they the aberrant/astray - the unaware - the
unmindful - engrossed in deep thinking

Participle; definite;
masculine; sound plural; genitive; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. It occurs six times in ayahs:
in the end.
It stems from Root:
ض ل ل.
About its perception,
Ibn Faris [died-1005] stated:
الضاد واللام أصلٌ صحيحٌ
يدلُّ على معنىً واحد، وهو ضَياع الشيء وذهابُهُ في غيرِ
That it
leads to the perception of a thing getting lost, missing or vanished;
and departure-adopting a course other than of justice, certitude, truth,
Lexicon quotes its uses and meanings in different contexts. However, as
is the principle of Arabic Roots, the basic perception remains dominant
and visible. It
states: "a thing became
lost---He, or it, was, or became,
unperceived or imperceptible,
unapparent, latent, hidden or concealed, or absent,----absent
from her memory----unmindful".
The words stemming from this Root are mostly translated by the exegetes
by English verb "stray". But they naively ignored that blameworthiness
gets attached to its agent. It is accepted norm that the degree of one's
blameworthiness for unjustified wrong doing varies with the mental
attitude he has at the time of action. The higher degree of
blameworthiness attaches to purposely wrong-doing when the agent
intends to commit wrong.
However, most cases of negligence do not involve
conscious advertence to the risk of wrong; in such cases agent's mental
attitude is lack of awareness. Allah the Exalted does not hold
lack of awareness as culpable.
Therefore, it is important to take care of the context while translating the
words of this Root to differentiate between negligence and purposely straying which is blameworthy and culpable.
This Root is one of 47 Roots which have more than
190 occurrences in Grand Qur'aan. It is used 191times in different
contexts and with such collocates that render the meanings of words
explicit. We will study the concept in detail herein below.
Form-I Active
is derived from verb:
Other participles, elative noun, verbal nouns, and verbs of Form-I
occurring in the Discourse are the following:
Participle; definite;
masculine; sound plural; nominative مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)3:90(2)15:56(3)56:51=3
+ Active
Participle; Indefinite;
masculine; sound plural; nominative مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)68:26(2)83:32=2
Active Participle:
Indefinite; Sound plural; Masculine; accusative.
(1)23:106 (2)37:69=2
Participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative.
Elative Noun (comparative and superlative-Verbal
noun: ضَلاَلٌ
Indefinite; singular; masculine; nominative.
Verbal Noun:
Definite; accusative.
Verbal Noun:
Definite; nominative. (1)7:30(2)16:36=2
Verbal Noun:
Definite; genitive. (1)19:75=1
Verbal Noun:
Indefinite; nominative. (1)7:61=1
Possessive Phrase: Verbal Noun: definite; genitive
+ Possessive Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural, in genitive
state. (1)27:81(2)30:53=2
Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; [هُوَ]
Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)2:108(2)4:116(3)4:136(4)5:12(5)5:105(6)6:24(7)6:94(8) 7:53(9)10:30(10)10:108(11)11:21(12)16:87(13)16:125(14)17:15(15)17:67(16)18:104(17)27:92(18) 28:75(19)33:36(20)37:71(21)39:41(22)41:48(23)53:02(24)53:30(25)60:01(26)68:07=26
Verb: Perfect; First person; Singular;
Suffixed Subject pronoun, in nominative state;
Verbal noun.
Verb: Perfect; First person; Plural; [Masculine]; [نَا]
Suffixed Subject Pronoun; nominative state;
Verbal noun ((1)32:10=1
Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [و ]
Subject Pronoun, in nominative state;
Verbal noun (1)4:167(2)5:77(3)5:77(4)6:140(5)7:37(6)7:149 (7)25:17(8)40:74(9)46:28=9
Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [و]
Subject Pronoun, in nominative state, with prolongation sign;
Verbal noun (1)20:92=1
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason and effect +
Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [و]
Subject Pronoun, in nominative state, with prolongation sign;
Verbal noun (1)17:48(2)25:09=2
Imperfect; First person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative; [Form-I]; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)34:50=1
Imperfect; third person; singular; feminine;
Mood: Subjunctive;
Verbal noun. (1)2:282=1
Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine;
Mood: Subjunctive by Subjunctive Particle; و
Subject pronoun in nominative state;
Verbal noun.
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; Mood: indicative; Subject pronoun hidden
and ; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun.
(1)6:117(2)10:108(3)17:15(4) 20:52(6)20:123(7)39:41=7
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; Passive;
Mood: indicative; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)9:37=1
Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by
نَ; and [و]
Subject pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun (1)38:26=1
The basic perception infolded
in the Root is about something, real or abstract, getting lost,
missing or
vanished whereat it becomes imperceptible and ceases to exist. For
conveying this sense of the Root. Form-I third person, singular,
masculine perfect verb:
is employed in the following ayahs:


And they will be
addressed: Look you people have come to Our Majesty one by one in the like
manner We had created you firstly.
And you have left on your
back that worldly affluence which We had given to you.
Moreover, We do not see
accompanying you the Intercessors of you
people; those about whom you unsubstantially propagated that
they were associates amongst you people to act as intercessors to
your advantage.
Indeed that bond has cut itself which prevailed between you people.
And that has
vanished into nothingness away from you which you people
unsubstantially propagated as would-be
intercessors to your advantage. [6:94]

Are they awaiting but for the
realization-actualization of foretold in it: Grand Qur'aan?
Know it; The day actualization of its
forecasts happens those who in timeline had disregarded the
day would say:
"Indeed the Messengers of our Sustainer
Lord had come along with
Infallible Doctrine-verbal discourse:
the Book.
Notwithstanding our disregard, are there
some of the intercessors for us who might intercede in our favour;
Or is there any possibility that we are sent back
whereby we might act contrary to the conduct we used to practice?"
Indeed they had caused loss to their selves.
And that vanished from
them which they used to artfully fabricate. [7:53]

Thereat every person will acquaint with
the nature of what it did in gone days.
And they
were turned
towards Allah the Exalted, their true Sustainer Lord.
And that lost/vanished from
them which they used to artfully fabricate. [10:30]


Know it, they submitted-pleaded Islam on that Day towards Allah the Exalted;
And that lost-vanished from
them what they used to artfully fabricate. [16:87]

Take note, when dangerous hardship
touches you in the Ocean all those are forgotten, whom you people
otherwise keep calling in
tranquil circumstances, except
He the Exalted, exclusively.
In response to your prayers
and promises, when He the Exalted rescued you people towards the
Coast you knowingly
refrained from being obliged and
The historical
fact is that the Man is
generally ungratefully disobedient. [17:67]

the Messenger
say: "May I inform you people about
the losers with regard to deeds! [18:103]
They are those
whose efforts have lost and perished in the worldly life; [for which seek it was done]
And they were evaluating-guessing that
they are artfully and perfectly doing good things. [18:104]

And We brought forth from every
generation/nation a witness whereupon [in his presence] We asked them,
"You people put forward your
Thereat they convincingly realized that the
undeniable fact is for Allah the Exalted to disclose.
And that lost-vanished from
them what they used to artfully fabricate.. [28:75]


reflect who could
be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances,
disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood
attributing to Allah the Exalted; or publicly contradicted the
Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Book of Him the Exalted?
They are the people whom their share
written in the Mother/Principal book will keep accruing to them:
Till such time on
resurrection the Messengers of Our Majesty would have reached them and
will be busy alienating and segregating them.
They asked them:
"Where are those whom you used to call upon apart from Allah the
They replied,
"they have vanished from us"—
And they witnessed against their selves that
they were indeed the rejecters-deniers of
Aa'ya'at of Allah told to them by His Messengers. [7:37]

Apart from Allah?
They replied,
"they have vanished from us—
Nay, rather the fact is that
it was not something existing what we people used to call upon."
This is how Allah
the Exalted lets remain
neglectfully straying those who knowingly refused to
accept/believe. [40:74]
In the aforementioned ayahs what was stated to have vanished were in
fact non-existing even in the first instance and were mere fabrications
and conjectures. However, this verb is also used in real-world

Listen attentively;
Swearing by certain Star
when it had rendered itself emptied and collapsed (had become black hole). [53:01]
This is to confirm
that guiding lord
Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] of you people
did not vanish from sight.
Moreover, nor he
warped. [53:02]
Mind it, neither he is
narrating this episode [otherwise boggling/baffling for human mind]
emanating in vacuum-empty thoughts and wishful conjecture -
That which he is
narrating is not but a verbal communication which is being communicated to him. [53:04]
Elative Noun (comparative -Verbal
noun: ضَلاَلٌ:
Indefinite; singular; masculine; nominative, Root: ض ل ل ; meaning more
indifferent, lost in their-selves than those with whom they are
compared. This word is paired with:
who are unmindful of the environment. In this context it does not mean unaware or ill-informed which has
passive connotation but signifies
heedlessness since it is neglectful behaviour. It occurs in ayahs:
Francs Bacon once remarked that "some books are to be
tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested,"
Reading a book analytically is chewing and digesting it. It is the
moral, professional and intellectual duty of a person who intends to
translate a book for public that he must critically read the entire
source text before embarking upon rendering it in target language text.
When we study their works even with reference to only these two Roots: ض
ل ل and:
غ ف ل it becomes apparent
as if they had not read the Grand Qur'aan critically and had not
analyzed the semantic features embedded in the words emanating from
these roots and their naturally pairing collocates which restrict
general meanings to specific meanings. Getting more information is
learning, and so is coming to understand what we did not understand
before. But there is an important difference between these two kinds of
learning. To be informed is to know simply that something is the case.
To be enlightened is to know, in addition, what is it all about: why it
is the case, what its connections are with other facts, in what respects it is the same, in what
respects it is different, and so forth. A translator must first enlighten
himself and then start translating.
Natural behaviour of mammals is that they keep regurgitating lost in
their selves unmindful of their
environment. The conduct of some people is compared with the behaviour
of mammals:

Take note, Our
Majesty has pitch-forked
many branched off from the species Jinn and Human for placing them in Hell-Prison;
Their notable
characteristic-parameters are:
Hearts are provided for them as locus
of understanding; but they intend not to understand
with those;
Eyes are inserted for
them; but they intend not to observe with them;
Moreover, ears are
inserted for them; but they intend not to apprehensively listen with them.
They are in attitude
like the mammals. Nay, in fact they are rather more indifferent-lost
in their selves.
They are the
people who are truly the heedless.

Or do you the Messenger
presumably consider that most
of them listen or apply intellect to differentiate?
They are but like the herbivore
No, the fact is
that they are more unmindful and neglectful about course.
The important thing
is that such people are contrasted with mammals - livestock with regard
and not with animals of wilderness. All such translations are patently
incorrect who rendered its meanings as "more astray, more misguided".
Livestock are neither astray nor misguided. They are instinctively
indifferent - unmindful to their environment while busy in regurgitating
their food. None of the animals can ever be described as astray or
misguided since they all submit to Allah the

Moreover, be aware that, whoever exists
amongst the Species-Animals in the Skies,
and whoever exists of the Species-Animals in the Earth,
they all regularly make themselves acknowledge and submit humbly in
surrender for Allah the Exalted. [Refer

the aberrant - the unaware - the
unmindful - engrossed in deep thinking
It denotes a
cognitive state of a person. As we have seen above, people of such
cognitive state are described by participle:
which stems from Root: غ ف ل.
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated:
That it leads to the perception: to
leave, overlook, disregard, forsake and neglect a thing
inadvertently, or it may be intentional.
Though such
behaviour seems flawed and also the cognitive state with regard to a
belief may be morally flawed because of the falsity of the belief
but Allah the Exalted has devised par excellence judicial system
which does not inculpate agents with such cognitive state. In the
Superb System of Justice, Ignorance
of law is a valid plea.

This sending of
Awakening Messengers was because of the fact: The Sustainer Lord of
you would not be the annihilator of certain locality unjustly;
When her inhabitants were in a state of unawareness - ignorant. [6:131]

Understand it, this
has never been the practice that Allah the Exalted let
people remain unwary after having given them guidance till such time He the Exalted
rendered explicitly explicative for them what they be mindful,
fearful and restrained about.
The fact remains; Allah
the Exalted is eternally the knower of absolute: visible and infolded knowledge of
physical realm: all that exists. [9:115]
Criminal culpability is not in the state of ignorance,
inadvertence but for purposeful heedlessness after having duly been
informed and warned:
So that you may
admonish the Nation
to whom no
admonisher had come in times many generations before you
Muhamad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-6:156)
whose forefathers/earlier generations were not
admonished for which reason they/majority of them are
[36:06] [Read
also 6:92,42:07]

the Exalted is the One
Who appointed; within
the People identified as:
the people who were earlier not given the Book by Allah the Exalted,
a revivalist/re-awakener as a Messenger who has
been a Staunch Monotheist Believing person in them.
He keeps reciting; syllable by syllable/word
by word, for you people Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal
passages of the Book conveying information and facts.
And he intellectually
uplifts-sanctifies them
[by removing shackles of
conjectural myths/distortions in belief]..
he educates them to read and write the recited text imparting the
knowledge of the Book, and he teaches them how to attain the
wisdom-capability to perceive the information about invisible
And they were
certainly in a manifest state of negligence - un-mindfulness in aforetimes.
Those who were in the state of:
negligence and un-mindfulness are:
unwary - failing to be alert and cautious. Once they are warned and it
is made explicit for them what to do and avoid, they will become stray
and deviant of the prescribed course in case they purposely remain

The aforementioned are the people who have
purposely purchased
the misguidance - straying
exchanging with the Guidance - (Grand Qur'aan).
Thereby, their "Instant Commerce"
did not yield benefit.
It retained them
in a state of those who incline not to
become guided aright. [2:16]

eventuality for those people who deliberately
denied after their acceptance and
state of belief and afterwards
purposely delved deeper in their conduct and state of denial of
truth, is:
Their repentance and returning while dying
shall not be accepted.
And they are the people who are
truly the aberrant - astray.
In view of the foregoing, care must be exercised in choosing appropriate
word of target language to render the sense in which it is used in the
context. This active participle
is also used to portray a person and an action done in the state of
"lost in thought" when he is unaware of what is happening around him
because he is deeply thinking about something else.

And you did, first
time act of yours, that
which you did once;
And now you are
one of the
ungrateful". [26:19]
said, "I had done that at a point in time while I was
of those lost in thought.
[absorbed in deep
thinking-28:15]; [26:20]
A man was accidentally killed on the night he had come back to city
after meeting with a man bestowed with knowledge. At that time he was in
such frame of mind that he was unmindful of the surroundings:

Know it, when he
crossed over to his strengthen maturity and had firmly established
himself , We gave him wisdom-discriminative intelligence-the
capability to judge and decide, and knowledge.
And that in
this way We reward those who keep conducting moderately,
gracefully and generously. [28:14]
[He departed from the company of learned man-18:78]
And he entered the City/Egypt, in
a state of mind that upon that moment he was unmindful of its people.
Suddenly he found
therein two men fighting fiercely with each other. -- This one
belonged to his group; and the other belonged to his foe --;
the one, who was of his nation, cried seeking help of
him upon the other who belonged to his foe;
fisted; thereat, he caused the end upon him.
He said, "This
incident is caused by the act of Shai'taan,
Indeed he is such
enemy who causes manifest forgetfulness."
[28:15] [He had objected about a murder by the Wise man which was by
and will-18:74,80]

[You never ever lost His attention, let instances
be quoted] Is it not the
fact that He the Exalted had found you the Messenger Muhammad
born] as father-orphan;
Thereby, He the
Exalted had protected/shielded you. [93:06]
And He the Exalted had found you
the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
deeply absorbed reflecting to discover the absolute
truth, thereby, He the Exalted showed-guided you to the absolute truth
[Taking you physically far beyond the boundary of your present day
And He had found you in need for
which reason thereby He transformed you as self-sufficient/above
Translating it by English word "lost" is inappropriate if not erroneous.
"Lost" as verb is the past tense of loose and as adjective denotes:
unable to find way; unable to find the way to a place; confused by
something complicated; confused or bewildered by something complicated
or poorly explained.
Though "lost" also means preoccupied or
completely absorbed or involved in something but most people generally do
know it and also because of this denotation we need to qualify the
The Arabic word is Active Participle, therefore, as its equivalent
"lost" is not appropriate and rather might be misleading the perception.
When a man is in habit of deep reflection, he is unmindful of his
surroundings. Such type of reflection is possible only when man becomes
absolutely independent of all chains of relationships and secludes
himself for sometime, better if seclusion can be at a secluded place.
Participle; definite;
masculine; sound plural; genitive; مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. It occurs six times in ayahs:
(1)01:07(2)2:198(3)6:77(4)26:20(5)26:86(6)56:92=6; reproduced

This High Road is the
Course which was followed by those upon whom You the Exalted have
This Course is other
than of those upon whom culpability for criminal cognizance/arrest
has become incumbent; and nor is of aberrant:
those who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints.

And remember and mention
Him the Exalted according to the guidance He the Exalted has given you
[by giving Grand
And before
it (Grand Qur'aan) you people were certainly part of those who
were neglectful of the protocols of the occasions.

when he saw the Moon, rising
with spreading light;
their attention to it he
said: "This is my caretaker lord."
Thereafter when the Moon had disappeared-set;
He said to them: "Indeed,
had my Sustainer Lord
not guided me, I would have certainly been considered the
part of negligent-strayed
nation." [6:77]

And you did, an act of yours
which you did once;
And now you are
one of the
ungrateful". [26:19]
said, "I had done that at a point in time while I was
of those lost in thought.
[absorbed in deep
thinking-28:15]; [26:20]


And if he was amongst
the publicly contradicting
Then hospitality is with
scalding water— [56:93]
And the scorching heat of the
Hell-Prison [56:94]
Active Participle:
Indefinite; Sound plural; Masculine; accusative.
(1)23:106 (2)37:69=2

[they will be confronted]
Were not My Aa'ya'at: Vaerbal Unitary
Passages of the Book
used to be recited-communicated to
you people, word by word, whereupon you people used to publicly contradict
those?" [23:105]
They said, "O
our Sustainer Lord! Overpowered upon us our
And we remained neglectfully indifferent people.
It is certain that they have found their
forefathers astray; [37:69]
Whereupon they on their left over effects and
legends are passionately attached. [37:70]
And it is a fact that most of earlier people
before them went stray in their
destructive end of neglectfulness,
And certainly We had sent within them the
Admonishers/Awakeners/Revivalists. [37:72]
[to take a lesson, you the Messenger tell everyone
to travel in land and] "you see how was the
conclusion/end result of those who were duly admonished and awakened?".
Participle; definite;
masculine; sound plural; nominative مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)3:90(2)15:56(3)56:51=3

eventuality for those people who deliberately
denied after their acceptance and
state of belief and afterwards
purposely delved deeper in their conduct and state of denial of
truth, is:
Their repentance and returning while dying
shall not be accepted.
And they are the people who are
truly the aberrant - astray.

Therefore you should not be amongst the despair."
He said, clarifying
he did not say what they thought, "Beware,
none except the neglectful wanderers
despairs from the mercy of his Sustainer Lord." [15:56]

Afterwards, indeed you, "O you the neglectful Wanderers, the publicly contradicting ones,
you will certainly be the eaters
of the meal
made from part of the trees of species Zaquem.
Thereby, you will be filling
bellies with that. [56:53]
Participle; Indefinite;
masculine; sound plural; nominative مصدر-ضَلاَلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)68:26(2)83:32=2
Thereat on reaching when they saw it/the
Garden, they said, "We are certainly lost—[68:26]
Nay, rather we are deprived."
And when they made themselves turn back towards
their household, they turned jesting.
And when they saw them/the Believers they said
to others, "Indeed these people are certainly the ones who have gone
And we had not sent them as guards over them.
Progressive number of grammatical units:
= 12,017 + 6 = 12,023

Untranslatable region of discourse like UTR in Human genome