Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance: The Key to the door of success
Semantic Domain: Protocols of Islam
Root: ص ل و
Sociality is the fundamental characteristic-dimension of the created realm, matter and life both. However, the Man needs to be given training and skills required for functioning successfully in the society. The par excellent social activity is the socialization of the Subject with the Lord-King-Sovereign. The affectionate Sovereign is he who affords opportunities to his subjects to be in his presence occasionally for sometime for paying homage and seeking blessings of him. The subjects gain strength, feel of security and confidence by being in the House of the Sovereign. It becomes subject's pride.
We as social beings living in societies and states are well aware of the protocols of Subject-Lord contact. Timings are determined by the Lord. The Subject is required to follow the prescribed dress code and manners of speech and gestures while in the premises of Lord.
Universe is the State of the Sustainer Lord of all the
created realm and we are the resident subjects of it. The Sustainer
Lord, Allah the Exalted has prescribed and made it mandatory for us to
contact Him everyday at intervals. This is called in Arabic:
The time bound Protocol of Servitude and
The time bound Protocol of Servitude and
Allegiance is the fundamental protocol for all living beings in the
created realm which is prescribed in the Constitution: Universal Code of
: Voluntary
submission to the discipline establishing state of peace, security,
tranquility and dynamic balance for all. It is the sublime protocol of
interaction-social conduct within the created realm. Read it carefully
and critically since it is the first manifestation of our claim of
belief and a guarantee of success and fruitfulness of belief:
Indeed the following of those who identify their selves as Believers have attained perpetual success and fruitfulness—[23:01]
Those believers who demonstrate solemnity and humble-mindedness in the performance of their As-Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance—[23:02]