من ذلك الصِّدْق:
خلاف الكَذِبَ، سمِّيَ لقوّته في نفسه، ولأنَّ الكذِبَ لا قُوَّة له، هو
That it leads to the perception of strength, solidity, intensity, force, effectiveness of a thing, be it a verbal statement or otherwise. It is thus used for a veracious statement since it has the inherent strength of accuracy and precision. Its antonym is a lie and false statement since it lacks strength, effectiveness and durability; it is like scum.
Lane's Lexicon quotes: "Er-Rághib says that صِدْقٌ and كَذِبٌ are primarily in what is said, whether relating to the past or to the future, and [in the latter case] whether it be a promise or other than a promise; and only in what is said in the way of information; but sometimes they are in other modes of speech, such as asking a question, and commanding, and supplicating;"
The words made from this Root have 155 recurrences in the text of Grand Qur'aan. Mostly, it is in relation to concept-semantic frame of "Truth, true statement-expression which is infallible in essence"; and only 24 times it is used that relate to semantic frame of donation, gifts of generosity, and giving something with no strings attached.
The most infallible truthful statements
are the expression of this belief:
the Exalted is all alone the
living Iela'aha: Sovereign Sustainer Lord;
at all in miscellany of iela'aha:
deities-godheads that are
uncritically admired, adorned
and worshipped is alive or organizes, administers or sustains others except He the
Solitary Sustainer Lord, the Absolute. Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah the Exalted.
As regards the other semantic frame-concept embedded in the Root: gift of generosity, it is manifestation of one's belief statement:
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] accept gift of generosity for public utilization out of their wealth;
You cleanse them and improve-uplift them by utilizing their generosity;
And you bless upon them approval and appreciation. Indeed your approval and appreciation is a source of tranquility for them.
Know it; Allah the Exalted eternally the Listener, the All-Knowledgeable. [9:103]
Have they yet not known that Allah the Exalted indeed accepts the repentance and regrets from His subjects;
And that He the Exalted does acknowledge the gifts of generosity?
The fact remains that Allah the Exalted is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Fountain of Mercy. [9:104]
are antonyms: Allah the Exalted has informed:
Allah the Exalted spoils-obliterates the incremental gain on lent capital [usury-interest]; and He enhances the voluntary generosity: donations-funding-gifts-grants.
Be mindful, Allah the Exalted does not appreciate and approve for nearness any one who is stubbornly ingrate with persistent laggardly psyche. [2:276]
Imperfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; Mood: Indicative; مصدر-مَحُقٌ
Verbal Noun. Root: م ح ق
. The basic perception infolded in the Root is that of
rendering a thing deficient and deprived of its blessing, or
increase, or obliterate it.
The actual balance sheet for Judgment Day is different from apparent result of both two.
However, if someone is sick or is itched-irritated by it in his head necessitating removal of hair or avoidance of shaving, thereby to avoid the stated course an absolver is due upon him of choice; fasting, or to gift something to needy, or to do any good act. [2:196]
A verbal pleasantry remark of explicit import and to excuse and overlook veiling the faults of others is far better than that donated gift to which an embarrassment remains attached.
And remember that Allah the Exalted is the Transcendent; the absolutely independent of all that exists, and eternally imperturbably overlooking and forgiving. [2:263]
O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
You should not render your gifts of generosity as worthless scum by reproach/pronouncing account of it and by causing embarrassment to the recipient
like he who spends his wealth as a worldly pomp and show; pleasure of ostentatious display and he in fact believes not in Allah the Exalted nor the Last Day.
Thereby, his similarity is with such rock that a layer of soil is layered upon it.
Thereat, a heavy rainfall fell upon it and washed away the layer of soil whereby the rainfall left it as a naked rock.
Such people have no power to retain permanently that which they have earned.
Be aware that Allah the Exalted does not guide, against their will, the people who persistently and deliberately refuse to accept. [2:264]
If you people cause the gifts seen publicly; gifts given at ceremonial occasions, thereat, notwithstanding what is it, it is a praiseworthy gift.
And should you people opt to keep those gifts secret and should you donate those to the needy, its consequence is the best for you people.
And He; Allah the Exalted will cause the deletion-hiding away from you people some of your recorded misdemeanors.
And remain mindful, Allah the Exalted is aware of all acts which you people keep doing. [2:271]
However, should the debtor be in a straitened circumstances to return the principal debt then the command is to afford time patiently till such time jis monetary conditions become better.
And the proposition that you people might condone it at your own initiative as gift/grant; it is better for you.
If you people understand that it will yield you a better result; you might condone the debt. [2:280]
And you the husbands give to the wives the committed bridal financial right: agreed financial obligation of them. The consideration and manner of discharging your liability be an act and state of a pleasant gift given with love-affection-respect.
However, for reason of it being a promised obligation, if they offer-remit any part of it for you of their own pleasure; you should consume it enjoying without any perception-fear of harm-negative implication. [4:04]
Know it; It has never been permissible and befitting for a true believer that he might kill a believer except unintentionally and mistakenly.
Take note; Were a believer killed a believer by negligence-mistake: thereat, the requital obligation is to set free a believing Bondman-Serf-Servant;
And blood-money; delivery characterized by exactitude as was declared acceptable, is to be delivered to his: murdered person's family. It is mandatory except that they might remit of their own choice. [Ref 4:92]
There is not at all befitting-beneficial embedded in most of talk in their private conversations.
Exception is private talk of him who advised-enjoined to affectionately donate for needy; or to act according to accepted social norms; or for striking compromise-equation amongst people.
And should someone do this diligently solely for seeking the pleasure-approval-appreciation of Allah the Exalted:
Appreciating it, We will soon pay him a great reward. [4:114]
And We ordained upon them therein the Tor'aat:
That a person for a person;
And an eye for an eye;
And nose for a nose;
And ears for ears;
And a tooth for a tooth;
And for wounds; retaliatory punishment is to be pursued.
Thereby, whoever forgoes the excess-wrong done to him, thereat, it is for him an expiation [for his other wrong doings].
Be mindful; if anyone in timeline decided and commanded not by that: the Book which Allah the Exalted communicated:
Thereby such people are truly the evil-doers-distorters-creators of imbalances-disorders-over stepping. [5:45]
And there is greedy person amongst them who slanders against you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] with regard to treasury gifts/collections.
Thereby, if such people were given out of treasury collections they would have felt satisfied and happy; and if they were not given out of it, thereat they are outraged [and start slandering]. [9:58]
Know it, how appreciable it would have been, had they felt satisfied what Allah the Exalted and His Messenger had bestowed upon them;
And had said: "Allah the Exalted suffices for us; Allah will keep giving us out of His bounty, and soon His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] will give us.
Indeed towards Allah we turn affectionately and reverently." [9:59]
Take note, the gifts of generosity [including those in the state treasury] are only for the needy, and the destitute; and the managerial staff upon its management;
And for those whose hearts are absorbed in the cause of Allah [restraining their movement-2:273];
And for freeing the captive necks and the serf/under-debt; and for any other good cause for the sake of Allah; and for the wayfarer.
Subject to availability of gifts of generosity in state treasury this determination of deserving ones is ordained-apportioned by Allah the Exalted.
Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted is the Fountain and Setter of knowledge-science of visible and invisible domains, realities. considerations; and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm. [9:60]
And a set of persons amongst them: Muna'fi'qeen: Imposter believers exposed their purport. He promised to Allah the Exalted indirectly and conditionally saying: "If and when He has given us out of His Bounty:
We will certainly then become donor of charities; and certainly we will be amongst the perfectionists." [9:75]
Those who criticize and slander against the willing donors amongst the believers in giving away gifts of generosity and against those who do not find resources except their physical effort/exertion;
Thereby, some of them go a step further mocking and ridiculing. Allah the Exalted has discarded as condemned such of them.
Be mindful, a severe punishment is prepared-in wait for them. [9:79]
[they decided to first try to acquire youngest brother] For this mission when they entered upon him they said:
"O you the Aziz, Mental and psychological distress has affected us and our family;
[they have indicated to him the effect of retention of their younger brother] And we have come with a little capital [further elaborated that purpose of visit is not commercial];
Therefore you give for us the equivalent measure; and you bestow/remit a gift upon us.
Indeed Allah the Exalted rewards those who bestow generous gifts." [12:88]
He replied, "Have you realized what you had done once with Yu'suf and his brother when you were irrationally emotionalists?" [12:89]
Know the certain fact about those who have these characteristics of conduct: The Muslim men and the women;
And the Believing Men and the women;
And the obediently and respectfully standing Men and Women;
And the Truthful Men and the Truthful Women;
And the coolly persistent and perseverant Men and the Women;
And the humble Men and the humble Women;
And the generous Men and the Women;
And the Fasting Men and the Women;
And the Men guarding their chastity-genitalia and the Women guarding their chastity;
And the Men who frequently remember and mention Allah the Exalted and the like Women:
Allah the Exalted has arranged for them a preserve and a splendid return/reward. [33:35]
Indeed the generous men and generous women who heartily gifted to Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from their wealth: financially helped people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted;
It will keep increasing and inflated manifold for them.
Be aware; a par excellence reward is ready-in wait for them. [57:18]
O those people/you, who proclaim to have accepted-become believers;
When you have decide to call upon the Messenger to seek advice, thereat, monetarily donate with affection to some poor before you hold meeting in seclusion;
This course of action is for you people comparatively more flourishing and is comparatively more pure/clean;
Thereat, if you did not find something to donate [then nothing to worry];
Remain aware; Allah the Exalted is indeed Oft-forgiving-overlooking, the Merciful. [58:12]
Did this advice made you feel embarrassed of some negativity in upholding private meeting with the Messenger of Allah that you may first donate before private consultations?
Thereby, if you have not yet done it: private consultation with the Messenger, meanwhile Allah the Exalted has mercifully reverted upon you;
Therefore, you people remain steadfast maintaining As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and regularly pay Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;
And affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the Word of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.
Remain mindful; Allah the Exalted is always fully aware of that what you people do. [58:13]
And Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you people for other's benefit in times before the death might reach someone of you;
Whereat he might say: "My Sustainer Lord! why not You the Exalted granted me a respite-delayed for a little more time;
That would have enabled me to become generous donor, and I should have been one of the righteous-perfectionists. [63:10]
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اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع-جمع مؤنث |
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Ta assimilated. |
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اسم: مجرور-واحد مؤنث |
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اسم: منصوب-واحد مؤنث |
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حرف فَ + فعل مضارع منصوب و علامة نصبه الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:أَنَا-واحد متكلم/باب تَفَعَّلَ |