1 جَزْعٌ جزع [inf. n. of جَزَعَ] signifies The act of cutting; or cutting off. (TA.) [See also 8.] ― -b2- [Hence,] جزَعَ لَهُ جِزْعَةً مِنَ المَالِ He cut off for him a portion of the property. (S.) ― -b3- And جَزَعَ الوَادِى, (S, Msb, K,) aor. جَزَعَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. جَزْعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He passed the valley to the other side: (Msb:) or he passed the valley [in any manner]: (K:) or he passed across it; i. e., crossed it: (S, K:) and in like manner, الأَرْضَ the land: (K:) and المَفَازَةَ the desert: and المَوْضِعَ the place. (TA.) -A2- جَزِعَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. جَزَعَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. جَزَعٌ (S, Msb, K) and جُزوعٌ, (K,) He was, or became, impatient, (S, K,) مِنَ الشَّىْءِ [of the thing]; (S;) and عَلَى فُلَانٍ [on account of such a one]; (S and K in art. اله, &c.;) جَزَعٌ being the contr. of صَبْرٌ: (S, K:) or he had not sufficient strength to bear what befell him, (O, Msb,) and found not patience: (Msb:) or he manifested grief and agitation: (TK:) or he was, or became, affected with grief: or he was, or became, affected with most violent grief, such as prevented him and turned him from that to which he was directing himself, or from his object, and cut him off therefrom: this meaning of cutting off being said by 'Abd-el-Kádir El-Baghdádee to be the primary signification. (TA.)2 جزّع جزع , inf. n. تَجْزِيعٌ, It (a full-grown unripe date) became ripe to the extent of two thirds of it: (S:) or to the extent of half of it; (K, TA;) from the bottom: (TA:) or became partly ripe: and in like manner one says of a grape. (TA.) ― -b2- It (a watering-trough, or tank,) had but little remaining in it. (K, * TA.) ― -b3- He put a little water into a skin. (TA.) -A2- جزّع فُلَانًا, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He caused the impatience (جَزَع) of such a one to cease: (K:) he said to him that which comforted him, or consoled him, and which caused his grief and fear to cease. (IAth.)
4 اجزع جِزْعَةً اجزع جزعه اجزع جزعة , and جُزْعَةً, He left, or caused to remain, a remainder: (O, K:) or less than half. (TA.) -A2- اجزعهُ He caused him to be impatient: (S, K:) or he caused him to want sufficient strength to bear what befell him, and to be impatient. (Msb.) 5 تَجَزَّعَ see 7, in two places. -A2- تجزّعوا الغَنِيمَةَ They divided among themselves the spoil. (TA.) 7 انجزع انجزع It (a rope) broke, (K, TA,) in any manner: (TA:) or broke in halves; (K, TA;) but if it have broken at its extremity, one does not say انجزع. (TA.) And انجزعت العَصَا, and ↓ تجزّعت , The staff, or stick, broke (K, TA) in halves. (TA.) ↓ تجزّع is also said of a spear, and of an arrow, &c., meaning It broke in pieces. (TA.)
8 اجتزعهُ اجتزعه اجتزعة He broke it, and cut it off: (K:) or he broke it off, and cut it off, for himself; namely, a branch, rod, or piece of wood, from a tree. (S.) جَزْعٌ جزع (S, Msb, K) and ↓ جِزْعٌ , (Kr, K,) but IDrd ascribes the latter to the vulgar, (TA,) [The onyx; so called in the present day;] certain beads, or gems, (خَرَزٌ,) (Msb,) the beads, or gems, (خَرَز, [here rendered by Golius “ Murœna seu concha Veneris, ” though he also gives what I regard as the only correct signification, namely “ onyx, ”]) of El-Yemen (S, K) [and] of China, (K) in which are whiteness and blackness, (S, Msb, K,) and to which eyes are likened, (S, K,) and in particular, by Imra-el-Keys, the eyes of wild animals, because their eyes, while they are alive, are black, but when they die, their whiteness appears; (TA;) a kind of stone having many colours, brought from El-Yemen and China; (Kzw;) so called because interrupted by various colours; its blackness being interrupted by its whiteness and its yellowness: (IB:) 'Áïsheh's necklace [which she lost on the occasion that subjected her to the accusation of adultery] was of جَزْع of Dhafári: (TA:) the wearing it in a signet induces anxiety, or disquietude of mind, and grief, and terrifying dreams, and altercation with men; and if the hair of one who experiences difficulty in bringing forth be wound upon it, she brings forth at once: (K: [and Kzw says the like, and more of a similar kind:]) n. un. جَزْعَةٌ (Msb, K, * TA) and جِزْعَةٌ. (K, * TA.) -A2- See also what next follows. جِزْعٌ جزع , (S, O, L, Msb, K,) but AO says that it should be with fet-h, [↓ جَزْعٌ ,] (K) The place of bending, or turning, (مُنْعَطَف, S, Msb, K, or مُنْحَنًى, As, K,) of a valley: (As, S, Msb, K:) or the middle thereof: or the place where it ends: (IDrd, K:) or its side: (Msb:) or the place of passing, or crossing, of a valley: or a widening part, of the narrow places, thereof, whether it produce plants &c. or do not produce them: (TA:) or it is not so called unless [it be a part] having width, and producing trees &c.: (Msb, K:) or it may be without plants, or herbage, or the like: (TA:) or a place, in a valley, in which are no trees: (IAar, K:) or a place, of a valley, taking a round and wide form: (TA:) pl. أَجْزَاعٌ. (Msb, K.) ― -b2- A place of alighting, or abiding, of a people. (K.) ― -b3- Elevated land, or ground, by the side of which is a low, or depressed, part. (K.) -A2- A bee-hive: pl. as above. (Ibn- 'Abbád, K.) -A3- See also جَزْعٌ. جَزُعٌ جزع : see what next follows. جَزِعٌ جزع (Msb, K) and ↓ جَازِعٌ and ↓ جَزُعٌ (K) and ↓ جَزُوعٌ (Msb, K) and ↓ جُزَاعٌ (K) part. ns. of جَزِعَ; [Impatient; &c.;] (Msb, K;) but the last two have an intensive signification [very impatient, or having much impatience; &c.]. (IAar.) جُزْعَةٌ جزع جزعه جزعة : see what next follows, in two places. جِزْعَةٌ جزع جزعه جزعة A little, or small quantity, of property, or wealth; and of water, (S, K,) remaining in a skin, (Lh, IDrd,) and in a leathern bottle, or other vessel, (IDrd,) and in a pool left by a torrent, but not in a well, (TA,) as also ↓ جُزْعَةٌ (IDrd, K) and [the dim.] ↓ جُزَيْعَةٌ , (IDrd,) and of milk, in a skin; (Lh;) or a third part, or nearly that quantity, of water, in a trough, or tank; (ISh;) or a quantity of water, and of milk, less than the half of the skin or other vessel, and of the trough; (TA;) and, as also ↓ جُزْعَةٌ , somewhat remaining; (O, K;) or the latter, particularly, of milk; (IAar;) or both, accord. to some, [a remainder consisting of] less than half; (TA;) and the former, a portion [not defined] of property, or wealth; (S;) and particularly a portion of a flock of sheep or goats; (Aboo-Leylà, K;) as also ↓ جُزَيْعَةٌ ; (S;) thus in the handwriting of Aboo-Sahl El-Harawee; but in the Mj of IF, ↓ جَزِيعَةٌ , of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ: (TA:) the pl. of جِزْعَةٌ is جِزَعٌ. (ISh.) ― -b2- And [hence,] (tropical:) A part, or portion, of the night, (S, O, K,) past or to come, (TA,) less than half, (O, K,) of the former part thereof or of the latter part. (K.) -A2- A place in which is a collection of trees (K, TA) among which the camels or other beasts are made to rest at night from the cold, and are confined when they are hungry, or returning from water, or under rain. (TA.) -A3- Also n. un. of جِزْعٌ as syn. with جَزْعٌ. (TA.) جُزَاعٌ جزاع : see جَزِعٌ. جَزُوعٌ جزع جزوع : see جَزِعٌ. جَزِيعَةٌ جزيعه جزيعة and جُزَيْعَةٌ: see جِزْعَةٌ, in three places. جَازِعٌ جازع : see جَزِعٌ. -A2- Also The piece of wood which is placed in the trellis of a grape-vine, crosswise, upon which are laid the branches of the vine; (S, K) not known to Aboo-Sa'eed; (S;) it is thus placed for the purpose of raising the branches from the ground; and this piece of wood is also called خَشَبَةٌ جَازِعَةٌ; the latter word being thus used as an epithet. (TA.) Also Any piece of wood that is put crosswise between two things for a thing to be borne upon it (K, TA) is called its جازع. (TA.) مُجَزَّعٌ مجزع Interrupted by various colours [like the جَزْع or onyx]: (IB:) or anything in which are blackness and whiteness; as also ↓ مُجَزِّعٌ : (K:) and flesh-meat in which are whiteness and redness. (TA.) [Hence,] نُوًى مُجَزَّعٌ and ↓ مُجَزِّعٌ Datestones of which some, or some parts, have been scraped, or abraded, so as to have become white, the rest being left of their [original] colour: (K:) likened to the جَزْع. (TA.) And ↓ بُسْرٌ مَجَزِّعٌ (S, K) and مُجَزَّعٌ; (K;) the former, says Sh, accord. to El-Ma'arree, but he adds that he himself held the latter to be the right; Az says that he heard the former from the people of Hejer, and it has the authority of A' Obeyd; (TA;) Full-grown dates that have ripened to the half; (K, TA;) from the bottom: (TA:) or to the extent of two thirds: (S:) or that have become partly ripe: (TA:) fem. with ة: (S, K:) and in like manner you say ↓ تَمْرٌ مُتَجَزِّعٌ dates that have ripened to the half. (TA.) مُجَزِّعٌ مجزع : see مُجَزَّعٌ, in three places. ― -b2- حَوْضٌ مُجَزِّعٌ A watering-trough, or tank, having but little water remaining in it. (K.) مُتَجَزِّعٌ متجزع : see مُجَزِّعٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon