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Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 2
b) No of constructions: 2
Semantic Domain: Emotion - Distress

Know the happenings
of day of resurrection;
they the non-believers
assembled in the open, all collectively, to make submissions for
consideration of Allah the Exalted.
Thereat, the downtrodden
said for those; who had attained position of arrogant elite over them and
were obsessed with pride of grandeur,
"We were indeed for you people the unquestioning followers.
Therefore, can you people act
as those who could avail averting some thing from the infliction of
Allah away from us?"
They replied, "Had
Allah the Exalted guided us, we would certainly have guided you.
It is one and the same thing for us whether we
remain distressed
or we exercised patience; for us, there is no retiring place other than the Hell-Prison."
ص ب ر
2 |
Adjective resembling participle on فَعُولٌ
measure: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative [جَزْعٌ Verbal
Noun]. (1)70:20=1
الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-واحد
مذكر |
Verb Form-I
1 |
Interrogative particle
+ Verb: Perfect; Fist person; plural;
masculine; نَا
Subject pronoun, in nominative state; جَزْعٌ Verbal
+ فعل ماضٍ مبنى على السكون لاتصاله
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