they render their selves in state
of conviction

Syntactic analysis and explanation of Ayah
: It is a verbal sentence comprising of: Verb:
Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ; [Form IV]; [و] Subject Pronoun
in nominative state; مصدر-
Verbal Noun;
ى ق ن. This
verb is termed: الفعل المثال a verb that has
a و or ي as one
or more of the root radicals.
Form IV is Causative - Causing someone or something to perform the
action of Measure I. This paradigm is
also used to express that the subject of the verb has
achieved the meaning of the verb. This signifies that the
action of this verb is well thought and volitional deed of the subject.
It denotes that the subject has convinced himself to conclusively believe
about something. It is neither instinctive, nor the result of surge of
passion, emotion. The imperfect indicative mood verb does not restrict itself to any idea
of time; it indicates enduring existence, begun and incomplete, either
in past, present or future time.
It indicates an act which does not
take place at any one particular time to the exclusion of any other
point in time, but which takes place all the time, or rather in speaking
of which no notice is taken of time, but only of duration. In English
grammar, we call it "the indefinite present". A verb in the
indefinite aspect is used when the beginning or ending of an action, an event, or
condition is unknown or unimportant to the meaning of the sentence.
The indefinite aspect is also used to
indicate an habitual or repeated action, event, or condition.
ى ق ن signifies the concept of certainty, conviction,
conclusiveness, complete confidence in the truth of something or an expected outcome.
Death is inevitable, people are certain without an iota of doubt they
will die, thereby, it is also used to denote death.

are those who heartily accept-believe in that
which was compositely sent to you the Messenger
and in that which
was compositely sent
before you.
And they
have conviction
regarding the
Hereafter. [2:04]

Take note: those: elite and men of
position of Muesh'ri'keen: idol worshippers who do not know about
revealed Book
satirically said to people:
is it that Allah does not talk to us?
Or why a verbal passage
not comes to us?"
This resembles what the people before them had
stated words of import comparable to their statement.
Their hearts [psyche, attitude] have become self-baffled-metaphorically synonymous to the hearts of
earlier such people.
We have
certainly explicitly explained the Aa'ya'at: Unitary
Verbal Passages of Qur'aan
the people who pursue to attain self conviction-certainty. [Conviction is the result of objective
analysis/critical thinking, see

Are they the deviants
of the Book: Qur'aan are desirous of acquiring the
law and practices of the period of emotionalism?
Consider; Who could
be more balanced and sound
other than Allah the Exalted with regard to prescribing the
Law-Constitution for the people
who reflect to have conviction?

Such of them who stand for the
performance of As-sa'laat:
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance;
Az-zaka'at: financial liability for
economic uplift of society;
Know it; they are the people who
convincingly believe
in the

And when the Word—Promise would have
happened—executed upon them- the blind hearted men - the non listeners;
We would have brought out from the Earth an animal for them; its peculiarity would be its
verbal conversation with
It was for the reason that such people
were not
seeking definitiveness by the Unitary Verbal Passages of Our Majesty. [27:82]

Therefore, remain coolly perseverant, indeed
the promise of Allah the Exalted [regarding Last Day] is a fact,
And let not those who have no conviction [of that day. hereafter
and accountability] seek you hastening it/and
let not those, who have no conviction of the hereafter and
accountability, impair your cool/quiet/frustrate you by repeated
annoyances. [30:60]

Such of them who stand for the
performance of As-sa'laat:
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance;
Az-zaka'at: financial liability for
economic uplift of society;
Know it; they are the people who
convincingly believe
in the
Hereafter. [31:04]

And We had rendered
some of them guides;
they guided people in accordance with Our Command: Book;
when they remained steadfast coolly perseverant.
And they used to have convinced belief in Our Aa'ya'at.

And it is a fact that existential
that are explicitly distinct manifestations - reflect the Divine Providence and Will;
evidently -
In the creation of
you people;
And in those of
species animal He the Exalted spreads;
- For the people
who reflect to have conviction. [45:04]

This Qur'aan is
evocative - verbal Documentary for the humanity.
And this is a
guide: regulatory information for aright conduct; and mercy-blessing
for the people who seek rationally convincing

Or have they created the Skies
and the Earth?
No, they did create nothing,
the fact is that they do not have conviction. [52:36]
Progressive number of grammatical units:
= + 11

Pronoun: :
They - Plural; and كَ
is for the addressee.