Towards the high road


Main article on the concept

This grammatical unit is a prepositional phrase coupled with adjectival phrase. It occurs 12 times. It relates to the preceding verb.

: Preposition - leading towards

: The object noun of preposition;

: Adjectival for preceding noun.


  • Henceforth, the Fools: Muna'afiqeen-averted from Procedural Code of Community of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] amongst the People will keep enquiring-conversing amongst themselves;

  • "What is that which has caused them turn away from their Qib'la'tae; Focal Point, the one [East or West] upon which they henceforth adhered?"

  • You the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce to new comers in Islam from the people of Book: "The East and the West are the domain exclusively for Allah the Exalted.

  • He the Exalted keeps guiding him; about whom He the Exalted so decides, towards the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility." [2:142]



  • The people used to be a singular harmonious unit-group.

  • For reason of emergence of differences-division-people enslaved by conjectural stories [10:19], Allah the Exalted appointed as Revivalists : the Chosen and Elevated Allegiants.

  • They were given the responsibility-assignment as those who assure-pronounce-guarantee glad tidings and cause cautioning and awakening.

  • And He the Exalted compositely sent the respective Book along with all of them incorporating infallible facts.

  •  The purpose was that it-the Book might decide-adjudge amongst people of that society in matters in which they mutually differed.

  • And none questioned its contents except those of people whom it-relevant Book was given.

  • They differed therein after that which the succinct Verbal Passages revealed to them only for  reason of retaining status quo of class system amongst them.

  • Thereby, Allah the Exalted guided those who heartily believed in the Revivalist and the Book in resolving their disputed matters in accordance with the infallible revealed injunctions with Allah's endorsement.

  • And remember; Allah the Exalted keeps guiding him; about whom He the Exalted so decides, towards High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [2:213]

  • Look! On what basis you keep denying to believe, particularly in the circumstances when the Aa'ya'at: Verbal unitary passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted are recited - read out to you word by word;

  • And the Messenger of Him the Exalted: Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is present amongst you people----is perpetually the revivalist and admonisher amongst you people [ref 6:19].

  • And should someone diligently and sincerely resorts to Allah the Exalted

  • Henceforth, he certainly got guided towards the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [3:101]

  • Allah the Exalted guides with it (Grand Qur'aan); the pursuits that lead to eternal peace, whoever diligently sought the approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted.

  • And he the Messenger moves them out of the depths of darkness into the Visible light: enlightenment: the Grand Qur'aan with the prior approval-permission of Him the Exalted.

  • And he guides them towards the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [5:16]

And Our Majesty had selectively chosen them: the blood-relatives and We had guided them on the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [6:87]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "As for me, it is a fact that my Sustainer Lord had guided me on the High Road: perpetually prescribed code of conduct, more famously known as the Community of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam], the ever sincere, upright staunch monotheist believer.

  • And be mindful; He was never considered and identified as part of the Idolaters-polytheists of his times." [6:161] 

  • Know it; Allah the Exalted calls towards the abode of tranquility, peace and joy;

  • And He the Exalted keeps guiding him, about whom He the Exalted so decides, towards the High Road: Course that leads safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [10:25]

  • Indeed, Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] was a personification of a system established for Allah the Exalted; he remained steadfast for Allah the Exalted, he was persistently and perpetually a staunch monotheist;

  • And he was never considered and identified as member of idol-worshippers of his times. [16:120]

  • He was obliged and grateful for the favaours and grants of Him the Exalted.

  • He the Exalted had chosen and elevated him; and had guided him on the High Road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [16:121]

  • And so that they who are given the knowledge might ascertain that it the Grand Qur'aan is the Infallible Doctrine - Discourse revealed by the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger.

  • Whereby they might heartily believe by it and thereat their hearts become reverent for it.

  • Know it, Allah the Exalted is certainly the Guide for those who have accepted/believed leading them towards the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [22:54]

  • And beyond an iota of doubt, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly inviting them towards the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [23:73]

  • And indeed those who do not accept-believe in the Hereafter:

  • They are certainly the deviators from the High Road. [23:74]

  • The fact remains: We have compactly sent explicitly explicative Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages mirroring information, facts and knowledge.

  • And remember, Allah the Exalted keeps guiding him; about whom He the Exalted decides to be guided, towards the High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [24:46]


  • Let it be on record that in the same manner: through Angel Messenger and directly when you visited Us beyond the Skies, Our Majesty has communicated to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Life Breathing and Sustaining Guarantor: Vital Principle: Grand Qur'aan, a promised affair of Ours-divine guidance being exclusively Our task.

  • However, in your past life you were not in habit of pursuing-wishing the Book and nor for acknowledging it.

  • But We have declared it: Grand Qur'aan as the Visible Light-the Sustainer of Life.

  • We guide with this Grand Qur'aan anyone from Our subjects for whom We so intend-decide;

  • And beyond an iota of doubt you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly guiding them towards High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility; [42:52]
