o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ص ح ف Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 9 b) No of constructions: 6 The basic perception and signification infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibn Faris [died:1005], is this: يدلُّ على انبساطٍ فى شىءٍ و سعةٍ That this leads us to a perception of extroversion and spaciousness/expansion in an object/thing. Arabs use it to refer to dishes-flat expanded plates which could accommodate food sufficient to satiate five to ten persons; and to refer places that are made to collect water and remain therein; an act of altering a word or an expression in such a manner that the meaning intended by the application thereof become altered. Thus the signification inherent in Root is alteration, extroversion, expansion for capaciousness wherein things could be placed/stored to remain therein. The interesting and amazing part; reflective of intellect and factual knowledge of Arabs of the past, is the fact that they employed this Root to refer to Paper/Papyri-scrolls. Neither were they who conceived, manufactured or introduced paper/papyrus in the world; while the method of its production was a closely guarded secret by the Egyptians since it was a state monopoly. Why did Arabs use this Root to denote and signify paper/papyrus? Because all the above significations are there in the process of manufacture and end product and the objective that it satisfies.
Papyrus Plant How papyrus is made?To make papyrus paper the inner pith of the stem is cut lengthways into strips and soaked in water. The strips are then placed side by side with a second layer placed at right angles to the first. The two layers are then beaten with a mallet to break down the fibers and bond the strips together. The sheets are left to dry under weights for several days. The dried sheets are polished with a flat stone to make them smooth and ready for use.
Papyrus Sheet Grand Qur'aan explains the basic signification of this Root:
A sheet-papyrus, it is our common perception, serves to jot down information as an aid to memory. It serves the important role of transmitting information to others for saving it in memory; thereafter, recalling it and narrating to others and for purposes of verification of original text in time and space.
Grand Qur'aan, without specifically indicating the point in time when human beings made use of Papyri/Scrolls for writing/inscribing information-revealed messages of Allah the Exalted, indicates to us that it had been in use in time-line before the transcription of Unitary Verbal Messages of Qur'aan and people of Mecca were accustomed to it.
o And they the non-believing Meccans said to their people: "Why is so that he does not bring to us an unprecedented demonstrative sign [in common parlance miracle] from his Sustainer Lord". Why they propagate this, have not those evident demonstrative signs and facts yet brought to their knowledge those episodes which are mentioned in the papyri of earlier periods? [20:133] Or has he not yet been informed about that which was within the Papers/Papyri of Musa [alai'his'slaam]; [53:36] [Read with
53:36] Indeed this was undoubtedly mentioned in the Papers/papyri of earlier times; [87:18] The Papers/papyri of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] and Musa [alai'his'slaam]. [87:19]
Paypri are in scrolls and for reading the contents inscribed therein they need to be unfolded/ spread open.
No, [the excuse for running away is this] Everyone of them desires/demands to be given papyri spread/spelled out. [74:52]
And when the papers/written record of people would have been made public/laid open/unfolded; [81:10]