Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ Verbal noun. (1)2:108(2)4:116(3)4:136(4)5:12(5)5:105(6)6:24(7)6:94(8) 7:53(9)10:30(10)10:108(11)11:21(12)16:87(13)16:125(14)17:15(15)17:67(16)18:104(17)27:92(18) 28:75(19)33:36(20)37:71(21)39:41(22)41:48(23)53:02(24)53:30(25)60:01(26)68:07=26

 فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد مذكرغائب

Its imperfect:  Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine; Mood: indicative;  Subject pronoun hidden and ; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ Verbal noun. (1)6:117(2)10:108(3)17:15(4) 20:52(6)20:123(7)39:41=7

Prefixed conjunction فَ which shows cause/reason and effect + Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [و] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state, with  prolongation sign; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ Verbal noun  (1)17:48(2)25:09=2

Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine; Passive;  Mood:  indicative;  مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ Verbal noun. (1)9:37=1

  • Or do you intend that you might raise questions to the Messenger [صلى الله عليه وسلم] of you people in the manner as was Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] questioned aforetimes?

  • Be mindful; Whoever purposely converts from the state-announcement of acceptance-belief to refusal-disbelief, thereby, for reason of conversion he is certainly the one who has forthwith lost the Way of Dynamic balance-Straight Path. [2:108]

  • Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted will not forgive that He might be ascribed and associated with partners. And He the Exalted will forgive offences other than this in respect of a person about whom He so decides.

  • Take note; if someone ascribes and associates partners with Allah the exalted:

  •  Thereat, he certainly perished-lost himself to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:116]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • Incline yourselves to heartily believe in Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him; Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];

  • And in the Book having peculiarity that He the Exalted has gradually sent it upon His Messenger, Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];

  • And in the Book whose peculiarity is that He the Exalted had compositely sent in timeline before it: Qur'aan [In'jeel to Easa علیہ السلام People from amongst the Jews on becoming believer are also required to accept and believe in In'jeel which was sent and has been affirmed by Grand Qur'aan]

  • Take note; Should someone refuse to believe in Allah the Exalted; and His Angels; and all the Books and all the Messengers of Him; and the Last Day:

  • Thereat, he certainly perished-lost himself to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:136]

  • Know it; Allah the Exalted had indeed obtained the Pledge-Covenant of the Sons of Iesraa'eel-the posterity from the second Son of Iebra'heim alai'his'slaam.

  • And We had appointed from amongst them twelve as leader [one each for 12 tribes-7:160].

  • And Allah the Exalted stated to them the Articles of Covenant: "I am surely with you subject to: You people remained steadfast in maintaining As-sa'laat: Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance and you paid Az-zaka'at: the financial liability for economic uplift of society;

  • And that you people accepted and believed in My Messengers and that you revered and assisted them **;

  • And that you people gifted to Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from wealth: financially helped people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted.

  • Thereat, I will indeed absolve you-overlook-delete from your record your omissions and commissions and certainly I will enter you people in to Gardens-Paradise where streams flow on the lower side by it.

  • Consequently for reason of this solemn pledge-agreement having been put into effect, whoever amongst you afterwards denied it:

  • Thereby for that act of substitution-conversion he has certainly lost the aright path."  [5:12]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • Orienting your personalities to guidance-aright course rests upon your selves.

  • He who has gone stray will not be able to importune you once you have diligently self attained the guidance-rationality: taken recourse to the Guide: Grand Qur'aan.

  • The return of you people will be directed towards Allah the Exalted; all of you on the Day of Judgment:

  • Thereat, He the Exalted will disclose to you about acts that you had been doing. [5:105]

  • Afterwards nothing were their intellectual de-concentrating tactic except that they said:

  • "We swear by Allah, our Sustainer Lord; we were not those who assign partners to Allah." [6:23]

  • Look at them; how they contradicted lying upon their selves;

  • And that lost/vanished from them which they used to artfully fabricate. [6:24]

  • And they will be addressed: Look you people have come to Our Majesty one by one in the like manner We had created you firstly.

  • And you have left on your back that worldly affluence which We had given to you.

  • Moreover, We do not see accompanying you the Intercessors of  you people; those about whom you unsubstantially propagated that they were associates amongst you people to act as intercessors to your advantage.

  • Indeed that bond has cut itself which prevailed between you people.

  • And that has lost-vanished itself into nothingness away from you which you people unsubstantially propagated as would-be intercessors to your advantage. [6:94]

  • Are they awaiting but for the realization-actualization of foretold in it: Grand Qur'aan?

  • Know it; The day actualization of its forecasts happens those who in timeline had disregarded  the day would say:

  • "Indeed the Messengers of our Sustainer Lord had come along with Infallible Doctrine-verbal discourse: the Book.

  • Notwithstanding our disregard, are there some of the intercessors for us who might intercede in our favour;

  • Or is there any possibility that we are sent back whereby we might act contrary to the conduct we used to practice?"

  • Indeed they had caused loss to their selves.

  • And that vanished from them which they used to artfully fabricate. [7:53]

  • Thereat every person will acquaint with the nature of what it did in gone days.

  • And they were turned towards Allah the Exalted, their true Sustainer Lord.

  • And that lost/vanished from them which they used to artfully fabricate. [10:30]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "O you the Mankind! Know the fact that the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse in the form of Grand Qur'aan has since reached to you people from your Sustainer Lord.

  • Therefore, in response the Qur'aan having reached to him, whoever endeavoured getting aright guided, thereby, he is guiding-leading on the way only for his self.

  • Similarly, the person who remained neglectful-indifferent towards Grand Qur'aan having reached him, thereby the consequential fact is that his strays-neglect has effect upon his self.

  • Remain aware that I-Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] am not assigned the responsibility to act as disposer of affairs and caretaker upon you people." [10:108]

  • These are truly the people who have made their selves to suffer loss;

  • And that lost and vanished from them what they kept conjecturally fabricating. [11:21]

  • Know it, they submitted-pleaded Islam on that Day towards Allah the Exalted;

  • And that lost-vanished from them what they kept fabricating. [16:87]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] invite people towards the High Road of your Sustainer Lord with highest degree of adequacy in given circumstances, and by the most  appropriate lovingly advice.

  • And argue with them by such argument that is balanced, appropriate and relevant to situation.

  • Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows the one who has lost away from His Path,

  • And He the Exalted absolutely knows them who are consciously guiding their selves aright.  [16:125]

  • The Qur'aan having reached to him, whoever endeavoured getting aright guided, thereby he is guiding-leading on the way only for his own self.

  • Similarly, whoever remained neglectful-indifferent towards Grand Qur'aan having reached him, thereby, the consequential fact is that his strays-neglect has effect upon his own self.

  • And no bearer of burdens will bear lifting the burdens of others;

  • And We were never inflicter of  punishment until and unless that We had sent revivalist as Messenger. [17:15]

  • Take note, when dangerous hardship touches you in the Ocean all those are forgotten, whom you people otherwise keep calling in tranquil circumstances, except He the Exalted, exclusively.

  • In response to your prayers and promises, when He the Exalted rescued you people towards the Coast you knowingly refrained from being obliged and thankful.

  • The historical fact is that the Man is generally ungratefully disobedient. [17:67]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say: "May I inform you people about the losers with regard to deeds! [18:103]

  • They are those whose efforts have lost and perished in the worldly life; [for which seek it was done]

  • And they were evaluating-guessing that they are artfully and perfectly doing good things. [18:104]

  • And I was commanded to recite/communicate the Qur'aan to people, word by word."

  • [He has since done it] Therefore, whoever in response the Qur'aan having reached endeavoured getting aright guided, thereby, he is guiding-leading on the way only for his own self.

  • Similarly, the person who remained neglectful-indifferent towards Grand Qur'aan having reached him:

  • Then [not being responsible for him] you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that "I am only from the Awakeners/Revivalists/Admonishers." [27:92]

  • And We brought forth from every generation/nation a witness whereupon [in his presence] We asked them, "You people put forward your evidence."

  • Thereat they convincingly realized that the undeniable fact is for Allah the Exalted to disclose.

  • And that lost-vanished from them what they kept fabricating.. [28:75]

  • And for a believing man and a believing woman there is no provision when Allah and His Messenger has concluded/decided about a matter/issue [in Aa'ya'at of the Qur'aan]

  • That there be left for them the discretion/option in their matter [except to say "We have listened and affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted].

  • And whosoever does not accept the words of Allah and His Messenger [recited from the Qur'aan],

  • Thereby he has certainly perished/lost himself to the manifest destructive end of neglectfulness. [33:36]

  • And it is a fact that most of earlier people before them went stray in their manifest destructive end of neglectfulness, [37:71]

  • Indeed We have since gradually sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], the Book as/containing the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse for the people,

  • Therefore, in response the Qur'aan having reached to him, whoever endeavoured getting aright guided, thereby, he is guiding-leading on the way only for his self.

  • Similarly, the person who remained neglectful-indifferent towards Grand Qur'aan having reached him, thereby the consequential fact is that his strays-neglect has effect upon his self.

  • And you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are not assigned the responsibility to act as disposer of affairs and caretaker upon you people.. [He pronounced it 6:66;10:108] [39:41]

  • And that lost/vanished from them what they kept calling earlier in worldly life;

  • And they evaluated that for them there is no escape. [41:48]

  • Listen attentively; Swearing by certain Star when it had rendered itself emptied and collapsed. [53:01]

  • This is to confirm that guiding lord [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] of you people did not vanish from sight. Moreover, nor he warped. [53:02]

  • Mind it, neither he is narrating this episode [otherwise boggling/baffling for human mind] emanating in vacuum-empty thoughts and wishful conjecture - fantasies[53:03]

  • That which he is narrating is not but a verbal communication which is being communicated to him. [53:04]

  • That is their extreme limit of knowledge.

  • Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows the one who has lost away from His Path,

  • And He the Exalted absolutely knows them who are consciously guiding their selves aright. [53:30]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You people should not purposely adopt My enemies and your enemies as your companions/ guardians/ protectors/ godfathers/ patrons/allies

  • Placing before them gestures of love and compassion

  • While they had publicly refused to accept/believe in that which has since come to you from the Statement of Fact, they forcing the drive out of the Messenger and you people

  • That you believe in Allah the Exalted, the Sustainer Lord of you people;

  • If you people have come out for fighting/striving in My Path/Cause and for seeking My Approval and Appreciation,

  • Holding secret the feel of love and compassion towards them; [do not consider them as your relatives/akin and should know that]

  • And I fully know that which you concealed and that which you openly stated.

  • And whoever will do that from amongst you

  • Thereby he has certainly lost the aright path. [60:01][Read  3:28,118;4:144;5:51,57 ;9:23]

  • Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows best the one who has lost away from His Path

  • And He the Exalted absolutely knows them who persistently and consciously guide their selves aright. [68:07]