o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ء ر ب Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 2 b) No of constructions: 2 This Root signifies and denotes: Desire or need which requires exercise of energy, a helping source-instrument for accomplishment; distinct and complete part of body such as is made complete not wanting anything as is quoted in Classic lexicon لسان العرب in these words: والإِرْبُ العُضْوُ الـمُوَفَّر الكامِل الذي لم يَنقُص منه شيءٌ.
Lane's Lexicon quotes the word:
وقال السلمي:
الإِرْبُ الفَرْجُ
ههنا. قال: وهو غير معروف. قال ابن الأَثير: أَكثر المحدِّثين يَرْوُونه
بفتح الهمزة والراءِ يعنون الحاجة، وبعضهم
يرويه بكسر الهمزة وسكون الراءِ، وله تأْويلان:
أَحدهما أَنه الحاجةُ،
والثاني أَرادت به العُضْوَ،
وعَنَتْ به من
الأَعْضاءِ الذكَر خاصة. Grand Qur'aan has used this word in a possessive phrase:
There is no denying that the sexual desire and urge in a man who is otherwise physically fit/is holder of completely developed genitalia never vanishes altogether at any point in time in his life or feels unfit to perform. Amongst men, the above two possessive phrases will, therefore, signify those men who are other than those who are the holders of physical capability and desire for marriage, i.e., such "men" having deficiency-under developed manly-hood, whereby they do not naturally have the urge and desire for seeking women for Marriage/Nikah. Interestingly, the next entry with "or" is about children who have not as yet known as to what are the "sexual privacies of women" like these types of otherwise "men". This is the only occasion where we find mention of otherwise existing concept and such people.