In Grand Qur'aan other Roots with first two letters ع
ر 1) ع ر ج
2) ع ر ج ن
3) ع ر ر
4) ع ر ش
5) ع ر ض
6) ع ر ف
7) ع ر م
8) ع ر و
9) ع ر ى
الأعراب جمعاً
لعرب ، كما كان الأنباط جمعاً لنبطٍ ، وإنما العرب اسم جنس .
العُرْبُ والعَرَبُ : جِيْلٌ من
الناس معروف ، خِلافُ العَجَم ، وهما واحدٌ ، مثل العُجْمِ والعَجَم ، مؤنث
، وتصغيره بغير هاء نادر . الجوهري : العُرَيْبُ تصغير العَرَبِ
ع ر ب
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 22
b) No of constructions: 6
(مقاييس اللغة)
العين والراء والباء أصول ثلاثة: أحدها
الإنابة والإفصاح، والآخر النَّشاطُ
وطيبُ النَّفس، والثالث فسادٌ في جسمٍ أو عضو.فالأوّل قولهم:
أعرب الرّجُل عن
نفسه، إذا بيَّنَ وأوضح
Language is the principal means used
by human beings to communicate with one another. It is the main tool of
transmitting perceptions amongst human beings.
Perception is a neurological process of observation and interpretation.
is a neurological process of acquiring and mentally interpreting
information from the senses. Perception and word of a language are
compulsorily complementary to each other.
Matter has dimensions and we can perceive and conceive it only if there
is a language. Without there being a language neurological perception
would have been non existent. Sensory feelings could have any meanings
if there existed a language, since they could become meaningful
data/information/knowledge capable of storage and retrieval from the
memory if it were assigned some code/name using some language.
Could some thing be created with a purpose and
design if there was no language to name the product being created? From
human beings point of view, there must exist a language before anything
is created; language precedes creation or at least is developed
simultaneously with the creation of things.

Aleph: a letter; Laam: a Consonant with prolongation sign/glyph; Ra: a Consonant conjoined with preceding
These are the
Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages of the Book characteristically
Explicit: conveyor of information in
succinct, individuated, distinct and crystallized manner; [12:01]
is a fact, Our Majesty has caused it compactly reach you in the form
of a compiled book titled Qur'aan
having characteristic
feature of text transcription in Arabic: a
perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive
and precisely expressive language;
the language of the sons of soil of Arabian Peninsula.
The consideration for its
compiled communication in Arabic is that you people might conveniently save it in
memory, thoughtfully analyze the information differentiating fact
from conjecture, and reflect. [12:02]

And We are certainly aware of their habit that they
the elite say to people:
"Factually only a person teaches Qur'aan
to him:
The mother tongue of the person they wrongfully
introduce as
teacher to him is non-Arabic: inexplicit language.
And this
language of Qur'aan is Arabic:
clear, perspicuous and eloquent
language of Arabian Peninsula
characteristically explicit: conveyor of information in succinct,
individuated, distinct and crystallized manner. [16:103]

And likewise We have
communicated it
in the form of a compiled book named Qur'aan
having characteristic
feature of text-transcription in Arabic: a
perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive
and precisely expressive language;
the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.
[Refer 20:113]

revelation of Qur'aan is in the language Arabic:
clear, perspicuous and eloquent
language of Arabian Peninsula characteristically
explicit: conveyor of information in succinct, individuated,
distinct and crystallized manner. [26:195]


Notice that We have
struck-illustrated all sorts of
similitude-equations-contrasts in
this Qur'aan for the benefit of people.
The purpose of
striking examples is that they
might conveniently perceive and retain in memory, take lesson and recall
to relate.
This Qur'aan is
in the state of a compilation
having characteristic
feature of text transcription in Arabic: a
perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive
and precisely expressive language;
the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.
The characteristic feature
of the compiled text is that it is unlike those texts which contain
illusory, delusory, conflicting, contradictory,
confusing, unaligned verbal content.
The objective
of such straight forward text is that they
the people might become cautious, heedful, rational and mindful
guidance for all times/situations contained in Grand Qur'aan and could avoid unrestrained
conduct. [39:28]

It is a book of characteristic feature that it's Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages
are organized in distinct enclaves [Surat] -
distinguishing and exposing information in a crystallized manner;
It is a compilation
named Qur'aan having
characteristic feature
of transcription in Arabic:
perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive
and precisely expressive language;
the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.
It is for
people characteristically in pursuit of obtaining and learning knowledge.
1 |
plural; Masculine; genitive.
(1)9:90(2)9:98(3)9:99(4)9:101(5) 9:120(6)33:20(7)48:11(8)48:16=8 اسم:معرفہ باللام
جمع مذكر |
Arabic speaking settlers
in Arabia, who are not sons of the soil. |
2 |
plural; Masculine; nominative. (1)9:97(2)49:14=2
اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع
جمع مذكر |
Arabic speaking settlers
in Arabia |
3 |
resembling participle: Indefinite;
feminine; plural; accusative.
(1) 56:37=1
الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-جمع
مؤنث |
singular عَرُوبٌ/وزن فَعُولٌ |
4 |
Relative Noun/Adjective: indefinite; Masculine; singular; nominative.
(1) 16:103(2)41:44=2 اسم
منسوب: مرفوع
مذكر |
5 |
Relative Noun/Adjective: indefinite; Masculine; singular; genitive.
(1) 26:195=1 اسم
منسوب: مجرور
مذكر |
6 |
Relative Noun/Adjective: indefinite; Masculine; singular; accusative.
(1) 12:02(2)13:37(3)20:113(4)39:28(5)41:03(6)42:07(7)43:03(8)46:12=8 اسم
مذكر |

ع ر ج
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